Monarch of Evernight: 203 Emma’s Strike

bsp;Zhao Jundu and Lin Wu were the first to recognize the person and bowed: “Your Majesty.” Zhao Junhong and Zhao Ruqin suppressed their initial shock and followed suit.

Emperor Hao said: “On the battlefield, you ministers do not need to be polite.” He added: “I have already seen the situation there, and also communicated with the King of Beiyue. The whole territory is immediately at the first level of combat readiness.”

Everyone’s expressions suddenly became serious. Zhao Ruqin jumped down from the tower, grabbed the adjutant and issued a series of instructions.

Even if the big guy opposite can jump through space, the empire’s deep enough homeland also has various air defense methods. Not to mention super weapons, even ordinary fleets would not venture forward without a probing attack, so Youtong Pass would still be the first front line.

Suddenly everyone’s consciousness shook. For a moment, they couldn’t tell whether it was the world shaking or whether they suddenly felt dizzy.

The floating city under the distant sky is crystal clear, as if it were hand-carved by a skilled craftsman, and it is so beautiful that it is unreal.

And the vast space below it, a province that cannot be completely covered by the vision of most powerful people, is being picked up out of thin air by an invisible hand, folded, and crumpled into a ball.

The feeling that the entire three-dimensional space was distorted only lasted for a few minutes, but the impact that remained in the impression of every witness was powerful and terrifying. At Youtong Pass, most of the officers and soldiers who were watching Younan Province fell into a daze, and only a few strong ones could recover in time.

Looking towards Younan Province at this moment, there will be an extremely awkward feeling of emptiness in the field of vision. It took a long time for people to realize in their minds that there was a plain in front of them, with an unobstructed view. The end of the sight was the horizon, and the entire province no longer existed.

On the turret now, perhaps only Emperor Hao, Zhao Jundu and Lin Wu were not affected. Even Zhao Junhong’s face turned pale obviously and he trembled uncontrollably.

In the face of this attack method that distorts the entire space to eliminate physical existence, even fear becomes pale and powerless. Everything is so unreal. People simply cannot imagine that life can be wiped out so easily, without even blood.

The deepest fear only exists in your imagination. If you stop thinking about it, you will feel better.

Zhao Jundu put his hand on his second brother’s shoulder. Zhao Junhong held his hand back and took a deep breath to slowly relax his tense body.

Zhao Jundu said: “The use of space rules and the terrifying power level, the only way to crack it is to neutralize it with equal energy.”

Emperor Hao looked at him, nodded, and said: “Rong Guo Gong is right.”

At this time, there was a mechanical roar in the sky, but it seemed to be malfunctioning. It rang out irregularly, and an ultra-small aerostat was seen leaning crookedly, almost as if it was about to fall to the ground. Fly over.

This kind of aerostat can only seat up to three people and is usually used for observation and reconnaissance.

Lin Wu rose up in the air, his figure passing by like a faint shadow, catching up with the aerostat, and with a wave of his hand, like holding a big toy, he floated the power source that had completely lost control. The boat was brought down to the ground smoothly.

Three people crawled out, and they all sat down as soon as they stepped on the ground. They were still clutching special paper, pens and strange-looking tools in their hands. They were all military researchers who observed the emission data of various weapons. Unexpectedly, they misjudged the scope of influence of the demi-plane weapon’s power dispersion and fluctuation, and almost crashed on the spot.

After recovering a little, an old man in the lead immediately said: “Captain Lin, we estimate that the shortest time for that big guy to charge at one time is fifteen to twenty-five minutes. We can let our little girl try it. Intercept! ”

Lin Wu responded, and the old man immediately jumped into the airship, grabbed a square box and opened it. It was filled with mechanical parts, and after pulling them apart layer by layer, it turned out to be a very complex structure. Small force array.

Lin Wu took out a chip the size of a fingernail and placed it in one of the positions. The old man then started operating with flying fingers, and streams of force light flowed out from his hands. The entire machine became active, and symbols composed of lights rose and fell.

Lin Wuwen: “What is the range of power level for the first attack?”

A young man next to him who had just gotten up from the dizziness said: “It is equivalent to a full-range blow with all the skills of the standard level King of Heaven. Of course, it is only the power level, not including space rules.”

The young man’s answer was well organized and logical, but his trembling voice still showed fear. In the eyes of researchers, even the King of Heaven is just a bunch of more complex formulas, data and models, and only the unknown is the most daunting.

The attack power of the Heavenly King is extremely destructive and will cause serious consequences of penetrating fractures on the surface of the continent. However, I have not yet heard of any strong person from the two camps who understands power and rules to this extent. Erase everything on the surface but leave the land untouched. The power of the domain can achieve this effect, but the control ability required increases exponentially with the larger the range. The consumption of a province of land can already sink a land mass.

Lin Wu had no expression on his face after hearing this. He just nodded, then returned to the city wall, bowed to Emperor Hao and said, “The second blow can be used to test the little girl that Mr. Lin installed back then.”

Zhao Junhong couldn’t help but said: “The resource consumption of that kind of weapon should be astronomical, right? How many times can it be fired?”

Zhao Jundu pondered: “If the dark race targets two provinces for this operation, it will be at least two and one more as a backup.”

