Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2679: The perverse is dead

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Green-robed Heavenly Guest their already tried their best to escape milk, their speed is not uncomfortable, they crossed already in the blink of an eye, fled from trillion, that speed must be crossed in an instant The whole Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage.

However, when Li Qiye’s big hand was caught, no matter how hard the five Heavenly Guest of Green-robed Heavenly Guest escaped, they still couldn’t escape the palm of Li Qiye’s.

This is like when Li Qiye’s big hand grabbed, no matter what magical power you have, you will not be able to escape the palm of Li Qiye’s.

When this big hand was captured, it seemed to be bigger than heaven and earth, so as long as you are still in heaven and earth, you can’t escape this palm.

big hand caught all of a sudden, five Heavenly Guest all fell into the palm of Li Qiye’s. When they fell into the palm of their hands, they fell completely into another world.

raise one’s head looks up, sky is far away, and you can never jump out of this sky. Looking up into the distance, the palm of your hand is vast, and you can never cross the range of your palm.

The world in the palm, vast is unimaginable. It seems to be larger than ten Stone Rhyme Dao Lineages. Even the entire Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage has fallen into the palm of the world, which is just a small piece.

As for the five Heavenly Guest, after they fell into the palm of the sky, they became very small all of a sudden. In such a vast world of palms, they should not be called an ant, or even a dust. Not as good.

At this moment, the five Heavenly Guests are in the middle of the palm of their hands. They are too small to imagine, and even the ants can’t be called.

“It’s just an ant.” Li Qiye spoke again, his voice shocked 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, no matter how powerful exist(ence), under his voice, his legs were frightened, I don’t know how many people were thundered by this The loud voice made him lie on the ground all of a sudden, unable to stand up for a long time.

“No ” saw that own fell into the world of Li Qiye’s. At this moment, Green-robed Heavenly Guest and their five Heavenly Guests could not help screaming in despair. In such a world of palms, they felt that own was too small to imagine.

In the past, they never thought that own was small, and it can even be said that they simply could not relate to small.

You know, even if they are not the top Immortal True God of Emperor Lineage World today, they are very powerful Immortal True God. In terms of their strength and in terms of their status, only others are small in their eyes. How many people can they treat? Seizing Life and Death.

However, after falling into this world of the palm today, they suddenly felt that own is really small like an anthill, no, even small like a dust, it is so insignificant.

“No Golden Horn Heavenly Guest Despair big shout, filled with resentment in this shout, he could not help but roar.

But at this moment, everything is already late. When the palm of Li Qiye is closed, the whole world is compressed at once, just like the whole world is to collapse, all the strength in one world are squeezed at The same is true of the five of them Heavenly Guest.

When all strengths in the world are crowded on their five Heavenly Guests, no matter how their five Heavenly Guests struggle, and no matter how their five Heavenly Guests resist, that will not help.

When I heard “啵” of a resonate sound, five Heavenly Guests were squeezed into blood fog at once, but such blood fog was so insignificant in the world of vast, it disappeared with Feng Piao/breeze.

At this moment, everyone shuddered. Few people in the field dared to say that own was stronger than five Heavenly Guests. Even if Old Ancestor with ancient and decayed was stronger than five Heavenly Guest, it would not be much stronger.

Now the five Heavenly Guest are pinched to death like ants in the palm of Li Qiye’s. It is so insignificant and so weak. Such a scene, how shocking it is, how creepy it is thing.

For a while, everyone was deterred. This scene in front of me was far more shocking than when the top ten Diamond/Vajra was slaughtered.

After all, the five Heavenly Guests joined forces and their strength is far above the top ten Diamond/Vajras. Now the five Heavenly Guests are still being pinched into blood fog. This is how terrifying is.

The most terrifying is that from the beginning to the end, Li Qiye has not used weapons, and it has always been bare-handed. This is how terrifying is. If Li Qiye is a take action, how dare you imagine.

When everyone was shocked, I saw that the Li Qiye ’s unimaginable body slowly became smaller and slowly shrunk. Although it was said to be “slowly” to shrink, it was only relative to that of Li Qiye. In terms of huge body shape, in fact, the whole process is very fast.

Finally, the Li Qiye’s body has returned to its original appearance. At this time, he still looks so ordinary, still so ordinary, and still so ordinary. It seems that he is a passerby walking on the street. Only B.

