Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2206: A word is priceless

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Seeing that Old Man ignored own, Peng Weijin had to retreat to one side. Although it was unhappy in the heart, it was not easy to get upset. After all, it was Jiao Heng Trading Company, and no one dared to mess around.

After Peng Weijin, several people tried to impress this Old Man, but this Old Man was unmoved. He was still sitting there with his eyes down as if he was asleep.

interesting.” Li Qiye looks at, the Old Man, smiled slightly, and took Wang Han to step forward.

“It’s you ” When Li Qiye stepped forward, Peng Weijin immediately recognized Li Qiye, and he suddenly showed a displeased expression, of course, he did not explode, he just sneered, coldly said: “Just you want Impress him, don’t daydream! “

In fact, until now, only that girl can impress this Old Man, and no one else can impress this Old Man.

Li Qiye ignored Peng Weijin and went to Old Man. looks at Li Qiye stepped forward because everyone else in the room failed. Everyone is holding a lively attitude. After all, no one else can impress this Old Man, so there is someone to try it, maybe Everyone has completely new ideas.

Li Qiye walked in front of Old Man and didn’t rush to speak, carefully carried this Old Man. After a while, Li Qiye smiled and said slowly: “Acquaintance is also a kind of fate.”

When the words Li Qiye came down, this Old Man was slowly raised the head. His looks at Li Qiye also seemed to look carefully at Li Qiye. He seemed to have to look up and down Li Qiye.

Seeing Old Man turned out to be raised the head, many people present were very surprised, because everyone else said everything with their heads down, their eyes down, as if they were asleep, they just ignored them.

For a while, many onlookers present couldn’t help holding their breath, they were waiting for the next scene to happen.

At this time, Li Qiye smiled lightly and said slowly: “Since it is a kind of fate, is it not a gift for a meeting, courtesy is heavy.”

“Who do you think you are? You think own is God, and you will be given a piece of treasure when you meet …” Peng Weijin said dismissively when he heard Li Qiye.

This is simply too exaggerated. When I see this, I think of this Old Man‘s treasure. This is simply a mess of arrogance.

Li Qiye As soon as this word came out, everyone felt that it was impossible to meet each other. They also said arrogantly that “thin courtesy and affection” were arrogant. This is simply arrogance. treasure Which one is not so precious. In the eyes of this kid, it turned out to be a “little poem”. Such arrogant people have seen it for the first time.

“Yes.” However, Peng Weijin didn’t speak yet, Old Man agreed and said casually, “You can choose whatever you want!”

As soon as this is said, all people’s mouths are wide open, and many people’s mouths can be stuffed into a goose egg, and they are unthinkable in front of looks at.

As for the Peng Weijin that hasn’t finished speaking, all of a sudden, what he is about to say can only be swallowed in his stomach.

“This, this, how is this possible ” Everyone feels that this world is too crazy. Once you meet, it is a fate, and then you can get a treasure from Old Man, which is like picking up a piece from the ground Like treasure, there are such cheap things in the world.

Even the Wang Han, Yang Shengping, and Zhu Sijing around Li Qiye felt incredible. The girl Zhu Sijing opened her mouth and felt like it was a dream. There are such outrageous things in the world. It was her imagination.

Li Qiye just picks one, then throws it to the Yang Shengping around him, saying blandly: “Waiting for me for so long, I will give you a treasure.”

Suddenly a treasure was thrown into the hands of own. Yang Shengping was dumbfounded all at once. He couldn’t believe the eyes of own. This is like treasure like dreaming. This is definitely an amazing treasure. In their Mad Court Dao Lineage, I am afraid that only exist(ence) above the level of the emperor and queen can have it.

Now Li Qiye gave own an understatement. Such a thing is so unreal and so dreamy, but it really happened.

Going back, Yang Shengping couldn’t help hitting a spirit, immediately bowed to the ground, and said, “Thank you Young Master for the treasure.” He said he slammed the three heads, which was an treasure for him. It’s so precious that the three rattles are nothing.

After worshiping Li Qiye, Yang Shengping worshiped Old Man again. Of course, Old Man didn’t look at Yang Shengping at all, his eyes only fell on Li Qiye that’s all.

“This master is really good.” looks at Li Qiye even gave such a precious treasure to a servant around him, and serene, understatement, as if it was a thing that was too ordinary to be ordinary. It makes many people look envious and makes many people envious.

