Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2038: Immortal Emperor Buzhan

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Now there are only two choices before Li Qiye. Either continue to gamble and see who they and Samsara Wild Ancestor used to fall first, or recall the Dao Heart of own and spend the years to block the Years Wheel of Samsara Wild Ancestor.

The sound of “Tzzzzzzzzz” sounded. At this time, it was not only Li Qiye, their trend was decayed by Years Wheel, but Samsara Wild Ancestor and own were also aging, and his aging speed was extremely fast.

In a short time, Samsara Wild Ancestor is more than White Haired. He lost blood energy all over his body. The whole person is like losing vitality. The whole person is like fur and bones. The fingers are like chicken feet. .

Years Wheel is extremely powerful, but it requires the loss of huge quantity of Samsara Wild Ancestor as the price, not to mention this is the past body of Samsara Wild Ancestor, this is the past exist(ence). If blood energy and Shouyuan are exhausted, then it is impossible Regenerate and cannot be recovered.

Because there is no present in the past, and even no future, if the present body of Samsara Wild Ancestor, his Shouyuan and blood energy are lost, there is still a chance to recover and a chance to regenerate, but the past body does not have such a chance. , Loss is loss, and this loss is permanent.

This is why when Samsara Wild Ancestor used to take out this Years Wheel, he was very cautious, even if he was so powerful as exist(ence), he didn’t dare to use Years Wheel easily.

The sound of decay of “Tzzzzzzzzz” is endless, Li Qiye their trend is decayed by Years Wheel, and Samsara Wild Ancestor own is also decayed by Years Wheel, as to who can survive to the end, it is hard to say.

Fellow Daoist, I’m afraid it wasn’t me who fell first.” Even if Samsara Wild Ancestor already was aging at the end of the year, but the attitude was still, with the calmness and calmness of that part, it was unrivaled.

“I never thought I was the last one to fall.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, although he and 18 Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch desperately tried to urge strength of Heaven’s Will, but under the age of strength, they were late It’s a little bit slower, it’s always one line slower. This is only one line slower. It’s enough for Samsara Wild Ancestor. This is enough to make Years Wheel decay. Li Qiye can’t stop this situation from worsening, let alone reverse it. Already.

“I have always had this confidence.” Samsara Wild Ancestor said lightly: “But the longer I live, sometimes some thing will be changed. If a person has lived for a long time and is not sanctified, it is become a devil, and another is Crazy, which one does Fellow Daoist think it belongs to? “

Even if it is a struggle between life and death, Samsara Wild Ancestor is still elegant noble air. His calmness and wisdom are admirable.

Although life and death are the enemy, Samsara Wild Ancestor was so profound when he said such a thing. He and Saint were both the longest living exist(ence), Saint was sanctified, and he became a demon.

As for the crazy person, I don’t know who it is.

“I’m neither sanctified nor become a devil, and I’m not crazy, I’m me.” Even if the situation is not good for him, Li Qiye is just as calm and calm as he said, “If there is no way ahead, I will Coming out of the one road, I go to the road that’s all of own. “

“Then I hope that Fellow Daoist will succeed, but Fellow Daoist will pass this hurdle today. I’m afraid your trend will not last long.” At this time, Huizuzu smiled slightly. His hair already was silver-white. It seems to fall off at any time, but he is so indifferent.

A crackling sound of “啵, 啵, 啵” sounded. At this moment, the trend that has decayed most of the area turned out to have cracks. Although the trend is still not shatter-proof, but this one appears. At the time of the cracking of the Tao, the whole trend became very fragile. It seemed that as long as the take action finger was stretched, the whole trend would collapse.

“Bad ” saw countless cracks in the general trend, Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch all changed their faces, they frantically urged Heaven’s Will strength, and wanted to fill the trend in time, but even if they try hard, they still do not help, because they After all, it’s still so slow. This mere first line is fatal enough for the general trend.

“Unfortunately, it’s right to recall Dao Heart now.” even if watching Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch will not be suspended by one heart. If you continue this way, it won’t be long before it will inevitably collapse, which is a great disadvantage to Li Qiye. .

However, even at this moment, Li Qiye still has no intention of recalling own Dao Heart, and let own‘s Dao Heart resonate with Saint’s Dao Heart in Distant Wasteland epoch and frantically burn dark(ness) of Distant Wasteland epoch.

“Bang, bang, bang” burst at this time bursting resonate sound. At this time, more cracks appeared on the general trend, and the countless cracks were crisscross.

Seeing such a scene, even if Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch is extremely tense, I’m afraid the whole trend of Li Qiye will collapse in the next moment.

“Bang, bang, bang” At this moment, the sound of shattering sounded again, but this time the sound of shattering came not from the general trend of Li Qiye, but from sky of Distant Wasteland.

Many cultivator outside Distant Wasteland looked around and saw that sky was broken. Someone stepped in. Every time he stepped, the broken sky left a line of footprints. Footprints. Above the void, it can’t be worn away for a long time.

