My Girlfriend is a Zombie Chapter 1229: Zombie Dance

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kacha …”

With the sound of being stepped on by the broken glass, everyone finally entered the hotel carefully while holding their breath. Compared with the outside the door tragedy … lobby here is obviously a lot cleaner.

But the strange feeling is not diminished …

“Please tell me those that won’t explode …” Xu Shuhan said with a puzzled look.

At the same time, everyone else is glancing at what she is pointing at …


A lot of corpse have been placed in different positions … some are hung inside, some are bundled, and even also is cut in half …

In addition to the death also, these corpses have another common feature … their eyes are staring at the door …

bad taste.” Ling Mo concluded simply and concisely.

Gu Shuangshuang suddenly screamed “ah”, hiding behind the crowd and said in panic, “These … these corpse …”

“What’s the matter ?!” The crowd immediately tightened their heads, and one after another headed for retreat.

Shou Hou, who stuck his ears to the ground after entering, quickly raised the head, shook his head at the Zhang Xincheng that has been staring at him: “I haven’t heard any problems …”

“No … I didn’t mean that …” Gu Shuangshuang said palely, “These corpse … are exactly the same as ours. If you add … plus the one that just exploded … it’s exactly the same! “

“Really?” Xia Na immediately glanced around, then turned around, “Well, she was right. There are exactly 13 corpses here, and they correspond to thirteen different ways of death. If the opponent is In the implication of our end … that corpse most of the time refers to is Elder Brother Ling. “


Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to shuā shuā towards him …

Hey hey, don’t look at me with this kind of eyes that I will explode in minutes …” Ling Mo was seen by them as head tingling. Quickly said.

“My only wants to say … even one day, I will never let you sacrifice for nothing …” Black Silk licked his lips at Ling Mo seriously.

“Me too …” Li Yalin added with the same expression.

“At this time, you don’t know what to say …” Ling Mo was shocked … Senior Sister‘s understanding ability suddenly leaped forward!

“Okay, even if the other party means something like that … then he wants to make a death notice?” Ling Mo waved his hand and said.

“So, this is the thirteen methods that the other party will use against us? As for Elder Brother Ling, this guy also intends to keep an extra whip and the like …” Xia Na nodded said.

Everyone can hear one after another nod … it makes sense!

“It always seems strange that you agree …” Ling Mo muttered a secret, then thought again. “But maybe that’s what the opponents want. They want us to think so …”

This is the same trick they used at the beginning … It is to let Ling Mo and others know that it is a trap. I have to jump in …

“Anyway, take a closer look at these corpses.” Ling Mo said.

“Are there no bombs in these corpse?” Mu Chen asked a little later.

Shou Hou shook his head: “I didn’t hear anything … but even if there were, I would feel it before we got close enough.”

In terms of his ability, he is now quite confident in actually.

“That’s it …” Everyone sighed in relief. They felt sick enough through the door. Stray again in a closed space full of minced meat … forget it.

“Did you notice the death …” Ling Mo watched these corpses while walking forward against the wall.

As Xia Na said, these corpses all die differently. And not only the numbers, but even the genders are exactly in line with Miracle Squad.

“I’m afraid we don’t understand …” Ling Mo sneered in his heart.

Twelve indoors corpse There are seven of them corpse Are incomplete and the remaining five corpse , Then both male Of …

“It seems that this Death God has a deep hatred with female …” Yuwen Xuan groaned, holding his arms.

“Really …” Black Silk swayed eyes, staring at the petite corpse, “This one has been chained …”

“It doesn’t necessarily mean you.” Yu Shiran came over and said, “She has a chest …”

“… too.” Black Silk remained silent for a second. Shrugged.

After some observation, everyone’s faces looked a little ugly.

Ye Kai clenched his fists even more and said in the sound of kā kā: “That flat-headed **** … was split from the middle!”

“The flat head is not necessarily you!” A group of people one after another said silently.

Is this why you are angry!

“That’s right. Don’t blindly substitute.” Ling Mo blankly said, “I will not express my opinion on the abnormal (pervert) behavior of the opponent … but this disgusting behavior against us will never affect it. Ours. Want us to die like this? Let’s see who ends up in this end … “

“In fact, you are the one you care about the most!”

“After all, you died the worst in your opponent’s plan …” After one after another nod, Ye Kai and others suddenly reacted again …

“There are three entrances and exits … not to mention the elevator, there is a staircase leading to second floor and third floor. These two places are the banquet hall and the meeting room. In addition, also and fire exit can be directly reached from the ground floor. Top floor. “Although everyone is trying to create a more relaxed atmosphere … but it is time to act. Everyone still felt a sense of life and death crisis.

Not to mention the tragic situation of those corpse … the other side is so confident, it really makes people feel a little jealous. But at the same time everyone knew it. The opponent knows them so well, it must be the same as Ling Mo said … their eyes is hiding in somewhere and staring at them.

The more so, the less panic you can easily show …

“Where did the sound come from?” Ling Mo asked.

“It’s third floor …” Shou Hou said affirmatively.

Li Yalin They are also nodded.

“Any other sounds from also?” This kind of subtlety depends on the ability of Shou Hou. Li Yalin Although their hearing is strong, but Shou Hou is two different intensity manifestations. Of course, in capturing most of the sound, Shou Hou‘s ability actually let him get the ability evolved from Zombie on the basis of being a human.

At the same time, Gu Shuangshuang also felt constantly for a moment. After so much time, she had become pale because she didn’t let go of any details.

Listening to Ling Mo, she shook her head first: “I don’t feel anything …”

“Actually … I haven’t … I should say, there’s nowhere here … At least I can’t hear anything. If the other party is going to ambush us, it shouldn’t be so quiet.” Shou Hou replied.

“Here … could it be that only used to lead us in?” Zhang Xincheng raised the head asked looking upwards.

“Wait for it,” Ling Mo replied unhurriedly.

outside the door … A black figure invisible to the naked eye is standing on a wire pile opposite the hotel, and a pair of flame-like eyes are watching surroundings keenly.

“Who the **** are you?”

In this well-prepared trap, perhaps only in this way can the black hand hiding in it be really drawn out …

creak …”

“Be careful …”

entire group consciously dispersed a distance and slowly walked up the stairs.

However, after they went upstairs, there was a weird noise from the hotel lobby.

shortly afterwards. Among the cheerful melody, one of them is lying on back on the front desk, and its neck twisted to 90 degrees. corpse suddenly shakes.

kā kā kā …”

He got up slowly, and then kept his head back, on the spot staggered to stand.

Following it, another corpse with only the upper body still moved, she stretched out her two hands and slowly crawled forward.

The third … the fourth …

Soon, all corpse move …

They are like a weird dance in the sound of music. They walked along the path of Ling Mo entire group and approached the same stairs little by little … (To be continued)

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