Monarch of Evernight: 285 Faith

bsp;When Qianye returned to the Holy Land, another support from the Artua tribe arrived. The rest of the Atoi tribe is quite far away. Even if the mother trees can transmit messages instantly, it will take at least ten days or even longer for them to arrive.

The newly arrived Mammon clan has nearly 3,000 people here this time. Almost all the adult men and women have arrived, and even the children who are almost adults have come. According to the elders, the only people left in the clan are the elderly and children, totaling less than a thousand.

This is an overwhelming response, and it is said that other tribes are also like this.

The Atoi people are mobilizing their entire clan, and the old people left behind do not have much life left. They can only barely bring the oldest children to adulthood, and then rely on the new generation of adults to take care of the younger brothers and sisters.

At this moment, there are four tribes gathered in the Holy Land, which is already a bit crowded. Temporary houses have been erected in several squares. As Qianye walked through the square, he suddenly smelled the strong smell of blood.

This is fresh blood, not the smell of rotten blood from the wounded.

Following the smell, Qianye walked into a nearby stone house and saw two Artois warriors lying on the bed, one old and one in his prime. Several elder doctors were busy preparing a mixture of various herbs. The concoction was poured into the wounds on their chests. The concoction has an almost miraculous effect. As soon as it is poured into the wound, it immediately stimulates the vitality of blood and flesh, causing the flesh and blood of the wound to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, sealing the wound in the blink of an eye.

Qianye could see that the medicinal power of this concoction was extremely overbearing, but its tonic effect was actually very average. It relied entirely on the Atoi people’s own vitality to achieve the therapeutic effect. Judging from the vitality lost and the therapeutic effect achieved, it is simply not proportional. It often takes one hundred parts of vitality to achieve the therapeutic effect of one part.

The only advantage is that it works quickly and the effect is immediate. In less than an hour, the strong Artois warrior can fight normally.

But the old man’s remaining life was almost exhausted and he might die at any time.

Qianye pulled a doctor beside him and asked: “What are you doing here?”

“Transplanting the war crystal?”

The doctor pointed to the strong warrior and said: “Aya doesn’t have a war crystal, but Father Mulla does. We will move Father Mulla’s war crystal to Aya so that Aya can contribute on the battlefield. Myself.”

The dedication of the Artois is to self-destruct on the battlefield.

One can imagine how long the old man who has been removed from the battle crystal can live.

Qianye didn’t call for a halt. The war crystals had been transplanted, so it was useless to call for a halt at this time. He ran quickly to the main hall, and after a while he found the elder of the Monroe tribe on the upper floor of the main hall and asked: “Why do we need to transplant the war crystal?”

Seeing that it was Qianye, the elder took him to the window, pointed to the warriors from the tribes below, and said, “The warriors from all tribes have arrived. As a guardian tribe, we, Menluo, must guard the Holy Peak. performance in the battle.”

“Monroe has sacrificed a lot in previous battles.”

But the elder was very calm and said: “We should be the first and last barrier to guard the Holy Land. We should sacrifice the most and achieve the greatest results in every battle. If the Holy Land is violated, our clan should

You should fight to the last person standing, regardless of gender, young or old. This is the duty of the Guardian Saints and also our belief. ”

No matter how Qianye tried to persuade him, the elder insisted. In fact, Qianye knew that at this time, all the war crystals suitable for transplantation had probably been transplanted.

Looking at the Artois warriors in the Holy City, Qianye sighed secretly in his heart and said, “Maybe we should abandon the Holy Peak.”

“How is that possible?”

“The Holy Land is actually an appendage of the Holy Peak. I have been to the clouds of the Holy Peak and the residence of the Holy Spirit, so I know what is there. Let us take those things away first, and the Holy Peak will be taken back later. .”

From Qianye’s point of view, the really important things on the holy peak are the strange trees that can produce illusive force. Now Qianye has taken out part of the sap and stored it in the Black Book to replenish the force of dawn. Due to the characteristics of the Force of Illusion, it can be directly superimposed on the Force of Dawn, so the entire transformation process does not take half a day. Therefore, Qianye only needs to go to the Holy Peak once more and take away all the sap.

After all the sap is drained, it may take hundreds of years for the alien tree to regenerate to full sap.

What Qianye is afraid of is not that the power of the fantasy force will be known. Anduya has a battle with the Three Holy Mountains. The power of the fantasy force must have been known to the holy mountains. What Qianye is worried about is that if the strange tree is discovered, there might be some amazing genius in Yongye who can deduce the cultivation method of illusory force from the structure of the strange tree.

Yongye has no shortage of geniuses, such as Anwen. And Anduya has already cultivated the illusory force and obtained the title of Lord of Eternal Night.

But I don’t know how long it will be before the next Anduya appears. Right now, the life and death of the Artois tribe is right in front of them.

So Qianye wants to leave with the Atua tribe first and hand over the Holy Land to Yongye. In this way, the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides will be reversed. Anyway, even if Yong Ye occupied the Holy Peak, he would not be able to find his way back for a while. Qianye had plenty of time to deal with them.

What’s more important is that Qianye’s force power is increasing every moment, supplemented by Huanhu’s force power. Dawn Qiming is already equivalent to level 22, one step away from the king of heaven. Based on the dawn of dawn, the Yongye side can finally advance without restrictions and advance by leaps and bounds, and it won’t take long to officially hit the realm of the Great Lord.

As long as there is some time, Qianye will have the confidence to fight even with the Eternal Burning Flame.

However, unexpectedly, no matter how Qianye tried to persuade him, the elder refused to leave the Holy Land. He vowed to protect the Holy Land to the death, and would never retreat even if he fought to the last man.

When asked why, the elder only said: “This is faith.”

Qianye met Rex and Anduya. During this period, he also took the time to learn about the history and legends of the Artua tribe. In fact, Qianye has discovered a fact.

That is the history and wisdom of the Artoi people. They are actually the result of the secret guidance of Rex and Anduya. In the process of opening up their wisdom and civilization, they guarded the holy peak and resisted the destruction of the black devil. Faith has penetrated deeply into their spiritual world. On the other hand, Qianye also discovered that the Atoi people’s concepts of frugality, simplicity, and worship of nature also had traces of foreign implantation.

Diligence and frugality are a virtue in an era of material scarcity. However, the Artoi tribe, which is at the top of the food chain in the entire world, has no need to be frugal. On the contrary, it will make them lose the motivation to promote social progress. Worshiping nature also hindered their use of tools. In particular, it was difficult for large-scale production to sprout, and they eventually stayed in the primitive tribal era.

Qianye has vaguely guessed Anduya’s purpose of doing this. Only primitive and ignorant people can have unwavering faith more easily.

The real mission of the Artois is to stop the powerful Eternal Night warriors and prevent them from obtaining the origin of darkness.

Artois was supposed to be the son of destiny in the other world, but the trajectory of his destiny was secretly changed by Rex and Anduya, and he became a tool to snipe the Parliament of Evernight. They will never know that what the tribe is willing to fight to the last man to protect is not the holy peak, but the survival of another race in another world.

For a moment, Qianye hesitated whether to tell them the truth or not.

But when he saw the bright and pure light in the elder’s eyes, he suddenly understood what faith was.

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