Lin Wujie said: “There are detailed records of two demi-plane weapons in the empire’s historical data, but there is no such thing as the opposite one.”

This is really depressing news.

Hao Di’s focus was a bit biased, “Why did Mr. Lin call the device he built a little girl?”

Lin Wu showed an embarrassed expression for the first time. This helplessness wiped away the gloom in his brows, making him look surprisingly clear and delicate.

Then Lin Wu said seriously: “The version I heard is that Mr. Lin seemed to want a daughter at that time.”

Emperor Hao was stunned and couldn’t help but laugh.

The Zhao brothers looked at the two of them, then turned away and looked at each other.

At this time, the floating city in the distance was once again completely transparent.

The second blow is about to be delivered.

Habbs woke up when the first blow was fired from the City of Emma. He did not leave the cabin immediately. His consciousness extended outwards in a circle, and then he opened the door.

Except for some operators in the aerostat, all the famous experts are not on board. Habbs walked across the bridge and nodded to several demonic crew members who saluted him.

A liaison officer rushed over and said: “Dear His Highness Habbs, His Highness Prattik said, please come directly after you come out.”

Habbs nodded and stepped out of the airship, with the city of Emma at his feet.

The Golden Flounder has left the small square and is hovering in the light curtain over the city. The floating city itself is at the upper limit of the near-earth sky of Younan Province.

Prittick, the two Grand Dukes, and Duke Doyle were not far away. They were facing forward. The land under their feet was a flat plain, and their field of vision could extend far, far away. On the horizon, there is a winding black shadow lying like a sleeping giant. It is the pass built by the human empire.

The four Yongye bigwigs are all young, and the oldest one can only be regarded as the backbone generation. He has never seen the power of a demi-dimensional weapon with his own eyes. Looking at their expressions, they felt very uneasy.

Habbs glanced around and roughly understood the current situation. On the contrary, he seemed the least surprised, and even his eyes did not waver at all.

Pretwick turned and greeted Habs. At this time, the City of Emma began to move short distances. Even on the same plane, the movement rules of the demiplane were completely different from those of the aerospace craft.

Habbs paused briefly to feel the rules.

When he walked up to everyone, the land below Emma’s City was already the Wubei Province, and cities were dotted among the mountains and rivers. It’s just that the beheading operation just now covered most of the city, and all the fires have not been extinguished, and wisps of black smoke are still rising, just like the mining site of the resource star gaseous mine.

As for the chaos in the city under attack, it was too small for this height and almost invisible, and the big shots present did not care.

The whole process from the airdrop to the return of the advance troops only lasted three hours. Whether people in the province want to flee or the Qin Empire on the opposite side wants to check or intervene, there is no time to form a large-scale operation, and sporadic actions have nothing to do with the overall situation.

Prittik briefly explained the situation to Habbs, and then said: “The offensive charging time is fifteen minutes. After the second launch, we still need two hours to collect data.”

Habbs only nodded to show that he heard it, but did not speak.

Werewolf Duke Doyle is the commander-in-chief on the ground, so he cannot help but ask for more details, “If it only takes two hours for ground operations, Great Qin will definitely not have time to assemble an army, but they may dispatch strong men. The attack on Emma City is quite In a perfect attack on the kings, the king of heaven might also show up.”

Prittik said: “Data collection only requires the placement of instruments. I will also persuade several wizards to minimize the number of times they go to the ground in person, so that the risk can be controlled.”

Doyle looked more relaxed. Those researchers at the Eternal Night Council were all lunatics. If he could stay in the City of Emma honestly, he would be much less stressed.

Prittik smiled again and said: “Besides, Emma City has more than two launch capabilities. We are not planning to attack Da Qin’s territory this time, but if the empire really wants to start a border provocation, don’t worry too much. Parliament With pre-authorization for this operation, we can first mobilize the troops on the Fenghuo Continent.”

The Dukes and Grand Dukes present had the good sense not to ask more about the defense and attack data of Emma City, but with Prattik’s explanation, everyone felt at ease. No one is afraid of war, but no one wants to be cannon fodder.

A moment later, the light curtain in Emma City was once again bright, and preparations for the second launch were completed.

However, at this moment, dots of light flashed on the ground below, most of them in the city, and a few in the wilderness. These bright lights are not strong, not even dense, just like when night falls, the lights of thousands of houses light up one after another.

Before the big shots in Yongye could react, a colorless beam of light rose into the sky from a corner of Wubei Province in the distance, close to the imperial territory. Even from such a distance, it looked like a wide cylinder. The place of origin should be no smaller than the area of ​​a medium-sized city.

The beam of light carried a strong aura of the force of dawn. After connecting to the clouds, it flowed down like a waterfall on the top of a dangerous cliff, washing over the entire Wubei Province. At this moment, everyone began to realize that there should be a vague connection between the star points on the ground and the light waterfall.

Where the light waterfall passed, instead of being swallowed up, the star points became more active as if they were replenished with energy, and then gathered into groups little by little, and then continued to gather together, like a snowball.

At this time Emma City’s second shot was launched.

PS: Please bookmark and click on the new book, otherwise the editor will cry.

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