Skyfire Avenue Chapter 586: Aghana Princess Zihong

Reaver, her breath is the same as Reaver!” Lan Jue‘s voice passed into the ears of Pharmacist and Gourmet.

Reaver? Such a powerful Reaver?

The two hearts sink at the same time. If this Princess Zihong is really Reaver words, then it will undoubtedly be the High Step of Reaver world. She is here, then, is not only also and other Reaver here?

Princess Zihong has rushed out of the Zeus-1 attack at this time. She seems to be impatient. She screams on the sky. Suddenly, behind her, a pair of fuchsia wings suddenly unfolded, and her whole body began to change.

The original beautiful beauty suddenly became stunned, and a series of purple-red magic patterns emerged. The normal height also expanded to three meters away. Although the figure was still perfect, the body had a fine purple red. Scales.

Her gaze stared distantly at Zeus-1, then blasted with a fierce punch.

All of a sudden, the entire sky, and even the entire space, became purple-red in an instant. Everything around becomes sluggish and the air becomes sticky.

A group of eye-piercing purple-red rays turned into the mouth of a ferocious beast and went straight to the Zeus-1 in the distance to devour.

“No” Lan Jue yelled, but now he can’t do anything. Under the magenta glow, his speed was greatly restricted. Even the red light from Trapping Immortal Sword seems to have become much dim.

kāchā!” is now. Suddenly, a clear shutter sounded.

Then, the fuchsia space suddenly turned into a pale pink. Then, the fuchsia was like broken glass general. Became scattered everywhere.

Zeus-1 is like a broken bird, flying quickly into the distance.

The Mika in charge of controlling Zeus-1, just at that moment, the blouse on her body was soaked with sweat, she felt clearly. Death is in front of you. Once swallowed by that fuchsia, everyone on Zeus-1 will instantly die.

Everyone does not have thought that the original extremely successful battle against Moondemon Pirates would eventually encounter such a presence.

What exactly is that? This is almost the same doubt in everyone’s mind.

Even the Luo Xianni that just saved Zeus-1 from the crisis.

Princess Zihong regained her figure. The emotion of surprise appeared for the first time in her eyes. She looked at the Luo Xianni suspended in mid-air with some doubts, and her brows frowned slightly.

Luo Xianni, holding the camera in one hand, looked at her in confusion as well.

The presence of Luo Xianni made Lan Jue relieved. said in a serious voice: “She should be Reaver. But I don’t know why it is a human form.” Lan Jue Shen Sheng said.

Reaver? These three words come out. Pharmacist and Gourmet heart are all one.

So amazing young girl is Reaver? Recalling the abilities she just used, it is indeed something like Reaver. Especially the fierce gas.

Luo Xianni hummed, the camera was picked up again in the hand, Princess Zihong seemed to feel something, Jiaojiu slightly flickered, and in the next moment, he was in front of Luo Xianni and punched out.

Seeing that her fist was about to hit Luo Xianni, all of a sudden. Luo Xianni‘s body flickered slightly, and the whole person suddenly became blurred, and when it appeared again, it was already kilometers away.

kāchā!” The shutter sounds. The sky instantly turned pink, and Princess Zihong‘s body stagnated.

However, her stasis only lasted for a moment, and then, a strong magenta light burst out from her, although stopped in the air. But by no means was turned into a photo by Luo Xianni.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s face couldn’t help but shocked reveals. They all know that Luo Xianni once sealed a fleet with her camera! Can face such a existence as human general. It can’t be sealed, it shows how terrible the strength of this Princess Zihong.

Princess Zihong virtual shot with both hands, the fuchsia light burst out like waves general, covering the vast pink space instantly. The sky became purple, and a mauve light and shadow emerged behind her.

It’s a huge purple-red sphere. Although it is a bit illusory, it can still see its general shape. A huge tentacle pops out from the purple-red sphere, waving constantly.

The emergence of light and shadow has changed the atmosphere of Princess Zihong and strengthened it. She seemed to finally use her real strength.

suddenly, in the sky, fuchsia and pink light flash alternately, and terrible energy fluctuations spread throughout the airspace.

“On Zeus-1, we retreat.” Gourmet said immediately.

Looking at the battle between Princess Zihong and Luo Xianni, he understands that the battle in front of them is not what they can participate in. At the same time, he also secretly rejoiced that when Princess Zihong faced them, by no means used his full strength, otherwise, and they had fallen.

The three return to Zeus-1 quickly, and return to warship under the action of the traction beam.

Lan Jue returns to the main control room and orders Mika to set sail.

It’s too dangerous on the surface of the planet. It’s better to wait for Luo Xianni in space.

Zeus-1 bypasses the airspace where the terror energy wave blooms. The kinetic energy is fully opened. After the tail flame sprays, it quickly rushes into the high altitude, and then disappears out of the atmosphere instantly.

The face of Lan Jue is ugly, everyone was happy to destroy Moondemon Pirates, but at this moment, the atmosphere in Zeus-1 has become extremely dignified.

Lan Jue has faced many Reavers, including females, as well as ordinary Reaver bred from females. He has a certain understanding of Reaver.

But after facing Princess Zihong today, he only knew how outrageous he was.

He used to think that Reaver are powerful, but with the strength of their bodies, their energy levels are related to their volume. At the current level of human technology, as long as they respond properly, it should not be too difficult to resist the looting of Samsung. Then there is the battle of consumption.

However, after seeing Princess Zihong today, he found that own‘s cognition was completely subverted.

Princess Zihong‘s strength is really terrible. The horrible fighting power makes people feel irresistible. Even the Luo Xianni that reaches the All-Encompassing level can only block her that’s all. Moreover, Lan Jue can clearly feel that this Princess Zihong seems to be too familiar with her own power by no means, otherwise, and she was able to kill everyone in the initial attack. That’s the strong All-Encompassing level! ——

Make a change! (To be continued)

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