Monarch of Evernight: 161 collapse

bsp;”Brother Liu! General Liu!” Several strong men from the Li family were shocked and looked around hurriedly. After a while, they looked at each other and shook their heads.

Qianye was standing not far away at this moment, looking at this scene, he didn’t know what he felt in his heart. The fallen man’s combat power was still higher than that of Lu Sha, but he was also injured like this. Maybe if he hadn’t rushed so hard, he wouldn’t have died at the gate of the base.

Qianye turned his eyes and saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the base, waiting to be checked in. There were about thirty people in this team, almost all of them were injured, and half of them were carried back. A young soldier sat on a flatbed truck and stared blankly into the distance. His body was covered with gauze and one of his legs was missing. For such an injury, even in the private army of aristocratic families, ordinary soldiers cannot afford treatment. He will have to live with crutches for the rest of his life. &nbNovelsp;The soldiers guarding the gate checked everyone who wanted to enter the base one by one, and they were meticulous. Even the seriously injured were not exempted. No matter how severe the injury was, it would not cause the slightest ripple in their eyes. However, Qianye knew that it was not that these warriors were born cold-blooded, but that they had seen too many similar scenes in the past few days and had become numb.

Qianye stood outside the base gate for a while, and all he saw were the teams returning to the base, but not the teams leaving the base to fight. This is in sharp contrast to not long ago, when teams from the famous families gathered together and there was an endless stream of participating teams.

Seeing this, Qianye felt a layer of gloom in his heart.

After entering the base, Qianye did not return to his residence first, but walked towards the business district. With more teams in the family, there will naturally be demand for transactions. In this regard, the Li family followed suit and set aside a special area in the base for all parties to trade freely.

Seemingly affected by the war, the trading area seemed a lot deserted. There were not even as many soldiers going back and forth as selling goods. Qianye walked around the shops and stalls, occasionally picking up something to look at.

Everything is sold in the trading area, from the most common weapons and ammunition to various exotic animal organs, you can find them here. There was even a guy selling saplings from giant trees. It’s just that Qianye has seen the growth process of the giant tree with his own eyes, so he can naturally tell that it is a fake at a glance.

Under normal circumstances, many strong men who hunt freely will sell their trophies here. It’s just that the amount of loot in Qianye’s hands is too large and the amount is too large. Not many people can afford such a large sum of money. Selling it all to the Lu family, which specializes in dark race equipment business, can save a lot of trouble.

When leaving the trading area, Qianye had a bucket of sap from a giant tree in his backpack. This thing is everywhere in the misty forest. A full bucket is only sold for one gold coin, and half of it is still the price of the bucket. Not just any bucket can be used to hold sap.

The sap of the giant tree is not sold as a source of sap in the market, but as a natural toxin, and it is still used on the human race themselves. Seeing Qianye buying a large bucket, the seller blinked and made a knowing expression.

Back at his residence, Qianye put down his things and did not practice immediately. Instead, he went to the bar. He was going to have a drink to relax his overly tense nerves.

The bar was packed with people, and the powerful music drum beat like a heavy hammer on everyone’s heart, making people’s blood boil. This bar is just one of many on base. As the war situation gradually became unfavorable, the bar business became more and more prosperous. Many people can find reasons for drinking: they have not yet died in the battle, or are about to die in the battle, and they need to enjoy themselves in time.

Qianye squeezed through the bandaged warriors and numerous women with barely any clothes on, and finally reached the bar. He placed a gold coin on the bar and said, “Anything you want, as long as it’s strong enough.” ”

The man behind the bar took a deep look at Qianye, put away the gold coins, placed a cup on the bar, then added seven or eight kinds of spirits into it, and then poured some more unknown spirits. After entering the white liquor, he pushed the wine glass in front of Qianye.

Qianye did not drink immediately, but wrinkled his nose and said, “Are you adding so many stimulants?”

The man behind the bar shrugged and said, “I can’t help it. There have been a lot of injured brothers recently. This will make them feel better.”

Even in the bar opened at Li’s base, the stimulants mixed into the wine cannot be of high quality. This white syrup is the lowest level of stimulant and contains many impurities. Precisely because of the effect of impurities, they are more likely to make people excited and addictive, but the excitement brought by impurities does not help with injury recovery.

The amount of stimulants added to this cup is enough to burst the blood vessels of an ordinary person. But for Qianye, this glass of wine was just enough to make him feel erratic, just enough to relax his mind and let his thoughts wander.

Qianye picked up the wine glass, drank it all in one gulp, then placed the empty glass and another gold coin on the bar, and said, “One more glass.”

After two glasses of wine, an unusual flush began to appear on Qianye’s face. The surrounding noise began to become erratic and somewhat unclear.

This feeling is exactly what Qianye wants.

But at this moment, the entire bar suddenly became quiet, and the huge difference in volume made people mistakenly think that even the music had stopped.

The silence only lasted for a short moment, and then there was a loud bang, and the sudden burst of huge volume seemed to deafen people!

Everyone was shouting, and it was hard to tell whether they were excited or frightened, but they all looked very ferocious.

Amidst countless shouts, Qianye’s thoughts were finally able to capture a key sentence:

“Zhang Clan lost.”

With a whoop, everyone in the bar rushed out. In a blink of an eye, the bar became empty. Only Qianye and the man behind the bar were left. Even the maids were gone.

The man behind the bar has been scrubbing the cup in his hand, as if there is only one thing left in the world worth focusing on.

Qianye drank the wine in one gulp, sighed softly, and said, “This battle is not easy to win.”

“It’s never been easier to fight.” said the man behind the bar.

