Monarch of Evernight: Nine best candidates

bsp;Qianye’s huge fleet sailed out of the neutral ground, adjusted its direction in the void, and flew towards the lower level of the world far away from the sun.

The Hall of Valor is in the middle, headed by the Empire’s new battle patrol. The frigates disperse around to guard the surroundings, and the high-speed transport ships follow closely behind the Hall of Valor. Looking from a distance, the power sails on the back of the Hall of Valor are raised, and the sail surface fluctuates slightly, just like a real giant beast in the void, swimming slowly.

If this fleet is compared to a school of fish, then the Hall of Valor is a giant whale, the battle patrol is a small shark, and the rest, no matter how big or small, can all be classified as miscellaneous fish. In fact, the Hall of Valor can completely accommodate a mere two thousand troops, and even twenty thousand can easily accommodate them. It’s just that this army has just been formed, and there are many people in it who Qianye is not familiar with, so he doesn’t want them to know too much about the internal information of the Hall of Heroes.

The fleet traveled in the void for several days, and the outline of a continent faintly appeared in front of it.

Qianye stood in the command room, facing a huge map of Yonglu hanging on the wall. It was densely covered with marks. He looked at the annotations in the corner of the map. This map was the latest one just completed in December last year. Version. In addition, there is an eye-catching skull warning sign on the map. This is a sign of top-secret information from the Imperial Military Department. Anyone who possesses it without permission will be killed.

The map is naturally the best for military use. Its accuracy and completeness are by no means comparable to those circulated on the black market. This Yonglu map was obtained by Song Zining from the Imperial Military Department through his connections. Along with the batch of military supplies Transported to a neutral place. With Song Zining’s current status and means, it is not difficult to obtain such top-secret information.

Qianye looked carefully at the map bit by bit and finally found the location of Zheng Guo. Then he searched around with Zheng Guo as the center.

If viewed from the outside, Yonglu looks like a huge maple leaf, with the upper part divided into three pieces and the bottom part with a thin and short petiole. Around Yonglu, there are countless small floating islands, which are the remaining fragments from the formation of Yonglu. Most of the floating islands are uninhabited, and only a few that are close to the main landmass are included in the protective layer of the mainland and can be inhabited.

The State of Zheng is located at the tip of a maple leaf. In addition to the territory on the main land, there are hundreds of small islands outside the mainland, more than ten of which are inhabited floating islands. Zheng Guo’s information is more detailed, and it seems that Song Zining also put a lot of effort into it. However, the information covered by the map itself is limited and further understanding is needed.

Just from the position point of view, Zheng Guo is a good pedal. Its size is equivalent to three provinces of the empire, and all the outer islands combined are also the size of one province.

In terms of area, it is not small. Zhao Clan currently only has two provinces, and is working hard to operate a third province. Even though there are still differences between the lower continent and the middle continent, being able to lay such a large foundation shows that the ancestors of Zheng were brave.

As far as the entire Yonglu is concerned, Zheng Guo is considered a medium power, neither big nor small. It is located in a corner, making it difficult to expand into the hinterland, but it also has few bordering forces, so it avoids the situation of being surrounded by enemies and is relatively safe.

All ethnic groups live together in Yong Continent, and the largest force is a country called the Tunge Empire, located in the middle of the continent. The country is composed of large and small tribes. In addition to the emperor, the Council of Elders also holds considerable power.

Qianye has become somewhat interested in the Tungue Empire. Based on his experience, the several large tribes that make up the empire should all be werewolf tribes. In other words, outside of the werewolf’s own main continent, they are in the Yong continent. It also occupies a dominant position.

Qianye put his hand on his chin and said to himself: “A continent ruled by werewolves? It’s interesting!”

For thousands of years, werewolves have become increasingly weak among the dark races. The Qin Empire has conducted in-depth research on this and drawn conclusions. The primitive fighting methods and natural abilities of werewolves cannot give them an advantage when facing demons or vampires. At the same time, their stubborn nature makes them very slow to accept new things. After losing the Holy Mountain, that is to say, without an absolute authority, this weakness was magnified.

To this day, the Ancestors, who want to return to the most ancient traditions, still have great influence among the werewolves, and even the tops of the mountains are unable to do anything about it.

Werewolves are accustomed to tribalism. Even if they form a country, it is actually a group of tribes, basically a loose sand. In terms of national mobilization power, werewolves and blood demons were not on the same level at all.

The backwardness of the tribal system is well understood by anyone who has taken some orthodox history courses in Da Qin. The twelve ancient clans of the Blood Tribe have undergone many changes in recent years, but the werewolves still adhere to the oldest ones.

In this case, it is very interesting that the werewolves can take the lead in Yong Lu.

Qianye began to think about what resources or environment were particularly useful to werewolves but useless to other races. Maybe there is something particularly important to the werewolves on Yonglu, which can explain why they came to Yonglu and took root deeply.

While I was thinking about it, the door of the command room knocked, and an attendant walked in and said: “Sir Qianye, the liaison officer sent out in advance has returned and is waiting for you outside. You can see when you are free. See you?”

“Already back? Very good, take him to the conference room, I’ll be there soon.” Qianye finished his instructions, looked at the map again, and then walked to the conference room.

There were several people sitting in the conference room. Among them was a young man with gray hair who was obviously embarrassed and distracted. When he saw Qianye coming in, he still sat there blankly. It wasn’t until the person next to him poked him hard that he realized what he was doing. He quickly stood up and saluted, saying: “Junior Nan Ruohuai, I have met senior Qianye!”

