Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 998: Funny is funny, just hide it

The fist circled the blue hurricane, and the wind whirlpool at the elbow instantly sprayed out compressed wind-attribute magic power. The fist that captured the wind was like a comet, drawing a long trajectory.

Moving the shield, Yang Yu releases [Shield Block] to attack.

The fists and shields collided, and the dull sound spread along with the shock wave.

Countless blue splashes were splashed on Seizing the Wind’s fist, passing by him, turning into tiny shimmers, and disappearing without a trace.

“Come on!”

The wind whirlwind on Seizing the Wind’s elbows and back simultaneously erupted with an astonishing thrust.

An unimaginable impact rushed towards him. Even if he turned on [Climbing] and used the [Incredible Braking Boots] to actively stop his movement, Yang Yu was still blasted dozens of meters by the fist that seized the wind.

Red surged around Yang Yu’s body, and the power of blood was injected into the earth along his body. A large deceleration field extended around Yang Yu as the center.

Without the slightest chance to breathe, a whirlwind rolled up under Duofeng’s feet. The whirlwind that moved to the soles of his feet sprayed out wind pressure and ejected like a spring.

Hitting his sword against the ground, Yang Yu barely avoided the blow from Seizing the Wind.

Without any pause, Yang Yu instantly stepped back tens of meters, putting some distance between him and Qiao Feng.

To achieve instantaneous approach, multiple whirlpools are needed to work together.

Understanding the status of each whirlwind in Seizing the Wind, and overloading most of the whirlpools so that they cannot exert their normal power is the key to victory.

By keeping the distance, Yang Yu used the wind whirlpool to accelerate by inducing the wind.

But Zhuofeng was not stupid and was not fooled.

As the next leader of the Wind Wolf Clan, he understands the importance of the whirlwind state to the Wind Wolf Clan better than anyone else.

Calculating how to use each whirlwind and using each whirlpool in a controlled manner is a qualified Wind Wolf warrior.

Duofeng stared at Yang Yu’s every move. Countless cyan air currents floated out from the center of the whirlwind, wrapping him up and covering him with a layer of cyan giant wolf suit.

It is [Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit].

Many spectators who knew the goods exclaimed.

[Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] is a skill of the Wind Wolf Clan running wind whirlwind at full speed, woven with wind-attribute magic power. Anyone who touches the wolf spirit will be cut apart by the wind blades that make up the wolf spirit.

Unfortunately, this skill will cause the whirlwind to run under load. After the skill ends, the participating whirlwind will enter a state of exhaustion.

Therefore, many wind wolves will use [Wind Control Wolf Spirit] supplemented by other skills to develop their own finishing moves.

And now, Seizing the Wind is using this skill casually.

Does he already want to end the game?

Zhoufeng’s gaze has been capturing Yang Yu’s position.

Confirming that the initial whirlwind had recovered, Seizing the Wind shot out like a bullet, and arrived in front of Yang Yu in the blink of an eye.

The sharp claws on the left and right hands were extended a few minutes each, blooming with white light, tearing towards Yang Yu.

“[Metal Hardening Defense]”

The metal on the shield surged like water, forming a smooth metallic surface. Yang Yu actually blocked Seizing the Wind’s attack again.

It’s a pity that Yang Yu blocked Suofeng’s attack, but not completely.

The blue wind blade from nowhere bombarded Yang Yu’s shield again and again with Seizing the Wind’s attacks, penetrating Yang Yu’s defense and causing constant damage to Yang Yu.

Yang Yu was defeated steadily by Seofeng’s fierce offensive.

Suddenly, the wind-controlling wolf spirit on Duofeng’s body began to shake, almost as if it was about to break away from Duofeng’s body.

The audience rubbed their eyes, they saw it right.

[Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] actually separated from Duofeng, transformed into a giant green wolf, and pounced on Yang Yu, who was in a stalemate with Duofeng.

Yang Yu’s current position is very close to the corner of the battle stage. Faced with attacks from these two sides, if he continues to retreat like he did just now, he will definitely be forced out of the field.

Of course Yang Yu also knew this. He sank and released the illusory shield, which was like a bullet hitting Qiao Feng.

Ziufeng stopped attacking, and the wind whirlpool in his palm moved to the back of his hand, spraying wind-attribute magic power, generating a strong thrust, like a big mountain blocking Yang Yu’s [Red Blood Clearance], making Yang Yu stand still.

“The power I possess is far from as simple as you think. Be proud, I recognize your excellence. Can you still block this move of mine?”

“Who knows?”

The huge [Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] swooped over. Yang Yu released [Climbing] and was instantly blasted away by the wind, reaching the edge of the field in one fell swoop.

[Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] jumped into the air, swayed, and instantly returned to Duofeng’s body.

[Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] is supported by wind whirlpools, and the wolf spirit exists for a short time after leaving the body.

The flanking attack failed, but Duofeng was not discouraged. His attack was far from over.

Moving the wind vortex that had never sprayed wind magic power behind him, Seizing the Wind once again burst out with unimaginable speed. In the blink of an eye, he came to Yang Yu again and kicked Yang Yu.

Yang Yu is already on the edge of the battle stage, just a little short of falling out of the field.

As long as Duofeng can hit Yang Yu with his kick, Yang Yu will definitely be kicked out of the field.

Seizing the Wind comes very suddenly and quickly. Every time he launches such an attack, Yang Yu can only parry. At the edge of the battle stage with no retreat, how should Yang Yu avoid it? What about being kicked out?

Countless people in the audience widened their eyes, and some people already silently thought that Yang Yu was destined to lose.

However, contrary to everyone’s expectations, Yang Yu avoided the wind-catching kick again.

Putting away his sword and shield, Yang Yu threw a small flour bag towards the wind-whirlwind, and the sharp wind blade instantly cut open the flour bag.

A large amount of flour was blown up by the wind, creating clouds of white dust that shrouded the wind and blocked his sight.

Is this method of capturing vision effective? I’m afraid it won’t work. The Wind Wolf clan are experts at controlling wind magic. This little cleverness will only lead to trouble!

Sure enough, Duofeng’s thick thigh passed through the white dust mist and kicked Yang Yu in the head.

Seemingly unavoidable, Yang Yu leaned sideways, letting Duofeng’s thigh brush against his ear. The wind blade brought by [Wind Controlling Wolf Spirit] twisted several of his hair, and There was a scratch on each right cheek.

Yang Yu, who fell sideways, stepped on the flat surface of the battle platform with one foot and stuck one foot against the outside edge of the battle platform. He squatted down suddenly and grabbed the sharp edges of the battle platform left and right, like a curled up chameleon. Dodged the fatal kick from Seizing the Wind.

The audience was stunned.

Is there still such an operation? But how does he get up next? You can hide for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime.

Just as the audience was thinking this, Yang Yu moved his hands in front of and back, and his feet in front of and back, and he ran away funny along the edge like a chameleon!

Fleeing to the center of the battle stage, Yang Yu rolled over and then onto the battle stage.

As soon as Yang Yu stood up, Duofeng used wind magic to blow away the white flour around him and hit him again.

Taking out his shield and sword, Yang Yu attacked again, while also observing the flour situation around each cyclone in the storm.

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