At this moment, Qianye remembered the empire’s definition of this battle: a battle for national destiny. At the same moment, I don’t know how many people had the same idea.

Since Zhang Boqian reached the top and was awarded the title of Queen of Qingyang, Zhang Clan has also been at the peak of its power and has never been defeated on the frontal battlefield. Even if the Eternal Night Parliament awakened the Queen of the Night/Lilith, it did not gain the upper hand. From the **** battle to the battle to **** the essence of the void, the empire has the upper hand.

How could Zhang Vale be defeated?

It seems that as long as King Qingyang is here and Lin Shuai is strategizing, the empire will never suffer another defeat.

Qianye suddenly stood up and strode out of the bar.

The base was in chaos, and the streets were full of people running back and forth. Everyone had only one topic: Zhang Clan was defeated.

In the chaos, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded, and then several powerful voices, supported by the deep force, covered the entire base: “Keep order, don’t panic! The latest battle report will be released soon, please maintain restraint! If Anyone who deliberately creates chaos will be shot without mercy!”

Several strong men from the Li family flew into the air, unleashed their force power without reservation, and repeated warnings over and over again. Finally, the situation was brought under control, and people gradually calmed down, waiting for the Li family to announce the latest battle report.

The Li family did not keep everyone waiting. After a while, dozens of soldiers came to various prominent locations in the base to post battle reports. At the same time, Li Tianquan appeared above the base and said loudly: “I am Li Tianquan! Please be patient and calm. Our Li family base will not be withdrawn, and the military merit list will be implemented as usual. All merit rewards will be as before!”

As soon as these words came out, people immediately calmed down a lot.

Qianye recalled the floating land situation in his mind. Once Zhang Clan was defeated, Zhao Clan was exposed behind him. As for the Song clan in the other direction, everyone knows that it won’t be able to hold on for long. The main force of Yong Ye’s army was almost all on the Zhang clan’s side, with less than one-third of the troops in the direction of the Song clan and the Li family. Even so, the Song clan fought extremely hard, and collapse was only a matter of time.

At this moment, the Zhang Clan is defeated. If the Song Clan retreats again, then only the Zhao Clan war zone will be left in the empire’s foundation, with little room for maneuver. Due to the inability to deploy a large army in the misty forest and the military merit list, although the current situation of the Li family is becoming increasingly difficult, it can still be sustained and is far from collapse. However, once the two clans of Zhang and Song retreat, the Li family base will be left alone and be besieged from three sides. If the Li family cannot withstand the pressure, they will also withdraw to the Zhao clan war zone.

That was why I was panicking earlier.

But according to Li Tianquan’s wishes, the Li family wants to take root in the misty forest and fight to the death. This puts people at ease a lot. However, there are still many people who are obviously suspicious. Who knows if the Li family is just saying this to stabilize people’s hearts?

The battle reports were posted soon, and one of them was not far from Qianye. The content of the battle report was very concise. It only said that the dark race continued to increase its troops and besieged them for more than a month. Zhang Clan finally couldn’t hold on anymore and gave up the frontline fortress. He was preparing to return to Zhao Clan’s war zone and reorganize his army to fight again.

After reading the battle report, Qianye squeezed out of the crowd and walked towards his residence. A person came hurriedly in front of him, and as they passed each other, he suddenly let out a whoosh and called out to Qianye.

When the person came was Li Wei, his face was already full of worry. He looked at Qianye’s expression, suddenly startled, and asked: “General Qianye, are you planning to leave?”

Qianye nodded and said, “It’s time to leave.”

Li Weishi sighed and said: “It’s okay to leave. Once Zhang Clan retreats, the war here will be difficult to fight in the future. If you want to return to the empire, you must hurry up. There will be a cargo ship going back tomorrow. I will go Say hello, it won’t be hard to find a seat for you.”

“I’m not going back to the empire, I’m just changing war zones.”

Li Weishi was suddenly stunned: “Change the war zone? Is there any other war zone that is easy to change now? Isn’t it the only Zhao clan left?”

In fact, the Song Clan war zone is basically intact, but there is no danger to defend the Wangyue Plain. The Song Clan’s combat power is at the bottom among the four clans. Even some top aristocratic families may not be able to match it. Therefore, in the hearts of everyone, it has long been Remove the Moon-Watching Plain from the map.

“Is it really the Zhao family?!” Seeing that Qianye did not deny it, Li Weishi couldn’t help but ask.

Qianye nodded.

Li Weishi was shocked and tried his best to persuade: “If you go to the Zhao clan now, isn’t that suicide? Qianye, if you still want to fight, you might as well stay here. At least there is the misty forest as a natural barrier, and the dark race has no France is attacking with all his strength, and there is much more room for maneuver. In addition, there is only one week left before the military merit list is counted. Although you are in the lead now, others may still come back. After all, they are all working for the empire. Isn’t it the same everywhere? ”

After Li Weishi’s persuasion, Qianye just smiled and walked towards his residence. Levi sighed heavily, feeling indescribably gloomy.

At this time, several off-road vehicles roared over and rushed towards the airship landing site. This motorcade was painted with the family emblem of the Juyuan Boyun family. The vehicles were full of people and carried simple luggage. It looked like they were preparing to evacuate.

As soon as the news came out, many people were already shaken. Those who responded quickly and well-informed simply packed their luggage and evacuated immediately. If you leave any later, you may not be able to leave. Once signs of retreat appear, Li Tianquan is incompetent and knows how to put all aerostats under his jurisdiction.

Watching Uncle Ju Yuan and his party walking away, Li Weishi could only smile bitterly and sighed softly: “They are all smart people!”

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