Skyfire Avenue Chapter 878: Four swords together

The next moment, he saw the companion that does not have rushed out, and the bright lights continued to burst. Before he responded, the breath of the companion had disappeared.

time returned to the previous moment. After Zihong Emperor clone rushed out, the other three All-Encompassing Reaver clones who followed him also rushed out.

The first two rushed out without any problems, but when the third clone was about to rush out, suddenly, two rays pierced from both sides, forming a cross block.

Cyan is the first weapon of heaven, Executing Immortal Sword.

The white one is the strongest Slaying Immortal Sword killed by Executing Immortal Four Swords.

The two Divine Swords are in the hands of Pharmacist and Unparalleled Extremely Bright Divine Monarch Lan Qing. How can All-Encompassing level cultivation and Reaver be washed out?

The two swords blocked, and the previously opened fields were closed instantly, and then the poor All-Encompassing-level predatory Samsung clone encountered a full bombardment of projectile general.

Although the Paragon on the human side is does not have even a All-Encompassing level, they are all Paragon after all! And Lan Qing and Pharmacist‘s cultivation were not inferior to the All-Encompassing level.

Any chance of does not have. Under the pressure of numerous fields, in the full attack of sharp and killing two Divine Swords, it is almost just breathing. This All-Encompassing level Reaver has been torn to pieces, only the life crystal Was caught by Lan Qing and survived.

From the arrival of Lan Qing to the beginning of the battle, the total is only about time in about ten seconds. A All-Encompassing-level plunder Samsung clone has fallen.

Does the strength comparison really change so much by joining a Paragon? The answer is of course no. Reasonable tactics are the most important.

The Almighty level Zihong Emperor clone saw this scene. His first thought of heart was to run, but the task that Zihong Emperor left in his mind made him have to rush back to Lan Qing.

The flames of purplish gold are burning on him, and he is ready to work hard. As long as he can win Executing Immortal Sword, it is worth the price. His task will be completed.

However, after killing the All-Encompassing-level Paragon almost by many human Paragons, they scattered instantly, just like the heavenly girl scattered flowers general, all scattered, all fled in different directions.

This is not the surface of the planet, let alone the ground. There are countless directions to escape.

The three clone individuals have strong individual strengths, but their number is only three after all. They also have a large range of control capabilities. However, control strength is limited when the range is too large.

Lan Qing flew directly to Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin, while the sword killer Pharmacist flew to the place where Zihong Prince and Luo Xianni fought. The other Paragon all flew out far away.

Purple Red Emperor clone hesitated almost does not have, and chased directly in the direction of Lan Qing, vowing to retake Executing Immortal Sword.

Lan Qing‘s speed is very fast, almost arrived at Lan Jue in an instant. Wanxing Promise Field instantly opened a gap and included him. At this moment, on the other side of the Lan Jue, a pink light gate suddenly lit up. Pharmacist on the other side had clearly rushed into the Luo Xianni nearby, but directly entered the light gate there. Lan Jue nearby.

Cyan Executing Immortal Sword, white Slaying Immortal Sword, red Trapping Immortal Sword, blue Severing Immortal Sword, four handle Divine Sword are lifted at the same time.

sharp first, killing first, control first, dexterity first.

The four handles Divine Sword each emit their own splendid brilliance. Instantly, sword qi turned empty, and the terrifying coercion made the three-armed and six-armed plunderer Samsung clone frightened. This breath made him have a soul that would collapse. a feeling of.

Lan Qing was obtained, but it only added another Paragon that’s all to the human side, but his arrival also meant that Executing Immortal Four Swords was gathered.

Before, in space fortress, although the four swords gathered, but the Executing Immortal Sword by no means Executing Immortal Sword master at that time, even so, Executing Immortal Four Swords together can still release such a powerful breath. At this moment, Executing Immortal Four Swords has already Each had their masters, and under the urging of the four sword masters, the stalks of Divine Sword were fully released and complemented each other.

You know, the Executing Immortal Sword array is deployed, that is, with the four handles Divine Sword that’s all, that can make the Great Principle Golden Immortal also kill the horror kills in an instant.

Although the four are still capable of does not have formation at this time, the scent of the four handles Divine Sword together is scary enough.

How did the plundering Samsung clone know? At this time, the four handles Divine Sword are together, which is to release the coercion that’s all.

