The Whispering Verses Chapter 942: “Hide and seek”

Strictly speaking, [Light-Guiding Hermitage] and [Apna Library] are both neutral ring warlock organizations. However, the doomsday theory promoted by the former is indeed considered a “fallacy” for this idealistic world, while the latter has recently been strictly censored by the church because of its cooperation with the Truth Society. In addition, the information in the suitcase is related to the selected person, so this transaction is indeed an illegal underground transaction.

“I have also become a villain.”

Because the action went so smoothly, Xia De also made a joke in his heart. “Her” laughter was still so sweet and gentle, which made Shade feel even better.

【What kind of accident do you think you will encounter? 】

“She” whispered in Shade’s ear again. Shade answered while paying attention to the road under his feet. When walking in a foggy cemetery, the most dangerous thing is not ghosts, but inconspicuous stones:

“For example, if you encounter a gangster. Since the transaction content is related to the chosen one, then maybe these materials will be targeted by others. Even if the [Truth Society] cooperates with [Apna Library], I believe there will be Other organizations are interested in this information.”

Thinking of this, Shade paused and looked around alertly:

“Oh, I’m really confused. Since the task has not been completed, how can I think about such a thing?”

【Is this your ridiculous “superstition” again? 】

“She” whispered in Shade’s ear. Shade raised his hand and touched his ear, actually to confirm whether there was anyone behind him:

“No, no, this is not superstition, conservation of luck is superstition.”

Xia De’s rather stubborn answer:

“You must not think about such things before completing the task. But it seems that I am lucky tonight. Look, I have not encountered a situation where the gangsters take advantage of the gangsters. If I really encounter it, I can ask Old John to add more money. .”

Thinking of this, he laughed himself. In the fog ahead, the fence of the cemetery can already be seen. While talking in his mind, he used his robe to turn the suitcase in his hand into a toy and put it in his pocket.

After crossing the fence in a while, he only needed to find a place to change his clothes before he could enter the city safely.

[Is it possible that besides your so-called gangsterism, there are other surprises tonight? 】

“She” asked in Shade’s ear with a smile again.

“What about?”

He dropped the weathervane bluegrass extract on the tip of his tongue and prepared to cross the fence and leave the cemetery. But after taking two steps forward, he suddenly frowned and stopped, looking at the fence in front of him.

Golden threads that cannot be seen by ordinary eyes are wrapped around the fence. Looking around, all the fences in the entire tomb area are attached to golden silk threads. Those slightly shining things are non-entities composed of spirits and elements, rippling in the wind and attached to the fences.

“Is this a miraculous element? Is this characteristic the divine magic of the Peace Church?”

Xia De was a little surprised, and “she” said what Sha De was thinking at the moment:

[For example, the risk tonight is that the church discovers your illegal transactions. 】

Shad subconsciously took a step back, and then realized that the church’s team must be nearby, and he’d better leave as soon as possible. The silk thread attached to the fence in front of me is obviously a thaumaturgy used for warning. I checked to the left and right, and the continuous thread did not leave any gaps:

“What kind of magic is this?”

He couldn’t tell whether the golden thread in front of him could detect the changes in space, but staying in the cemetery and waiting for a turnaround was definitely the worst option. I was thinking about whether to risk using the “red butterfly avatar” to transform into a butterfly and fly from high altitude, when I suddenly heard a muffled sound in the distance.

The sound was very obvious in the silent night. Although the night fog made it impossible for Shade to tell what was happening on the other side of the cemetery, judging from the direction, there was a high probability that it was the ring warlock who had just traded with Shade. , has already made contact with the church:

“Yes, the people in Apna Library should be more afraid of the church than me. I just acted as a ‘postman’ for illegal transactions. They were just warned by the church because of their connection with the [Truth Society]. If they continue If they are caught trading the fragments of the Psalm, they will be in big trouble!”

After thinking about this, Shade even suspected that the church could ambush here tonight, and it was most likely that the information was leaked from the Apna Library.

After all, although Old John seems to have little power and is just an ordinary shopkeeper, Shade knows that it is this kind of old gentleman who is even more terrifying. The [Light-Guiding Hermitage] is a very ancient and secretive organization. Even Miss Feliana from the Forest of Thousand Trees period was convinced that they could be passed down from the Fifth Era to Shade’s era. Therefore, compared to Old John, Shade is more inclined to believe that the news was leaked from the Apner Library.

