Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2678: Can be big or small

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Finally, when I heard a resonate sound of „ziii”, Li Qiye was completely reduced. At this time, Li Qiye was reduced to the size of an ant.

When you saw that Li Qiye was shrunk to the size of an ant in the blink of an eye, everyone saw that scene and couldn’t help but stare.

In the beginning, when Green-robed Heavenly Guest they sacrificed Forbidden Item like Blood Mirror, everyone thought that Green-robed Heavenly Guest what they sacrificed was Peerless‘s incomparable suppression kill technique, or the most brutal method of bombardment, or What the curse of terrifying.

I did not expect that after being irradiated with such blood light, the Li Qiye was reduced, and finally it was reduced to the size of an ant.

looks at is an ant-sized Li Qiye. For a while, everyone couldn’t help blankly look at each other. Everyone thought that such a blood mirror was too weird.

“This, this blood mirror is indeed terrible. Once it is photographed, I am afraid that it means death. This may be a certain kind of curse.” Seeing that Li Qiye shrinks small accomplishment, it is as big as an ant, and cultivator strong Said the man with a chill.

“I’m afraid it’s not as simple as a curse, or blessing has some kind of seal.” Seeing Li Qiye as small as an ant, Old Ancestor said slowly: “This is to seal Li Qiye’s Grand Dao, only the seal is blocked, this kind of Curse can shrink Li Qiye small accomplishment like an ant. “

“This is not the most terrible place.” While many cultivator muttered, a White Haired Cang Old Ancestor‘s eyes stared, his expression was dignified, and he said, “This is just an attempt by Lu Keweng, and now, this This kind of attempt already was successful, they successfully sacrifice such a Forbidden Item, I am afraid that they may sacrifice a more powerful, more terrifying Forbidden Item. “

Speaking of which, the Old Ancestor of White Haired Cang murmured, “Don’t forget, there are dozens or even hundreds of Dao Lineage interdependent behind Guest Union, they can be said to have a steady stream of materials.”

Speaking like this, it sounds creepy. The “material” referred to by this deceased ancestor refers to the life that was used for sacrifice.

If this blood mirror is used for sacrifice in millions of lives, maybe Guest Union they can also take tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of lives to worship Forbidden Item which is more powerful and more terrifying.

“Successful ” saw that Li Qiye was shrunk by small accomplishment as the size of an ant. At this time, Green-robed Heavenly Guest and their five Heavenly Guest laughed wildly.

At this time, Green-robed Heavenly Guest they couldn’t help laughing loudly, Golden Horn Heavenly Guest couldn’t help but excited, and said with a laugh: “It’s still great Brother Deer, I can sacrifice such a Forbidden Item, and only the Wushuang/matchless generation like Brother Deer To figure it out. “

“Yeah, Brother Luke’s knowledge, no one else can.” White-bearded Heavenly Guest couldn’t help but laughed with emotion.

“With this Forbidden Item, the world is so big, and why excessive is afraid?” Another Heavenly Guest also laughed, proud of 100%.

At this time, the five of them, Heavenly Guest, looked at each other and laughed loudly. Between them, they had bolder and more amazing ideas.

Li Qiye is powerful enough to defeat them when they raise their hands. The five of them joined forces and are still not Li Qiye’s opponents. However, under such Forbidden Item, Li Qiye is still inevitable and eventually sealed. .

Seeing that Forbidden Item is so powerful, at this time, they have bold ideas in their hearts. As others have guessed, they can sacrifice a more powerful Forbidden Item.

As everyone guessed, they used to pay millions of lives to sacrifice this Forbidden Item.

When refining this Forbidden Item, some of them also disapproved. After all, this is a trivial matter. Besides, such a Forbidden Item may not be as powerful as it is, as powerful as them. exist(ence), already itself is no shortage of powerful weapons.

However, today, seeing that even the powerful Li Qiye can be sealed by this Forbidden Item, this moment makes them have ambition in their hearts.

If they sacrifice more powerful Forbidden Item, then, at that time, not to mention Emperor Lineage World‘s other Dao Lineage, Nine Secrets Dao Lineage, Li Family, Mu Family of the three giants of even if will jealous of their three points.

When that step really comes, even if sacrifice such an Forbidden Item requires tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of lives, for them, what counts, these lives are nothing but in their eyes. It’s just ants.

“Puppet ” At this time, Green-robed Heavenly Guest couldn’t help but smile at each other, they all laughed wildly. When they really have such a Forbidden Item, the world is a puppet ant.

“Ha, ha, ha …” At this time, Green-robed Heavenly Guest laughed wildly, looking down at the ground, looks at on the ground is like an ant-sized Li Qiye, and said with a laugh: “Zombie, who is a zombie now? You are a zombie ! A cricket ant dares to fight with me. “

“Kill him, save trouble.” Golden Horn Heavenly Guest also laughed wildly, saying, “It’s just a ant, not worth of mentioning.”

