Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2306: Sacrifice

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After a while, Fan Miaozhen raised the head looks at Li Qiye, I looked very seriously.

“In case something happens to the Master, you, will you be in the position of Valley Lord?” Fan Miaozhen couldn’t help hesitating when he said this.

Although Fan Miaozhen is eager for the Master to be safe in her heart, she must be prepared in case she must look further. Once her Master is in trouble, someone must take over the position. The position of Valley Lord is assumed by Head Disciple, that is, Li Qiye.

“Relax, Longevity Spiritual Master will be safe and sound.” Li Qiye smiled and said comfortably.

“I’m in case.” Fan Miaozhen took a deep breath, solemn expression. This is where Fan Miaozhen is different from Qin Shaoyao and Mu Yalan. Qin Shaoyao and Mu Yalan focus on the field of own, focusing on the front, and Fan Miaozhen she looks farther, so she is Big Senior Sister among them.

“Even if there is a chance, I may not be able to do it.” Li Qiye smiled, looks at away, of course, he will not go to such a rare Valley Lord as Longevity Valley.

“What if you can sit?” Fan Miaozhen was very serious, looking intently at Li Qiye.

“Girl, your idea is not necessarily a good thing.” Li Qiye bounced her little jade nose lightly and said lightly: “My cheap Big Senior Brother, it’s not long before you come to Longevity Valley, if you are really right I trust in hope, that may not be hope, maybe it is a mighty abyss, as I said before, maybe you are handing over Longevity Dao Lineage to a Devil. “

“Everything is possible.” Fan Miaozhen looks at Li Qiye, earnestly and calmly, said slowly: “But, I believe more in the vision of Master and more in you, I believe this is absolutely not wrong.”

The serious look of looks at Fan Miaozhen, Li Qiye couldn’t help but smile, and said, “Relax, there is such a lively thing, I don’t go together and don’t open the killing ring, what’s the point?”

Undoubtedly, if Li Qiye is like this, already is a promise of Fan Miaozhen.

“That’s good.” Fan Miaozhen was smiling and smiling. It was so beautiful and charming. Although Li Qiye is Head Disciple of Longevity Valley, I intuitively told her that own, Li Qiye did not take this Head Disciple‘s identity at all. Although he stayed at Longevity Valley, he was more like a passenger and he could leave Longevity Valley at any time.

But now that Li Qiye says something like this, it becomes different, which makes Fan Miaozhen hold great hope for Li Qiye.

“A few days will be the Medicine Hut sacrifice. It has always been hosted by our Longevity Valley. This time it was hosted by Master. Now Master cannot be in person. I have to go to the Senior Brother sisters. Many trivia and I deal with Senior and Junior Sisters. But the overall situation must be hosted by you Big Senior Brother, and you also need Big Senior Brother to take the overall situation like this. “Fan Miaozhen smiled, very excited.

“For a long time, still use me as a cannon fodder.” Li Qiye took a hard shot of her fragrant buttocks, and said: “Don’t dare to play smart in front of me, then it won’t end up so well. “

Fan Miaozhen jumped away in a hurry, pink blushing face, gave him a severe white look, and snorted, “Big satyr!”

Li Qiye is just a smile.

“You Old Ancestor are afraid that you cannot leave Longevity Valley. If it is a normal situation, I can cope with you Senior Brother sisters and elders, but I am afraid that Myriad Life Country will not give up, so you still need Big Senior Brother to lead the overall situation.” Fan Miaozhen said.

“Well, I will.” Li Qiye said casually: “Since it’s all slaughters, let’s do it a bit, just put them together.”

Li Qiye speaks of serene. It seems that the one he terminated is just an ant’s nest, but it is not like the first Large Sect of Dao Lineage.

If Li Qiye is like domineering 100%, it will make Fan Miaozhen eat Anxin Pill, which makes her more confident in sacrifice, not afraid that Myriad Life Country will stalk it.

The day of sacrifice is coming soon. Fan Miaozhen takes Qin Shaoyao and Mu Yalan to set off for Medicine Cauldron, and Li Qiye is of course accompanying them.

For a long time, such a ceremony of sacrifice was presided over by the older generation of Longevity Valley, but this time Fan Miaozhen was called in danger, and shouldered such a heavy task.

Because the life and death of Longevity Spiritual Master is unknown, the Old Ancestor of Longevity Valley are fully rescued! Moreover, Myriad Life Country came to the door to raise a relative, which completely made Longevity Valley vigilant. At this time, Longevity Valley was also worried that Myriad Life Country would take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack on Longevity Valley.

If, at this time, Longevity Valley also sends the remaining Old Ancestor to Medicine Hut to preside over the ritual ceremony, then the entire Longevity Valley is unguarded, and it is the weakest time, and the entire Longevity Valley may be attacked by the enemy.

So, Longevity Valley also had to hand over such a ceremony to youngster to preside over and Fan Miaozhen to take care of them.

It can be said that Longevity Spiritual Master was attacked, it was a most suitable time. She was not attacked at any time, that is, she was about to be attacked before the ceremony, which is too coincidental.

