Monarch of Evernight: Six Dark Paths

bsp;The Sheriff alone is responsible for one end, while Qianye and Duyan are responsible for the other side. The three people exhaled loudly and worked together to lift the one-ton gate and push it towards the tower.

Although the one-eyed man has not activated the Force node, he has been practicing and is not far away from activating the first Force node. And his talent is strength enhancement. Qianye steadily demonstrated the strength of a first-level warrior, no more and no less.

A seventeen-year-old first-level soldier is enviable at most, but a seventeen-year-old second-level soldier is different. How could a person who was qualified to join the Imperial Special Forces Corps open a small bar in such a barren land?

At eight o’clock in the morning, all three of them were exhausted. However, only half of the repairs to the city gate have been completed. In order to assemble the power boiler with half of its frame scattered, parts had to be ordered from big cities.

New parts can take up to a week to arrive. Although the bald Sheriff was worried, he could only live in fear for another week.

At this time, it was already dawning on the upper continent. But in the dark season of the Evernight Continent, the trajectories of several upper continents happened to intersect over the Evernight Continent, and they blocked the sunlight.

During the day, the sky is only bright from 10 am to 3 pm on the Evernight Continent, and the rest of the time is dark.

In the night sky, the crimson full moon still hung there. According to the legend of the Evernight Continent, as long as the Scarlet Moon appears, disaster will occur. When the blood moon hangs in the sky, the power of the dark race will be enhanced, and the native beasts in the wild will become more violent and ferocious.

Seeing the blood moon in the sky, Qianye suddenly felt a surge of blood all over his body, and his senses became extremely keen, especially his sense of smell, which was enhanced a thousand times. He could smell almost everyone in town. The hot smell of blood almost drove him crazy!

Qianye said goodbye to the Sheriff and quickly returned to the bar, closed the door tightly, and then fell to the ground, howling like a wild beast and rolling all over the ground.

The thirst for blood is an almost unbearable torture, a feeling of pain and emptiness more intense than a ‘blissful’ drug addiction. If Qianye hadn’t developed a will comparable to that of the Red Scorpion Soldier King while practicing the art of military attack, he would have been conquered by his bloodthirsty thirst and turned into a true blood slave.

Qianye lay on the cold ground, biting a towel to prevent himself from screaming. He grabbed the steel bar welded into the wall with one hand, and hit the ground hard with the other hand!

Pass! Pass! Pass!

A dull sound came from the bar, and the entire Manjushahua trembled slightly with the sound. There were no customers in the bar at this time, and noises echoed through the empty lobby.

Several scavengers happened to be passing by the bar. When they heard the strange dull sound, their expressions changed drastically, and they changed their routes and stayed away from Manjushahua, as if there was a certain demon being imprisoned in this bar. .

A full hour passed before Qianye struggled to get up. He stumbled to the closet, took out a blood bag from it, carefully squeezed a few drops of blood into his mouth, then immediately sealed the blood bag and put it back to its place with great will.

A few drops of blood entered his mouth, and Qianye immediately broke out in sweat as if exhausted, leaning against the wall and panting.

Now he must drink a few drops of blood to calm the bloodthirsty instinct in his body. However, in the beginning, Qianye could withstand blood thirst and thirst without relying on anything. But starting three months ago, he needed to lick a drop of blood to suppress his hunger and thirst. Now, Qianye needs close to a spoonful of blood to trick his body and calm his hunger and thirst.

Animal blood has gradually lost its effectiveness, and the allure of human blood has increased exponentially. If this trend continues, Qianye estimates that he can persist for another year at most. Although his tenacity these days has been nothing short of miraculous, the road ahead is still dark without any light.

Qianye’s eyes fell on the cabinet again. This time he was not looking at the blood bag, but the saber underneath the blood bag. It was Red Scorpion’s standard multi-purpose saber, and the silver plating on it was extremely damaged. Qianye put it here just so that one day he could use it to end his life when he couldn’t suppress his bloodthirsty instinct.

There is also the black silk bag next to the blood bag.

Qianye smiled mockingly, he now at least had one more option to commit suicide. The magic-breaking mithril bullet would have a fatal effect on any vampire with a title, let alone a half-blood slave like him. As long as Qianye swallows a magic-breaking mithril bullet, all the internal organs in his body will be burned to charcoal. But there were no scars visible on the outside.

At least I can die beautifully, Qianye thought.

This is another change that occurred in him after being contaminated by the blood of darkness. He began to instinctively like beautiful things.

But just like he didn’t commit suicide immediately, Qianye will never give up until the last moment.

He walked to the power room behind the bar and added a few more shovels of black stone to the big metal thing that was half the size of a bar. In this way, the steam furnace can burn for a whole day, not only providing the necessary power needed by the bar, but also maintaining the temperature of the wine kiln. The wine brewed by Qianye needs to be fermented at a room temperature of 60 degrees for ten days to have the best taste.

There is a public black stone steam tower in the town, but it cannot support such extravagant expenses. Manjushahua and a limited number of households in the town have their own independent power plants.

At ten o’clock in the morning, just as it was getting light, the door of the bar was pushed open, and a big man covered in tattoos walked in.