It’s such an ordinary look. Put him in the vast crowd, and I’m afraid no one can remember him in a blink of an eye.

However, just such an ordinary youngster, just now, turned out to kill five Heavenly Guests at once, and before that, it killed ten Diamond/Vajras and destroyed the entire battleship group of Buddhist Golden Cave.

A man like this, at this time, who would think he is ordinary? Who dares to say that he is ordinary?

At this time, I don’t know how many people have the ordinary face of looks at Li Qiye, and shivered. In many people’s eyes, the ordinary face of Li Qiye is even more terrible than the angry face of Deities.

It can even be said that at this moment, as long as Li Qiye stares at him, even a True God can be scared to death, one eye can scare a True God‘s gall.

When Li Qiye was settled on Ming Luo City, the blood light floating around him began to burn. Hearing the sound of “Tzzzzzzzzz” sounded, and the strands of blood light were burned and burned into fly ash.

This strand of blood light originally belonged to the blood mirror, but was the blood of extreme resentment sacrificed by countless lives. When such blood light penetrated into the body of Li Qiye’s, it was strength with terrifying, crazy To seal Li Qiye’s Grand Dao, Correct will make Li Qiye smaller because of this seal and cursed strength, and finally shrink small accomplishment as the size of an ant.

In fact, with this blood of extreme resentment, it is simply impossible to seal Li Qiye’s Grand Dao.

Li Qiye only emerged on a whim, own sealed Grand Dao of own, he just wanted to reverse the seal strength.

So, when he reversed this sealed strength, his whole person became infinitely large, and finally became unthinkable. He suddenly broke the entire Deities country and the entire Deities country was his huge. The unmatched body shattered.

Finally, all the blood of resentment was completely burnt by Li Qiye, leaving no trace.

After all the blood of resentment was incinerated, I heard the sound of “hum”, and saw one grain of photons appearing. Each of these photons was full of light. The photon is the same that emerged from the deepest part of hell.

After such photons have emerged, they slowly rise up, as if to rise to heaven.

looks at photon after photon floated up to sky, all of a sudden, everyone seemed to see one face after another, and the faces seemed to be relieved. The smile seems to be out of hell, and like to rise to heaven, the smile has an unprecedented satisfaction, and it seems to be out of the despair of the most dark(ness).

“Although there is no paradise in the world, I will also cross you.” Li Qiye said lightly.

There is no doubt that the photons that emerged are the lives that were once imprisoned in the blood lake and sacrifice into blood mirrors. At this moment they were all crossed by Li Qiye and purified. Resentment, towards the light, lifted off.

In a scene like looks at, everyone could n’t help holding their breath. For a moment, everyone did n’t know what to say. looks at has countless faces with happy smiles. It turns out that in many people’s hearts, a kind of light and a kind of love are being born.

You know, these millions of lives were sacrifice by Lu Keweng, but today Li Qiye but take action surpassed them, which made people feel a sense of indifference.

In a scene like “Young Master looks at, I do n’t think Lin Yixue is full of tears, and her tears are soaked in her clothes chest. At this moment, no one can be more Supreme than Li Qiye in her mind. In her mind, Li Qiye is The savior is the guardian of this world.

After all the grains of light sons of looks at dissipated in sky, Li Qiye only recovered his eyes. All the people in the looks at, serene, said slowly: “From today, all outsiders will withdraw from Ming Luo City, dare to step into , kill without mercy! “

When Li Qiye said something, he threw the floor with a sound, and no one should question it.

“This, this, this is a bit overbearing, Ming Luo City is not your home …” When the words Li Qiye just dropped, some strong people were dissatisfied with a decision like Li Qiye and couldn’t help protesting.

a resonate sound” of “噗 “, the words of this strong man haven’t finished yet, blood spattered, Li Qiye just twitched a finger, and then he played him into blood fog.

With one finger, everyone is scared one after another retreats, his face is deathly white.

Li Qiye didn’t even glance at his eyelids, didn’t even glance at him, and said lightly: “Yes, I’m domineering, I’m a tyrant, I don’t need other people to reason with me. If I do, just do it, Immediately, there is no room for negotiation. “

Li Qiye is very indifferent and cold. Everyone can’t help shivering.

“Let’s go.” At this time, no one dared to say “no!”.

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