Monarch of Evernight: 240 is too far away

bsp;An Wen said clearly: “Your Majesty Ye Tong said that, right?”

“Why do you all call her Your Majesty?”

An Wen said: “Although I don’t know who awakened from the ancient times, her power is definitely higher than that of ordinary monarchs. It is not an exaggeration to call her your majesty.”

“Okay, you continue.”

“What is truly hidden in the world in the Black Sun Valley is said to be the origin of darkness.”

“The origin of darkness? Is it the source? Does it really exist?” Qianye was a little surprised.

The two sources of eternal night and dawn are more of a concept, an absolute in a mathematical and logical sense, and may not necessarily exist, just like the source of a long river of blood.

“It is the origin of darkness, not the source.”

Qianye still can’t understand. Generally speaking, the word “origin” is used to describe the source of power of the powerful people in the eternal night or dawn camp, just like the dawn origin of the human king and the dark origin of the eternal night king. . There is such a thing in the inner layer of the new world. Is it possible that the new world itself is a world of eternal night?

Anwen could not further describe the concept of such sampling. He thought for a while and said: “I don’t know exactly what kind of existence it is. The reason why it is called this is because it is said that once it Appearing, it will directly change the contrast of the Force in our world.”

Qianye was shocked, “Changing the world’s force comparison?” This statement was really unimaginable. He thought for a while and asked: “Will it change the power spectrum?”

An Wen showed an expression of approval and said: “Your association makes sense, although I don’t know if it is really the case. But the thing about changing the contrast of the world’s force power should be true, at least the one from my clan His Majesty said so.”

Qianye’s eyebrows gradually furrowed, which was not good news. Once the balance of the Force changes, the impact on the world will be much more serious than an increase in temperature or a drop of more than a dozen degrees.

It can be inferred from the current situation in areas with special natural force environments that if the dark force in the entire world increases significantly, then intelligent life based on the dawn force, most importantly the human race, will be affected from top to bottom. Weakening, even the King of Heaven cannot avoid it. And Yong Ye’s side will greatly increase in strength. Once the balance of power that has been maintained for thousands of years is broken, the situation where the empire and Yong Ye coexist will no longer exist.

At that time, if the fate of the human race is better, like the marginalized races in the Eternal Night camp, they can still unite to maintain an independent ethnic group, but the four continents where they live now will not be preserved. If it is not good, it will directly return to the state before the Dawn War, being enslaved, being raised, becoming a source of servants, and existing like livestock like food.

Thinking of this, Qianye suddenly realized that the origin of the Dawn War itself was a special event.

“So, what is the true face of the world?”

“The world we live in is actually a cage. All of us, whether supreme or lower races, are prisoners of the world, without exception.”

“You mean, we are being held captive?” This was the first time Qianye heard this statement.

“We are indeed being imprisoned. But what imprisons us is not some other powerful existence, but ourselves.”


“That’s right.” An Wen pointed to his head and said, “To be precise, what is imprisoning us is our wisdom.”

Qianye frowned, “Speak humanly!”

“I am a demon…” However, seeing Qianye’s unkind expression, Anwen quickly put away his smile and became serious.

He took out his notebook and scribbled on the blank page. In a blink of an eye, the twenty-seven continents of the Evernight World, together with several larger neutral lands and some famous floating land, appeared on the paper.

“This is our world. Most people believe that our world is vast enough. Many powerful people who surpass the Grand Duke explore the upper continent.”

“Yes. The upper continent is indeed dangerous.” Qianye also felt quite emotional.

When he led the Vampires to the Sunrise Continent, even with the Hall of Heroes clearing the way, the three powerful men he, Nighteye, and Howard guarding the formation, and the safe route that Howard had explored in his early years, there were many dangers along the way. If not all the descendants of the vampires were in the Hall of Valor, it would have been possible to lose 20 to 30% of the fleet if it were an ordinary transport fleet.

