Monarch of Evernight: Twenty-two Qiqi’s instructions

bsp;The airship sailed smoothly and quickly, and finally landed at the airship base where Yu Yingnan had set foot not long ago. A military off-road vehicle was already waiting for Qianye and Aunt Lan. As usual, the vehicle’s front was decorated with the golden flag of the Soaring Snake, and then it rushed straight to the Yin Family Courtyard. Waiting on the steps at the gate was still the handsome lieutenant colonel, but Aunt Lan disappeared after entering the door.

Qianye followed the lieutenant colonel as he walked deeper into the courtyard. This was the first time he saw such a large-scale retro-style building complex. In the past, the local nobles he encountered during the Red Scorpion mission also liked arty elegance, but most of them were The two main buildings use wood and stone structures to create a bit of artistic conception, because in this unpeaceful era, buildings with bluestone and metal structures are strong enough.

Turn left and right along the way, and you will see numerous buildings and palaces. Qianye was attracted by the scenery at first, but then instinctively observed the terrain, and suddenly found that there were not many blind spots for hiding. In a garden with many buildings, lush vegetation, and intersecting each other, it was obviously carefully designed. of.

Secondly, he noticed that the main energy source of the other courtyard was not black stone steam. The Perpetual Dynamic Tower was not large in scale and was a bit far away from the central axis building. Judging from the shapes of the facilities that exposed a corner of the building, at least all the driving energy in the core area was Sombra. This is just a villa of the Yin family in Yongye Continent, which shows the heritage and strength of the upper-class families in the empire.

The lieutenant colonel finally brought Qianye into an independent courtyard. The main room ran through the entire distance on the south side. When he stepped through the door, he saw that such a large space had no partitions and was an entire study room. The furnishings and decorations are all in ancient style. More than ten rows of bookshelves take up half of the room. There is a desk next to the window with a pen holder on the table and a row of writing brushes hanging down. On the other side of the desk are stone inkstones and several pieces of special letter paper.

Only a truly aristocratic family would retain such a tradition, but Qianye had never seen such a scene before. He looked around and was suddenly attracted by a picture hanging on the wall.

Those are four big characters: “Decisive Killing”.

These words are ink seeping through the back of the paper, with silver hooks and iron strokes. Every stroke and every stroke is full of murderous intent. Although Qianye didn’t know calligraphy, he could feel the iron-blooded aura rushing towards his face.

While watching, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Qianye: “How about these four words?”

Qianye turned around and saw a heroic and beautiful woman standing at the door of the study.

She is tall and tall, almost as tall as Qianye, with eyebrows like swords and a pair of narrow eyes. When she raises her eyes, she has an overbearing aura. When she bends slightly, her entire expression becomes like two people, revealing an unspeakable expression. of charming. She was very young, probably in her twenties, but she was wearing a lieutenant colonel uniform, which really surprised Qianye.

Seeing Qianye turn around, the woman’s eyes suddenly lit up, she whistled brazenly and said, “Are you Qianye? You look really good, I’m very satisfied! I’m Yin Qiqi.”

Qianye bowed slightly and said, “Miss Qiqi.”

Qiqi frowned slightly and said, “Have you never learned aristocratic etiquette?”

Qianye said calmly: “Yes.”

Qiqi waved her hand and said: “It’s not a big deal. I will find some of the best teachers for you tomorrow. It will be almost done in a few days. As for the content of the task, Aunt Lan should give you a rough idea. I’ve said it before. However, family assessments and the like are not very important. Just remember one thing: you can do whatever I ask you to do. When there are no instructions, you can act freely. However, I have many opponents, regardless of the other party. Who is it? As long as it affects my assessment results, you just do what is written in this picture!”

As she spoke, Qiqi pointed to the banner on the wall that read “Decisive Killing”.

Qianye was stunned for a moment. This seemed to be somewhat different from what Aunt Lan had said before.

For Qiqi, the heir examination is now the top priority, and the results will greatly affect the family elders’ decision to choose the next generation of patriarch. After a full ten years of cultivating and selecting core children, the Yin family identified four successor candidates last year, and Qiqi was one of them. The assessment content is very broad and the method is relatively free. Each candidate will receive 500 of the empire’s main legion soldiers and resources worth half a million gold coins. Based on this, they can make as much merit as possible.

Yin Qiqi’s optional mission is to go to the Evernight Continent to fight against the dark race. Military achievements are the highest-scoring and least controversial achievements in the heir examination. She has the highest personal strength among the candidates, and her family also has a certain influence in the military. This choice was originally very wise and could give full play to her advantages.

The problem is that Qiqi has been in Yongye Continent for several months. This eldest lady does not only pick up girls every day, but also eats, drinks and has fun. The few times she goes out are not so much to encircle and suppress the dark race, but to appreciate the abandoned ones. The customs and customs of the place, anyway, they just haven’t done anything serious. Qiqi didn’t even use the 500 soldiers under her name. Once she threw them to the front line, she never cared about them again, let alone used the resources to form a private armed force and a staff group.

Qianye turned out to be the first assistant she officially recruited in Yongye Continent.

This situation made everyone who followed Yin Qiqi a little nervous, including Aunt Lan who went to Dark Blood City to interview Qianye, because the assessment period was only one year.

After Qianye heard Qiqi’s strange instructions with his own ears at this moment, he finally understood Aunt Lan’s attitude of being hesitant to speak several times on the airship, wanting to cover up but being unable to find the words. It’s hard to say whether there is a conspiracy in this mission, but the young lady’s leaping ideas are indeed not something ordinary people can understand and execute.

