Monarch of Evernight: Seventy-one Realities

bsp;The situation of the war is very complicated. Lingang City did not participate in the war in name, but was just unlucky enough to be chosen as the battlefield. But everyone knows that there is no real bad luck in this kind of thing, but they don’t know which party is planning on Lingang City, or whether all three parties have this idea.

From a power point of view, the Spider Emperor and the Moonlight White Devil are from different races, while the Wolf King represents the human race. In Lingang City, the human race accounts for the majority, and the city lord Su Dingqian is also an authentic human race. But when it comes to appointing Qianye, he seems to be more on guard against the Wolf King.

Until now, Qianye is not sure who the enemy is. Su Dingqian’s attitude towards this war was extremely tough. He designated a hundred kilometers around Lingang City as a war zone. No matter which legion entered this area, it would be attacked.

In the dead of night, Qianye packed up his equipment and quietly waited for dawn in the courtyard.

When the morning light illuminated the earth, Qianye left the small courtyard. The deputy captain of the city’s main guard was already waiting at the door. He personally drove Qianye towards the city gate.

“General Zhao, are you leaving the city at this time? Why don’t you wait until night?” Now that Qianye has received the status of an officer in the city guard, the title of the deputy captain has changed from Mr. Zhao to General Zhao.

Facing an organized army, hunting under the cover of night is the choice of most people. However, Qianye did not answer this and just smiled. The vice-captain didn’t ask any more questions. Fighting methods were the privacy of the strong. If you inquired too much, you might get into trouble.

The deputy captain sent Qianye ten kilometers outside the city and drove back.

Outside Lingang City, the terrain is undulating, but mostly low hills and gentle valleys, with few steep terrain. Just outside the city, a large river rolled away and entered the East China Sea. This kind of terrain is suitable for a decisive battle between large armies.

After the vice-captain left, Qianye waved his hand, and the field backpack behind him disappeared and moved into Andua’s mysterious space. He took out the map and looked at it carefully. He saw that there was a small town a few kilometers away, so he decided to go there and have a look.

The journey of several kilometers can be reached in a matter of seconds for Qianye.

The town is quite large, with approximately a thousand people living there. The houses here are also low and simple, and there are not even two-story buildings in sight. Earthquakes caused by the overturning of the ground covered hundreds of kilometers, and the town apparently experienced countless reincarnations between collapse and reconstruction. It is impossible for a small town of this size to have the money to build a force array of protective buildings.

When Qianye walked into the town, the town was in panic. Many people packed their luggage, came out of their homes, and headed towards Lingang City. Some people dispersed in other directions. An old man who looked like a patriarch said to dozens of people in the family: “This war is obviously aimed at Lingang City. If we run to the city now, wouldn’t we jump into a fire pit? What kind of city defense is there? Even if the city wall is short, I can jump over it now!”

“But there is City Lord Su in the city!” Some young tribesmen were not convinced.

“No matter how strong City Lord Su is, he is still just one person! Are people like Wolf King and Spider Emperor worse than City Lord Su? Furthermore, City Lord Su is a great man who has reached the sky. Even if he can protect Lingang City, he will not be able to protect Lingang City. But there are little **** like you in the eyes? If you fight with these big shots, you will be killed if you get too close.”

Although the young clan members were still dissatisfied, they could not defeat the old clan leader and climbed into the truck reluctantly. The engines of the two trucks roared as they drove hard out of the town and into the distance. Being able to get two cars, it seems that this family can be considered a big family in the town.

Somewhat to Qianye’s surprise, most of the people sitting in the car were young and strong men, while the old, weak, women and children were walking behind the truck.

Qianye glanced around and found that most of the people riding in the car had some Force cultivation, enough to be qualified warriors in the city guard. Those who walk are ordinary people, with at most one level of force power.

After thinking about it for a moment, Qianye understood. The purpose of this family is to keep the adult warriors full of physical strength and combat effectiveness in order to cope with possible dangers on the long journey. And when necessary, the old and the weak who follow the car are the targets of sacrifice.

From this point, we can see the cruelty of the neutral land.

The residents of the small town left in droves to escape the war. Many people are qualified warriors in the empire, but in neutral lands, they are reduced to the helpless bottom.

Qianye was walking through the town, and through the crowds of people hurriedly coming and going, he suddenly saw two people lying down deep in an alley. Qianye’s heart moved and he walked into the alley. As soon as we entered the alley, the light became dim and an unpleasant smell hit us.

Both of them were dressed as townspeople, but now they were lying in the muddy water, unable to move. From under them, the muddy water had turned dark purple, and it was obvious that the blood had almost dried up.

From the corner of the alley, there was the sound of heavy breathing, and even the rapid heartbeat was clearly audible. In addition, in Qianye’s perception, the blood flow in the hidden man’s body accelerated, and he was obviously in a state of extreme tension.

Qianye pretended not to notice anything, stepped past the two corpses, and walked into the corner. The person hiding behind the wall jumped up and stabbed Qianye’s waist and eyes with the dagger in his hand! This sword was fast, cruel, and merciless, and it was obviously going to kill Qianye.