At this time, the five Heavenly Guest all laughed wildly, their attitude was arbitrary, and they didn’t care what others thought.

After seeing such a scene, many people at the scene couldn’t help taking a sigh of air. It seems that Guest Union really wants to sacrifice the more powerful Forbidden Item.

First Ominous Person is over. He just laughed at five Heavenly Guests as ants. I did not expect that now own has become ants.” Someone whispered.

Someone who has seen Li Qiye unpleasantly for a long time sneered and said, “That can only blame him for not knowing the sky is high the earth is deep, relying on own has a certain ability, I really think that own is invincible, and I don’t want to see what Guest Union is exist(ence), with dozens of Dao Lineage on his back, is enough to take the world, behemoths like background deep and unmeasurable, Guest Union, he can fight against him alone, that is to find his own way. “

a resonate sound of “Boom “. At this time, the earthquake was still shaking. A big foot stepped on and slammed already into an ant-sized Li Qiye.

big foot dropped, heard a resonate sound “bang”, and stepped on the ground heavily.

“No ” Seeing such a scene, Lin Yixue was not heard by sad cry, looks at Li Qiye was stepped down by big foot, you can imagine without looking, at this time Li Qiye was afraid that already was stepped into a meat sauce, as if it were An ant was trampled to death.

Lin Yixue sad cry cried, tears shed, but she was so helpless that she couldn’t help at all.

“It’s over, it’s a pity that a generation of invincible youngster.” looks at big foot stepped on the ground, someone could not help but sigh with regret.

too hard easy to break, First Ominous Person is too aggressive.” Some strong ones could not help but shake their heads gently.

Someone also sneered and said, “Who told him he didn’t know what to do, the five Heavenly Guest already gave way to a three-pointer, and they were aggressive and pushed people to death. Now they are trampled to death like ants. That’s deserved.”

At the moment when many people were sorry for First Ominous Person, at this moment, the sound of “Boom, Boom, Boom” came, and the whole Deities country shook.

“Boom, boom, boom” In this roar, the whole country shakes more and more, as if it was shaken by the extremely powerful and extremely terrifying strength.

“What happened?” Seeing the whole Deities country shaking, the five Heavenly Guests were taken aback because the powerful strength was obviously not under their control.

“There was an accident.” Many people were surprised when they saw such a scene.

“Boom, boom, boom” In the roar of bursts, everyone saw that the big foot, which had been stepping on the ground, was lifted up. At this time, Li Qiye’s appeared under his feet.

Moreover, at this moment, Li Qiye is getting bigger and bigger, and the Li Qiye’s body has recovered to its original size in the blink of an eye.

However, the body of Li Qiye’s has not stopped. In the roar of “Boom, Boom, Boom”, I saw that Li Qiye’s‘s body became bigger and bigger, and began to become a giant.

From the beginning, Li Qiye’s‘s body became a tall mountain, then it became one mountain range huge, and then it became overhead, stepping on the ground …

With the growing Li Qiye’s body, blood light emerged all over him. These blood light Correct had all penetrated into the blood light of Li Qiye.

At this time, all blood lights floated out. All these blood light are like the rules of blood color, pulling on the body of Li Qiye’s, making the body of Li Qiye’s bigger and bigger.

“Boom, boom, boom” With the roar, Li Qiye’s‘s body became as big as the sky in the blink of an eye. When one of his hairs fell, he could collapse one mountain range.

“Boom loud sound. When the Li Qiye’s body is huge to a certain extent, the Deities country can no longer accommodate Li Qiye. In the “crack, crack, crack” voice, the entire Deities country begins to fragment, even if the Deities country already is huge enough. , Even if it is already from to become a Heaven and Earth.

However, at this moment, it was still broken by the huge body of Li Qiye’s. Finally, in this blasting loud sound, the entire Deities country was shattered, not just the entire Deities country, everything in this Deities country She was shattered, crushed, and the blood mirror was collapse and destruction.

“Escape ” Seeing such a scene, Green-robed Heavenly Guest and their five Heavenly Guest turned and fled, and they tried their best to escape to the farthest place.

“Reverse it, it’s quite fun.” At this time Li Qiye spoke, his voice was ten thousand times louder than thunder, and the world was shocked.

At this time, Li Qiye big hand grabbed them and ran away from the fleeing Green-robed Heavenly Guest.

At this time, the five of them, Green-robed Heavenly Guest, already, had exhausted their ability to feed milk, and the speed was extremely fast. They fled from trillion in the blink of an eye.

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