Monarch of Evernight: Six-two hunting

bsp;What made the Wolf King / angry was that Qianye only retreated within the range of the Nan Qingcheng city defense artillery, and then stopped retreating. Instead, he landed on the city wall and looked at the Wolf King coldly.

Although the Wolf King suffered an unexpected setback, he is a strong man at the level of deputy duke after all. No matter how powerful Qianye’s ancient vampire body is, his body is only at the level of a marquis. Counting the bonus of the ancient vampire, it is barely equivalent to that of a werewolf. The Marquis of Strength is two levels behind the Wolf King in terms of strength.

As for the force, the gap between the two sides is even greater. If it weren’t for Chenxi Qiming’s top attributes, it would be difficult for Qianye to hurt the Wolf King.

With such a huge gap in strength, in the Wolf King’s mind, letting Qianye escape last time was already a great shame and humiliation. All that needs to be guarded against is Qianye’s extremely powerful attack method. However, the original gun is not something you can use whenever you want. It will definitely cost a lot of money and require a long period of savings. The Wolf King was indeed very accurate about this. Qianye only had one shot of the original spear left at this moment. During this period of time, he had not had time to replenish the consumption of the original spear.

As shown last time, one shot of the original spear will not make the Wolf King lose his fighting power. After being shot, the Wolf King was still confident of killing all his opponents in Nan Qing City, and might even be able to repel Ji Rui.

So the Wolf King is particularly angry. Qianye’s move is equivalent to saying that he can compete with the Wolf King by relying on the containment of city defense weapons.

The Wolf King’s long lion-like hair flew suddenly, surrounded by dark red thunder and lightning, slowly descending, approaching Qianye. Soon he entered the range of the ballista, but he did not speed up or change direction. He was clearly a target for the ballista.

Qianye’s face was as dark as water. He waved his right hand, and the ballistae on the left and right forts vibrated violently. Two huge tracking crossbow arrows were shot out, bombarding the Wolf King.

The Wolf King let out a ferocious laugh, and his hands formed the shadow of huge red claws. He grabbed them twice and tore the incoming crossbow arrows into pieces!

A flood of exclamations sounded in the city, and the originally tight defense lineup suddenly became commotion. Regardless of whether they are mercenaries or city defense troops, city defense ballistae is a big killer weapon in their minds, and it is not used to deal with people at all. Now it was torn to pieces by the Wolf King head-on. In front of such a strong man, all other city defense weapons were just decorations.

In an instant, many people wanted to escape. The city defense army could still barely restrain themselves. According to the rules of the neutral ground, even if the Wolf King captured Nan Qing City, they would have to be used to maintain order. The Dark Fire mercenaries did not have this luck. At that moment, a dozen of them quietly slipped out of the defense line and prepared to retreat.

The Wolf King has such a sharp eye, he is so condescending that he has all these people under his eyes. He is very satisfied with his prestige.

However, at the moment when arrogance was just growing in his heart, the city wall under Qianye’s feet suddenly collapsed inch by inch, and people were rising into the sky like cannonballs, shooting at the Wolf King!

Qianye appeared in front of the Wolf King in an instant, holding swords in both hands. Dongyue used the force of breaking mountains and dividing seas to cut down on the Wolf King head-on!

The Wolf King had just defeated two crossbow arrows, and the force shock in his body had not yet calmed down, and his reaction was delayed for a moment. Even with this fleeting delay, he was actually caught by Qianye. For a moment, the Wolf King didn’t know whether it was good luck or his truly astonishing combat skills.

Qianye’s sword came too fast, and the Wolf King had no time to dodge, nor did he want to dodge. He roared wildly, punched out with his right fist, and hit Dongyue hard with the edge of his fist.

When the fist and sword met, the Wolf King knew that he had underestimated the enemy. The dark force on the fist was actually broken by Dongyue, and the sword reached his flesh.

