Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 59: Retreat and practice

As soon as Li Cang returned to his villa, he sensed someone was watching him, and he made no secret of it.

“Are you a law enforcement member?”

He didn’t think much about it. Anyway, he had no intention of reselling resources at all.

The villa is finally not empty now. Qin Youhui is very good at doing things. There is not only a TV set in the living room, but also two sets of sofas and a coffee table.

There is even a tea set on the coffee table.

In addition, drinking fountains and purified water were placed for him.

Obviously, these things were all added by Qin Youhui himself later, not those chosen by Li Cang.

Li Cang sat down directly on the sofa and looked at the LCD TV hanging on the wall in front of him. With a thought, a picture of the low-dimensional world appeared on the TV screen.

The picture is of a magma sea area, with millions of golden crows like little suns wreaking havoc in the nearby sea.

Accelerating by 100,000 times, it can be seen that wherever millions of Golden Crows pass by, seawater evaporates, the seabed dries up, magma erupts deep in the earth, and the scope of the magma sea expands outward.

Because many Golden Crows have initially understood the law of the sun, the evaporated water is converted into fire attributes by the low-dimensional world, and there is no more rainfall.

As a result, many areas on the land have begun to suffer from year-round drought.

No wonder my emotions were affected again before.

Before, whether it was the great evolution of biology or the emergence of the fire unicorn, it was all related to Li Cang’s subconscious.

Because most of the creatures born in the low-dimensional world have appeared on the earth, and they all have at least four legs, and there are very few animals with more than four legs.

Even now, even dinosaurs are gradually appearing on the continent, but these, real other worlds, should not exist.

This shows that the development of the low-dimensional world is influenced by his subconscious.

“I clearly did not issue such an order. My subconscious mind definitely does not want the yin and yang in the low-dimensional world to be imbalanced.”

“What is the reason why the development direction of the low-dimensional world does not follow my subconscious mind?”

Li Cang frowned secretly.

“Yin and yang are out of balance, yang is strong and yin is weak… It’s not because I’m a boy, right? My predecessor obviously never had a girlfriend and was still a virgin…”

If it’s because of this, I’m speechless.

“The world…broadly speaking, should be biased towards motherhood.”

“For example, the mother of the earth gives birth to all living beings and all things in the world…”

“And I am a male. The laws of the low-dimensional world in my body will also be biased towards the most yang and the most strong, and the yin attribute will be suppressed.”

Li Cang fell into deep thought. The magical path he had deduced was indeed unlikely to be smooth sailing.

Now it only affects my emotions.

In the future, I’m afraid it will affect my xinxing, right?

Even, over time, problems may arise in the low-dimensional world itself.

Fortunately, I was able to detect the problem early, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Cang looked at the picture on the TV screen. In one thought, he mobilized the power of the world and directly killed millions of Golden Crows, leaving only one million.

And he set a rule limit, the number of the Golden Crow race must not exceed one million.

However, this is only prevention and treatment, and it still treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

As long as you are not careful, other problems will definitely occur.

After doing all this, Li Cang took out the spirit pill, swallowed it, and started practicing.

This time, it will definitely take a long time to completely digest the 490 energy pills.

Time is not a problem, but my mouth is suffering from the constant swallowing of Jingqi Shendan.

Because the Jingqi Shendan has no taste.

“Huh? Why should I swallow it? Why don’t I just put the Essence Pill into the lower-dimensional world?”

Suddenly Li Cang was stunned and suddenly woke up.

“Yes, why don’t I just put the essence pill into the low-dimensional world?”

This way, your mouth won’t have to suffer.

Li Cang felt that he had found a shortcut to improve quickly.

With a thought, he took the essence pill in his body into the low-dimensional world, and then mobilized the power of the world to break it down and transform it.

Because the Essence Pill itself is a kind of energy, it is effortless to transform.

Soon, the energy pill was converted into energy that the low-dimensional world could absorb.

However, the absorption speed of the low-dimensional world made Li Cang a little disappointed. Although it was much faster than his digestion speed, it still had its limit.

After all, the level of the low-dimensional world is still too low.

Li Cang intended to conduct an experiment, so he did not rush to let the creatures in the low-dimensional world absorb this energy, but directly let the low-dimensional world absorb it.

