The Lan Family’s Aid Chapter 68:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Fulan!

The two of them did not buy the small yellow book in the end.

Lan Yan thinks online shopping is more reliable. If there is a video, the teaching will be more intense and direct.

So, he stopped going to the bookstore to join in the fun and rushed to his second destination.

The underwear Yin Xiaodao is wearing now was bought by Lan Yan.

Although he claimed that he was extremely poor, he always spent money generously on her. Especially so as not to dent her hills.

During the day on weekdays, there are not many people in the mall.

When Lan Yan and Yin Xiaodao entered, there were only clerks in the store.

He chose several sets based on his own preferences. Then, pay for them all.

It was done in one go without even blinking.

The clerk was smiling from ear to ear.

Lan Yan threw the shopping bag to Yin Xiaodao. When he walked out of the store, he looked at the large poster of a female model in the window, and then turned to look at Yin Xiaodao.

His girlfriend’s figure is no worse than that of a model. He just has hot/spicy curves and a silly personality.

Getting married and having children is a nice thing to say. Now the baby doesn’t even know how to get there.

When he thought of this, he felt melancholy.

No one knows the growing pains of youth.

Before he could feel the joy of rejuvenation, he became worried.


After feeding Yin Xiaodao at the Western restaurant in the mall, Lan Yan went home.

After arriving home, he immediately went to bed.

He has been here for more than three years without any desire, so he is still afraid of this little commotion.

That’s what I thought, but I just couldn’t sleep.

Lan Yan turned over, turned over again, and then got angry, “Knife guard, go and close the curtains, it’s too dazzling.”

“Okay.” Yin Xiaodao followed the instructions and covered the curtains tightly.

Lan Yan didn’t think it was enough, so he covered his head with a quilt.

Seeing that something was not right with him, she stepped forward and asked, “Shiro, are you feeling uncomfortable?”

He pulled away the quilt, his hair was a little messy, “I can’t sleep.” His tone was fierce.

“Will he still have insomnia?” She knew that he suffered from insomnia during his drug detoxification period.

“Probably.” Lan Yan responded perfunctorily.

Yin Xiaodao sat next to him.

He raised his eyelids and said, “Why are you so close?”

“I’ll press it for you.”

“No need.” Lan Yan waved her hand away and turned over, “You sleep in yours and I’ll sleep in mine.”

The more he behaved like this, the more inappropriate Yin Xiaodao felt. She half-lowered her body and got closer to his face, “Silang, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

Lan Yan closed his eyes and said, “Just have a sleep.”

She asked seriously: “Is the drug addiction coming back again?”

“…No.” He pretended to yawn, “I’m sleepy.”

“Okay, have a good sleep.” After Yin Xiaodao finished speaking, he sat on his bed. She wondered if he was weak. I need to take good care of myself when I get back to Hengguan.

Lan Yan was lying on his side, not feeling sleepy. His thoughts were wandering.

He is about to leave S city. Apart from his expectations for future life, he could not remember many things in the past.

But the happy days with Miss Zheng became increasingly clear.

Miss Zheng once said with a smile: “Those unhappy people and things, what’s there to worry about? According to Dunbar’s number, we can maintain interpersonal relationships with about 150 people. And the number of truly intimate ones is only single digits. You Just remember the single digits.”

Now Lan Yan has abandoned everyone except those few single digits.

He left the Golden Group because neither Jin Cancan nor the woman named Huang was in his single digits. As for the abusive audience, they were not included in his consideration.

What he cherishes are those few people. Yin Xiaodao was the first to bear the brunt.

Lan Yan has completely forgotten all the bad things about Lan’s family.

Although sometimes I wonder if his life would have been completely different if he hadn’t known Lan. However, life has no assumptions. He took this path and had to endure all the hardships.

As for the endings of Lan Yu, Lan Er and Uncle Lan, in Lan Yan’s view, they were all brushed aside and not worth mentioning.

The grudges between the three of them have nothing to do with Lan Yan.