At this moment, Qianye sensed that the Wolf King’s defense was not as strong as expected. He turned his mind and immediately activated the Taixuan Military Attack Technique. The move that defeated Ji Tianqing reappeared in the world. The strength of his whole body was superimposed layer by layer, pressing against the Wolf King like a stormy wave. !

With supreme strength, luck cannot break the epee, this sword is unstoppable!

In an instant, Dongyue’s sword broke through the Wolf King’s skin and cut straight to the bones. The Wolf King lowered his elbow slightly, skillfully releasing most of his strength and deflecting Dongyue’s sword. This time it looked like a tie, but in fact the Wolf King had already lost half the move.

After initially gaining the upper hand, Qianye was unyielding and surrounded the Wolf King, slashing and slashing wildly. The power stacked up was getting higher and higher, and the swords were like carrying mountains and seas. In the end, the Wolf King did not dare to fight head-on.

The tyranny of Taixuan’s military strategy has now appeared in the world for the first time!

In fact, not only the Wolf King, but also Song Zining and Ji Tianqing saw that Qianye could not last long. However, this moment of incomparable bravery was enough.

“This kind of skill, this kind of skill” Ji Tianqing’s eyes were filled with light, and she was so excited that she couldn’t help herself.

The last time I competed with Qianye was only a matter of seconds, and I didn’t have a deep understanding of Taixuan’s military attack tactics. For her, who was used to seeing top secret techniques, seeing such an unprecedented domineering technique was no less than a feast for the eyes.

Song Zining was so anxious that he had no way to intervene in a battle of this level. Even if he intervenes, he will not be able to influence the situation of the battle.

The most angry person is actually the Wolf King. He was pressed down by Qianye and attacked wildly. Apart from dodging and blocking, he had no ability to fight back. Although he knew that Qianye’s offensive was like a violent storm and would not last long, this technique was so overbearing that it actually allowed Qianye to exert several times his own strength to completely suppress the Wolf King. Before Qianye’s strength was exhausted, the Wolf King had no choice but to be beaten passively.

In an instant, there were several wounds on the Wolf King’s body, dripping with blood, which was shocking.

Qianye’s offensive suddenly slowed down, and its power receded like a tide. The limit of Taixuan’s military attack technique finally came.

The Wolf King let out an earth-shattering roar, suddenly erupted, and attacked Qianye crazily. However, Qianye’s sword force turned around and the defense was so dense that no water leaked out. Dongyue is indestructible and is often used as a shield by Qianye. Moreover, the tide of power has not completely receded at this moment. Although the Wolf King’s power is dominant, it cannot overwhelm Qianye. Moreover, Qianye’s sword skills are close to perfection and are still superior to those of the Wolf King. Therefore, for a while, the Wolf King has nothing to do with Qianye.

The attack and defense were changing, and the Wolf King felt the lock of the ballista again, and had to concentrate on dealing with the threat of the ballista. But the feeling of danger changed from two to three, which surprised the Wolf King. Is there a third ballista hidden in the city? But at a glance, except for the two turrets, there is nowhere to hide the cannon.

The fight came to an end in the blink of an eye, and Qianye and the Wolf King separated.

Qianye’s face looked pale at this moment, with thin lines of blood oozing from the corners of his eyes, lips, nose, and ears. His body couldn’t bear the head-to-head battle with the Wolf King. After all, werewolves are known for their physical strength, even above the vampires.

The Wolf King looked at Qianye coldly, his eyes getting redder and redder, and his murderous intent gradually rising. Qianye’s face was expressionless, and his eyes seemed a little confused. In fact, he had entered a state of neither sadness nor joy.

During the distant confrontation, cheers and cheers suddenly sounded in the city below, and a few loud voices who were not afraid of death even shouted the slogan “Kill the Wolf King”.

Although Qianye’s injuries were far more serious than those of the Wolf King and the consumption was greater, he was still injured internally, while the Wolf King had four or five long **** wounds on his body, which looked very ferocious and terrifying, but in fact it was nothing important. After Qianye cut open the skin and flesh, his strength was exhausted. Not even the force blood and energy was left, and the bones and internal organs could not be hurt at all.

