The Magus Era Chapter 162: Conquer

Ji Hao rushed out before the crossbow fired. ∑,

Jin Wu Shen’s eyes are like Huihui Great Sun. It shines on Zhou Tian. In the field of vision, even a particle of dust can be clearly seen.

The Jia Clan Warrior behind A Luo Di, sneaking out a weird looking crossbow, Ji Hao never let go. Even after the fingers of the Jia Clan Warrior were snapped onto the crossbow aircraft, a large flare of fire spewed out from behind the Ji Hao, and the streamer fire wing brought up a large afterimage, pushing Ji Hao forward.

A strong crossbow lasing, with a crossbow of the thickness of a baby’s arm.

Ji Hao reached out his hand and pinched his fingers to the middle of the crossbow. But the crossbow came too fast, as if the time had passed and could not be recovered. Ji Hao‘s fingertips barely hit the crossbow, but they couldn’t stop it.

He watched the crossbow penetrating through the elder’s chest, a scarlet Symbol burst on the crossbow, and a terrible force sprayed out. A subconscious roll of Ji Hao, the streamer flaming wings took his The body was spinning sideways, flying away to the side at the fastest speed.

With a loud noise, the elder elder with a startled face suddenly exploded, and the upper body was completely shattered.

The terrible explosive power is raging inside Sanzhangyuan, and even a piece of wild grass is not destroyed outside Sanzhang. Ji Hao fled fast, and the moment the crossbow exploded, he just swung out three feet and six feet, and he roughly felt the horrible power of the explosion. Fortunately, he was not involved.

“Big elder!” Several Warriors of the Golden Eyed Lions wailed, and pulled out their weapons and rushed forward.

Either Southern Wastelands or Middle-earth, the elders of any tribe are the most respected elders in the tribe, and are deeply supported and loved by all people. For any **** tribal man, watching his elders killed by enemies is a deep hatred that requires blood debt and blood compensation!

“Miscellaneous accounts!” Ji Hao looked at Aluo Zhai and shouted, “Aluo Zhai? What are you, do you dare to say that this is your territory?”

Aluo Zhai took a scornful look at the burlap clothes on Ji Hao, and sharply scanned the straw shoes under Ji Hao‘s feet.

chī chī’ smiled, and A Luo Zhai calmly said, “You savage barbaric, unspoken and lowly creatures, talk too much to you. It ’s a waste of my life.”

Taking a deep breath, Aro Zhai raised his head proudly: “But the distinguished Aro Zhai is willing to give you a little mercy, I can tell you because this land is so fertile, here underground There are precious veins of immeasurable value buried here. There are exactly tens of thousands of slaves who can serve as minions … so I came here, conquered it, and finally owned everything here! “

A Luo Zhai is pretending to be noble, using a long aria to utter such a long series of nonsense, the Warrior of several Golden-Eye Lions has already approached his war chariot. He lifted a heavy weapon and chopped down at the triangular rhinoceros pulling the cart.

At the same time, the triangular rhinoceros is screaming at the same time, and the scales on their bodies are flipped layer by layer. Each scale is strangely thicker than the original several times. It is like a set of heavy armor that firmly wraps them around. inside.

They are also Great Magus-level beasts. Generally speaking, the power and defense of the beasts are often much stronger than the human Warrior of the same level!

Several Warriors of the Golden-Eyed Lions were madly chopping up their weapons, chopped sparks on the triangular rhino’s scale armor, and a large amount of scale armor was violently chopped, but several Golden-Eye Lions’ Warrior weapons were in the hands . Also fall off and crack.

“Stupid barbaric, do you dare to oppose the honorable Alor Zhai?”

A Luo Zhai waved his hand lightly and said coldly: “Kill all those who dare to resist. Their wives and daughters will reward you with loot, you can enjoy it at will. Conquer this tribe, all head With white hair, kill them all! “

Standing on war chariot, Jia Clan Warrior, who firmly guarded Luo Zhai in the center, promised. Five Warriors wearing heavy armor and about six meters tall jumped off the war chariot. With both hands clasping the strangely shaped long-handled serrated saber, he snarled and strode forward.

Ji Hao stared at the five Jia Clan Warrior with wide eyes.

Unlike the Jia Clan Warrior of the Kangyue Army, the five subordinates of A Luo Zhai’s body are very different from the Warrior of the Moony Army.

The Warrior of the Kangyue Army. Their breath is calm and precise, as precise as the machine carved by precision, their skills and tactics are extremely terrible, each blow is clean and clear, is the most efficient killing machine.

And the Warrior of A Luo Zhai, their breath is manic and crazy. Like a burning wildfire, when you burn yourself, you also burn others. Their actions are wide open and close, like a hysteric madman in a state of hysteria, each attack has only an attack, no defense posture.

The five mad Warriors that are a lot higher than the Warrior of the Golden-Eye Lions Department at the same time waved a machete of nearly ten meters at the same time, and screamed wildly, simultaneously split forward. Without reservation, all the strength of the whole body was paid attention to in this hit. When they waved the sword, their arms even swelled even thicker than their waist!

Countless thoughts flickered in the mind of Ji Hao. The moon, the red sun, not only represented their origin, represented the forces they belonged to, but also represented a certain strength system they were good at?

Warrior of several Golden-Eye Lions simultaneously raised their weapons to face the machete of the enemy.

The sound of ‘Dangyu’ crashed and the weapons of the Golden Eyed Lion Division Warrior collapsed at the same time. The shining machete ripped apart the enemy ’s weapons and severely cracked down on the body of the Golden Eyed Lion Warrior .

A Luo Zhai smiled lightly, deliberately amplifying his voice and laughed: “This land is very rich, especially the underground veins. As long as there are enough miners to mine underground resources, I can be up to 100 years. Build a castle that belongs to me here. One day, I will become a high-ranking consul, returning to the family with infinite scenery!

Ji Hao While listening to Aro Zhai’s words, this guy’s words contain a lot of valuable information.

At the same time, he tied his hands with his hands and collapsed against the weapons of several miles away. The golden-eyed lion Warrior, who was completely powerless to resist, grabbed him fiercely.

A hurricane soared into the sky. Several Warriors of the Golden Eyed Lions were rolled by hurricane. ‘Driyo’ flew against the ground.

Rao was rescued by Ji Hao fast. The attacks of several Jia Clan Warrior were so wild and rapid. Finally, a Warrior of the Golden Eye Lion Tribe couldn’t escape, and was cut off by a sword. The wild sword destroyed him His body exploded into a cloud of blood and blew hundreds of feet away.

“Our loyal Warrior that belongs to A Luo Zhai, conquer this humble barbaric lair for me!”

A Luo Di waved his spiritedly and lightly pointed at Ji Hao:

“Kill this kid first … he dare to be more handsome than the honorable Arrouza!” (To be continued.)

ps: According to A Luo Zhai’s three views, he must be cut off more handsome than him!

Hey, he looks very safe! sf0916

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