Monarch of Evernight: This is not a war in 2000

bsp;At this moment, Howard put on a hooded cloak, his face hidden in the darkness under the brim of the hat, and his expression could not be seen. But from the unnatural pulsation of his blood core, you can feel his mood at this moment.

“This is not war! This is extermination!” Howard suddenly roared.

Among the bodies thrown into the fire were many children, even babies. As long as the vampires appear in front of the parliament warriors, they will be massacred indiscriminately. And when Palokia chose the castle as the battlefield, he even planned to directly wipe out the entire backbone of the Byrne clan. For this reason, they even did not hesitate to bury some of the parliamentary soldiers with them.

This war was not intended to leave anyone alive from the beginning. The demon descendant’s intention is to permanently destroy the bloodline of the Byrne clan.

If Nighteye and Qianye hadn’t appeared, Howard would have died, and the Byrne clan, which was suffering from internal and external troubles, would also have perished.

Yeyetong said: “There are still many betrayers in your clan. Do you need to spend more time to deal with them?”

If it weren’t for these betrayers, the blood coffin would not have insufficient blood supply, the blood reserve could not be used, and Howard would have been unable to recover in a full state. The communication device will not be destroyed, and the serious situation of the clan castle being invaded will not be sent to the Queen of the Night.

If Nighteye could not make a complete judgment on the situation when he saw the parliamentary troops appearing in the Mora Family Castle of the Caton Clan, Palokia’s attack on the Byrne Clan Castle even exceeded the Holy War. bottom line. Only in ancient times, the war between the dark races would reach this level.

Howard suddenly seemed to have aged hundreds of years, and said tiredly: “No need. If those people are still alive after this battle, they must understand that the demon has no intention of letting them survive. Instead of that, Instead of wasting time catching them, I think I should think about why there are so many betrayers.”

The sun descends into twilight again, and the everlasting thin clouds in the sky soften the strong sunlight and then fall on the earth.

Middle Castle has gone far away, but the billowing smoke column is still eye-catching. Howard, who was running over the mountains, slowed down his steps and couldn’t help but look back and took one more look before speeding up and catching up with Ye Tong and Qian Ye in front.

When Habbs walked into the City of Emma, ​​he didn’t even look up at the towering towers and the city walls full of age.

Stepping onto the yellow sand-colored ancient streets, Habbs felt that the rules of the world around him were slightly different. This was a characteristic of all demiplanes and small worlds.

Although Habbs only holds the rank of prince and is extremely young, he has plenty of experience in this area. Changes in environmental rules have almost no impact on him, and he still has time to look at the war city in front of him.

This city is a typical ancient Apennine city-state style. Behind the city gate is a small flat square, which was originally used for travelers to stop their carriages and horses. Now it is occupied by a flat, pure black floating boat shaped like a plaice. Fully occupied.

This aerostat has an odd shape, but its streamlined hull is unexpectedly smooth and beautiful. Its shell is fully sealed, and you can’t even find where the firepower is. It seems like an unarmed civilian boat.

However, Habbs’ pupils shrank slightly when he saw that this appearance was the legendary Void Beast Golden Flounder, but he could not yet tell that the aerospace boat in front of him was just a resemblance, or was it actually made of the skeleton of the Void Beast. .

There were two Grand Dukes standing under the ramp of the airship. The one that Habbs knew about the demon was George from the Deep Dark Abyss. The Grand Duke of the Nerubians was a woman, and Habbs had never heard of it at all. Check out her information.

When the two grand dukes saw Habus, they first bowed and saluted. Habus had no expression on his face when he returned the salute, but he was a little puzzled by the respectful attitude of the two.

After Archduke George greeted Habbs, the Archduke of the Spider Demon introduced himself as Melina, one of the deputy leaders of the Crystal Spiders of the Spider Queen Guards.

When Habbs saw the war observer sent by the parliament, Prattik of the Radiant Nightmare, in the cabin, he was no longer surprised. The atmosphere when the two met this time was very peaceful, and they greeted each other politely.

Then the two Grand Dukes made a brief report.

When he heard that the leader of the advance force was Duke Doyle, who was at the top of the mountains, Habbs’ heart moved slightly. Judging from the fact that the strong lineup in front of them is not weak, even if the king does not appear, the power of Emma City is still unclear, it is enough to fight a local war.

The limited troops mentioned by the Speaker before probably meant that there were no cannon fodder troops at all this time. Habbs thought about the words in the briefing. At present, it seemed that the task assigned to him by the parliament seemed normal. It’s just that the Demon King came in person and asked him to perform tasks for the council, which was abnormal in itself.

After hearing this, Prattik nodded and turned to ask Habbs, “The demiplane jump will be completed in fifteen minutes. Do you want to take a look around the city first?”

Hubbs shook his head and said: “No need.” He was sitting in a very relaxed posture, leaning deeply into the back of the chair. Although it was not rude, it was not particularly in line with the etiquette of this semi-formal occasion.

Prittik glanced at him, said a few words to the two archdukes, and then the two exited the door.

“Really don’t want to see how Emma City operates and controls?”

After there were only two people left in the room, Habbs simply leaned his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. After listening to Prattik’s question, he replied calmly: “The speaker said, I can give full command?”


“Well, then I can take command then.”