But those vulgar mercenaries below could not tell the difference between flesh wounds and internal injuries. In their eyes, the blood-covered Wolf King was the one who was beaten worse.

The Wolf King also wanted to understand this truth in the blink of an eye, and his eyes suddenly turned black with anger. After losing to Zhang Buzhou, no one has dared to shout “Kill the Wolf King” to his face in all these years. Given his status, it would be too embarrassing to personally kill the miscellaneous fish mercenaries below, so all his anger was thrown at Qianye.

“If I don’t sacrifice you alive to my ancestors today, I will never return to the ancestral land of the tribe!” The Wolf King said every word.

Qianye’s expression remained indifferent, he had long ignored the joys and sorrows of life and death. He raised his sword and stood still, retreating slowly, but his aura was rising rapidly.

Ji Tianqing praised below: “Well done! It seems that the Wolf King is going to fight to the end.”

Song Zining looked solemn and said: “Get ready to take action.”

Ji Tianqing was startled, “So fast?”

Song Zining gritted his teeth and said: “We must be quick. I let Qianye provoke me, not him in a one-on-one fight!”

Ji Tianqing shrugged, “Single combat is the best provocation. Qianye did a good job.”

“I don’t think he can last another round, we can’t take this risk!”

“If we start now, I’m not sure I can hold off the Wolf King. He still has a lot of ancestral power that he hasn’t used yet.”

Song Zining gritted his teeth and said, “Fight!”

The Wolf King’s long hair fluttered as he moved forward slowly, his aura rising higher and higher. The dark red light around his body was so rich and substantial that almost all the power of his ancestors would be used in this attack.

Just when he took another step forward, the scenery around him suddenly changed, turning into a soft spring southern scenery. Song Zining had already risen into the sky, flicking his fingers together, and countless floating leaves shot out from his fingertips, turning into several chains, locking the Wolf King in place.

The Wolf King was startled at first, and then became furious. With a strong shake, countless floating leaves disappeared into thin air, leaving only a few pieces still attached to his body.

Song Zining spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell from the air. However, as long as one floating leaf remains, the Wolf King cannot move.

Ji Tianqing quietly appeared behind the Wolf King and pointed at the dark red light around him. At this point, the dark red light was like water falling into boiling oil, boiling so much that it almost exploded. The power of the ancestors suddenly went berserk, leaving the Wolf King in a panic. While trying his best to suppress it, he attacked Ji Tianqing, trying to drive her away.

At this moment, every move of the Wolf King was supported by the power of his ancestors, and his power was infinite. Ji Tianqing did not dare to block the attack, but flew around the Wolf King to restrain him. He could no longer block and release the force. For a moment, the Wolf King couldn’t do anything to her. However, she was also surrounded by dangers, and her dodges from some attacks were truly thrilling.

At this moment, Qianye was standing a hundred meters away, having taken out the Burial Heart and aiming at the Wolf King. His heart was as empty as still water, and a pair of light wings slowly unfolded behind him.

The Wolf King’s eyebrows suddenly jumped wildly, and the warning sign sounded. He roared wildly, and all the power of his ancestors exploded, like a dark red storm, whistling and enveloping the whole person. The last few floating leaves began to break one by one, and with each broken piece, Song Zining would spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Ji Tianqing’s hands ignited with bright golden light, and she attacked the Wolf King wildly, causing his ancestral power to be quickly consumed. However, the ancestral power in the Wolf King is too strong. At this rate, it will take more than half of it to clear Song Zining’s floating leaves and restore freedom. Once the Wolf King moves freely, it’s hard to say whether Qianye’s shot will hit.

Seeing that he was about to miss the mark, suddenly a ray of water-colored blue light cut through the sky, twisting and turning, and in an instant it was in front of the Wolf King, slashing away the power of the ancestors with a single sword!

PS: Two updates are due this month.

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