Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2680: Young Master World Wushuang/matchless

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“Withdraw, don’t stay.” At this time, all the cultivator strongmen in Ming Luo City evacuated from one after another, and many juniors who had not returned to God followed the elders’ applause.

Under the eyes of Li Qiye indifferent and cold, all the powerful cultivator outside the company one after another withdrew from the Ming Luo City, no matter how powerful the cultivator strong, no matter how great the strong cultivator strong, is not at this time Dare not follow the Li Qiye’s order.

Even if there is Old Ancestor with ancient and decayed, they think they are stronger than the top five Heavenly Guest, but at this moment they dare not to smash Li Qiye and dare not to order from Li Qiye’s. They all withdrew Ming Luo City from obediently.

The top ten Diamond/Vajras and the five top Heavenly Guests are the lessons learned. They are as powerful as them. They are vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. When they were slaughtered by Li Qiye, they were once invincible. They were also slaughtered like pigs and dogs.

After the slaughter of the top ten Diamond/Vajra and the top five Heavenly Guest, everyone understands that First Ominous Person, this title is definitely not called in vain, nor is it a stigma. As long as you provoke him, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how you What a terrific birth, only one died at the end!

At this time, all the cultivator strongmen in Ming Luo City were frightened, and even if Old Ancestor-level exist(ence). Seeing Li Qiye is also a drum in the heart, and those who are not struggling are snoring with their legs straight.

So, at this moment, under the attention of Li Qiye indifferent and cold, all the foreign cultivator strongmen have dissipated like tide, no one dares to stay in the slightest, and no one dares to hide secretly in fished in troubled water. Ming Luo City.

Even if own is not afraid of death, they are also afraid of Sect. The first fierce even Guest Union and Buddhist Golden Cave are not in their eyes. What is their Sect? Once angered by First Ominous Person, their Sect Dao Lineage will also be vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.

In a short period of time, all foreign cultivators in Ming Luo City have been withdrawn from one after another. Within such a short period of time, all foreign cultivators have been completely withdrawn. None of the foreign cultivator stays, either No one dared to have other thoughts, they all walked away obediently, and did not dare to move at all.

Even a lot of foreign cultivator not only evacuated Ming Luo City, but evacuated enough distance from Ming Luo City before they settled down.

“Okay, now what do you do now? There is no place to escape from this already. Do n’t leave the city if there is nothing.” Li Qiye patted his palm, said lightly, turned and walked away.

“Long live my king long live long live ” At this time, all the rescued local residents of Ming Luo City and local cultivator all made a “thump”, knelt down on the ground, and scratched their heads to Li Qiye with a loud voice. call.

At this time, all the civilians regarded Li Qiye as the king of Ming Luo City and the king of Supreme. If it was not the supreme king like Li Qiye, they would have landed on head long ago, and they would have been slaughtered.

At this time, all the civilians are grateful to Li Qiye Dade, all the people are kneeling on the ground, hoeing to Li Qiye again and again, Li Qiye is not only their salvation benefactor, but also their Ming Luo City Protector God, but also their Ming Luo City Savior!

“Long live my king, live long live my king, live long live my king live long …” For a moment, such a call sounded through Ming Luo City, through the entire sky, and the people of Ming Luo City people loudly and loudly. Shouted such a slogan.

At this time, Li Qiye stopped and looked at the civilians who were kneeling and scratching their heads. He said lightly: “It is a vulgar title, please call me Young Master.”

Young Master World Wushuang/matchless ” At this time, Lin Yixue could not help yelling.

Young Master 世世 Wushuang/matchless ” For a moment, all the people of Ming Luo City could not help shouting, and the shouting voice broke through the world.

Ming Luo City was saved. Since then, Ming Luo City has written a legend, Young Master, Wushuang/matchless, and such one sentence.

All foreign cultivators have withdrawn from Ming Luo City, and Ming Luo City is much quieter.

After all cultivators withdrew from Ming Luo City, they still couldn’t help looking at Ming Luo City, looks at‘s brightly lit Ming Luo City, everyone could just wait and see.

Even at this time Ming Luo City, all city gates are not closed, and the entire Ming Luo City defense is useless, but no one dares to step into the Ming Luo City half step, even if it sneaks into the Ming Luo City secretly.

In a word, Li Qiye’s, that is, already is the most powerful defense of Ming Luo City. After he said a word, the entire Ming Luo City has become a forbidden area, and no foreign cultivator can step in, otherwise it will seek its own way.

“In the future, no matter where you are, whenever you encounter First Ominous Person, you will retreat.” looks at‘s quiet Ming Luo City, and even the elders who urged own, coldly ordered: “As for anyone who offends First Ominous Person, then own kneels There, own cut off the head of own to plead guilty, do not involve Sect! “

After the killings of the top ten Diamond/Vajra and the top five Heavenly Guest, it made everyone realize that once they are against First Ominous Person, there is nothing to compromise and nothing to negotiate. Once they are against him, there is only one result / to bear fruit. dead!