Qianye suddenly felt dumbfounded. This was the first time in his life that he was called senior. He touched his cheek. The tentacles were like jade, warm and smooth. He didn’t have any beard. Why did he look so old?

The person next to him poked Nan Ruohuai hard again and whispered a few words. He made a sound and realized it. His face turned red. He bowed to the ground and said: “I’m sorry, Lord Qianye, I just said I am really anxious and can’t speak without restraint. I hope Master Qianye won’t blame me. I…I really am…”

As Nan Ruohuai spoke, she was so anxious that tears were about to fall. She threw herself on the ground and even wanted to kneel down.

Qianye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. With a movement of force, he lifted Nan Ruohuai up and said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous. If you have anything to say, just say it.”

Nan Ruohuai finally calmed down a little, returned to his original position and sat down, lowering his head and saying nothing, holding tightly to the skirt of his clothes with both hands. He now also realizes that his performance just now was really bad, but he is at a loss as to how to make up for it. He can only say less and make fewer mistakes, and not say that he is good.

Qianye couldn’t help but shook his head inwardly. The young nobles he came into contact with in Da Qin, even the Song Dynasty clan leader Song Ziqi, behaved like everyone else. He had never seen Nan Ruohuai look like this.

He lowered his voice and said, “Let’s talk about it now, who are you and why did you come to see me?”

“My…father is Prince Zheng. In terms of age, I am ranked thirty-first, with nine younger brothers. However, I am a commoner…” Nan Ruohuai’s voice became lower as he spoke later. .

Qianye looked at the intelligence chief who accompanied Nan Ruohuai, his eyes filled with approval.

This Nan Ruohuai is quite talented and her cultivation level is not low, but she has a weak character and obviously has no experience. The most important thing is that she is a concubine. Zheng Guo’s court system basically copied Da Qin’s, and the succession to the throne was a top priority.

In the inheritance system of the Qin Dynasty, the so-called concubines in the imperial family refer to the children born to women below the rank of concubine. Unless their mothers are named concubines in the future, they are not eligible to inherit the throne in principle.

The status of the harem is actually no different from that of the previous dynasty. It is nothing more than family strength or personal strength. If you have neither, how can you convince people? Emperor Hao caused numerous criticisms before and after he succeeded to the throne, and a large part of the reason was this. This was also the result of Emperor Su’s Zen position and his administration of affairs during his lifetime. After taking the throne, Emperor Hao remained dormant for many years, and it was not until recently that he completely consolidated all government affairs.

The smaller the country, the more it values ​​its system. This Nan Ruohuai is so cowardly, she must have been bullied severely for many years.

His mother’s family has no power, and he has no independent opinions, but after all, he is of King Zheng’s bloodline, and his talent is pretty good. Being a warrior is not a problem, and there is no need to worry about a short life. For Qianye, Nan Ruohuai was actually the best candidate. It was really hard for the intelligence agency to find someone with such conditions in such a short period of time.

Qianye chatted with Nan Ruohuai for a few more words, asked him about the situation of his mother’s family, and then asked him to step back first, and then looked at the intelligence officer.

The intelligence officer was in his early thirties, with an ordinary appearance, a pair of small, narrow eyes, and thin lips. He was the kind of person who would be ignored in a crowd.

Qianye looked at him, his pupils turned blue, and the figure of the intelligence officer was clearly reflected in his pupils. The intelligence officer’s expression suddenly changed, and his whole body tensed up, then slowly relaxed.

Qianye nodded, the blue light in his eyes disappeared, and said: “The cultivation level is good, and the future is also very good. What is your name?”

“The villain Song Lun, whose parents died when he was young, used to help the Seventh Young Master, and was later given the surname Song by the Seventh Young Master. Some time ago, he followed Master Zining to a neutral place and started working for Dark Fire.”

Qianye nodded, being given the surname Song Zining showed that Song Lun was a true confidant. And this man is indeed very talented.

“Nan Ruohuai did a good job on this matter, but it’s hard for you to find this person in such a short time. How did he agree to come to see me?”

Song Lun said: “This is easy. A young man like this who has never experienced ups and downs can just accept it with some tricks.”

Song Lun described the process in detail. In fact, he brought people with him, and when Nan Ruohuai went out to hunt to relax, he directly captured the people. Nan Ruohuai was indeed not taken seriously at all. He only had one follower by his side when hunting, and he had been raised since he was a child. This time King Zheng was seriously ill, and the turmoil among the princes fighting for the throne did not affect him at all. There was no prince to persecute him, no minister to seek refuge with him, not even the slightest temptation. Nan Ruohuai was completely ignored.

After Song Lun threatened, Nan Ruohuai agreed. It was useless for him to consider the consequences of introducing troops to Zheng. As for coming to see Qianye, Nan Ruohuai had no objection at all, and said mockingly: “Even if I go hunting and never come back, no one will remember or hold me accountable. What’s the matter of being out for a few days?”

Qianye couldn’t help but smile after hearing this: “This little guy thinks quite clearly.”

Song Lun said: “It’s no wonder that he can’t understand. If you don’t understand, just change someone. Prince Zheng can’t do anything else. He still has a lot of children, so there is always someone who can. Even if the prince can’t do it, there are many princesses. If you take a step back, the consorts ”

“That’s right.” Qianye nodded, thought for a moment, and said: “Then you should follow Nan Ruohuai first and teach him how to do things. If he really becomes King Zheng, he can’t treat the good Zheng Guo It’s ruined.”

Song Lun was a little surprised and asked: “You don’t plan to take Zheng’s land?”

Qianye said: “Take a part of it, just enough. Yonglu is so big, why bother being cramped in this corner?”

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