Monarch of Evernight: Nineteen years in vain

bsp;Qianye suddenly thought of Zhao Jundu, and suddenly felt that he was also in a mess. At this time, Mrs. An Guogong’s speech was coming to an end.

“The three clans of Zhang, Bai, and Zhao, the younger generation are full of talents and have made great achievements in the battlefield against the dark race. But what about me, the Song clan? How many of you have fought a good battle? Now it is We have a few old bones here. How are you going to deal with yourself after everyone of our generation gives up and returns to the West?”

This sentence caused the entire audience to fall silent.

Although the world is big, when it comes to wealth, the Song Dynasty is not the first but also the second. But if no one is in charge, this is a recipe for death. The best thing is to end up being divided up. But now that the situation has become weak, how easy is it to reverse it?

Many people were sweating profusely on the spot.

Even Qianye, who is not good at tactics, saw the dilemma facing the Song clan from this martial arts test.

Such a huge family has been passed down to this day. The internal interests are intertwined and have reached a relatively stable balance. If you want to reform the old and bring out the new, it is actually equivalent to disturbing the lifeblood of all the elders. You can imagine how difficult it must be. . But if they don’t touch their lifeblood, it’s like touching the Song family’s lifeblood.

When Mrs. An Guogong said this, her enthusiasm waned, she stood up and said: “Let’s all disperse. Please pay more attention to the military strategy test in two days.”

At this point, the martial arts test comes to an end.

After taking stock, the biggest gainer this time was Song Zicheng, the eldest son of the Song Dynasty. His strongest competitor, Song Zian, suffered heavy losses, especially the resignation of the eldest elder Song Zhongcheng, whose resources were halved. The impact of this matter was far-reaching and could no longer be evaluated simply by the gain or loss of heir points.

In contrast, although Song Zicheng did not get the first place individually in the martial arts exam, the gap between his overall points and the second place became wider and his position became more stable.

Since Song Zining entered the succession line two years ago, he has kept a low profile and has no sense of existence. This time, it can be said that he became a blockbuster and shocked the entire Song Dynasty. It had only been a few months since he had been promoted to the ninth level as a warrior, but he had already shown his strength to compete with the generals.

What’s more, what everyone doesn’t know is that Song Zining, who came out of Huangquan, has the most practical combat experience among the younger generation. If he meets the new general Song Ziqi, he may not be his opponent.

This result slapped at least most of the elders in the face. They are responsible for the talent evaluation and martial arts guidance of the disciples in the clan. However, Song Zining’s talent evaluation when he was young was only third grade. Later, the evaluation was raised by one grade, but until now, what is recorded in the file is only second grade.

Even though Mrs. An Guogong later personally judged Song Zining to be successful in the “Three Thousand Floating Leaves Jue” and promoted him into the line of successors, most of the elders still did not think that Song Zining was in the line of succession because of Song Zining’s indulgence in miscellaneous studies and his romantic nature. How much can one achieve in martial arts.

However, it turns out that even if the “Three Thousand Floating Leaves Technique” is not an offensive secret method, Song Zining has already surpassed most of the geniuses in the clan in their evaluation.

Faced with such a situation, although Song Zicheng gained the greatest benefit, some among his staff expressed concerns about Song Zining’s meteoric rise, but the eldest son of the Song clan did not take it seriously.

He said to his cronies very gently: “In terms of blood relationship, Xiao Qi and my grandfather are closer than many people. In terms of help, Xiao Qi has signed a contract with me and has brought results that exceed expectations. We can’t always cooperate with those who are weaker than ourselves. The way to make progress is to strengthen yourself, not to suppress others, and a truly strong person cannot be suppressed, so don’t let me hear such comments in the future.”

That night, Song Zicheng went to the “Yunshen Hall” in person and delivered what Song Zining wanted as promised, plus an extra heavy gift.

In one day, it will be the military strategy test.