It can be said that there is no room for manoeuvre in this matter.

Immortal Stone, this time I’m afraid I’m going to ditch it.” looks at Ming Luo City became a forbidden area, and no one can enter. Some strong people can’t help but sigh gently.

There are some Old Ancestor speculations that Immortal Stone will definitely appear in Ming Luo City, and now Ming Luo City has become a forbidden ground. Even if Immortal Stone appears, no one can get it, unless anyone dares to enter the Ming Luo City to steal Immortal Stone.

“Not in a hurry, there will be opportunities.” Old Ancestor was sullen, and said slowly: “Ming Luo City will be more lively, First Ominous Person killed ten Diamond/Vajra, five Heavenly Guest, Lu Keweng, Four Great Treasures King, they will not give up, You know, Buddhist Golden Cave and Guest Union are not bullies, they will definitely take revenge.

“… What’s more, there are three major giants that don’t have take action yet. People like Mu Family, Li Family, and especially Breaking Jade True Emperor are definitely not so good at talking. By then, if all three giants are here, then Ming Luo City It ’s true that Correct is all around. “Speaking of which, the Old Ancestor‘s gaze was fixed, as if he saw the arrival of this moment.

First Ominous Person is very powerful, but can he block one or two individuals, can he block all the strong ones? Even if he is strong enough to block Buddhist Golden Cave, Guest Union, but can block three Big giant? Li Family‘s Gu Yifei does not yet have take action. If he is take action, it is hard to say. “There are other Old Ancestor agree with this.

“We are calm, waiting for the storm to come, no one knows who will die, as long as we save our strength, we can fished in troubled water then.” This Old Ancestor said slowly.

Regardless of the mentality of the cultivator strongmen who withdrew from Ming Luo City, no matter what kind of abacus they are playing, no one dares to step into the Ming Luo City half-step again. As a result, the entire Ming Luo City is even more Seems calm and peaceful.

It was night. After Lin Yixue and Wu Youzheng settled the civilians of Ming Luo City, they returned to Bronze Temple, and their Master and Disciple kneeled in front of Li Qiye, and hoeed again to Li Qiye.

Young Master Daen, Ming Luo City will be remembered for generations.” Wu Youzheng and Lin Yixue gimmicks, grateful.

“Go on.” Li Qiye opened his eyes, then closed, and said slowly: “The storm is coming, stay in Ming Luo City, don’t go out.”

“We will definitely remember the words of Young Master.” Wu Youzheng and Lin Yixue worshipped again, and then slowly retreated.

As Wu Youzheng said, Ming Luo City remembers the Li Qiye’s great grace great kindness. For the people people who survived Ming Luo City, Li Qiye is their reborn parents, their savior.

So, on the second day, every household in Ming Luo City set up the Longevity brand for Li Qiye, and the people people of Ming Luo City prayed for Longevity for Li Qiye.

Moreover, the common people people of Ming Luo City carved a monument for Li Qiye to record Li Qiye‘s gracious great kindness for Ming Luo City.

At the same time, Sparse Stone Sect, who had evacuated Ming Luo City, was also withdrawn by Wu Youzheng.

It can be said that there is no place where already is safer than Ming Luo City. Ming Luo City is under the protection of Li Qiye’s and 100 times safer than Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage. Because of this, Correct, Wu Youzheng moved all disciples of the evacuated Sparse Stone Sect. come back.

I moved back to own‘s hometown again. It ’s a joy for the disciples of Sparse Stone Sect.

At the time when Ming Luo City started to regain peace and quiet, on this day, I heard the “Om” a resonate sound, and an emperor flag came across the sky, crossing the sky like a meteor.

Finally, the “bang” a resonate sound, this emperor flag was pinned on a high post outside Ming Luo City.

“Someone is here.” Seeing such an imperial flag coming across the air, he was instantly nailed to Gao Gang, and suddenly shocked many cultivator strong men outside Ming Luo City.

Many people looked and saw the “sword” embroidered on this emperor’s flag. The word “Emperor Power” swallowed like a Emperor’s Sword out of the sheath. It was daunting.

True Emperor Mu Jian, True Emperor Mu Jian is coming to Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage.” Seeing this emperor flag, everyone is saying who is coming.

Mu Family is coming.” When seeing this emperor flag, a lot of people became turbulent. Ming Luo City was so busy for so long that Mu Family, one of the three giants, was finally coming.

The a resonate sound of “Om “, at this time, the Emperor’s flag nailed on Gao Gang is the circulation of the True Emperor rule, and the countless True Emperor rule flows down from the Emperor’s flag like a stream of water, and it is densely packed in the blink of an eye. Yu Gaogang.

The humming a resonate sound, when the True Emperor rule is firmly rooted in the high post, a portal is opened.

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