Thinking about this, Lan Yan fell asleep.

I just woke up not long after sleeping.

The little brother stood up again.

Lan Yan stared ahead, motionless.

Damn it, isn’t it great that your sexual ability has recovered? In less than twenty-four hours, he had stood up for the third time. Grass! He doesn’t want to do it so often now.

“Silang?” Yin Xiaodao noticed his movement immediately.

He was speechless. Why does this stupid alertness have to be so good?

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” She got out of bed.

“Go to the bathroom.” Lan Yan said calmly, sitting up sideways, using the angle to cover the tent that stood upright on his lower body.

Yin Xiaodao looked at his back suspiciously. She felt weird, but it was different from when he was addicted to drugs. Moreover, he usually sleeps deeply and does not urinate in the middle. She felt more and more that he was hiding something from her.

Very suspicious.

But she had no clue.

Lan Yan stayed in the bathroom for a long time.

Yin Xiaodao thought about it and thought of a possibility. So she ran to the bathroom door and asked, “Shiro, are you constipated?” During the detoxification period, he was indeed severely constipated. She also gave him a lot of intestinal moistening medicinal soup.

Lan Yan rolled his eyes inside, “No.”

Grass. If you do this several times a day from now on, you will get screwed sooner or later. Damn it, he had to quickly spread knowledge to that idiot.

Thinking about this, I can’t even sleep. He finished hurriedly and came out.

“Knife Guard.” Lan Yan sat down in front of the computer and said with a straight face, “Come here, I’ll give you a lesson.”

“What class?” Yin Xiaodao asked, but still sat next to him. “Shiro, are you constipated?”

“No!” This woman was born to make him angry. “Shut your mouth.”

She turned a deaf ear to his words and asked, “Aren’t you going to sleep?”

“Go to sleep. Your physical and mental health is not guaranteed. If you continue to sleep, you will be doomed.” He turned on the computer and searched for the movies on the hard drive.

The result is nothing. Had to watch online. However, all the URLs he collected have expired.

He looked at the blank interface and murmured, “This anti-pornography campaign is quite aggressive.”

During this period, Yin Xiaodao went out to pour two glasses of water. When he came back, he drank water and watched him looking for something on the web.

“Ah, yes.” Lan Yan said suddenly, then clicked on the page.

It’s a forum he used to visit frequently. The interface style has not changed, and the names of the major sections are also sentence patterns that he is very familiar with.

This is Lan Yan’s long-lost website. He has not renewed his membership for more than two years. He cannot enter many sections and can only browse the most basic picture area and irrigation area.

“Ahem.” Lan Yan took a sip of water and coughed twice, “Knife Guard, that… we have known each other for a long time.”

“Yes.” Yin Xiaodao nodded.

“Well… they can be considered a couple…”


He took another sip of water and coughed twice, “You know what lovers are for, right?”

“I know.” She replied seriously, “Get married and have children.”

Lan Yan breathed a sigh of relief, everything would be easier once they reached a consensus. “Then let me explain to you about getting married and… having a baby.”

“I know.”

“You know?” He was stunned.

She nodded, “There is a quota, two children.”

“…” Forget it, the two of them are not thinking on the same line. He might as well talk about his business. “There’s nothing to explain about getting married, it’s just a status. The words “giving birth to a baby” have a profound meaning.”

Lan Yan clicked on the picture area and randomly selected a post.

A huge picture is displayed on the screen.

But there are only women, in **** poses.

In the picture section, 99% of the posts do not post pictures of men. Therefore, it is a bit difficult to find scenes in which both sexes appear at the same time.

He finally found a man and a woman on a small picture.

Lan Yan exhaled, “This is the prelude to giving birth to a baby.”

Yin Xiaodao looked at it for two seconds, then shook his head, “It doesn’t look good. The calligraphy and painting my mother gave me are better.”

“…” He suspected that he was hallucinating, “Book?”

“Yes.” She nodded, “Mother said that is the Yin family’s secret book of childbirth.”


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