Monarch of Evernight: Sixty-six meetings

bsp;Song Zining saw him, his glib smile faded, and asked: “Have you decided?”

Qianye sighed in his heart and nodded firmly.

Song Zining also calmed down. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Qianye for a while with no meaning, and suddenly smiled and said: “Qianye, you have grown up.”

Before Qian Ye could say anything, Song Zining seemed to have already thought about the follow-up matters and said: “Yetong, as the princess of Menluo, has basic information in the empire, including portraits, even if most people in Yong Ye don’t. She has access to this kind of information, but the current situation is special. There are too many powerful people in the empire in Yongye, so she can’t just show up like this.”

Song Zining tapped his palms with a folding fan and said: “I need about three or four days to make some arrangements. A battle has just ended here, and it will take some time before the next one can be fought. There happens to be someone During my free time, I can take a few days off to go back to Blackstream City. When will you come over?”

Qianye hesitated, “Zining, please tell me the relevant contacts. This matter is too dangerous, so don’t get involved directly.” Although he had originally planned to ask Song Zining if there was any way to bring Ye Tong with him. Living in a human settlement for a long time was a taboo matter, but Song Zining never wanted to get involved directly.

Song Zining sneered, “Do you still know the danger?” He paused and said calmly: “Although the empire has strict laws, they do not sit together. Don’t worry, if something happens, I will clean myself up.”

Qianye stopped talking after being scolded by Song Zining. He was too familiar with Song Zining, and this look and tone made him really angry.

Song Zining looked at Qianye’s expression of vague pain and confusion, his face returned to calm, and said: “You still have Marshal Bo Qian to pass tomorrow, and no one can help you. If everything Good luck, I’ll wait for you in Blackstream City in five days.”

Qianye nodded slowly.

Song Zining said: “Then it’s settled. I’m leaving first, and I have to ask for leave.” Before going out, Song Zining suddenly turned around and said, “No matter what, you are my brother. If anything happens, , naturally we will bear it together.”

After saying that, Song Zining pushed open the door and left without waiting for Qianye’s reply.

Qianye sat in silence for a long time. There was no light in the room, and the night filled every corner. Outside the window, it went from noisy to silent, and finally only the sound of the night wind remained. Qianye was immersed in such darkness. At some point, his mind calmed down and he inexplicably entered the meditative state required for cultivation.

He did not do it deliberately and allowed Xuan Yao’s two chapters to slowly alternate. It was only then that Qianye discovered the divine power. Both of these chapters could refine the residual energy of the ancient essence fragments of the giant beast in the body. The Xuan chapter produced the dark force, while the Yao chapter refined the dawn force.

As for tomorrow, I can only let it happen.

After practicing all night, it was already dawn in the blink of an eye. It was still dark in the Evernight Continent at this moment, but the empire camp was already buzzing with noise, and the soldiers were getting up to go out for exercise.

When Qianye finished washing and walked out of the room, two of Zhao Xuanji’s personal guards were waiting outside. Qianye followed them out and boarded the car, heading towards Zhang Boqian’s Chinese army camp at the top of the hill.

As soon as the vehicle passed through the gate of the Chinese Army Camp, Qianye suddenly felt his body sink slightly, as if there was an iron curtain hanging down, isolating the Chinese Army Camp from the outside world. He was shocked. The feeling of this realm was somewhat similar to that of the Heavenly Ghost Iron Curtain. Although the scope was not as wide as covering tens of millions of miles, it was still more airtight than the others.

Qianye tried to use his senses to make contact with the invisible curtain, but was immediately bounced back, leaving him with no room to fight back. At this time, he had an illusion, like a bird in a cage, unable to even fly out consciously. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and the pressure on his body gradually became heavier, from being subtle at first to being as heavy as later. boulders.

Qianye looked at the main tent in the center of the Chinese Army in shock. If the source of all this comes from Zhang Boqian, then the power of this legendary figure of the empire is really as deep as the abyss. Just being in the field, and just being isolated from the scanning of thoughts, made him breathless.

At this time, the car shuddered and stopped. Qianye got off the car with everyone and saw a portal in front of him. It was obviously much quieter than other areas of the camp. There were even few guards and there were almost no ordinary people coming and going. The soldiers and officers were in a hurry, and no one stopped to talk.

Qianye looked around him again and found that the people in the car were all completely fine, as if they were completely unaware of the powerful pressure.

The person who brought them in to handle military affairs was a colonel from the Imperial Military Staff Office. He noticed that Qianye’s face was pale and cold sweat was constantly leaking from his forehead. He couldn’t help but asked with concern: “Master Qianye, are you? The injury is not completely healed yet? I will take you to the military doctor after you see the commander. This time the military has brought an entire laboratory here, and the medical conditions should be better than those of other major families.”

Qianye waved his hand and said weakly: “I’m fine. It’s just my first time meeting Commander Bo Qian, so I’m inevitably a little nervous.”

“Of course! After more than ten years in the army, I can only get a glimpse of the commander-in-chief from a distance, and I am not qualified to meet him in person!” At this point, the colonel’s face was full of yearning. Among the people who came in the same car, only Qianye wanted to meet Zhang Boqian, and everyone else looked at him with envy.

Qianye forced a smile and did not answer.

The guards of this important portal are all Zhang Boqian’s direct troops, the “Iron Clothes Regiment”. After the colonel and the guards handed over the procedures, they could only stop here, and someone came out to take everyone in separately.

