The Silly Alchemist Chapter 436: Assault (3)

Tiger Clan ’s top Experts are not in the guard. They are all going to cultivation. Generally, no one cares about them, and they do n’t ask them to do anything. Only big things happen in the clan, when they are needed, Only then will they be dispatched.

“Distant water cannot save near fire, and your Expert are not in the clan, I specifically checked.” black clothed man said lightly, and he let others signal, he actually knew this.

There is only one person who is in danger to him here, and that is the patriarch of Tiger Clan. However, the patriarch has now won the bid and is not within the scope of his fears.

“Who the **** are you and why did you assassinate me?” the patriarch asked again.

“Go ahead and ask Master Dark God!” black clothed man did not explain, even if it was a dead person, he would not tell more of these secrets.

While talking, black clothed man attacked again!

Brush …

I can only see the sword flashing. No one can see the tricks of black clothed man, because it is too fast. No one can keep up. Even the chief Tiger Clan, he can only barely see it. a little.

And he did not remind, because when he spoke, the sword of black clothed man had been withdrawn, so that he had no chance to remind.

“Ah …”

The guard in front of the patriarch fell into a pool of blood again. The difference in strength between them was too great to stop the pace of black clothed man at all.

“You all let go, let me do it myself!”

The patriarch roared, then picked up Battle Qi, forcibly pressed the injury, and prepared to work with the black clothed man. At this time, the patriarch had no other way than this.

Failure to do so will only increase unnecessary sacrifice! !!

black clothed man smiled, although the smile was very light, but it can be seen that there is a feeling of success in the middle!


The guards shouted that at this moment they felt how incompetent they were, saying that they were guards, but they could not protect their patriarch, and they could only watch their patriarchs fight with injuries.


black clothed man slashes the patriarch with a sword, and this sword is still unclear. I saw a wind passing by, and a sword gas passing at a speed hard to see with the naked eye.


The patriarch is indeed the patriarch, who avoided the attack at that moment, but the people behind him were not so lucky, and were separated by the sword qi in half.

The patriarch’s heart is getting colder and colder. The Expert in front of him is really too strong. If he is not injured, he can still compete with it for a period of time, but in the end I believe it will be defeated in his hands.

Now, if you are injured, even if you hold down the injury, there will not be too many times that you can stick to. I hope someone can come to help during this period.

But who is this helper? In this Tiger Clan, not many people can surpass themselves, but these people are outside.

“A sword chasing the soul!”

black clothed man naturally does not let the patriarch think about it, nor does it give the patriarch more time. He wants to make a quick decision, and he uses one of the strongest killing tricks.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to have only the black clothed man sword. Everyone had an illusion, as if the black clothed man‘s sword trick suddenly slowed down, they could obviously see that sword slowly stabbed. To the patriarch.

Strangely, although he felt slower, he still couldn’t keep up with the rescue, and the patriarch was also unable to escape the sword because of the injury. He had no other than hardened the sword. Any way.

But if he succeeds in taking the sword, what will the result be? I believe everyone will know that the result must be no doubt.

However, this result seems to be a foregone conclusion. In the case of no accident, this sword will definitely take the patriarch’s life away!

At this time, the Tiger Clan guards did not dare to see it, and they also thought, why would such a superb Expert appear here, and would they kill their patriarch?

naturally, at this time they didn’t think much, they could only pray, praying for the miracle …


A sharp blasting sound sounded from a distance, but approached the scene very fast …

Before the sound came, a spinning spear appeared in front of the Tiger Clan patriarch. The tip of the spear hit the sword tip without any error.


Although it was just a two-point collision, the Battle Qi attached to the long gun and the long sword collided invisibly and issued a strong explosion.

For a while, the dust was flying, and the gunman was surrounded by the previous black clothed man, making it impossible to see the situation of the gunman, and who the gunman was.

However, at that moment, everyone seemed to have a feeling, they all knew who this gunman was, but they were a bit unbelievable.

Because of their influence, although that person is very strong, it should not be so strong.

After the dust is gone, when everyone sees the petite back of the gunman, they already understand that they thought it right.

Tai Ya?!”

Tai Ya?”

The patriarch cried a little, who is not his daughter in front of him? The familiar figure and the Tai Ya blade in his hand were telling him the answer.

It’s just that he doesn’t believe it, how can his daughter be so strong!

From the rescue shot just now, you can see that her daughter’s strength has surpassed her …

The disbelief of the patriarchs and others seems to indicate that they do n’t know everything about Tigress. They only know that the strength of Tigress has surpassed that of the same year, but they do not know that it is not only the same year.

This is not to blame them for not knowing that Tigress had a few successes before, and did not show all of them. This is what Ye Lang told her. self-conduct should be low-key and not too aggressive.

And Ye Lang also told her that if you can solve it with a little energy, don’t use a penny, a penny is a waste of energy …

“Father, go back first and give it to your daughter here!” Tigress held the Tai Ya blade higher than her in one hand and said to the patriarch.

Tai Ya, do you have any questions?” The patriarch couldn’t help asking. Although the shot just proved the strength of Tigress, as a father, he was still a little worried about the safety of his daughter.

“No problem! Rest assured …”

When Tigress was talking, suddenly a step forward, and a sudden attack on the black clothed man, the moves are very ordinary and nothing special, but the speed and power are amazing, at least anyone can be shocked here!

“?!” black clothed man was startled, and flickered away at an angle, and he was very grateful for this reaction later. If he slowed down, he might be punctured by a hole in his body.


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