The Song Lord Army’s Grand Examination is somewhat similar in form to Tianxuan Spring Hunting, but the scale is much larger. The examination room is located on the border of the Eastern Continent. It is actually a battlefield against the dark race.

The disciples who participated in the assessment this time each led a team of 100 people to attack the dark race, and were then ranked according to their results.

The possibility of accidents in the military strategy test is much greater. No matter how powerful you are, if you are unlucky, you may encounter a heavy-armed general of the dark race, and you will suffer a lot in the battlefield. As for the strength of the teams formed by each heir, in addition to the unified restrictions on the number of people and levels, the combat strength depends entirely on the resources of each department.

Originally, Song Zian and Song Ziqi were quite ambitious and wanted to overwhelm the boss Song Zicheng in military strategy. I just didn’t expect that the two of them were seriously injured by Qianye in the martial arts test. Song Ziqi could barely play. Song Zian simply couldn’t refer to it in person and could only send the team in. Without him as a general, the final results can be imagined.

The day before the military strategy exam, nearly a hundred floating airships arrived in the Eastern Continent. In this big test, Mrs. An Guogong will no longer watch the battle, but the masters of Song Clan’s Zhi Ge Hall will come out to ensure safety.

The team formed by Song Zining is neither strong nor weak, it can only be considered average. He made everything on his own and received no help from his parents. Being able to reach this level is commendable.

The prize for the military strategy test made Qianye quite excited. It was a complete set of equipment that could arm a reinforced company and reached the level of the elite elite legion of the empire. After obtaining these equipment, people with a little resources can build an army that is not weak in strength.

The intention of Mrs. Anguo can be seen from the reward. She hopes that the children of the Song Dynasty can not only improve their own military strength, but also build up a good military strength, and then make contributions on the battlefield. The fundamental way to maintain the imperial title for a long time is through military merit. Only in this way can the Song Dynasty be maintained from being downgraded in the future.

It is a pity that although Mrs. An Guogong worked hard, in the end it was bound to backfire.

Although Song Zining himself does not need these equipment very much, Qianye’s Dark Fire Mercenary Group has expanded rapidly recently, and it is difficult to buy such large quantities of high-quality armaments from the market in a short period of time, even if he has the money.

Therefore, Song Zining and Song Zicheng reached a secret agreement. If he helped Song Zicheng win the first place in the military strategy, not only would all the rewards go to Song Zining, but he would also be rewarded with a heavy-duty truck for a battalion.

Qianye never expresses his opinion on such matters, leaving Song Zining to decide. He no longer trained intensively, but went to the Song Clan’s hideout again and looked for a lot of Force training and various basic martial arts theories.

After the big exam, Qianye was about to return to Yongye. With Song Zining and Song Zicheng’s reputation, it was rare that he could borrow these many classics. He wanted to take this opportunity to read more.

There are many roads, and although they are not all thoroughfares, the more you understand, the easier it is to get closer to the real road. After Qianye read dozens of books on martial arts skills, and then looked back on his experience gained from actual combat, he gradually felt that he had integrated them all.

After more than a day’s journey, one hundred aerostats finally arrived at the border of Eastern China, and the military strategy test began. More than twenty Song clan teams were deployed in different directions on the battlefield, and then each launched an attack on the dark race.

The total number of the Song clan’s team totaled approximately 3,000, all of whom were elite level five warriors or above. There were also two generals and several powerful warriors at the level of associate generals.

The dark race on this battlefield obviously did not expect to suddenly encounter such a powerful force. They were beaten back as soon as they came into contact. The defense line was in a mess and there were loopholes everywhere.

After breaking through the defense line of the dark race in one fell swoop, the battle situation began to become chaotic. Some of the teams continued to attack in depth, while others chose to outflank them. Some of the team leaders had old grudges and met on the battlefield in advance, so minor conflicts broke out. Even though the elimination of the dark race is the main theme of the exam, it is still common to hold each other back.

