Monarch of Evernight: Forty-Four Injuries

bsp;At this moment, the spider demon in the cave hall had fought to the end of his strength. As soon as he stopped moving, countless ferocious beasts and villains flooded him like a gray tide. The huge body of the Spider Demon Viscount was torn to pieces and swallowed in the blink of an eye, leaving only a dozen white bones.

But some ferocious beasts were still unwilling to give in. Their bites were so powerful that they even bit down on the spider demon’s skeleton. With a clicking sound, the spider demon’s skeleton, which was as hard as fine steel, was bitten into pieces piece by piece and swallowed.

The werewolves are still fighting, but the blazing dark force has become very weak, and it seems that they cannot last long.

The number of ferocious beasts and indigenous people in the hall has not decreased significantly. Those ferocious beasts that have been circling in the outer circle and cannot squeeze in to participate in the battle can’t help but feel a little irritated when they see that they can’t get enough of the last prey. Start turning your attention to the nearby passage.

They immediately discovered Li Kuanglan and let out a bloodthirsty roar, sweeping over him like a gray tide.

“Seeking death!” Li Kuanglan’s charming eyes revealed murderous intent, the sneer on his lips did not fade away, and the “Han Yue Cage Sand” in his hand was immediately withdrawn. As the blue light shone, a cold air surged out like water waves, covering a small half of the cave hall.

The bodies of the greyhounds rushing at the front were suddenly covered with a thin layer of frost, and they were only halfway through their leaps before they stopped. Their bodies flew nearly ten meters before landing on the ground, but their postures remained at the moment they came into contact with the frosty air of the cold moon.

With a crash, several gray dogs fell to pieces on the ground as if they were made of glass.

Not only them, but the tide of beasts that followed them also became frozen after the freezing air passed. Many ferocious beasts slid under the influence of inertia, collided with each other, and then turned into pieces.

In an instant, wherever the freezing air of “Hanyue Cage Sand” touched, except for a few of the largest ferocious beasts, the rest of the ferocious beasts and the indigenous people were completely frozen, and their bodies became extremely fragile. Breaks when touched.

The movements of those ferocious beasts, which were several meters long and had lion heads and six legs, became extremely slow. After struggling for a while, they were finally frozen by the cold air that continued to come in. They could no longer move and turned into statues. .

Most of the ferocious beasts that ravaged the entire hall were wiped out by Li Kuanglan with one sword strike. However, he was not satisfied. Instead, he frowned and his face looked a little solemn.

According to his original intention, with this sword strike, all life in the hall should be extinguished. However, the resistance of the natives and ferocious beasts in the hall is extremely strong, so the power of this sword is far less than expected. He also discovered that the force turned into frosty air, and after leaving the sword, it weakened ten times faster than usual. It seemed that in this strange world, the suppression of the remaining will of the void beast also affected the power of force combat skills.

Li Kuanglan raised his eyebrows and struck out with another sword from “Han Yue Cong Sha”, finally extinguishing all life in the hall. The surviving werewolf Viscount was also indiscriminately frozen into a pile of ice flakes. He looked around the cave hall and the countless surrounding passages, and finally chose the direction Qianye left.

However, his pursuit was destined to be fruitless. Qianye had already changed directions several times in the maze-like passage, and now he had entered deep underground. Qianye’s ability to control his aura and become invisible made it impossible for even a veteran who was proficient in mountain tracking to find his whereabouts, not to mention Li Kuanglan.

Qianye was running at high speed in a passage that was quite spacious and had relatively gentle terrain. His ears twitched slightly, and he suddenly stopped breathing and got into a small cave next to him that could only fit in.

In almost a few breaths, a fishy wind blew up in the passage he was originally walking in, and a group of ferocious beasts that looked like giant lizards and were covered with thick scales galloped past. Their footsteps are heavy and their speed is extremely fast. When they run, the ground shakes. You can imagine how powerful the impact will be.

The individual strength of this kind of armored giant lizard is only around level eight/nine. However, they are obviously not affected by the will of the giant beast, and they appear in groups. In the small space of the underground cave, they are like heavy siege tanks. The power will be amplified in disguise.

This group of armored monitor lizards numbered nearly a hundred, and it took them a while to run through the passage. Qianye waited for a while before crawling out of the small cave and walking towards the place where the armored giant lizard appeared.

It was a fork next to the passage when he came. After turning a corner, there were several branches ahead. Qianye did not hesitate and chose one of the passages very casually. After a while, he entered the cave hall, which was slightly smaller than the previous one.

As soon as Qianye stepped in, he suddenly felt a cold and deep gaze falling on him, and then there seemed to be water flowing down the surface of his body. This was just an illusion. In fact, most of his latent state of maintaining a restrained aura was cut off by this glance.

Less than a hundred meters away, the vertical pupils on Aiden’s forehead shot out a faint green light, locking on Qianye. Beside him, Ye Tong raised his sniper rifle levelly, and the dark muzzle of the gun turned this way.

There is an ambush! Qianye’s first reaction was to leave his position and fall to the side.

In his real vision, the dark and foggy hall showed two groups of dark force with unclear outlines. However, one of them was so familiar that even if the force group had no shape at all, he could I pictured her in my mind countless times.

For the first time in the battle, Qianye lost consciousness, and then heard Aiden yelling “Shoot!”

Yeye Tong seemed to be frightened, and his whole body trembled slightly. The sniper rifle roared, and the force bomb shot out with a ray of light. It completed the orientation correction in a short distance and shot straight towards the center of Qianye’s eyebrows.