At the same time that clone with three heads and six arms was surprised, they saw that the Lan Qing, Lan Jue, Zhou Qianlin, and Pharmacist four faces pierced their long swords at the same time. The four-handed Divine Sword sword edge swallowed sword glow, and the pressure increased again!

Back! There was only this one idea in his mind, and even if he had to complete the task, he had to save his life before he said it! Therefore, he did not hesitate to retreat like lightning, trying to avoid the sharp edge of the four-handle Divine Sword.

However, to his surprise, he has been covering him all the time. With the power of Five Thunders in Wanxing Promise Realm, the power of continuously weakening his realm suddenly disappears, his whole body is light, and all the pressure disappears in an instant.

The sudden disappearance of such powerful pressure suddenly made him feel comfortable and refreshing in the rain. slowly exhales, three heads and six arms clone, when he looked intently, he suddenly found that the four-handle Divine Sword that had been pierced towards himself suddenly turned away.

Led by the red long sword.

Trapping Immortal Sword turns, using the technique of Taiji Nine 撇, which is driven by the other three handles Divine Sword at the same time. Jian Feng pointed out that indeed, the purple red emperor clone chased from behind.

The purple red emperor clone‘s cultivation is Almighty level, speed is almost equivalent to instantaneous transfer. Therefore, although his two younger brothers, the two All-Encompassing level clone are also catching up from behind, speed was one line slower than him.

So, at this moment, he became Lan Qing of Executing Immortal Four Swords, Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety Lan Jue, Goddess Guanyin Zhou Qianlin, Sword Sword Fairy Pharmacist, and Unparalleled Extremely Bright Divine Monarch.

These four people can be said to be the strongest in the entire young generation of human world, and they are more in control of Executing Immortal Four Swords. cultivation of Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin have already reached the All-Encompassing level.

Even if it is the purple prince, when facing both of them at the same time, they must be suppressed, not to mention, now the purple emperor clone is facing four people at the same time.

The four swords come out, and the central Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin double swords merge together, and the brilliant colorful light turns into heavenshaking Changhong, which is just stabbing the purple emperor clone that just appeared.

Slaying Immortal Sword and Executing Immortal Sword cross up and pierce from both sides.

What surprised Lan Jue was that when the four swords were pierced at the same time, there was something more in each of them heart, which was passed to them by Divine Sword.

Lan Jue feels that it is like a vein general. It seems that from the Trapping Immortal Sword hilt, a meridian has been born. It grows together with the own body, merges together, and quickly spreads to itself. The whole body, and the own energy and principle, are driven along this red meridian. The colorful sword glow that had completed the combination of two swords quickly disappeared, and the Trapping Immortal Sword turned red again. However, this pink is compared with the previous one. But it is much deeper, it seems to be a combination of countless collapsed space. These space layers are stacked and then continue to collapse, forming a horror state like black hole stacked general.

It’s not just his side that changed, Zhou Qianlin also felt the same. She and Lan Jue disappeared, the Severing Immortal Sword blue light bloomed, thousands of sword glows gathered together, and they were close to Trapping Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword continued to collapse. In the black holes, there are crazily sword glow crisscross. These sword glow, like a thorn general formed by the inner circle of the black hole, are terrifying.

The changes of Executing Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword are slightly slower, but they are only a slow that’s all. heavenshaking killing intent instantly diffused, Slaying Immortal Sword turned into sword qi, and merged into the black hole made by Trapping Immortal Sword. Unlike the thorns formed by Severing Immortal Sword, its appearance has raised the entire black hole’s speed and murderous aura to a more powerful level, and the killing field is integrated into it. The entire level of swordsmanship has been upgraded by a notch in an instant, which has exceeded most of the energy levels felt before Lan Jue. It seems that only the feeling brought by Zihong Emperor clone can be compared with it.

Finally, the integration of Executing Immortal Sword in the hands of Lan Qing, Executing Immortal Sword brings out a cyan light, these cyan light crisscross, as if the black holes are separated into planes, the sharp‘s incomparable breath is like a black hole Inside every barrier, every barrier of sharp.

Executing Immortal Four Swords, how can they be combined?

The four people heart all have the same thoughts, and at the moment when they are together, they can feel that the Divine Sword in their hands has become a part of their bodies, like the spread of meridians and limbs. Extension. The ideas of the four people are also intertwined.

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