However, the strength of the person who attacked was really weak. When the dagger barely touched Qianye’s combat uniform, his wrist was held by Qianye, and his wrist bones were crushed immediately.

The sneak attacker screamed and fell to the ground, his whole body shaking with pain. This man was dressed in a mercenary uniform, with a bandage around his waist and abdomen. Blood was still leaking out. He also had several large and small injuries on his body. The large wounds were hastily treated, while the small wounds were still exposed. It seemed that after he was injured, he didn’t even have time to bandage it.

No matter how miserable this mercenary is, Qianye remains indifferent. Qianye has never shown mercy to those who want to kill him.

He stretched out his hand to lift the mercenary, pressed it against the wall, and asked: “Why do you want to kill me? Tell me, I will let you die quickly.”

The mercenary looked pale, pointed to the two corpses of the townspeople on the ground, and said, “I thought you were with them. Our team finally escaped back. There were more than a dozen people, and only one of them was left. Let the three of us go. Then, these **** saw that we were seriously injured and wanted to steal our equipment! Lao Wang and Tie Hu did not die on the battlefield, but died in their hands!”

Following the mercenary’s guidance, Qianye looked deep into the alley. There, two mercenaries were sitting against the wall, dead for a long time. Around them, there were five or six corpses of townspeople, all of them covered with wounds, obviously fighting extremely fiercely. These townspeople did not expect that the three mercenaries were seriously injured and still had such strength. They failed to plunder and ended up losing their own lives.

The mercenary was seriously injured in Qianye’s hands and would not survive long. He was standing guard at the entrance of the alley, apparently planning to recruit a few more people to back him up. In this chaotic moment, no one will pursue this matter.

Qianye sighed in his heart, having a new understanding of the chaos in the neutral land. He loosened his grip, threw the mercenary on the ground, and walked deeper into the alley.

“Wait a minute, help me!” the mercenary behind shouted.

Qianye continued to move forward as if he had not heard anything.

“You are so powerful, why don’t you save me!” the mercenary screamed miserably.

Qianye still moved forward and was almost out of the alley.

The mercenary’s face was full of viciousness and he shouted: “If you don’t save me, then you must die for me!”

He grabbed the force gun with his still intact left hand and aimed a shot at the back of Qianye’s head!

Qianye took one step across and passed the force bomb. A mere third-level gun was too slow for him now. Even if he didn’t dodge, the force bullet couldn’t hurt Qianye.

Qianye pulled out the twin flowers and shot three consecutive shots with his backhand. One shot shattered the mercenary’s left hand and the force gun together, and the other two shots broke his legs. Qianye moved and appeared in front of the mercenary again, saying, “Just die slowly like this.”

When Qianye walked out of the alley, the mercenary’s screams and intermittent curses were still heard from behind. Qianye didn’t take it seriously. This kind of curse for a weak person was meaningless, and the pain of losing his limbs was enough to punish him. But there was also a glimmer of confusion in his heart. Are there all such twisted and crazy people in a neutral place?

The escape of the townspeople continued, and gunshots would be heard from time to time. People gather together in family units and will often shoot without hesitation if another group of people approaches. They were like a pack of wolves, showing off their fangs and claws to each other, keeping their distance while intimidating each other and biting tentatively.

Qianye left the town and headed to the next destination. Ten kilometers away from here, there is another sizable village with hundreds of people there.

Villages and towns like this are dotted around Lingang City and can be seen everywhere. When the ground turns over or becomes restless, agouti may appear in various places driven up from the ground. Therefore, people in various villages and towns mostly make a living by catching the unique product of agouti rainbowfish.

The area designated by Su Dingqian was actually the territory of Lingang City traditionally. The villages and towns in the area had to pay taxes to Lingang City in exchange for protection and the right to live in the territory.

In about half a day, Qianye visited several villages. The outermost villages have long been deserted, and the villagers have fled the war zone. The only people left in the village are a few old people who can’t walk. Occasionally, there are still some people in the villages close to Lingang City, who are also preparing to escape.

In a neutral place, battles at the level of **** generals are not uncommon. Su Dingqian has fought several times in the past, fighting against the Spider Emperor and Wolf King. Lingang City’s transcendent status was all achieved through hard work. The war between gods and generals would affect a wide area, making it impossible for ordinary people to survive. People like the Spider Emperor and the Wolf King don’t care how many of the humans below die.

While inspecting the village, Qianye came across a mercenary team. They were ‘resting’ in this village, and the supplementary supplies came from the villagers who had not yet had time to leave. This ten-person mercenary team did not encounter any fighting, and seemed to be specifically looking for villages to ‘rest’. When they saw Qianye who was alone, they immediately surrounded him like a pack of wolves discovering a sheep.

After a while, Qianye left the village. And that team of mercenaries who were part-time bandits all turned into corpses.

On the first day, the few battles actually took place with human mercenaries. Mobile phone users please visit

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