As for Peng Weijin, his face was flushed. He used two treasures that could not be replaced by Longevity Pill. The unnamed junior in front of him even gave Yang Shengping directly, which was a fierce pumping of an slap on the face!

“Do you have anything to say?” At this time Old Man was still looks at Li Qiye, said slowly.

As soon as the Old Man‘s words were spoken, everyone in the room took a breath of air. Others said a lot to him. There were flattery, prayer, and own being miserable, but Old Man ignored it. Now this Old Man is still looking forward to Li Qiye speaking, this is simply too outrageous.

Li Qiye smiled and said slowly: “I have a lot to say, but unfortunately, these treasure don’t fit into my eyes, a little bit colder.”

When Li Qiye said something like this, everyone took a breath of air. The treasure that Old Man took out was a treasure. This is at least a level that Dao Lineage Sect Master can have. Now it ’s the kid ’s. In the eyes, it turned out to be a shiver.

“That’s overriding,” someone said muttering.

But think about it again. Just now the boy gave the treasure he got to the servants around him. This handiwork really shows that the boy is overbearing and extravagant.

“What do you want?” Old Man looks at Li Qiye said slowly.

Speaking out, many people’s eyelids jumped. Everyone felt that own heard wrong. This is outrageous. Now it seems that this Old Man wants to listen to Li Qiye’s.

At this time, Li Qiye took Zhu Sijing behind him and smiled lightly and said, “Look at my girl, I am missing one or two pieces good thing for her. What do you think should be given?”

Where has Zhu Sijing seen such a big scene, in the eyes of everyone, she suddenly flushed and did not dare to see anyone.

Silent Curse Race!” At this time someone noticed the burn marks on the neck of Zhu Sijing, and said in surprise.

Silent Curse Race ” After hearing this, some people were even scared by retreats, because Silent Curse Race legend was ominous and some people were afraid to approach Zhu Sijing.

Seeing other people ’s reactions, Zhu Sijing could not help lowering small head tightly. She had a little inferiority about own‘s birth. After all, there are still many people in the world who consider them Silent Curse Race like flood ferocious beast.

Old Man took a look at Zhu Sijing, then took out a piece of treasure, and slowly put it on the ground, slowly said: “How about this thing?” This is the one necklace, the style of the necklace and the neckline of Zhu Sijing. The patterns are very similar. It seems that such one necklaces are tailored for Zhu Sijing, or they are tailored for Silent Curse Race.

I do n’t know what Immortal Gold is made of this one necklace, and this necklace is inlaid with gems. Each gem is different. What is more eye-catching is that this gem is very Dazzling, it seems that stars has been picked from sky and directly embedded in this necklace.

When such a one necklace emits a strand of immortal light, it is as if the Fairy in the sky is qualified to wear such a one necklace, even those who are stupid know that this necklace is priceless.

“Is Heavenly Immortal Necklace?” Although no one can recognize the origin of this necklace, and no one can call the name of this necklace, but anyone can see that this necklace is better than the two on the ground. The piece of treasure is much more precious, so many people are drooling.

“Well, yes, since it’s all delivered, then give another one, good things are good.” After looking at the necklace, Li Qiye praised it, nod said.

Others may not know it yet. It is definitely a very great treasure to get Li Qiye so much praise.

Li Qiye makes everyone feel dumbfounded, and some people ca n’t even murmur: “This is too greedy, right, this already is priceless, what else do you want?”

At this time, some people even want to rush to grab such a one necklace now. This is a priceless treasure, even bargaining with others, this is too outrageous.

Old Man is also not angry. He glanced at Li Qiye more, then took out a treasure, put it on the ground, and said slowly: “What about this one?”

The treasure from Old Man turned out to be a Xia Yi. When this Xia Yi was taken out, the sun was shining and the air was diffused, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. The whole Xia Yi is very thin and thin. It’s just like woven by Zhenxia Wu. Such a thin and light Xia Yi is like clothes worn on Fairy, so that when people put it on, they will be able to flirt and become immortal.

“This treasure is enough for a foot.” Seeing such a gown, someone couldn’t help but swallowed a mouthful and murmured.

Please pay attention to Xiao Sheng’s public account “Xiaofu Army”. (To be continued.)

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