Age of Adepts Chapter 1064: Flame pattern

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With the establishment of Crimson family headquarters Magic Tower, Flame Throne has completely become Grim’s private Magic Tower.

Except for Grim in the entire Magic Tower, there are no longer half alive people.

The Grim is reclusive here, which is a long 21 years.

During this period, it took Grim a year to complete the replacement of Star Beast blood, and then it took another half a year to adjust the interest rate and raise the body. After the blood vessels of Star Beast were completely integrated, he carefully removed the Heart of Flame Fiend in his chest, cleaned Flame Fiend Body Transformation Magic rune, and then built a ‘Heart of Flame‘ with the power of the flame at the position of the heart.

For seven years, Grim has been immersing itself in the energy pool, devouring the mad flame energy, and nourishing the “ Heart of Flame ” in the chest.

This is the Heart of Flame. It took Grim seven years to conceive!

With this Heart of Flame that fully fits his Adept talent, Grim does not have to worry about running out of Witchcraft energy even after being upgraded to Fourth Grade . Even in those low-magic or non-magic spaces, as long as Heart of Flame is not damaged, the Grim will never run out of energy.

After working on Heart of Flame, Grim just let go of everything and started to hit Fourth Grade with all my heart!

To avoid external interference, Grim is guarded by the Crimson family and Magical Machine Chenlong outside, and is protected by Magical Machine and Magic Puppet. It closes Flame Throne, and also isolates the inside and outside Transmission Array. It has completely lost all contact with the outside world.

And this closure is a long thirteen years!

During this period, not only did the senior members of the Crimson family not be able to contact Grim, even Mary and Alice were unable to enter Flame Throne to investigate his current situation.

Until …

This day is the day of the new Pseudo-Adept selection contest for Crimson Academy.

Many Apprentice Adepts who are interested in joining the Crimson family have gathered in Namlis, where they show their skills and can be selected by the Adept within the family, thus becoming a member of the Crimson family.

The selection process is based on the competition of the platform.

The Apprentice Adept with a fixed number plate walked up to the ring, and tried his best to bring down his opponent. On top of the tall stone platform on the side of the ring, it was densely packed with the Adept stationed from the various branches of the Crimson family and the core Adept of the headquarters.

apprentice, which can win 5 games in a row, will automatically become a full member of the Crimson family and will be assigned to each core Adept . And those failed apprentice, if a certain Crimson Adept phase, can also become a foreign disciple as an observer.

So, regardless of victory or defeat, the apprentice who set foot on the platform will do everything in their power to reveal their talents in Witchcraft.

However, while the selection was in full swing, a apprentice who watched the battle inadvertently turned back and suddenly pointed at the distant sky and exclaimed.

“So … what’s up there?”

Everyone turned back, and then found out in horror. I do n’t know when the sky in the distance was red, and the whole sky seemed to suddenly burn. Everywhere, you can see the continuous flames and clouds.

The Adept s of the Crimson family immediately rose to the sky and began to detect the situation in the distance by various Witchcraft methods. But unfortunately, neither Prophecy Wand nor Wraith Exploration can get more detailed information.

Where did the Magic Tower have a large-scale energy leak, or did something terrible happen somewhere?

Just as everyone was talking, a core Adept from the family headquarters suddenly screamed.

“It’s Flame Throne … that direction is the location of Flame Throne!”

As soon as he was reminded, the remaining Adept immediately understood.

Yes, 300 miles away in that direction is indeed the place where the family originated-Flame Throne.

But over the years, with the closure of Flame Throne and repeated warnings from the top of the family, no family Adept dare to approach there. Even in the usual exchanges and talks, Flame Throne is also a rather taboo topic. No Adept dares to discuss anything openly.

So, as time goes on, everyone will gradually ‘forget’ and ‘negligence’ the existence of Flame Throne!

However, with the advent of the sky and clouds, everyone’s heart can’t help getting restless.

Is there anything new about the long dormant master?

During the heated discussion of Adept , one red, one green and two ray of light marks were suddenly drawn on the sky. Before them, a faint figure was faintly seen.

“It is Lord Meryl and Lord Gargamel …” Adept shouted.

The rest of Adept also nodded.

There is a thick fire elemental aura and a frightening 18Dragon’s might in the red light trace, which is the unique and strange atmosphere of the adult Meryl. The green light traces are full of awesome Curse flavors. Don’t ask the adult who is Gargamel.