Qianye noticed that the two people who came to guide him were actually generals. As expected, the military uniforms had cloud patterns that he had only heard of and never seen before. They were the Thunder Cavalry Guards of the Imperial Guard.

The deeper we walked, the quieter it became. Finally, when Qianye stopped in front of a group of large tents, he could no longer see anyone moving around. The Knight Rider who led the way didn’t speak and only made a gesture to him.

Qianye took a deep breath and stepped into the tent with the wide open door on the right. At first glance, it felt empty.

This is a dome tent commonly used as a command room by the Imperial Field Corps. It can accommodate four to five hundred people at the same time. At this moment, there is only a book table in the center, with one person sitting on the table, and a high lamp standing behind it. At nine o’clock in the morning, the room still needs lighting, so the lamp is burning with blazing flames of the Force, illuminating the area around the desk and making the person’s face flicker.

Although the man behind the crime was sitting, he could still tell that he was tall and tall.

His long hair was untied and scattered casually. His posture was so wanton that he didn’t look like he was in the army, but the military aura that hit his face even had a faint smell of blood. The man held a golden cup in his hand and stared into the cup, wondering what he was thinking.

The first time Qianye saw him, a name popped into his mind, Zhang Boqian!

The Thunder Cavalry Guard who brought Qianye in did not inform him. He walked directly to the tent and stood with his colleagues without making a sound. Qianye was stunned, then he walked to Zhang Boqian and stood ten meters away, bowing his head slightly.

Zhang Boqian seemed not to notice the movement in front of him at all, he just stared at the contents in the cup without moving. Qianye could only stand and remain silent.

But as he stood, Qianye felt that the pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier, and the flow of force gradually became sluggish. At this moment, he was like a person who fell into the water, slowly submerging into the water, but unable to struggle, and could only fall into the dark seabed in despair.

Qianye finally moved, turning his head to look at the several Thunder Cavalry Guards standing in the corner, but they all stood upright, nothing unusual at all. At this moment, Qianye even began to have difficulty breathing. The pressure on his body was so heavy that he could almost hear the clicking groans in his joints.

Could it be that the strength of these Thunder Cavalry generals is so high that they can turn a blind eye to the heavy pressure from King Qingyang’s domain? However, Qianye knew that this was absolutely impossible.

Qianye’s breathing became more and more rapid, and sweat poured down his body. Beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks, and finally a drop fell to the ground with a soft thud.

The silence in the tent was broken.

Zhang Boqian finally raised his head, his eyes fell on Qianye, and said slowly: “They are fine because they cannot sense the power of my domain at all. But you can sense my domain, and you can support it until now. , is considered rare.”

As Zhang Boqian spoke, the pressure on Qianye suddenly disappeared. He suddenly felt like a fish in water and couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhang Boqian looked at Qianye, his eyes far and wide, unable to see any fluctuations at all. In front of these eyes, Qianye suddenly felt that he could not hide anything, his whole person was as transparent as all his secrets were exposed in broad daylight.

Qianye could only stand in silence, waiting for fate to be pronounced.

Zhang Boqian put down the golden cup in his hand and fell into deep thought again. After a moment, he said: “It is true that you killed the ghost clone. You are a talented person. Come on!”

A Thunder Cavalry Guard quickly walked up to the side and asked, “What are the commander’s orders?”

“Look what reward he deserves.”

This Thunder Cavalry Guard is skilled in military affairs and said without thinking at the moment: “By killing the ghost clone, you can get a custom-made seventh-level firearm and a set of related ammunition; or you can get a sixth-level famous soldier. Handmade by a master; or you may get a pair of level six battle armor, produced by the Imperial Workshop”

The list to choose from is still very long, but Qianye interjected: “Can you temporarily record this military achievement and use it in the future?”

The Thunder Cavalry Guard was startled and couldn’t help but say: “This time the military merit awards are different from the past. There are many exquisite items in the list, and some are even equipped with the Imperial Guards, which is not seen at all in normal times. ”

Qianye nodded and said: “Thank you for your kindness, sir. But I still hope that the general’s merits will be temporarily forgotten.”

At this time Zhang Boqian said calmly: “That’s it. You go down.”

Now that Zhang Boqian said this, the Thunder Cavalry Guard immediately saluted and returned to his position, and the two Thunder Cavalry Guards who brought Qianye in were sent back the same way.

When Qianye saw the military colonel waiting outside the door, he still couldn’t believe it. He actually came out like this? Qianye felt that Zhang Boqian had obviously seen through all the secrets in him with one glance, but he didn’t say anything and allowed him to leave safely.

What’s the conspiracy here? Qianye immediately rejected this ridiculous idea. Who is Zhang Boqian? There is no need to play any conspiracy with him. With Zhang Boqian’s temperament, he never beats around the bush, he always promotes people who are pleasing to his eyes, and directly slaps them to death if he doesn’t like them. How could he make an exception for him alone?

But what’s going on now? Zhang Boqian obviously cared about Qianye very much, otherwise he would not have wasted such a long time on him.

When Qianye left, he was more confused than when he came. He even doubted whether Zhang Boqian had really seen through everything. And there was still a small knot in his heart. He didn’t see that person this time, and he didn’t know whether he was disappointed or relieved.

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