Qianye’s mind went blank for a moment, but his well-honed fighting instincts and the strong threat of imminent death made him make evasive actions as much as possible.

With a loud bang, Qianye flew backwards involuntarily as if he had been hit by a giant hammer, and hit the cave wall heavily. His mind was groggy, and the fragmented consciousness could not be gathered together for a while. What he saw in his eyes were all broken and colorful blocks of color. The whole world was distorted, and there was a hand of death that was constantly reaching out to him.

At the moment of life and death, Qianye suddenly woke up, all illusions disappeared, and only a figure with a murderous aura was approaching quickly. He stood up, jumped into the nearest cave passage, and at the same time threw two Force grenades/grenade behind him.

Aiden had already rushed to the entrance of the cave. Looking at the hand mines thrown towards him, he couldn’t help but sneered and raised his leg to sweep away, trying to kick the two hand mines back. This method of blocking the soldiers was really used in the wrong place when he had the Eye of Breaking the Nether.

However, at this moment, Qianye looked back at Aiden. In the center of those eyes that suddenly turned as blue as the deep sea, Aiden suddenly saw his own figure!

His original furnace twitched without warning, as if being stabbed by an invisible needle. The pain in this place was almost unbearable for the demon. The sudden severe pain made Aiden’s whole body tremble. His kick could only hit a grenade, but he only kicked it a few meters away. Another hand/mine landed directly at his feet.

This is the core area for hand/mine explosions! Aiden roared and huddled up, desperately using the dark force to protect his whole body.

The two roars connected together and became deafening. In the small space, the power of the hand/grenade was multiplied. Dawn force shock waves, fire streams and shrapnel repeatedly washed over Aiden, pushing him dozens of meters away and crashing into the cave wall.

Just when Aiden was about to hit the cave wall, his ball-shaped body suddenly stretched out, stepped on the cave wall with his feet, and landed lightly. He moved with ease, apparently not seriously injured by the close-range explosion of two Force grenades/mines.

It’s just that the force defense couldn’t block the smoke. Aiden’s head was covered with cave stone debris, and his face was black and white. There were several large holes in the demon’s distinctive battle suit, revealing the black armor underneath.

On the back, a corner of the armor was lifted, and a piece of shrapnel cut open the armor and nailed it into Aiden’s body.

Aiden snorted coldly, his whole body filled with demonic energy, and the shrapnel was quickly corroded away. And the demonic energy that can corrode even metal instantly has a miraculous healing effect on demons. The flesh and blood in the small wound grew rapidly, and it healed in the blink of an eye, leaving no scars.

However, Aiden’s face was a little pale and his breath was a little weak. In this world where the will of the giant beast was suppressed, using magic energy to treat him was also a heavy burden for him.

Aiden’s face was full of anger after being so embarrassed by just two grenades. Dawn’s force hand/thunder has never been as powerful as the vampire hand/thunder of the same level, but in the hands of the person just now, both the landing point and the detonation time were just right, and it exerted its maximum power.

The passage that the man left had collapsed in the explosion. It would not take a few minutes for Aiden to clear the stones blocking the road. However, considering the opponent’s reaction and speed when he was attacked, this amount of time I don’t know where I ran to.

Aiden gave up his useless efforts, turned to look at Nighteye, and sighed: “You were a little slow in shooting just now.”

Nighteye’s face was expressionless. He slowly put down the sniper rifle, slowly reloaded it, then slowly raised his head and glanced at Aiden. Her eyes were bottomless, and Aiden could not read anything from them, as if they were empty and endless abyss. But Ye Tong’s every movement slowed down several times, but people felt that she was abnormal.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Yeyetong aimed the gun again, then put it down. Suddenly everything returned to normal and said: “I was thinking about something just now.”

Thinking about things while fighting? But Aiden wisely didn’t ask further questions. Nighteye obviously didn’t want to talk about things, and even if he asked, there would be no results.

Aiden glanced in the direction where Qianye was escaping, and said with some regret: “He is a very powerful empire man. It’s a pity that he ran away. But if he was hit by that kind of bullet, he probably wouldn’t survive long. Let’s go Well, we can’t stay here anymore, keep going inside.”

Nighteye followed Aiden in silence. She spoke very little, and Aiden didn’t take it seriously. He always scanned the surroundings with his eyes. His third eye has a strong invisibility-breaking effect, which is extremely useful in underground battlefields with complex terrain where he can hide almost everywhere.

Qianye ran wildly along the passage until he escaped a thousand meters away. Then he encountered a cave leading downwards, and he jumped in without hesitation. The cave was sloping downward, but fortunately there were no ferocious beasts or natives. After finding a small natural stone room, he made some arrangements at the door, then moved in, sat down against the stone wall, and breathed heavily.

Qianye swallowed two solid potions in succession, sat for a while to recover a little strength, then opened his collar, and then lifted up the breastplate under his combat uniform. The battle clothes distributed by the Zhao family to the direct descendants were made of fine gold wrapped with silk. This breastplate, which could withstand frontal bombardment from level 5 guns, had a ferocious hole.

Yeye Tong’s sniper rifle is not just a level 6 gun, it also comes with special effects such as armor breaking and penetration. It is extremely powerful at a distance of 100 meters. Not only did the shot penetrate the armor with one shot, it also easily broke through Qianye’s force defense.

PS: It is recommended to listen to “Wild Wind” by Lin Yilian.

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