As for the thin figure earlier, Adept , you look at me, I look at you, there is a weird smile of ‘you know’ on your face.

In the Crimson family, who doesn’t know that the beautiful but hard-working Mary adult is the legendary master Grim‘s ‘mate’. At this moment, Flame Throne, which has not heard any news for so many years, suddenly came in such a hand. It’s no wonder that the adult Mary is in a hurry!

Are the masters out of the house?

You know, the master of the house retreats this time to impact Fourth Grade Adept . If he did go out, it wouldn’t be …

For a while, Adept you look at me, I look at you, my heart is full of fire.

In these years, the Crimson family has closely guarded the Alvis area without expanding the land in the slightest.


I’m waiting for the news from the master!

There is no serious Fourth Grade Adept in the family. Although it has been regarded as ‘Fourth Grade forces’ by the outside world more than 20 years ago, there is still a little bit of self-confidence deep inside.

Now that there is movement in the homeowner, it may also signal a huge change in the family. And these changes, for these basic-level Adept and Apprentices, often indicate a lot of resources and endless Magic Crystal.


Mary was the first to reach Flame Throne.

Beyond the mid-air, Mary leaned down and could see the dark red breath escaping from the land around Flame Cavern and into the air.

In all areas covered by the dark red breath, the earth began to transpiration slowly, and the ground began to melt. The green plants growing on the ground began to wither and wither quickly, and struggled with painful twists.

When Mary is placed in this thick cloud of fire, it is obvious that breathing is difficult.

The surrounding air seems to have been heated, and the breath rushes into the alveolar trachea, leaving a faint burning sensation throughout the body.

Just as Mary frowned and looked at all this, mountain cry out and sea howl-like winds flew behind him, Meryl in the shape of a dragon slapped the red dragon wings and rushed straight to the side of Mary.

“Master Mary, is the teacher coming out?” Once here, Meryl couldn’t wait to ask.

Mary shook his head in distress.

“I can’t contact for the time being … the fire elemental aura below is too rich, enough to distort and block any Witchcraft investigation, and I can’t contact that guy!” Speaking of ‘that guy’, Mary was full of anger .

Originally only said that retreat impacted Fourth Grade , but never said that the time for retreat would be so long.

Although Flame Throne has plenty of food reserved, there are also a large number of elemental slaves, but Mary is still worried because it can’t be contacted for a long time. If it wasn’t for the persuasion of Alice, I’m afraid Mary could not help but rush in and see the life of that guy!

As the two got together and murmured, discussing whether to go in and see, a strange smell came out behind them, and Gargamel with a giant snake head came hurriedly.

“Master Mary, home …”

“Okay, do n’t ask, I do n’t know how that guy is now! But judging from the flames of the sky, he should be promoted successfully. But I do n’t know why he played this As soon as they come out, they make such a big battle? “

Mary was full of resentment and the sound of Grim suddenly sounded in the sky.

“Do you think I made these fire clouds? Huh, I’m helpless now …”

“It’s a teacher …

“I am the owner …”

Hearing this voice, Meryl and Gargamel couldn’t help cheering at the same time.

“Okay, you guys don’t have to worry about it. Since they are all here, come in and see!”

As soon as the words of Grim’s came to an end, the three felt that the dark red breath around them suddenly gathered quickly and wrapped their bodies tightly. Then the next second, without any psychological preparation, the light flashed in front of them, and they instantly appeared in a huge and magnificent Witchcraft palace.

There is nothing empty in the palace, only a flame human figure standing up to 100 meters in the center silently. And the position of the flame humanoid chest was shining a dazzling and dazzling glare, which made the whole hall a fiery red.

“Old … teacher …”

Meryl has already returned to the human form at this time, standing at the feet of the 100-meter giant, raising his head to barely see the whole picture. When she felt the familiar soul wave in the flame giant, she could not help but shouted hesitantly.

“No way, I’m in a special shape right now, and I can’t fully revert to human appearance in a short time. So … you will see it like this!”

As soon as the flame giant opened mouth, mountain cry out and sea howl-like flames rushed into the hall of Witchcraft.

For no reason, the temperature inside the hall began to soar, and it reached an unbearably terrible level in an instant!

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