Monarch of Evernight: The best gift of 147

bsp;On the edge of the East China Sea, it was snowing heavily.

The cold wind howled by, and the snow was mixed with ice particles and gravel, which was no less powerful than ordinary bullets. No matter how good your eyesight is, you can barely see dozens of meters in this environment, and any further away is nothing. The most dangerous places are those space cracks that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

On the snowfield, a figure walked from a distance. The pace seemed not fast, but it was more stable. It took half a day to cross half of the snowfield.

Standing in the middle of the snowfield, the man lifted his hood and looked around. That almost perfect face was none other than Qianye. In this dangerous world of wind and snow, if the handsome face of the ancient blood clan has a hint of despair and sadness, it will touch people’s hearts even more.

At the edge of the landmass, even Qianye’s real vision is of little use, and the surroundings are filled with violent and chaotic force. Outside the wind and snow, there was chaos. Looking around, it seemed that everything looked exactly the same.

But Qianye has his own sense of direction and knows his direction. He took a short rest and then continued his journey, walking forward alone on the vast snowfield.

The wind and snow were really strong, and behind the surface wind and snow was actually an extremely violent turbulence of the void force. In this environment, not even Qianye dared to fly at will, nor could he go very fast. Once caught by the space rift, Qianye will not feel easy.

According to Song Zining, this is a sign before the tide of the Force ebbs. Before great tranquility, there must be great chaos.

I don’t know how far I walked, but the familiar floating ship finally appeared in front of Qianye.

With Qianye’s eyesight, just when he saw the outline of the aeroplane clearly, he saw the Vampire Marquis Cullinan already standing in the wind and snow ahead, apparently waiting for him. This is of course not to say that Jialinan is stronger than Qianye, but that Ye Tong knew about Qianye’s arrival, so he ordered Jialinan to wait here.

Under such politeness, there is actually an unspoken indifference. Ye Tong didn’t want to see Qianye, so he asked Jialinan to go out to greet him.

Jalinan came to Qianye, bowed and said: “Master asked me to greet you here.”

Qianye nodded, took out the desk cabinet from Lin Jiaer, and said, “I have something to give her. I don’t know what it’s for, so just give it to her.”

“As ordered.” After saying this, Jialinan realized that he seemed to be more respectful to Qianye. He raised his head, glanced at Qianye cautiously, and asked, “What’s in here?”

“I don’t know either, but it seems good.”

“So, what do you mean…”

“It can be considered a gift.” Qianye finally thought of an explanation.

“Okay, I will definitely transfer it and bring your message to the master.”

“Thank you.” Qianye smiled and wanted to say something more, but suddenly he realized that although he was full of things on his mind, he couldn’t say anything. In the end, he just sighed secretly and turned around to leave.

Jalinan stood in the wind and snow, watching Qianye’s figure disappear into the wind and snow, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He was shocked to realize that this time when he saw Qianye, he actually felt faintly afraid. Being able to make him, a Marquis, feel fear instinctively, what level of strength does Qianye have?

It hadn’t been long since he first met Qianye.

A gust of cold wind blew in, making Culina suddenly feel chilly. Only then did he remember that Ye Tong was still waiting, so he didn’t dare to delay. He picked up the table and cabinet, returned to the battleship, placed the table and cabinet in the center of the hall, and said respectfully: “Master, I brought the things back.”

“Open.” Ye Tong’s voice was cold and waveless, like ice.

During the transportation journey, Cullinan had already studied this table and cabinet. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t sense what was inside. This piqued his curiosity even more. But even if he had ten more courages, he wouldn’t dare to peek at Qianye’s gift to Ye Tong.

At first, he also speculated about the relationship between Qianye and Ye Tong, but no matter what, in his opinion, there was an insurmountable gap between Qianye and Ye Tong. That is a gap that stems from the origin of blood, and cannot be bridged by so-called genius. The shock that Nighteye brought to him was even stronger than that of the prince.

However, every time he saw Qianye, Jialinan would be greatly shocked. Qianye was catching up at an almost magical speed, so much so that Jalinan began to doubt his own common sense. Is it really possible for this Qianye to get close to Ye Tong?

But the law of blood cannot be questioned. The closer you get to the source of the river of blood, the fewer places it can accommodate. This has been proven true for thousands of years. In fact, considering the position that Ye Tong should occupy, her existence itself is beyond Jialinan’s imagination. If there is another Qian Ye beside her, even if the river of blood has been flowing for thousands of years, how can such a person be accommodated? Too many strong men?

While Carinan was daydreaming, he studied the table and cabinet, but no matter how hard he studied, there was no result. With a trying mentality, he took hold of the handle and pulled it gently. Unexpectedly, it actually pulled open.

Just like that day in Qianye, a miniature black sun rose in the hall. The deadly black light stung Cullinan’s whole body, and he could see nothing but a bright white light in front of his eyes. He couldn’t explain why looking directly at the black sun would irritate his eyes and turn them white. At this moment, he only knew that this black light was extremely deadly.

In a daze, he reached out to close the drawer, but a harsh scream suddenly sounded in his ears, as if hundreds of millions of evil spirits were shouting in unison. For a moment, he couldn’t see or hear anything, had a splitting headache, and had no idea where he was.

