The Silly Alchemist Chapter 228: Hijacked (3)

However, it seems that the former may be a bit more!

Just because, if the robbers knew it, they would not rob and ambush here, nor would they lose so many people! !!

Therefore, this teenager should be an accident factor, just like the Ye Lang trio, it is an accident factor, it is a coincidence!

“What to run, has been discovered, we still stay here, give them as much money as they want.” Ye Lang pointed to the front and said.

At this time, some of the bandits have already come over. If you run at this time, you will be chased and killed, which may cause unnecessary accidents.

Anyway, Ye Lang is a very cooperative robbed son. The robbers will give them money when they ask for it. He has so much money, and he has nowhere to spend. These people come to help, he is desperate for it!

If you want to say your life, then naturally you won’t give it! !!

It just seems that the good hopes of Ye Lang didn’t seem to be what they wanted. When the bandits came, they aimed at the carriage, and then aimed at the groom outside.

Then the robbers were very disdainful and walked away, leaving only a few people, and those people also said disdainfully-

“Broken carriage, there is no oil and water, leave a little money to buy old taro!”

Obviously, these bandits treat the carriage Ye Lang as an ordinary person, even as a shabby poor person. They would not expect anyone to disguise this.

Even if you want to camouflage, you will find some people together, not a carriage like this!

There is so much experience in doing so many robbers. This carriage is either a person without oil and water and does not need any protection, or a person who cannot offend and does not need protection.

And no matter what kind of person, it is right to collect a little toll, at least there will be a little money for those who do n’t have oil and water, and those who ca n’t afford to offend will also give a little, not to delay time for this.

This time, they met a person who couldn’t afford to offend, but this person is a bit of a year, not like other people, just pay a little toll!

“Here is mine …” At this time, the driver gritted his teeth and took out a little money of his own to buy it for safety, but at this time he did not expect that the money should be paid by Ye Lang.

At this time, he just hopes that things will end sooner, and other things will come later!

It ’s just that Ye Lang is upset, just shouting at the outside-

“What? You look down on Ben Shao’s dignified generation of Prodigal! Did you just buy a lot of money to make a big Ben?”

“?!” The words of Ye Lang make people nearby a bit confused. This sounds very strange, very strange! !!

“Forget it, if you look at you as a poor man, you can go over! Don’t stop us from entertaining big customers!” The bandits stayed for a while, then shook their hands and said.

According to their understanding, the person inside should be wrong, or his brain is abnormal. Well, that’s it, a lunatic should let him go.

If it is normal, they may also consider teaching the people in the car, but now they do not have this time.

For this situation, the coachman naturally is very happy, he was so anxious, he immediately raised his whip to leave the right and wrong place!

It’s just “what? In the past? You just let us go like this? How did you become a robber and how so unprofessional !!” Ye Lang poked his head and questioned the talking bandit loudly.

“…” Everyone was silent. They looked at each other and made sure that they had heard correctly. Then they thought, what does this boy mean? Does he still want us to give him no money?

What is the situation of unprofessional robbers, we know how professional we are. For the robber career, we are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. We are about to complete the glorious work of robbery! !!

Looking at the besieging of the heroic robbers by the boy Gao himself, he has reached the end of the crossbow. It seems to be hanging soon!

So, we are professional, this is undeniable! !!

“Sorry guys, my son’s brain often gets sick, we go immediately, get up immediately …” The driver said warily, and hurried away the horse.

“Walk, stay, make it clear! Do you look down on me? I will let you be rich!” Ye Lang stopped the driver and jumped out of the carriage, and Little Rui followed half-step Ye Lang.

“…” The coachman looked at him and decided to do something.

“Son, slowly play by yourself, old man can’t afford to leave first!” The driver left Ye Lang and fled himself. This is what they said before. , And Ye Lang did not object.

At this time, when the robbers saw this situation, they would naturally chase the driver unconsciously, although they didn’t know what the role was, they didn’t understand the current situation.

“Don’t bother you! Let him go, and don’t kill him!” Ye Lang pointed to the young man who had suffered a lot of injuries in the middle. , How much do you want to say !!! “

“???” Everyone who heard the words stayed awake, didn’t understand what Ye Lang meant, what did they buy?

“This boy, it looks like you don’t look like an ordinary person. What you just said is a bit hard to understand. What do you mean?” Although the people there did not stop, they continued to fight. However, some people are also responsible for the situation on Ye Lang side and negotiate with Ye Lang.

“I said, don’t let your people do it first, I bought that person’s safety, and you make an offer!” Ye Lang replied.

“Buy it? What on earth do you want to say?” The robbers still couldn’t understand the words.

“Why are you so stupid, that is, how much money do you need to let that person go !!!” Ye Lang shook his head, and seemed to say that he had never seen such a stupid person.

If anyone who knows Ye Lang knows this situation, they will laugh out loud. These robbers were stupid by Ye Lang. This is really funny!

Only Ye Lang has been said to be stupid by others …

“Impossible! He killed so many of our brothers, we will surely let him die !!!” The robbers shook their heads and refused.

“Some people have said that there are many things in this world that are not impossible, nor can money be solved, only the price is not high enough! I gave out 100,000 gold coins, and you let him go!” Ye Lang said indifferently.


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