Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 1516: Take my stick

The sounds of the battlefield echoed in the flame duel circle. Amonvar did not look around to confirm the situation of the troops. His eyes stayed on Bai Jin who was releasing magic.

Bai Jin maintains a different kind of sophistication in combat. She knows all the essentials of fighting against a warrior. She always keeps a distance from him and uses her range advantage to continuously release magic to restrict and attack him.

In order to deal with various enemies, [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var practiced both internal and external skills, not only honing his martial arts to perfection, but also becoming accomplished in flame magic.

It was difficult for ordinary melee attacks to hit Bai Hibiscus. [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var continuously released flame magic in order to block Bai Hibiscus’s retreat.

However, Bai Jin can always find the flaws in his magic and resolve them.

Several magic spells were resolved by Bai Hibiscus one after another. [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var realized that the only way to decide the outcome was to attack at close range and press Bai Hibiscus step by step.

[Red Flame Lord] Amon Var has never been too greedy for duels with strong men. Just like what is written in some story books, in order to fight a strong enemy, he will abandon everything he owns, just to see How much strength does a person have? He constantly stimulates his opponents and is ecstatic that he can inspire his opponents’ potential.

Amon Var, who has a fighting personality, is at best dismissive of opponents who lack strength.

When it’s time to decide the outcome, Amonvar will decide the outcome without hesitation, and will not capsize in the gutter just because he wants to test the enemy’s true strength.

In Amonvar’s view, a person who can stabilize his mentality and maintain his usual level is a truly powerful person. He can find the weaknesses of his opponent in battle, make tactical adjustments, and find his own shortcomings in battle. Correction is the most powerful among the powerful.

Because external affairs have exploded and an astonishing amount of power has exploded, that is not a mature expression of strength after all.

Amon Var can feel that Bai Jin is constantly adjusting her strategies and supplementing herself in the battle with him. She is the strongest among the strongest in his eyes!

The shining electric light turned into a long snake and bit into it. [Red Flame Lord] Amonvar turned the long knife in his hand, forming a whirlpool and swallowing countless electric lights.

When the magic failed, Bai Jin was not discouraged at all. She built a new magic circle, accumulated magic power, and looked for a new breakthrough.

Bai Jin was unexpectedly attacked by Amonvar several times, but they were all harmless. She still had enough room to deal with Amonvar.

Unfortunately, her margin is about to disappear.


What a good enemy!

Finally I have someone who can give me more than half of my strength! ”

Punching the long knife into the ground, [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var declared,

“Let you see part of my strength!”

Bai Jin stopped slowly, pretending to be shocked:

“Do you still have hidden strength? Are what you said to the challenger true?”

“You just have to see if it’s true!”

Amon Var violently struck the ground with the handle of his long sword, and two huge arms stretched out from his back bathed in blazing fire. The flames burned along the arms and into the palms of the new arms, forming the appearance of two weapons. .

The two new arms waved down, and the flames fluttered and dispersed.

Amon Var holds a silver halberd in his second left hand, and a black sword in his second right hand.

At the same time, raging flames spread towards the chest of [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var, and a helmet made of flames was placed on his head.

“Come on! The battle has just begun!”

[Red Flame Lord] Amon Var held three weapons, and his body erupted with hot flames, like a rocket flying in front of Bai Hibiscus.

The cyan magic array flashed quickly and formed a five-pointed star in front of Bai Jin.

When [Red Flame Monarch] Amon Var stretched out his second pair of arms, Bai Jin used this time to change the medium-sized magic he was about to release into a large-sized magic.

The pale hurricane blue dragon sprang out from the magic circle, roaring, soaring into the clouds and mist, its slender body wrapped in a tornado, and blew the sound of [Red Flame Lord] Amon Val.

If an ordinary demon stood here, he would be entangled in the slender green dragon and get several scars from the tornado.

【Red Flame Monarch】Amon Var used the black sword in his hand to split the sweeping large magic spell into two, blowing the sound on both sides and opening a path in the middle.

To be able to break magic so easily is not just about his strength…

Bai Jin quickly realized that half of [Red Flame Lord] Amonvar’s ability to perfectly divide her magic was due to the effect of the black long knife in his hand. That long knife was specially used to deal with The magician’s weapon.

Amon Var’s whistling long sword came, but Bai Jin was not easily split open by magic. He paused for a moment and used [High Speed ​​Circuit] to increase the speed in a short time, and continued to distance himself and pull him apart.

A faint will-o’-the-wisp rose slowly around Bai Jin, and the next second, the positions of the will-o’-the-wisp and [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var were reversed.

[Red Flame Lord] Amon Var’s arm actually separated from his body for a distance, and he swung his silver halberd and stabbed Bai Hibiscus.

This attack is just an illusory shot. The flame on [Red Flame Lord] Amonvar’s long sword is bright, and he is ready to continuously release attacks when Bai Jin avoids the short halberd, blocking all Bai Jin’s movements.

However, Bai Jin did not dodge, but grabbed the wand like a baseball bat.

The short halberd pierced the shoulder. Bai Jin frowned slightly, gritted his teeth, and activated the effect of [Reversal Wheel], instantly turning his power into 9999. Under [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var’s long Before the knife arrived, he hit [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var in the abdomen with the wand.

I thought that Bai Jin, as a traditional mage, had little power, but [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var was beaten so hard by Bai Jin’s stick that he rolled on the ground for several meters.

[Red Flame Lord] Amon Var breathed in and out, and stood up with his long sword:

“A prop that can instantly increase your strength? Unexpected!”

[Red Flame Monarch] As soon as Amon Var finished speaking, several magic arrays formed under his feet, and sharp thorns sprung out like mushrooms after rain.

Flames erupted from the soles of the feet, and red magma spread under the feet of [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var. The place where the stone pillars were supposed to grow was affected by the magma, and bubbles bubbled up. The pierced stone forest was in [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var stopped suddenly.

“I like the attack that doesn’t give anyone a breath.

This is also my usual way of dueling!

This is also the duel method I will use next! ”

While [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var was muttering to himself, Bai Jin weaved new magic.

The electric lights intertwined with each other, forming a large net that covered [Red Flame Lord] Amon Var’s head.

[Red Flame Lord] Amon Var just waved the black sword in his hand gently and tore the entire big net in half.

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