Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2033: Pseudo-trends

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The trend Wushuang/matchless. This trend has poured Li Qiye’s countless efforts. It can be said to be a collection of all the knowledge of Li Qiye’s. Even if Li Qiye does not dare to say that the trend Eternal is invincible, there are very few that’s all who can create such a trend.

interesting is indeed a great idea.” Seeing that the trend of Li Qiye’s could not be broken, the former Samsara Wild Ancestor retracted the big hand of own, and said slowly.

“It is indeed interesting, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Li Qiye in the general trend said with a smile.

The past Samsara Wild Ancestor could not help but smile, and said, “WFellow Daoist thinks you can trap me? Fellow Daoist‘s big fanfare not only leads me, but also leads to my past body, but Fellow Daoist really thinks it can cut me. Is this here? “It turned out that Li Qiye had been premeditated for a long time, and already was conceived for each step. First, it seduced Samsara Wild Ancestor‘s True Body, and then forced the past body of Samsara Wild Ancestor. All this was done according to the Li Qiye’s concept.

As long as Samsara Wild Ancestor‘s True Body and past body appear, then Li Qiye will lock the world, Samsara Wild Ancestor will not be allowed to escape back to nest, and Samsara Wild Ancestor will not be allowed to escape. Li Qiye‘s move is to take down Samsara Wild Ancestor in one fell swoop and completely destroy Samsara Wild Ancestor. Don’t give him the slightest chance to struggle.

“Aren’t you coming out too?” Li Qiye smiled lightly and said, “Try it and you’ll know.”

“That’s the same.” Samsara Wild Ancestor said slowly: “I don’t know outcome without a war!” True Body already of Samsara Wild Ancestor came out, but unparalleled who knows the general trend is still out. This also means that Samsara Wild Ancestor has the confidence to break the Li Qiye’s trend, and Samsara Wild Ancestor dares to come out. This can be said to have no fear, and thinks it can break the Li Qiye’s trend.

A loud sound sound of “Boom “. In an instant, the endless dark(ness) of terrifying enveloped the whole trend of Li Qiye. After a while of soft sounds, Samsara Wild Ancestor disappeared.

But at this moment weird things happened, and another trend appeared. This trend is exactly the same as the trend of Li Qiye arrange. What is even more strange is that the Li Qiye and the seventeen-bit Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch in the trend are all Exactly the same.

Suddenly there are two identical trends, two identical Li Qiyes, two identical seventeen-bit Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs, such a scene makes people feel dumbfounded.

This is the evolution of Samsara Wild Ancestor own, and when this trend is close, the sound of “hum, hum, hum” sounds, and the two trends are shaking.

And the more it shakes, the closer the two trends get closer, the closer it gets, the more powerful it becomes.

At the time of the two major shocks, the clues finally appeared. I saw a slight flaw in the trend created by Li Qiye. Under the two major shocks, the imbalance of the general strength suddenly appeared. Already.

This imbalance is caused by the seventeenth Great Emperor. The last Great Emperor had no problem at all, because he and Li Qiye are calling each other.

It is just two Great Emperors in front of this Great Emperor. Under this symmetry, strength is very balanced, but now when the general trend of Samsara Wild Ancestor is shaking, the seventeenth Great Emperor is in line with the general trend of Samsara Wild Ancestor Seventeenth place Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch has symmetry.

Under this strength symmetry, the seventeenth Great Emperor is undoubtedly attracted by the strength of the seventeenth Great Emperor in the Samsara Wild Ancestor trend, and the two sides have a mysterious symmetry.

When this symmetry is formed, it suddenly breaks the strength balance of Li Qiye.

Under such a loss of balance, when I heard the shattering sound of “crack“, a very small crack appeared for a moment like the glaze of isolation.

This very small crack is hard to see with the naked eye. If it is replaced by ordinary time or against other enemies, such a small crack is so insignificant, but now Li Qiye they are facing Samsara Wild Ancestor.

Tzzzzzzzzz ……” For a moment, the thick and thick dark(ness) covered the whole trend, followed by “Boom, Boom, Boom”, loud sound was endless, dark(ness) was like heaven punishment, and the endless impact of strength towards this A tiny crack, and already is thick and extremely thick. dark(ness) covers the general situation and waits for the opportunity. As long as the strength of dark(ness) impacts and opens this small crack, they will flood into it, and it will be an instant Li Qiye with seventeen Great Emperor devour(ing).

“Boom, boom, boom …” Under the crazy shock of dark(ness) strength, the whole trend shook, and with the crazy shock of dark(ness) strength, the trend started to be unstable, and the isolation like a glaze also began to shine. Already.

