Monarch of Evernight: One hundred and seven captured

bsp;Qianye kept sweeping his senses in all directions as he walked towards Guanlan City. After walking for a while, the void force in the wilderness suddenly calmed down. Qianye’s perception instantly extended and discovered a battlefield.

The battle took place several kilometers away. Qianye gathered his breath and sneaked towards the battlefield unhurriedly. Aiden may have entered the wilderness at this moment, lurking somewhere, and Qianye didn’t want to give him the chance to ambush him.

A dozen mercenaries were surrounded by hundreds of people and were desperately resisting. Grenades and bullets were being poured around as if they were free of charge. The only natural terrain they could rely on was a pile of rocks. This little bit of cover is insignificant for a Force gun, but these mercenaries also set up half-man-high metal parapets among the rocks, forming a simple but complete defense. Based on this, they fought fiercely with nearly ten times the number of enemies. It actually made it impossible for the opponent to attack for a long time.

Those seemingly simple metal parapets have a very good defensive effect. Only the third-level force gun can barely penetrate them, and the second-level gun needs to fire several shots in succession to break through the defense. Most of the mercenary hunters in the wilderness use second- and third-level guns. Even ordinary bosses cannot afford the fourth-level guns. They can be connected to each other or placed individually in strategic areas as a barrier. If it weren’t for the mobile parapet, these mercenaries would have been defeated long ago.

Among the surrounded mercenaries, a big man dressed as a leader shouted loudly: “Blackbird, Dark Fire will never let you go. Even if we die here today, we are just one step ahead of you!” ”

A sharp voice sounded from the attacking hunters, laughing: “Do you think Dark Fire can still survive? It won’t be long before it will be wiped off the map along with Nan Qingcheng. Old Liu, if you Shi Xiang, surrender immediately. Considering that we have known each other for many years, not only can I keep you alive, but I can also take you to meet my new master. Your future is not comparable to that of a dark fire. What do you think? “

Lao Liu laughed loudly and shouted: “You want me to betray you? There is no way!”

“Then I’m sorry. I didn’t want to use this trick on you.”

Before Lao Liu could speak, an extremely sharp whistle suddenly sounded on the battlefield, and a Force bomb spit out a long force flame, instantly crossing the battlefield, piercing the mobile parapet and Lao Liu’s body, and then Shot through a mercenary behind him and flew into the distance.

Lao Liu’s body stiffened instantly. The strange force bullet was too fast, and it was only then that his body-protecting force began to collapse. Even moving the parapet failed to save his life.

The eerie voice of the black bird echoed on the battlefield: “Kill them all, leave no one behind!”

Countless bullets struck from all directions, and in the rain of bullets, the Dark Fire mercenaries fell one after another. At this time, Qianye had just arrived at the edge of the battlefield. When he saw this scene, he looked gloomy and stepped into the team of attacking mercenaries. As the roar of the sea sounded, dozens of mercenaries around him instantly fell to the ground.

The offensive firepower suddenly lacked a piece, which made Blackbird feel something was wrong. When he looked back, he suddenly saw a dark sword blade on his shoulder.

“If you don’t want to die, tell your people to stop.” Qianye’s ice-like voice sounded in Blackbird’s ears.

Blackbird was also smart and immediately shouted hysterically: “Stop, everyone, stop! Everyone put down their guns! Everyone, stop it!”

When the attacking mercenaries were stunned, they saw their leader being captured, and then looked at dozens of colleagues lying on the ground. They all realized that they had encountered an irresistible strong man, and immediately put down their weapons obediently and raised their hands high. .

Blackbird quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to beg for mercy, Qianye asked: “Who is your master?”

“One, a demon. I don’t know his name, and I haven’t seen his appearance. I only know that he is very powerful. In addition, he gave me a lot of money and asked me to intercept people coming out of Nan Qingcheng. Caravan.”

“That’s all you know?”

Qianye’s faint voice sounded like the whisper of a devil to Blackbird’s ears. He shuddered subconsciously and hurriedly said: “Young man is quite careful in looking at people. Judging from some details, this demon descendant Maybe it has something to do with the Liu family in the city. I really don’t know about the rest! My lord, I still have little savings after so many years. If you don’t mind it, I’m willing to…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the Dongyue sword’s blade flashed with light, and the sword energy cut open his neck. The black bird’s face was full of shock and fear, and he slowly fell down, spitting out the last four words from his mouth: “… all dedicated.”

Qianye stood up and said to the surviving Dark Fire mercenaries: “Take these people back and interrogate them slowly.”

An older Dark Fire mercenary boldly asked: “Lord Qianye, what about you?”

Qianye patted him on the shoulder and said, “I have my own arrangements.” He disappeared into the wilderness without stopping for long.

The surviving Dark Fire mercenaries endured their grief, carried the bodies of Lao Liu and his colleagues into the truck abandoned not far away, and then escorted the surrendered mercenaries back to Nan Qingcheng.