Prittick suddenly couldn’t laugh or cry, but when he saw Habbs’ unconcealed tiredness, a trace of worry flashed across his eyebrows, “You haven’t recovered from the injuries you suffered in the new world?”

“The injury doesn’t matter, I’m just a little tired.”

Prittik was silent for a moment. He knew that Habbs was actually recruited in advance and stayed on the nearby Seple Island for three days, serving as deputy to the Speaker and dealing with the large number of people who recently came from the New World. military affairs.

It’s just that this place is called a place of miracles, and it’s not an easy place to stay.

The Eternal Palace and several affiliated islands are already considered to be at the top level of the world. The Force environment, void pressure, and the influence of the Holy Mountain make it impossible for the count and below to move normally. Therefore, what the parliament placed here are special buildings and high-level institutions.

Habbs has not left the island in these three days. Originally, his rank should not have such an obvious impact, but the injuries he suffered in the New World are not easy to heal. He is also fighting in the Sacred Tree Forest. However, some damage is inevitable.

After the room was quiet for a while, Prattik suddenly discovered that Habbs’s breathing had become steady and relatively weak, and he actually fell asleep just like that.

Prittick was stunned and smiled bitterly. Should he interpret this as Habs still trusting him? Or is it understood as a silent protest and indifference? Prattik’s figure receded from the spot, leaving the space to Habs alone.

After a while, the whole city shook, and the city of Emma began to jump.

In the void outside the edge of the Beacon Continent, more than a dozen dark race warships hovered silently.

The flagship of this fleet is a Duke-class ship, and its appearance shows that its owner is a werewolf. Half of the remaining warships bear the symbol of crossed blood-stained swords. They are the troops directly under the parliament. The other half have different styles. It can be seen that they are a joint fleet of various races.

On the flagship, Werewolf Duke Doyle was holding a Force pistol and was doing maintenance on the barrel, which was as thick as a fist. He looked leisurely, as if he was not over the battlefield, but enjoying a rare vacation time.

There was a knock on the door, and the adjutant came in with a stack of reports. He did not hand them to Doyle, but read out the latest progress aloud as usual.

Doyle remained silent and listened quietly, while the adjutant kept talking until the end.

Doyle nodded and said: “It’s good, they did things fairly smoothly this time.”

The adjutant, a werewolf count, echoed: “There are no decent strong men in those two provinces. If Johnny and the others can’t do this, they should retire as soon as possible and return to their hometown! However, sir, The Youtong Pass of the Great Qin Zhao Clan is too close. Should we set up a line of defense first to prevent them from interfering?”

Doyle looked at a Force Dial on the table at hand, smiled and said: “No, according to the original plan, when the time is up, no matter what the outcome of the battle, all the troops must be taken back. Remember my order, it is Take it all back. The adults will be here in fifteen minutes.”

The Werewolf Count did not understand every word Doyle said, but he knew how to obey. The werewolf count repeated Doyle’s order loudly, and after receiving Doyle’s nod, he exited the room.

Doyle lowered his head and continued to wipe the barrel of the gun in his hand.

On a Vampire-style warship on the outer edge of the fleet, there was a Vampire Marquis in the first mate’s cabin. He seemed more leisurely than Doyle and was reading an ancient parchment book alone.

He suddenly raised his head thoughtfully and saw a person quietly appearing in the room.

Marquis Lynard’s eyes were surprised, but other than that he did not make any other movement. He just sat upright and then stood up very lightly. Facing the blood elder in front of him, or rather the projection of the elder, he bowed deeply and saluted.

Then Linnard took out a mixture of blood crystal and crystal, and released a simple short-term sound-isolating force circle.

Habbs was very satisfied with his reaction, nodded and said, “Is there anything going on in the clan these days?”

Lynard said: “After you and the Speaker left, we were also recruited the next day to go to the Black Sun Sword Bearer Base of the Parliament to form a team.”

Habbs thought for a while and asked an irrelevant question, “You have been practicing recently. Can you see the holy river?”

Lynard said honestly: “Except for the last time I don’t know which powerful person was promoted, the Holy River appeared, but it has never been there since. If you are around you, you will occasionally see the shadow of the Holy River, but Unreachable and unresponsive.”

Habbs nodded and said: “Next, when you have the opportunity to perform ground missions, just leave the team, don’t go to any vampire continent, and find a neutral place to stay.”

Lynard’s expression changed, but he didn’t ask any more questions. He just said, “Aren’t you going to come with me?”

Habbs was stunned for a moment and said, “I can’t.”

Lynard said: “Like me, you don’t belong there in the first place.”

“But they are all descendants of Samael.” Habbs looked at the young vampire in front of him with a soft expression, his lips pursed and stubborn, still vaguely childlike when he first picked him up.

Lynard asked: “Is it the council, or is it that the demons already know about the Lost Paradise Laboratory?”

Habbs said: “Forget about this completely, it has nothing to do with you.”

Lynard was silent again, and after a while, he said: “Okay, father, as you wish.” Then regardless of whether he would make any noise, he knelt down on one knee in front of Hubbs, as if One last courtesy is required.

Habbs’ hand passed through the young marquis’s forehead, followed by a gentle sigh. After Habbs’s projection left, Linnard raised his head and stared blankly at the drop of origin blood left by the elder in his palm.

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