After a full two hours, the energy of a spirit pill was finally completely absorbed.

“The time is almost half the time, which is great.”

“Try again to be absorbed by creatures in the lower-dimensional world.”

Li Cang once again brought a spirit pill into the low-dimensional world, and then mobilized the transformed high-dimensional energy to escape between heaven and earth, and used his subconscious to influence the creatures in the low-dimensional world, allowing them to absorb this energy for cultivation. .

As a result, the speed became four hours again.

But the ultimate gain is to directly let the low-dimensional world absorb that energy, which is twice as strong.

“This is similar to the digestion speed when I swallow it directly. It turns out that my digestion speed is determined by the absorption speed of the low-dimensional world. I said, now that my physique is so strong, why is the digestion speed so low? Nothing has changed.”

Li Cang had no choice but to accept this reality. After all, his digestion speed was terrifying enough.

Other divine pathfinders in the divine body protection stage may not have the same digestion speed as myself.

This time, in order to suppress the Golden Crow tribe, Li Cang took a scale of Qinglong, broke it down into hundreds of thousands of cells, and then used the power of the world to analyze and deduce, and finally created hundreds of thousands of Qinglong eggs.

Hundreds of years later in the low-dimensional world, hundreds of thousands of dragons hatched in the endless sea of ​​the east.

With the birth of these water-attribute dragons, the water-based laws of the low-dimensional world are finally becoming stronger.

At this time, Li Cang once again realized that the perfection of the world laws of the low-dimensional world was actually affected by the creatures in it.

It does not mean that the laws understood by those creatures are the laws of the low-dimensional world. In fact, even if all those creatures die, the original laws of the low-dimensional world will not become weaker.

The real impact is that if there are more creatures in a certain system, different things will be derived, and the low-dimensional world can absorb this kind of things to improve itself.

Just like a company, if there are more employees and more ideas, the senior management can adopt good ideas.

After adopting that idea, even if the employee dies…oh no, resigns, the idea will not disappear.

But the world is different from a company. A company needs employees to operate, but the world will not stop just because a certain creature dies.

Time passes, the real world passes day by day, but the time in the low-dimensional world flows faster.

During this process, under Li Cang’s favoritism, the reproduction rate of the Qinglong clan skyrocketed, and the number of races increased like a balloon.

As the number of the Qinglong clan increases, the amount of water they need to occupy will also increase.

Originally, the Qinglong was supposed to be of the wood type. Due to the rising of Yang and the declining of Yin in the low-dimensional world, under the influence of Li Cang’s subconscious and the operating rules of the low-dimensional world, the Green Dragon became of the water attribute.

The green dragon controls the law of water and can create water.

But the endless sea and the magma sea are connected.

As a result, a war broke out between the Qinglong clan and the Golden Crow clan.

In this way, there is no need for Li Cang to actively massacre, and countless creatures in the lower-dimensional world will die every year, providing soul power to the lower-dimensional world.

The Golden Crow clan is also very terrifying. Of course, it may be due to the imbalance of yin and yang. Even if Li Cang sets restrictions, the reproduction speed of the Golden Crow clan is not slow.

Even after years of fighting, the number of Golden Crows has always remained at more than 900,000.

Moreover, those Golden Crows who have been fighting for years have become more and more understanding of the laws of the sun, and their individual strength has become more and more terrifying.

At the beginning, the Qinglong clan could still outnumber the Golden Crow clan.

But at the back, the Golden Crow clan was able to fight one against ten. The rays of light, like sunlight, were so destructive to the environment.

Wherever the light shines, the sea evaporates and the seabed dries up, making it impossible for the Qinglong clan’s territory to continue to expand.

If the ancient Qinglong hadn’t always been awake and could protect the Qinglong clan, Li Cang highly doubted that the Qinglong clan would have been wiped out by the Golden Crow clan.

This is because the Ancient Golden Crow was restricted by him and was always sleeping.

During this period, Qin Youhui called and said that the pet shop had been renovated.

But Li Cang ignored it and asked Qin Youhui to practice hard first and wait until he came out of seclusion.

Li Cang does not leave the main gate, does not step forward from the second gate, and truly enters a state of seclusion.


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