Not long after they left, the scenery suddenly distorted in the deserted wilderness, and two tall and thin figures appeared. They were all wrapped in black robes, like ghosts in the dark night, with ghastly masks on their faces, and their faces could not be seen at all. They walked like ghosts, making no sound but very quickly. In a matter of seconds, they had patrolled the battlefield for a week. The place where they stayed the longest was where Qianye cast the Sea Whirlpool Domain, and the other was where the Blackbird’s corpse was.

There were less than ten surviving mercenaries of Dark Fire, but there were nearly a hundred mercenaries who surrendered, and Qianye left quickly. Therefore, the Dark Fire mercenaries were afraid of long nights and dreams, so they hurriedly cleaned up the trophies and left, even Blackbird None of the bodies were taken away.

Two mysterious men in black robes squatted down, lifted up the Black Bird body, and carefully inspected every mark on his body, not just the sword wound on his neck. They made feints with their hands, and the blackbird’s corpse moved accordingly like a puppet on strings. In the blink of an eye, the mysterious man placed the black bird in a kneeling position, exactly the same as the posture before his death.

They looked at each other and one of them said: “It’s Qianye. His combat power seems to have improved again.”

Another person said: “Based on the current clues, it is difficult to say that he is more powerful than when he was floating on land.”

“In any case, Qianye’s existence has been confirmed, and we still need to report this matter to the young master. The task of confirming Qianye’s true combat power can be left to Aiden.”

“Good idea. It’s time to add some new tasks for Aiden and see what else he is hiding.”

“Let’s go.”

Two mysterious men in black robes slowly rose into the sky and were about to fly away into the distance. But they boosted their power at the same time, and one instantly flew dozens of meters away, while the other remained motionless in place!

The man in black robe who flew out was shocked. When he looked back, he saw Qianye appeared at some unknown time and tightly grasped one of the feet of another man in black robe. No matter how much he struggled, Qianye’s feet seemed to be Nailed into the earth, unable to move.

The captured man in black robe let out a shrill scream, and dark magic fire suddenly ignited around his body, and his whole body was shot high into the sky like a cannonball. He should have rushed hundreds of meters into the air in an instant, and even carried tons of weight, if his left foot had not been caught in Qianye’s hand.

But now, he only brought Qianye’s heels slightly off the ground, and he could no longer fly even one point higher. In this battle between magic power and force blood, the man in black robe was completely defeated.

When the man in black robes who had already flown high into the sky saw this, instead of returning to the rescue, he accelerated his flight, rushed into the high altitude in an instant, and disappeared.

Qianye did not chase the escaped man, but he had already caught one in his hand.

The captured man in black robe struggled several times, but to no avail. He looked back and saw Qianye looking at him quietly, his eyes full of sarcasm. Demonic fire suddenly ignited in his right hand, turning into a burning demonic sword, and he slashed it down with his backhand!

Qianye was startled. The sword of the man in black robe was not directed at Qianye, but at his own left leg. When the sword fell, his left leg was broken at knee level, and he was immediately free. Regardless of his injuries, the man in black robe activated his magic power and rushed high into the sky.

However, Qianye moved like lightning, stood on tiptoe a little, reached out with his left hand, and grabbed his right foot in his hand.

The man in black robe was so tough that he struck back with a sword and cut off his right foot!

Qianye saw this, and grabbed hold of Dongyue with his right hand. Dongyue was already in his hand, and the blade of the sword was flat, pressing on the shoulder of the man in black robe.

The man in black robe is surrounded by demonic fire, like a bird trapped in a cage. No matter how he **** his wings, he cannot escape from Qianye’s cage.

The man in black robe suddenly took off his mask, revealing a pale and handsome face. This is the appearance of a typical demon noble. The complicated lines on his forehead indicate that he also comes from a famous family. He stared at Qianye fiercely, his eyes full of shame and resentment, and then in a desperate and crazy roar, he turned his head and bumped into Dongyue’s sword.

Looking at the head flying high, Qianye was also very surprised. A demon-born viscount from a famous family, even a third-class viscount, can already be classified as a true upper-class person in Yongye. With such a future, no matter how cruel he was to himself, Qianye thought that he should at least cherish the chance to live, but he never expected that he would be so decisive when there was no hope of escape.

Qianye planted Dongyue on the ground and carefully searched the body of the Demonic Viscount. As expected, apart from the necessary ammunition and materials, there was almost no information that could prove his identity on the demon viscount, not even the emblem representing his family. The equipment they carry is also quite simple, with only two combat knives, one long and one short, a short force gun, a number of physical force bombs, and only enough food to last a day.

Qianye frowned slightly, these clues were almost useless. Demons who have reached the viscount level can sustain themselves for a long time even without eating or drinking. One day’s food was enough for them to travel thousands of kilometers. This range is too large, and it is difficult to deduce the base where they are stationed.

Qianye raised his head and looked at the direction where the other demon viscount was escaping, with blue eyes filling his eyes. In the real field of vision, the escaped demon left a faint trail in the sky, going straight into the clouds. This demon is quite proficient in tracking and hunting, and he also knows how to escape from pursuit. After he rushes into the clouds, the traces he leaves behind will soon be erased by the turbulent flow of the void, so it is difficult for Qianye to judge whether he continues to fly high into the sky or changes his direction and escapes into the distance.

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