When competing for relative rankings, sometimes it is even more effective to weaken your opponent than to increase your own record.

On the real battlefield, Qianye’s true vision is completely a killing weapon. No one within a kilometer range can hide from his perception. Coupled with Song Zining’s “Three Thousand Floating Leaves Technique” that he often uses on a whim, he successfully In turn, two teams that wanted to ambush or attack them were beaten to a pulp.

Qianye then left the team and went to ambush Song Zian and Song Ziqi’s team.

This move seems completely unnecessary to Qianye. For him, the way to win is to ignore any opponents, advance directly into the battlefield, and kill as many dark races as possible. If you kill a few more viscounts, no one will be able to catch up in points.

Song Zining tried his best to persuade Qianye for a long time before he reluctantly agreed to this action plan.

According to Song Zining, the key to this battle is to ensure that Song Zicheng wins the first place, so as to maximize everyone’s interests, so everything must be done to prevent Song Zicheng from being unlucky and capsizing. Therefore, the best way is to **** Song Zian and Song Ziqi’s teams and make them completely lose their competitiveness. As for the others, they can’t catch up with Song Zicheng, so there is no need to worry.

In the end, Qianye still could not defeat Song Zining, and crossed the battle line alone, ambushing the teams of Song Zian and Song Ziqi, and seriously injured all the core masters of the two teams. Song Ziqi was directly shot by Qianye and retired from the competition on the spot.

Except for Zhao Jundu, Qianye’s battlefield sniping skills are rare opponents, and they are not at the same level as young masters like Song Clan. In a battlefield where the situation is changing rapidly, the so-called masters and strong men in these arenas are one-sided and abused.

Qianye’s ambush also had an additional effect. The two teams were completely frightened, and each found a dangerous place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. It didn’t dare to show its head until there was no movement for several days. After a few days of delay like this, their record would already be in the middle of the pack.

The ensuing battle situation made Qianye couldn’t help but feel that Song Zining’s “Three Thousand Floating Leaves Technique” that was said to be able to see through the barriers of the world of mortals had the potential of a crow’s mouth.

Song Zicheng led his army straight forward, with overwhelming momentum. But for some reason, he didn’t pay attention to the position of his own team. Song Zining, who was on the nearby battle line, stood still after Qianye left. Song Zian and Song Ziqi’s teams were all beaten to a corner by Qianye. As a result, Song Zicheng suddenly went too far forward and became a lone army. .

The fighter plane was immediately seized by the dark race, who quickly mobilized troops to surround and annihilate Song Zicheng’s team. After a great battle, Song Zicheng defeated the dark race’s coalition forces, but only suffered a tragic victory. He single-handedly killed a third-class werewolf Viscount. He was also seriously injured and had no choice but to withdraw from the game. More than half of his team suffered casualties and lost the ability to fight again.

After Qianye returned to the team, the situation forced Song Zining to sit still and even take the initiative to retreat dozens of kilometers to avoid encountering any blind troops of the dark race. Once they are destroyed, Song Zining’s record will surpass Song Zicheng’s.

So a strange scene occurred. Only halfway through the exam, the performance of the four most powerful units of the Song clan had all stalled. The other teams played very bravely, but their combat power was far behind the top four, and no matter how hard they worked, they couldn’t make up the difference.

What was supposed to be a vigorous military strategy test ended in an anticlimactic manner.

The combined results of each team can hardly be described as unsatisfactory. But this is reality, mixed with political reality. Just like the Empire, there are always internal constraints when facing dark races. The situation on the side of the dark race is much more serious. If their internal fighting had not been too fierce, there would have been no chance of the founding of the Qin Dynasty and its gradual expansion.

After the battle, Qianye was in a bad mood, but he was no longer a rookie at Red Scorpion. What he saw and heard from the Domain of Eternal Night to the Upper Continent had already changed his mood a lot. change. He looked at Song Zining, who had been distracted throughout the entire military strategy exam, and finally said nothing.

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