After arriving, the blazing force of fire when the solar storm broke out also made Qianye truly realize what the power of heaven and earth is. Even a great king would never dare to be swept head-on by a solar storm.

Among the upper continents, Xiri Continent is already considered the mildest. At least there is still a corner where the Vampires can barely survive. The continent further up is even more dangerous, and only exists in the travel notes left by the heavenly kings.

An Wen said: “The direction of our exploration is completely wrong. We should not explore the upper continent, but should focus on re-understanding our world, restructure our knowledge system, and find a better way to use the Force. method.”

He drew a circle on another piece of paper, then clicked a point in the middle, and said: “If our world is viewed as a whole, it is the point in the middle. What stops us is that the void is too far away. How to cross the distance actually depends not on strength, but on our wisdom. We have never found a way to cross the distant void, so I say that it is our limited wisdom that imprisons us.”

“Why do I remember that you didn’t say that before?” Qianye thought about the last time he and Anwen discussed the world.

An Wen said: “That’s my only rudimentary understanding of our world. I used to think that we were in a cage, and the biggest obstacle to communicating with other worlds was the various dangers in the void, especially those who Weird Void Behemoth. Generations of supreme powerhouses have failed to explore the void, either because they encountered the Void Behemoth or encountered irresistible dangers while traveling through space. However, I didn’t realize it until now. , the real obstacle is nothing but simple distance.”

He drew a schematic diagram on the paper and said: “I arranged magic mirrors with different filtering effects, observed the same star through the magic mirror, processed and analyzed the observed spectral data, and came to a very conclusion. It’s interesting. One is that some of the starlight at the top of the world we see in the sky is an entity located in this world, and some is probably light and shadow. In other words, it is projected from small worlds like Eternal Night. Image.”

Qianye was completely stunned when he heard this, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that this was really possible. Just like the Sleep of the Behemoth in the Eternal Night Continent at the bottom, under the canyon, behind the clouds is a space passage leading to another piece of land. Since such a situation can exist between land masses, why not between worlds?

An Wen continued: “The other thing is that they are very far away from us.”

“How far?”

“So far…beyond the limits of our imagination.”

Qianye raised his eyebrows, he was very interested.

An Wen said: “Let’s put it this way, if the distance from the lowest Eternal Night Continent to the dome sun is set to one, then the distance between the worlds closest to us may be measured in trillions.”

“Trillion!” Qianye’s expression remained calm even when facing the Great Lord, but this figure still shocked him.

He thought for a while, but he still had no idea about trillions. The only thing he could think of was that even the Queen of the Night/Lilith could fly at the highest speed at all times, and she would never be able to cross even one in a lifetime. One hundred million units of distance.

“But this cage is not unbreakable.” Seeing that Qianye was indeed interested, Anwen did not show off and directly gave the answer: “The most important way is to study our world in depth. Study her underlying rules. For example, what is the principle of your void flicker? Can the floating ship also perform space jumps? Can the jump distance be infinitely extended as long as there is enough energy? To survive in the void, can we replicate its organs on a floating ship?”

“You demons also have a similar space secret method. Is it called Demon Realm Shuttle or Void Shuttle?”

“Both.” Anwen’s eyes flashed and he said: “In fact, we demons originally had similar technology, although it was not to the extent of breaking through this world, it is a pity that it has been lost in the long river of time. . If these problems are solved, it will be possible to build an unprecedented floating ship. We will be able to sail to the distant stars and explore the endless world. ”

Qianye was a little fascinated when he heard this, but then he smiled bitterly and said: “I am still being chased by the Demon King, exploring the endless world? Let’s wait until I survive.”

Anwen looked at Qianye and said seriously: “Your improvement speed is almost the highest in Yongye, and you have the inheritance of the Black Winged King, and you have an instinctive understanding of space. Finally, you also have the Hall of Heroes. She has It is made from corpses, and I heard that there are still living organs on them, so in summary, you are the most suitable pioneer in the entire Yongye to explore the outer world. If you are willing, then I will follow you and go to the void with you.”