At this moment, there is a man Ta Kong/treads the sky. This man is wearing a Battle Armor, his eyes are extremely sharp, and he can penetrate 9 Heavens 10 Worlds. The man is holding a war go, step by step, every step, every step is shocking. It seems that every time he walks One step is the battlefield of life and death.

This man spewed out a terrible fighting intent. His fighting intent surpassed Nine Heavens and can fight Eternal. No matter what the Old Ancestor feels when he feels his fighting intent, he will tremble when he doesn’t have the courage to fight with him. He was suppressed by his fighting intent instantly. Already.

Old Ancestor who watched outside of “Immortal Emperor Buzhan Distant Wasteland recognized the origin of the man and screamed, “It’s another Nine Worlds Immortal Emperor.”

Buzhan is here.” When this man arrived, Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch in even if watching the game in secret was immediately attracted attention. even if, the same Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, was in awe of the man.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan is famous for fighting. He often fights one step at a time. No matter how powerful enemies stand in front of him, he can push across, so few people in the world are willing to block the path of Immortal Emperor Buzhan.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan stepped into Distant Wasteland, both eyes was extremely sharp, and he was dealing with a terrible light shortage. He instantly locked the whole trend, and both eyes suddenly evolved Heaven and Earth Myriad Dao.

Saint Teacher is anxious, Buzhan can help you.” Immortal Emperor Buzhan heard a long shout, Immortal Emperor’s prestige rose into the sky instantly, “Boom” a loud sound, his Heaven’s Will hung overhead.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan is only One Heaven’s Will. This is the Nine Worlds Heaven’s Will of carrying. This One Heaven’s Will is extremely large. When this One Heaven’s Will is suspended in sky, one giant pulse discs are there.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan follows the path of One Heaven’s Will evolution. After he came to Tenth World, he did not have Heaven’s Will of carrying 13 Continents, but continued to grow Nine Worlds Heaven’s Will of own.

Fellow Daoist, help me. I can use it for your Yin Yang.” Heaven’s Will is high, fighting intent is high, and Whole World is invincible. At this time, Immortal Emperor Buzhan screams and tells Immortal Emperor Ming Du.

daoist brother is on the road with peace of mind, I will set up the road of Yin Yang for you.” Immortal Emperor Ming Du also shouted, spit Mantra, singing ancient methods, just like calling souls.

“Boom, boom, boom” bursts of roaring endlessly. At this moment, one road was picked up in front of Immortal Emperor Ming Du. The shadow of one road seems to be the road from human world to Hell. When such one roads are connected At that time, when the wind was violent, people with no daring courage couldn’t help hitting a cold slap, because it made people feel that the underworld was like the eyes of own.

This is the road of Yin Yang set up by Immortal Emperor Ming Du. It can go in and out with very strange rules.

a resonate sound and Immortal Emperor Buzhan of “Buzz ” stepped into the Yin Yang road instantaneously. In the next moment, the figure of Immortal Emperor Buzhan flashed on the road of this shadow several times. He flickered and disappeared, and then flashed again. Yan Luo is the same as the 18th floor hell.

The last humming a resonate sound, Immortal Emperor Buzhan appeared in the general trend of Li Qiye, but if you look closely, he is not in the general trend of Li Qiye.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan looks like they are in the general trend of Li Qiye, he is even close to Li Qiye. But in fact he is not in the Li Qiye’s world.

Immortal Emperor Buzhan‘s space is even darker, as if it is somewhere in the underworld, but it is in such a place that it connects Li Qiye with their general trend.

Under such circumstances, the joining of Immortal Emperor Buzhan will not destroy the balance of the trend at all, even if he strikes with all his strength, it will not affect the balance of the trend.

Boom loud sound. At this time, the battle of Immortal Emperor Buzhan was held high, and instantly integrated with his Heaven’s Will. Immediately after the a resonate sound of “hum”, the battle of Immortal Emperor Buzhan disappeared, and Heaven’s Will also disappeared.

In the next moment, a resonate sound, who heard “Om”, hung a war on top of the Li Qi and eighteen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs. The a resonate sound of each war “Clang” was instantly imprinted on Li Qiye and ten. Eight Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch on the body.

a resonate sound of “噗 “, at this moment, after getting blessing of Immortal Emperor Buzhan, Li Qiye and eighteen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch instantly felt that own‘s Heaven’s Will turned into a sharp and unmatched battle, instantly punctured Over time, pierced the world.

The loud sound of “Boom ” is just a line of Heaven’s Will strength. At this moment, it broke through the isolation of the years, and instantly poured into the general situation frantically.

Tzzzzzzzzz …” At this moment, after getting Li Qiye and the Heaven’s Will strength of the eighteen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, the endless glass of light burst out in an instant.

When the endless glazed light burst out, the trendy strength blocked the decay of the years, and all the decays hit vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke in an instant. (To be continued.)

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