With a soft sound, the drawer closed on its own, which was Ye Tong’s move.

Although the drawer was closed, the black sun had not dissipated. It let out a high-pitched whistle and shot out a ray of black light, trying to escape through the air. However, a line of blood suddenly appeared in the void. It was as sharp as a knife and turned like electricity. It flew back and forth for more than a dozen times in an instant, cutting the black light into ashes. The black light could escape in front of Qianye, but it could only be extinguished in front of Ye Tong.

After the black sun dissipated, Jalinan finally regained his vision and perception, and said in shock: “What is this?!”

“What do you think?”

Jalinan stared and thought, and said hesitantly: “In the opinion of my subordinates, this seems to be some kind of magic iron that has been improved to the extreme. But why does the magic energy it emits have such a big reaction with my blood? It’s really hard to understand.”

Yeyetong said: “This is magic crystal iron infused with the blood of ancient demons. It represents the ultimate path of power for demons. For any demon, it is a treasure worth pursuing for a lifetime.”

“Is it useful to us vampires?”

“Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t.”

Calinan looked at the table and cabinet with a complicated expression. This kind of thing is a treasure to demons, but it is of no use to vampires, and it may even be harmful. Why did Qianye go to all the trouble to send this thing?

Yeye Tong asked: “What did he just say?”

“Master Qianye said, this is a… gift for you.”

Yeye Tong was also startled, “A gift? He gave this as a gift?”


Yetong thought deeply and said nothing, obviously not understanding what Qianye meant.

Calinan seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed. The small changes in his body could not escape Ye Tong’s perception, and she immediately asked: “What did you think of?”

“My subordinates may know what Master Qianye is thinking.”


Jalinan said cautiously: “Although these magic crystal irons are of little use to us vampires, they are of immeasurable value.”

There is no need to say more about this. If these magic crystal irons are taken out, it will definitely cause a sensation, and those demon descendants will lose all their money to get it.

Jalinan continued: “It’s not that Lord Qianye doesn’t have anything useful to the vampires, it’s just that they’re not as valuable as these magic crystal irons. So magic crystal iron is not the most suitable, but it is the best thing that Lord Qianye has. ”

“Humph, that’s inexplicable!” Ye Tong didn’t seem very happy.

At this moment, Qianye did not stay away, but sat cross-legged on the top of a cliff, meditating in the wind and snow. The direction he was facing was the battleship where Nighteye lived. But at this distance, he could neither see the battleship nor Nighteye could sense him. But for Qianye, knowing that Ye Tong is there is enough.

The strong wind carried snow and gravel, crackling on Qianye’s body. Qianye sat still, like a stone statue, and all he thought about were the moments when he faced Luo Bingfeng.

Countless simulated battles ended in Qianye’s instant defeat. The huge gap in strength between the two sides was certainly one reason, but Luo Bingfeng’s death gaze was so perverted that it was fatal. The death gaze is a bit exaggerated, but at the moment of landing, Qianye will still freeze for a moment before he can break free. As for the damage suffered, it is negligible. The Qianye Ancient Vampire Clan’s body is unparalleled, and they can only suffer minor injuries under the death gaze.

However, the fatal thing is this moment of stiffness. With this little time, Luo Bingfeng was enough to kill Qianye seven or eight times. This is somewhat similar to Qianye’s Eye of Control.

Qianye also tried to fight back with the Eye of Control, but on Luo Bingfeng, the control was too weak to restrict his actions.

The results of the simulation show that when Qianye is facing the death gaze, someone must be able to stop Luo Bingfeng.

However, in the simulation, Qianye found that there was always something unreasonable, that is, he often lost too quickly for no apparent reason. Everything in the simulated battle did not come out of thin air, but was set up by Qianye based on the memory of that day. On that day, Qianye was also struck by the death stare and was rescued by Ji Tianqing. Looking back now, the power of the death gaze seems to be too much.

Most of this was due to external interference, but Qianye was not aware of it at the time. This method is somewhat similar to Song Zining’s Three Thousand Floating Leaves.

Qianye instantly thought of the woman next to Luo Bingfeng. She looks weak, but maybe she is a master of the art of heaven. So Ruixiang’s first choice for a sneak attack was her. In addition to disturbing Luo Bingfeng’s state of mind, there must also be other reasons for this. It’s just that the old guy’s words were not entirely true and he had many things to hide.

Qianye actually has a good impression of Luo Bingfeng in his heart. The Lord of Tingchao City is extremely powerful, true to his word, and dedicated. He is a role model for our generation. It’s a pity that when the general trend strikes, the world is like ants, unable to resist, and the two sides inevitably become mortal enemies. On the contrary, a villain like Ruixiang is at ease, able to get both ways.

Thinking of this, Qianye suddenly thought that since he could cooperate with Ruixiang, why not persuade Luo Bingfeng to give in and hand over the passage? Now Zhang Buzhou wants to get rid of Luo Bingfeng, and the signs are obvious. As smart as Luo Bingfeng, he should have seen the clues long ago.

However, Qianye shook his head immediately, knowing in his heart that as a person like Luo Bingfeng, he would never betray Zhang Buzhou until the moment he drew his sword.

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