“Of course not now, we have to wait until the theory is perfected. Exploring the void now is courting death.”

An Wen is very frank. Among the countless powerful people in Yongye, Anwen is definitely an alternative existence. From several brief encounters, Qianye already knew that he actually had great wisdom. If he used it all to strengthen his own cultivation, I am afraid that the witch would have to be defeated.

However, Anwen has no interest in strength or battle. Instead, he is particularly fascinated by exploring the world. He even built a whole set of theories of his own from scratch. At least Qianye has never read it in any book. I’ve even heard of Anwen’s terrifyingly complicated formulas and theories.

And Anwen’s theory is not a fantasy, it is indeed valid. Being able to deduce the correct extension direction of the demon blood lineage is proof. The idea of ​​spatial distance is also another proof.

Qianye put away his sword and said: “You go, this world is bad enough, if a guy like you lives, at least it can make it more interesting.”

An Wen did not leave immediately, but asked: “What about you? What are you going to do next? Continue to kill like this?”

“This is war, not something I can choose. All I can do is to make your Majesty, who started the war, feel the pain. That’s why I’m here.”

Anwen shook his head and said: “The demons on Salphis, even the strong ones, have gradually forgotten the war. They are civilians, not soldiers. Killing them will not bring you any honor. increase.”

“There are not many civilians killed by the vampires. As for the human race, it goes without saying. Besides, according to what you said, after the inner world of the Black Sun Valley can be entered, a full-scale war is inevitable.”

An Wen sighed and said, “You have been here for seven days, right? Killing thousands of people in seven days, isn’t that enough?”

“If it were enough, there would be no war.”

An Wen frowned and said, “I know I can’t persuade you, and I also know that my strength is limited and I can’t persuade His Majesty.”

Qianye suddenly became curious about the Dark Holy Mountain and asked: “Your Majesty, doesn’t he believe what you just said?”

Anwen’s expression became a little subtle and he said: “His Majesty Kane is different from those old men in the institute…”

Qianye was waiting for the next step, but Anwen stopped talking.

Qianye asked: “What?”

An Wen sighed softly: “His Majesty is already standing on top of the world. He has his own considerations, but after the matter in the Black Sun Valley is resolved, it should be almost done.”

Qianye’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t say anything.

Anwen did not notice the change in Qianye’s expression and said: “If you agree to quit Salfis, then I can tell you an additional secret, about the secret of the river of blood.”

Qianye pondered for a moment. His stay in Salfis was close to the limit. If he stayed any longer, he would probably be hunted. Besides, An Wen’s appearance made him know that he had deliberately cut off the bloodline of the Source of Ten Thousand Shields, which might not be hidden from the Demon Emperor, so he had to be alert to the Demon Emperor’s arrival in person at any time.

Qianye didn’t think about it any longer and nodded in agreement.

Anwen opened his notebook and wrote down a series of formulas.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Qianye’s dazed expression. He suddenly realized something and laughed and said, “Forget it, let’s just talk about the conclusion. I found that the disappearance of the river of blood is related to the arrival of the new world.”

Qianye was surprised, “What kind of law is this?”

“I don’t know that.”

Qianye thought for a moment and asked: “Do you think those holy mountains know about this?”

Anwen’s conclusion sounds contradictory to what he just said. Since the new world was drawn by the holy mountains in ancient times, and only the Queen of the Night is left in the holy mountains that exist to this day, does she know that the arrival of the new world will cause the river of blood to disappear?

As Qianye expected, Anwen could not give a yes or no answer, but Qianye did not doubt Anwen’s conclusion. The two looked at each other for a while, and Qianye was ready to let Anwen go and leave Salfis himself. At this moment, his heart suddenly palpitated and he looked up at the sky.

In the depths of the void, the long river of blood emerged again. Unlike before, this time it was particularly clear. The rushing river water stirred up huge waves, which would make people suffocate if they felt it.

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