Monarch of Evernight: Seventy-nine shots

bsp;At this critical moment, Du Yuan and Ruixiang also put aside their prejudices and joined forces to search. However, Qianye’s concealment was so good that no matter how hard the two powerful men tried, it was difficult to find Qianye’s location.

At this moment, Qianye’s lock became intermittent, and it was obvious that the two men’s search had threatened him. But this is of little use. Qianye can launch an attack at the moment of locking, but Du Yuan and Ruixiang still dare not be careless.

Du Yuan and Ruixiang exchanged glances and continued searching.

In this vast, complex and desolate area, the three began a long process of competing for patience and consumption of the Force. If Qianye wanted to maintain the threat to the two of them, he would have to spend some money. Although his consumption was relatively less, Du Yuan and Ruixiang’s Force cultivation levels were both level seventeen, far above Qian||||Novel Night. In terms of Force consumption, the two of them were confident that they had a great chance of winning.

The night passed in a blink of an eye.

Du Yuan’s breathing was slightly rapid, while Ruixiang’s face was a little pale. Even with their cultivation level, they would be extremely exhausted after being on guard all night. But until this time, Qianye’s locks still appeared from time to time, and at the same time, his own concealment did not reveal any flaws.

Du Yuan let out a long breath, suddenly frowned slightly, and his body that had just been straightened bent down again. At that moment, he felt that he was being locked again, but the feeling of being locked disappeared after he resumed his forward posture.

This time, Qianye still did it flawlessly, without revealing his position at all.

Du Yuan smiled bitterly and said, “Is this Qianye really only level 13?”

“It’s absolutely true! I almost caught him, how could I be wrong?”

Du Yuan shook his head, “If it weren’t for preconceptions, then I would rather believe that he is level 16 than level 13. Even if he is level 17, I would believe it.”

Ruixiang was silent for a moment, then said: “Even so, don’t say anything now.”

Du Yuan ignored him and said: “The future is boundless, indeed the future is boundless.”

Ruixiang’s face became extremely ugly, he snorted and was speechless. It is rare for someone like Qianye to reach the thirteenth level of cultivation at such a young age. What’s even more rare is that his force is extremely pure, the road ahead is smooth, and he possesses many powerful secret killing moves. Once such a person becomes an enemy, the best way is to strangle him in the cradle immediately. Otherwise, when Qianye grows up, he may have only one way to escape thousands of miles away.

Du Yuan sighed and said: “At this point, we have no way out. The best way is to kill him as much as possible. Manager Rui, where is Song Zining now?”

Ruixiang frowned and said, “What do you want?”

“It’s very simple. Use Song Zining as bait to lure Qianye out and kill him.”

Ruixiang’s heart was pounding. He pondered for a long time and asked: “Is there no other way?”

Du Yuan sighed: “Do you have a way to find Qianye? If so, then there is a way.”

“But Qianye is very good at escaping and hiding. Don’t forget that he has escaped more than once under the Wolf King. If he senses something is wrong and wants to escape, I’m afraid you and I won’t be able to keep him.”

“As long as he is willing to show up, there is a way to keep him.”

Ruixiang tentatively asked: “You want to ask the Wolf King for help? This is not feasible. The Wolf King was seriously injured this time and will not recover at all within a month or two.”

Du Yuandao: “I will ask Madam to take action.”

“Madam” Ruixiang looked at Du Yuan with fear in her eyes. The lady has always been mysterious and low-key, and almost no one has seen her take action. However, in terms of pure force power, she has almost reached its peak. As long as she practices for long enough, she will become a god.

Ruixiang did not expect that Du Yuan had a close relationship with that lady and could actually ask her to take action.

Du Yuan has always been cautious and would not boast. He said that his wife could keep Qianye, and that was what he believed. In fact, in terms of true combat power, if Qianye does not escape, then both Du Yuan and Ruixiang are sure to defeat Qianye. However, the battlefield is not an arena. Qianye’s spear is extremely powerful and can be said to be a sure kill. He also has the ability to escape from a distance. Even the Wolf King cannot catch up with him. Such people are the most terrifying existence on the battlefield, and their deterrence is far greater than the combat power on paper.

Both Du Rui knew very well that if they didn’t have Tingchao City with their backs and could replenish and rest at any time, they would have no luck in dealing with Qianye in the wilderness for a long time.

It’s just that Ruixiang still seems to have scruples and refuses to let go no matter what. Du Yuan did not push him and continued his never-ending search. At this point, it depends on which of the two sides is more determined and will make mistakes later.

But thinking about Yu Mingkang’s description of Qianye, neither Ruixiang nor Du Yuan suddenly felt so confident.

At this moment, less than 300 meters away, Qianye was lying in the middle of a pile of rocks, concentrating on Du Yuan and Ruixiang who were walking. At this moment, Qianye’s breathing was long and steady, and he was quite full physically and mentally. It was not at all what Du Yuan and Ruixiang had expected, and he was close to running out of gas and energy.

If they see Qianye like this, maybe they will return to the city immediately and directly ask Luo Bingfeng or the mysterious woman to take over. It’s a pity that they didn’t see it.

Above the blood core, the Black Book disappears and appears, injecting a ray of blood essence into the blood core from time to time. In the battle not long ago, Qianye used vitality to plunder at the last moment, and then he had enough physical strength to last until the end, defeating Yu Mingkang in one fell swoop. The excess essence and blood that was too late to be absorbed at that time was absorbed by the Black Book, and was released to supplement consumption at this moment.