“Your basic remuneration is one hundred gold coins per month, and depending on your actual performance, there will be… special rewards. You will definitely like those special rewards.” Qiqi has already reached Li Qian The night is very close, and there is no intention of stopping.

Qianye is not used to strangers walking into his safe distance. He is hesitating whether it would be rude to move away. Qiqi has leaned forward, the tip of her nose is almost touching Qianye, and her hot breath is on his face. Above: “This week you will first be trained on etiquette and familiarity with the environment, and the task will officially begin one week later. It’s such a happy decision!”

At this moment, Qianye finally couldn’t help it. He turned his body sideways to get out of the way. Yin Qiqi stood up straight and said calmly: “Now, let me see your strength.”

Qianye slowly mobilized the force and released his breath.

Yin Qiqi’s eyes lit up again, and she reached out and touched him unceremoniously a few times. Qianye always felt that the eldest lady’s actions were not so much a test of his physical strength and thickness of the Force, but rather an opportunity to take advantage of him.

“It’s actually level 4. It’s different from what was originally said. Has it been upgraded to a level recently?”

Qianye nodded.

“Very good! Level 4 is very important, because you are no longer a good-for-nothing pretty little boy, but have become a pretty little boy of some use. Someone will take you to a place to live in a while, so let’s do this for now ! ”

Qianye didn’t know how to react to this weird comment, so he could only keep his face expressionless.

Qiqi laughed and left the study, and then two handsome, tall, and sunny imperial army second lieutenants came in and took Qianye to his residence.

Qianye was assigned an entire courtyard. It not only has an independent garden pond, but also a bedroom, living room, study room, and even a weapon room and training room. Such living conditions are absolutely luxurious to the extent that Qianye has only seen them in his life.

Qianye put down his luggage and looked at each room.

The bedroom has its own luxurious bathroom, the living room is spacious and bright, and the calligraphy and painting furnishings are all high-quality products with provenance and vintage. Qianye didn’t recognize any of these things. Just looking at the metal material of the frame and the inlaid force gems, he knew that each one was worth a lot of money.

He strolled into the study again, sat in front of the ancient desk, opened the drawer and took a look, and was speechless.

There is actually a level three pocket force pistol in the drawer! Every carving on the gun body is exquisite and gorgeous. The gun handle is actually wrapped with a complete deep-sea pearl. The light blue lines are shimmering and a clump of black bamboo is painted on it. The Force array inside this pistol may not be as valuable as the decoration on the outer shell.

There are three special blank force bullets placed next to the pistol, which are obviously temporary self-defense weapons for the owner of the study. A self-defense weapon that may never be used is a level three force gun, and the ammunition is all physical ammunition. This allows Qianye to see the family’s heritage again. This kind of heritage is quietly displayed through such details at all times.

Not long after, the lieutenant colonel who greeted Qianye walked into the courtyard. This time he introduced himself with a smile, “My name is Ji Yuanjia, just call me Yuanjia. I will be responsible for explaining to you in detail what will happen in the future. Task arrangement. ”

After the two sat down in the living room, Ji Yuanjia handed over a document and said: “During the mission, you will serve as Miss Qiqi’s special assistant and adjutant, with the rank of captain. This is the appointment letter, please read it. .”

Qianye took over the appointment letter, which said he was the captain of the Field Army of the Seventeenth Army of the Empire. Of course he could tell whether the appointment letter was genuine or not. The paper pattern and seal were all genuine, but the place where the name was filled in was not engraved but filled in by hand, and the ink had just dried.

Ji Yuanjia seemed to know what Qianye was thinking, and said: “Don’t worry, this appointment letter is authentic and valid, all relevant documents have been completed, and military standard equipment is also available at any time. But in my opinion, It would be better for you to use the Yin family’s own equipment of the same level, as it has more choices and is of better quality.”

Of course Qianye is aware of the officer appointment procedures. The normal procedure is to engrave the full text, but there are also many cases of appointment before battle. A handwritten signature is absolutely valid, as long as the issuer has this authority and completes a complete set of files. However, the Seventeenth Legion is the main regular legion of the empire. The fact that Miss Qiqi can control such a group of officers is a bit too powerful.

Qianye flipped through the attachments at the back, and sure enough, there were a lot of documents. Even Qianye’s resume was filled out completely. He didn’t even have time to see what identity he was assigned to. Lieutenant Colonel Ji handed over another thick manual and said, “This is the equipment catalog of the Yin family’s private corps. You can choose from it. The budget is one thousand gold coins.”

Finally, Lieutenant Colonel Ji put an armband on the table and said: “According to the wishes of the eldest lady, the 131st Independent Combat Company will be assigned to you and will be under your full command. This combat company is based on the main force of the empire. It is established according to the standards of the Legion Strengthening Company, and I hope you will be satisfied.”

Strengthening company standards means not only improving the number of personnel and equipment, but also increasing the strength of officers at all levels. The squad leader will be a first-level soldier, the rank of the platoon and company commander will also increase accordingly, and the full company commander will definitely be a third-level soldier. The combat strength of an enhanced company can be close to that of an ordinary battalion.

Such a reinforced company, Soldier No. 150, was actually thrown to me?

However, Qianye was not knocked unconscious by the sudden power. No matter how weird the task was, to him, it was just a task.

Qianye closed the document and asked seriously: “Where is the intelligence authority?”

Lieutenant Colonel Ji was slightly surprised. He looked at Qianye with a more serious look and said, “You have the same authority as me. Basically, Xichang City and the surrounding human-controlled areas have no secrets for you. . But information involving the Yin family and several other aristocratic families is not within the scope.”

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