“It’s really interesting, but when I see Father John later, I have a reason to ask him to increase the price.”

Xia De thought to himself, frowning and looking at the golden thread on the fence in front of him:

“What kind of magic is this?”

After thinking about it for a while, I still think it is better to take the risk and try it while standing still:

“Raga’s jump!”

Take a step forward, and when your boots hit the ground, you have arrived in the woods outside the cemetery. This time’s space jump is a little different from the past. Normal thaumaturgy is almost the same as walking, but this time I feel like I’m touching a layer of water.

When I stood firm, my ears immediately caught the low sound of nocturnal birds in the night sky. Looking back at the golden thread on the fence, where Shade jumped out, the broken thread was turning into little bits of dust and disappearing:

“The Zhengshen Church is indeed professional.”

Thinking in his mind, Shade dispersed into a group of butterflies. Instead of flying away from the cemetery, he flew back to the cemetery.

Looking at the faintly visible figure running in the distance, Shade activated the Silence Charm, then picked a random direction in the fog and walked quickly. After a while, he saw the lights of the small church in the cemetery in the distance. bright.

Shad is not sure how many people the church has deployed to catch tonight’s “illegal transaction”, but at present, it seems that at most it is only a full team of ring warlocks. Instead of hiding in the church, he looked around in the fog and walked on the dirt to the wall of the chapel. It was an area with many tombstones since it was older:

“Red Butterfly Illusion.”

A few flying red butterflies flew out from Shade’s chest, casting a little scarlet light in the fog. Shade stood still, letting the red butterflies land on his shoulders. He could still observe himself, but if anyone else glanced here at this moment, they would only see a pile of unremarkable tombstones.

The spell “Red Butterfly Illusion” is different from the temporarily sealed thaumaturgy “Moon Shadow’s Illusion”. The former is more inclined to create illusions rather than hide. Therefore, Shade used the power of illusion at this time to make his appearance look like the old stone cross tombstones standing here, perfectly integrating with the environment.

Although there must be ring warlocks with the power to break illusions in the church’s team of ring warlocks, with the dark night, heavy fog, and the fundamental power of the “Red Butterfly Illusion” derived from angel-level relics, Shade believed that he could not It will be easy to find, especially since the ring warlocks of the Peace Church are still dealing with another guy who has been exposed.

Just as Shade thought, he stood in the heavy fog and no one came at all. On the contrary, there were a few dark figures running through the fog in the distance. Their walking postures did not look like living people, but rather like undead spirits such as “living corpses”.

This gave Shade more speculation. Maybe there were not only two people participating in the transaction in the cemetery tonight.

After standing in the dark night with the wind blowing for more than 20 minutes, after making sure that he would not be discovered, Shade slowed down and started to move. It’s certainly very strange for an old tombstone to move in the fog, so Shade can only choose to stop and go on the path where the tombstone can appear. When he entered a location where the tombstone was not suitable, he would adjust his illusion to disguise himself as a dead tree or a broken wooden box.

This method worked very well. Until Shade came to the main entrance of the cemetery and stepped through the gate that had been damaged and deformed by someone unknown, no one came to trouble him.

Of course, even after leaving the cemetery, Shade did not let down his guard. He took another look into the foggy cemetery, and sure enough he saw the figure of a man running quickly towards him.

He did not notice Shade in the heavy fog. After stumbling to the entrance of the cemetery, he could no longer hold up and fell down. He barely held on to the ground and tried to get up, but found that there was an extra hand in front of him:

“Need help?”

Xia De, who took the initiative to show up, asked. It was a coincidence. Maybe both parties were lucky. The person who also escaped from the cemetery was actually a member of the [Apna Library] who had just traded with him.

He was covered in darkness and lay motionless on the ground, but Shade knew that he was still awake.

Of course, Shade’s appearance at this time was not just to do good deeds. He still remembered that a third of the time tablet was probably in the hands of the Apuna Library. If there is a chance to build a relationship with the other party this time, it is best to propose a deal as soon as possible.

“Yes, you definitely need help.”

Thinking of this, Shade couldn’t help but pull the man up.

“Follow me, or wait to be caught by the church?”

He tapped his mask to indicate his identity to the other party. The tone had a lightness to it, as if the two of them were not illegal traders being rounded up by the church.

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