The Silly Alchemist Chapter 307: Pee? hostage? (1)

I came to the gate of muddle headed Hall. Now the gate has only been repaired. It makes people not see that there has been a battle here. The efficiency of the architects in the Miracle District is very high, especially in the muddle headed Hall. Finished hungry in a few hours.

“Hello, may I ask, have you seen three girls who are similar to me come here! They are also together with a black and thin teenager and an old man who came to seek medical treatment.” Ye Zhiqing came to the door, Ask the guard in front of him very politely.

These guards are not Radiant Knight, Radiant Knight has not been cheap to this point. These guards are temporarily selected from the new residents. The purpose is not to defend, but to prevent doctors from breaking in to obstruct the Physician inside. .

“You said” The guard thought about it and thought of Ye Lanyu. When he wanted to answer it, he was interrupted.

“Miss, I know where are the people you said?” There was a voice that was not very comfortable behind me.

“???” Ye Zhiqing looked back. The first thing that came into her eyes was a thin-haired head. This head belonged to a middle-aged person. This middle-aged person was knocked down by Ye Lanyu Seventh Princess during the day. Duke.

At the Duke’s side, as well as his six men, they all seem to have come to recovery at this time, and the Physician inside has cured them very well, how to say is also a Holy Religion believer.

Also, letting them lie here is a little hindering traffic

“!!!” When Ye Zhiqing turned around, the duke’s pupils enlarged several times immediately, and he was sucked into the bow by beauty again.

What day is it and how did you meet such a beautiful girl, it is difficult to meet one in a year, and it is already three or four today.

It seems that I am destined to run away today!

Under beauty, the Duke seems to have forgotten his previous lesson, and Sedan is about to move again …

The Duke rolled his eyes and seemed to have an idea, and said, “Beautiful lady, I know who you are looking for. Today they were here for a long time with those villain inside, and even the door was destroyed. Now, uh, how to fix it? “

The Duke wanted to make Ye Zhiqing believe what he said, and wanted to point out the evidence, only to find that the door had been repaired.

“During the day, the gate was really smashed by the two girls. They were ice and fire, and their strength was terrible,” said the Duke immediately.

Although at that time, the Duke and others had already slept on the street, but someone told him about it afterwards, and he also saw the smashed door.

“Is this true?” Ye Zhiqing ignored the Duke, but asked the guard at the door.

Ye Zhiqing would not believe the Duke’s words, because she knew at a glance that the Duke was an untrustworthy person. Although she was a obediently woman, it did not mean that she was easy to cheat.

Only when she heard the Duke say Ye Lanyu and Seventh Princess‘s Attribute, she thought it might be true, but she still would not confirm with the Duke.

“Yes” the guard thought about it, this question is indeed “but, this is a game …”

“It’s a misunderstanding. All villain will do this when they are being held accountable!” The Duke immediately rushed and said, “Go up, teach these evildoers!”

“Yes!” The group of shameless subordinates stepped forward again, stunned the guards, and tossed them aside.

The guards here at muddle headed Hall are just ordinary people, and although these shameless subordinates are shameless, they are also Martial Artist Mage of Eight Level, which is more than enough to deal with them.

“Beautiful lady, the person you are looking for is inside, but we still retreat first. The villain inside is very strong, with a dozen Earth Level Expert, we are not enough to look at!” said the Duke seriously, And that’s his purpose.

He wants to let the Ye Zhiqing follow him, and he definitely won’t want to rush into it. The people here don’t dare to mess with him, even if he is bold, it is the same!

According to his idea, Ye Zhiqing knows that the people inside are so strong, and he will definitely retreat temporarily, but what he did not expect is that Ye Zhiqing is not afraid at all.

“I know that if they can catch Lanyu, they must be strong and I can’t beat them! But, I can’t go, I want to go in and find someone!” Ye Zhiqing went inside.

“” The duke was silent, he didn’t understand what the Ye Zhiqing was all about, and how dare he go in.

“Duke, what can I do?” asked shamelessly Swordsman and others.

“Tie this chick to me, hurry up!” Since the duke is not soft, he has to come to the hard. With the strength of Ye Zhiqing, they can still win, as long as they don’t alarm the people inside can.


The shameless Expert should say a word, and then quickly separated up a few ways, naturally, they will not attract the attention of Ye Zhiqing, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to end the battle in short time.

“???, Ye Zhiqing soon found something wrong. These people seem to have any wrongdoing. At this time, she didn’t even think about it, so she pulled out her two swords.

Some people have said that when you are in danger, you must first prepare for it, instead of observing the situation first. Sometimes after you observe the situation, you will find that it is too late.

This is also the habit of Ye Zhiqing. The shadow of her childhood made her not believe anyone, and when others approached herself for no reason, she would draw swords towards each other!

“” Swordsman and others did not expect that Ye Zhiqing would respond so quickly, making their swift wins go wrong, making it difficult to win in one fell swoop.

But at this time, they felt that this difficulty was not a big problem, and it could be overcome!

Swordsman also pulled out his own sword while drawing the sword from Ye Zhiqing. While moving forward, the sword crossed the ground to bring out a dazzling Mars, and took a sharp sword Battle Qi towards Ye Zhiqing. Rush away.

Ye Zhiqing at this time has understood that these people are misbehaving, a light turn over to avoid Swordsman Battle Qi, the movement is very light and beautiful.

It’s just that she hid alone, and there were still many people present!

“Wind Binding!”

A Wind System Magic was generated from Mage‘s hands and grabbed Ye Zhiqing!

Wind-binding, as the name implies, uses Wind System Magic to generate a kind of airflow, which binds people inside. This is a more common Magic, which generally only makes people have trouble moving. It is bound in it.

Obviously, at this time, Ye Zhiqing is impossible to be restrained, but it will definitely cause her inconvenience! !! However, this also requires the success of this Magic.

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