When he saw Qianye, he walked up, patted Qianye’s shoulder enthusiastically, and said: “Brother, there is another gambling game! Mr. Zhao asked me to come to you. This time the road is a bit far, so I have to go in advance. Let’s go. As usual, I’ll look after the store for you, so you can go over now!”

Qianye nodded, took a bottle of liquor from the wine cabinet, stuffed it into the arms of the strong man, and said, “Old rules, this is yours.”

The big man grinned widely and punched Qianye **** the chest.

A moment later, Qianye arrived at a tall industrial factory in the northeast corner of the town. After the Dawn War, it was once a large-scale mechanical parts manufacturing factory, and it is said that it also produced military products. However, as the empire’s upper-class citizens moved to the upper-middle-class continent with a better living environment, this factory was also abandoned.

Now, the factory has become a place where Mr. Zhao and his men are entrenched.

Master Zhao is very young, less than thirty years old. He was very handsome, and had a neatness and elegance that the natives of the wilderness did not have. It is said that he is the illegitimate son of a big family in the empire, and for some reason he ended up living in the Evernight Continent. The townspeople called him Mr. Zhao, but no one knew his real name.

In the empire, Zhao is a special surname. The Zhao family is a distinguished family that has been passed down for thousands of years. The ancestors of the Zhao family once participated in the Dawn War and were one of the seven founding marshals when the empire was founded. Today, the power of the Zhao family has not diminished but has increased. Together with Zhang, Bai, and Song, they are ranked among the four great clans of the empire, ranking only below the Zhang clan.

So the rumors are not credible. Even if Mr. Zhao has some connection with a branch of the Zhao family, he will not be reduced to collecting protection fees in a run-down town in Yongye Continent.

Master Zhao does have some strength. As a first-level soldier, he is more than enough to suppress the dozen or so gangsters under his command. However, it seems that his ambitions are not limited to Beacon Town. Recently, he has often interacted with forces in surrounding towns.

Every time there is contact, there will be disputes. This method of resolving disputes through gambling is very popular among various forces, and it is a relatively mild one. After all, once the two forces officially start a war, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Needless to say, the losing side will naturally perish. However, if the winning side pays too high a price, it will sooner or later be swallowed up by other forces.

Seeing Qianye’s arrival, Mr. Zhao immediately smiled, hugged Qianye’s shoulders, and said affectionately: “Finally we’ve waited for you! Brother, we are going to bet big this time, you must not Lose! If you win, I’ll pay for Min’er to spend three nights with you. If you think she’s not enough, you can choose any of the women around me except A-yun!”

“Or virtual fighting?” Qianye asked.

“Of course! You are the king in the ring!”

“Okay, I don’t want women anymore. I still want those kinds of medicines for this reward.”

“No problem! But the next caravan will arrive in Blackstream City in ten days. It will take half a month for you to get those medicines. If you win this time, I will buy you double copies! ”

“One bottle is enough.”

Mr. Zhao patted Qianye on the shoulder, laughed, and said: “I, Mr. Zhao, will never change my promise. Double copy! It’s settled! This gambling battle is very important to me. , you just need to win.”

At this time, the heavy roar of the engine came from outside, and two heavy-duty off-road trucks stopped outside the factory. Mr. Zhao pulled Qianye and two other guys with murderous looks and sinister faces into a car, while the other twenty thugs crowded into another car.

These are two old-fashioned steam-driven trucks. Because they are durable and easy to repair, they are more popular on the Evernight Continent than the original simulation-powered locomotives. Its only drawback is that it is slow, and the noise and smell are not something that upper-class people can tolerate.

The two trucks drove at a tortoise speed of 30 kilometers for four full hours, and it was a small miracle that they did not break down. At this time, the outline of a big city appeared in front. This is not a small place like Beacon Town with only a few thousand people, but Blackstream City with a population of over 100,000.

Looking from a distance, the ten-meter-high city wall of Blackstream City is much more magnificent than that of Beacon Town, with metal skeletons showing ferociously among the exposed bluestones. Every few hundred meters on the city wall, there will be an artillery piece and two crossbows.

When dealing with dark races and some huge beasts, these old-fashioned bed crossbows are much more powerful than artillery, so they are quite popular on the Evernight Continent. The mechanical device powered by steam and driven by gears and hinges also makes it easier to reset and load the crossbow, greatly improving its practicality.

In Blackstream City, there are several giant chimneys that are hundreds of meters high, constantly spitting out clouds of black smoke. They are the core energy facilities of the city, the Perpetual Dynamic Tower.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally the lighthouse that burns forever. This is not a 20-meter gadget like the one in Beacon Town. It is a huge thing with a height of 150 meters. In addition to serving as coordinates for a thousand miles, it also prevents aerostats traveling to and from Black Stream City from accidentally entering the energy zone. Hitting those chimneys.

Compared with Beacon Town, Blackstream City is a giant beast armed to the teeth.

The two trucks panted heavily and drove into Blackstream City. Mr. Zhao is indeed well-known in the surrounding area, and he doesn’t even have to pay the entrance fee.

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