With the Black Book, Qianye’s ability to continue fighting is far beyond imagination, and he is almost unmatched by the divine generals.

At this moment, Qianye is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the moment when the prey exhausts its energy before attacking. Qianye never lacks patience.

Dealing with two strong men within 500 meters is like dancing on a blade. The position may be exposed at any time, and Qianye has to keep a lock on the two at all times, which doubles the difficulty. But the whole day was almost over, and Qianye still hadn’t made even the smallest mistake. This process was actually honing combat skills. Unknowingly, Qianye’s combat art, at least in terms of concealment, movement, and ambush, gradually became perfect in many details.

Time passed unknowingly, and the strong sunlight shone directly on the head, creating a rolling heat wave on the earth, making people dizzy with the heat.

After locking onto Ruixiang again, Du Yuan suddenly staggered, and his body-protecting force fluctuated. This may be a negligible change in ordinary people, but in the eyes of strong men such as Qianye, Du Yuan and Ruixiang, it is a flaw that cannot be missed.

Qianye’s hands trembled almost instinctively, the muzzle of the Zhanxin gun moved to a negligible angle, and the crosshairs moved from Ruixiang to Du Yuan.

At this moment, Du Yuan seemed to know that a disaster was coming, his face changed drastically, and his body suddenly turned into a phantom, trying to avoid the fatal blow with rapid movement. Ruixiang, on the other hand, tried his best to retreat, trying to distance himself from Du Yuan and avoid the disaster. At the same time, he looked towards the direction of Qianye’s ambush and was already aware of it.

At the moment of lightning, Qianye felt as if lightning flashed in his heart. In an instant, he stopped the muzzle of the moving gun, and a feather of light shot out, drawing a wonderful arc in the air and flying towards Ruixiang.

Ruixiang’s face changed drastically, he shouted “Old man, you’re hurting me!” and jumped up. A ball of intertwined black and white energy suddenly appeared in the air. Ruixiang dove into it and disappeared.

The next moment, a ball of black and white energy appeared out of thin air a hundred meters away, and Ruixiang jumped out of it. This is a method similar to jumping in the void, and it is a unique trick to avoid tracking weapons. When Ruixiang jumped out of his black and white aura, his face was filled with both joy and fear. A trace of disappointment flashed in Du Yuan’s eyes.

However, just when Guangyu was about to shoot into the air, he suddenly turned around and plunged into the black and white Qi that had not disappeared. Then he flew out of the black and white Qi above Ruixiang’s head and fell into the air!

Ruixiang was so frightened that he screamed, hugged his knees, and turned around desperately.

The feather of light flew past him, bringing up a large amount of blood, and a broken leg flew into the air spinning. Ruixiang screamed and turned around to fly towards Tingchao City without daring to look back.

Fortunately, Guangyu consumed all his power and dissipated in the air. Otherwise, if he hit him again, he would definitely kill Ruixiang.

Du Yuan looked slightly pale and stared at the severed leg falling from the air. This leg has long since lost its vitality, just like wood and stone. There is no way to restore it, unless it is soaked in the ancient blood pool of the vampires. But in such a large neutral place, where can we find the ancient blood pool? That’s why Ruixiang didn’t even need to break his legs when he ran away.

At this moment Qianye appeared from the pile of rocks and said to Du Yuan: “Thank you for your help, old man.”

Du Yuan said slowly: “You don’t have to thank me, I just want to lure you out.”

Qianye said: “I’m out now, why don’t you take action?”

Du Yuan suddenly let out a long sigh, his voice full of desolation, and said: “What’s the use of taking action? You still have the ability to escape. Alas, you are old, you are old.”

Although Qianye had consumed a lot of energy at this moment, his aura was still stable, and he obviously still had the strength to fight again. Du Yuan was wearing heavy armor and knew that it was impossible to catch up with Qianye, so he did not do anything unnecessary.

Qianye put away his heart and said calmly: “I can’t kill you now. Considering that you have provided me with a chance, this battle will end here. Before dawn tomorrow, I will not kill you for the time being. Take action, you can send people to clean up the battlefield and collect the corpses. After dawn, everything will be the same. But I will remind you one last time, you may not have such good luck next time we meet on the battlefield.”

“Stop!” Du Yuan stopped Qianye who was about to leave, and said in a cold voice: “Young people really don’t know the heights of the world. Do you think that I am not your opponent? Do you dare to fight me to the death?”

Qianye did not get angry, and remained calm. He pointed to the ground under his feet and said: “This is a battlefield, not a ring. If it were a battle in the ring, there might be many people in Tingchao City who could beat me, but here, in this In this vast wilderness, in this neutral place, anyone who does not have a divine general will be killed by my gun!”

These words were spoken with sonorous and domineering force.

Du Yuan was unable to refute for a moment. In the midst of his anger, his blood suddenly rushed to the top of his head, and his vision suddenly went dark. Fortunately, he had been on the battlefield for a long time, so he remained calm on the outside, but inside he was using the force to suppress the surging Qi and blood.

He took a deep look at Qianye, then turned away as if nothing had happened. Qianye did not pursue him until Du Yuan’s figure disappeared, and then he left.

As soon as he entered Tingchao City, Du Yuan could no longer hold back and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

ps: Clear the debt! Debt-free and light-hearted.

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