“From ” At this time, Li Qiye and the seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs screamed. They evolved the power of Grand Dao, and the whole body spewed an endless light. For a moment, their most powerful strength permeated the whole trend. Each strand of their strength is firmly rooted in every inch of time in the trend.

Li Qiye They desperately evolved and motivated strength of Heaven and Earth Myriad Dao and Heaven’s Will, trying to balance the overall trend of strength.

However, as the general trend of Samsara Wild Ancestor evolves, Li Qiye‘s general trend is still unable to achieve balance, even if there is a trace of imbalance, it will cause tilt under this strength traction.

“The general trend of strength is too strong. Once the level of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth appears, this imbalance cannot be compensated unless there is a high Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch take action that can handle this imbalance. strength of own can make up for this trend. There is a defect in it, otherwise, the seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch and Li Qiye will not be able to stabilize the overall trend. “When a Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch was watching, he saw the clues inside, and estimatedly said:” This trend, think strength, which is the weakest link of this imbalance, is afraid that it needs Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch take action with 10 Heaven’s Will or higher. “

In fact, this strength imbalance between Li Qiye and 17-bit Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch is very small, of course, this is only for the overall trend strength.

You must know that the overall trend of strength is not only heavenly flowers, treasure items with carrying and huge quantity, but also Heaven’s Will with seventeen Great Emperors with carrying. This trendy strength is destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth.

Under the strength of this destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, even a very small gap can be revealed instantly. This tiny imbalance is below the strength level of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, and it will instantly enlarge the overall flaw.

The slight imbalance under this general trend, in fact, the strength is very powerful on the individual. At this time, Li Qiye and the seventeen-digit Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch want to balance this slight gap. However, once this imbalance occurs, Broken, it can no longer be brought over.

As the Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch estimated, this small imbalance needs to be measured by 10 Heaven’s Will, so Li Qiye and 17-bit Great Emperor can’t restore the whole situation for a while.

“Boom, boom, boom …” A roar of endless sound, the strength of dark(ness) was madly shocked, and the general trend evolved by Samsara Wild Ancestor was also shaken madly. To pull the weak imbalance of Li Qiye trend, we must pull this Small cracks pull the biggest gap.

Within the general trend, Li Qiye and seventeen Great Emperors are running Myriad Law crazyly, pushing the terrifying strength to balance the overall trend. This kind of promotion is inherently not easy, plus Samsara Wild Ancestor round after round The attack and shock of the round, this is even more turbulent Li Qiye and seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch.

So after a round of shocks, Li Qiye and the seventeenth Great Emperor were all hit by a sledgehammer. When they heard the sound of “bang, bang, bang”, they hit the Li Qiye with a hammer. With seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch bodies.

Li Qiye and seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs are as strong as Divine Iron. Although such a heavy blow failed to break their bodies, they were greatly affected. They were hard to breathe after being smashed, and their faces were pale.

If you continue this way, I am afraid that the trend of Li Qiye will definitely collapse. They are pushing all strength to equalize and it is difficult to make up for the entire trend of strength.

You need to know that if the overall trend of strength is released, it can destroy Qing Continent. In a short time, I want to flatten such a strength easier said than done like a wild monster.

Fellow Daoist, how long can you keep up this momentum?” Samsara Wild Ancestor said with a smile at this time.

“I don’t know how long I will persist in this trend.” Li Qiye said with a light smile: “But your current body may not be able to continue, when dark(ness) is wiped out, you are not an Saint’s opponent, under Saint Sword , Will cut you. “

The words Li Qiye’s let Samsara Wild Ancestor‘s past look for a long time. In their epoch, Li Qiye and Saint teamed up, which obviously prevailed.

At this time, Saint’s Holy Light is the dark(ness) of Samsara Wild Ancestor crazy refining. If Saint burns all dark(ness) and then kills Samsara Wild Ancestor from the source, if dark(ness) is cleaned up and Samsara Wild Ancestor is cut from the source, then Samsara Wild Ancestor and heaven defying, no matter how many backhands he has left, will definitely be vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.

The past of “Break Samsara Wild Ancestor saw such a scene, and it was also a sigh. With a long whistle, dark(ness) spewed wildly, and the blast of “Boom, Boom, Boom” shook Three Thousand Worlds.

The sound of “crack” sounded. When Samsara Wild Ancestor accelerated evolution and attack, the small cracks in the general trend finally broke through, and the cracks were blasted and cracked into a lot of mouths. If this continues, the Li Qiye’s trend will definitely not bear dark(ness) invasion.

When a resonate sound of “噗 ” was torn apart, Li Qiye and seventeen Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs were severely hit. The immense invincible strength hit them instantly, and the powerful impact instantly hit them. Squirting blood. (To be continued.)

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