You know, every ritual ceremony of Longevity Dao Lineage is very important. It can be said that most of the big sects and countries and Sect Aristocratic Family within Longevity Dao Lineage will attend such a ceremony.

Although such a ceremony is to worship the ancestors, in a sense, Longevity Valley declares their status and authority to all Sects in Longevity Dao Lineage.

On such a ceremony, only Longevity Valley as Legitimate Lineage can preside and hold ear cattle, so on this ceremony, Longevity Valley is displayed to all Sect of Longevity Dao Lineage and all Dao Lineage of Ten Thousand Lineage World Oath, the authority of Longevity Dao Lineage is still in the hands of Longevity Valley, they are the legal holders of Longevity Dao Lineage.

However, it was a coincidence that the Longevity Spiritual Master, who presided over the ceremony, was attacked at this juncture. If Myriad Life Country wants to replace Longevity Valley, then starting from the ceremony, it is a good starting point for no reason.

On the ceremonial ceremony, if Longevity Valley is unable to preside over the overall situation, it will be presided over by Myriad Life Country. With their Myriad Life Country strength, I am afraid that any Sect in Longevity Dao Lineage will not dare to oppose it. Their Myriad Life Country‘s legal path to authority goes one step further. As for the replacement of Longevity Valley, it will sooner or later.

So, everything that happened here is too coincidental, as Fan Miaozhen said, someone has planned it all behind this incident.

Medicine Hut is an Great Holy Lands of Longevity Dao Lineage, and also a place of pilgrimage for all cultivator of Longevity Dao Lineage. Medicine Hut does not belong to anyone in a sense. It does not belong to Longevity Valley or any other Sect. Medicine Hut belongs to the entire Longevity Dao Lineage, everyone has a share.

Because Medicine Hut was the birthplace of Longevity Tao Jing First Ancestor Medicine Immortal, and later comprehend dao and pill refining, rumors say that Medicine Immortal spent a lot of time in Medicine Hut.

Therefore, in Longevity Dao Lineage, some people also refer to Medicine Hut as ancestral land. Over the years, there have been countless Longevity Dao Lineage cultivator or Alchemist pilgrimages to Medicine Hut.

Medicine Hut is of course not a humble house or anything. Medicine Hut is a continuous series of mountain range. Here it is undulating with mountains and mountains, with hundreds of peaks and greenery, with Feiquan waterfall, and Treasure Tree rarely seen.

More spectacularly, in the depths of Medicine Hut mountain range, there are even mountain peaks suspended on sky. This mountain peak is of different heights, with stone steps rushing up, and leads directly to Tianyu.

Such mountain peaks float on top of sky, and clouds locking mist orbits like Sacred Mountain in legend. These mountain peaks surrounded in protection are a huge mountain peak. This peak goes straight into the sky, like Heaven Pillar. sun and moon is out of it, and there is a waterfall from the sky. Bai Lian can see clearly thousands of miles away. .

Some people say that Medicine Hut does not refer to this one mountain range, but refers to the mountain in front of which is suspended on sky, especially this main peak that goes straight into the sky. It is the core of the entire mountain range.

There is a particularly famous poem about Medicine Hut. The whole poem says: Panasonic asks boy, the teacher picks medicine. Only in this mountain, Yunshen didn’t know.

The “this mountain” referred to in this poem refers to the main peak that is straight into the sky.

It is rumored that in the distant era, Medicine Immortal used to be practice here, pill refining here, and more medicine here. Medicine Immortal‘s name resounded through 3 Immortals World, and even True Emperor and First Ancestor came down from Immortal Lineage World and asked Medicine Immortal for medicine.

However, not only True Emperor, First Ancestor, but also True God immortal or people in the same group, so often Medicine Immortal is often avoided, and it is said that they go out to collect medicine, which makes the drug seeker useless. return.

Because of Correct, this poem is very famous in era of Medicine Immortal. Anyone who wants to come to Medicine Hut to ask Medicine Immortal knows this poem.

Time is running out. The scenery of the year already is no longer, Medicine Hut has no medicine Immortal Residence, and no more True Emperor, First Ancestor come to ask for medicine. Medicine Hut is much deserted compared to that era.

Nevertheless, in the mind of cultivator of Longevity Dao Lineage, Medicine Hut is still ancestral land in their minds, especially for Alchemist, here is Holy Land in their minds. Many Alchemist will make a Medicine Hut pilgrimage once in their lives, after all, Since Eternal, those who can surpass Medicine Immortal on Dao of Alchemy are afraid to find it difficult.

Medicine Hut seems to be deserted on weekdays, but the sacrifice is about to begin and Medicine Hut is lively again. Many the big sects and countries and Sect Aristocratic Family disciples of Longevity Dao Lineage have already arrived at Medicine Hut early.

Before the sacrifice started, Longevity Valley was also prepared, and Longevity Valley‘s disciples were waiting at Medicine Hut to welcome the cultivator strong men from all sides.

When Fan Miaozhen They came together Medicine Hut A lot of things already Well organized, after all Longevity Valley It ’s not the first time to host such a ceremony, and now it ’s time to host another ceremony. Longevity Valley As far as the disciples are concerned, it’s a light car.

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