Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 7: Weird girl

The invigilator below immediately picked up a list.

I saw students from each class whose names were read out of the queue one after another and entered the testing instrument.

“What instrument is that?” Li Cang asked in the team.

“It looks a bit like a gravity meter, but it feels different from the gravity meters I’ve seen.” Gao Ming shook his head slightly.

Suddenly, the student from Class 8 who entered the instrument suddenly fell to the ground. The invigilator said something, and the student immediately left in despair.

“Is this the end?” Li Cang was curious, how was it tested?

Soon, the second person whose name was read came forward.

The test was fast, but most people were eliminated.

It was not until the thirteenth test that the person who fell down was helped up by the invigilator.

I saw the invigilator adjusting the instrument, and then asked the boy to attack one of the sides of the instrument.

Soon, the boy finished his attack. The invigilator nodded slightly, and the boy left happily.

“Does this mean passing? Or is the score very high?” Gao Ming was also puzzled.


“Is that divine light?!”

Suddenly there were exclamations from all around.

Li Cang turned around and saw a faint yellow-brown light emitting from Class 2’s tester.

The light rose higher and higher, until it reached three meters seven, and then it ended.

The tester itself is two meters high, which means that the light is 1.7 meters high.

Immediately afterwards, a number with the word “17” appeared out of thin air above the instrument.

“That’s Liang Kun testing!”

Gao Ming envied: “This should be a test of divinity, Liang Kun is in the limelight again.”

“Yes, seventeen points of divinity.”

The invigilator of Class 2 smiled and said: “One point of divinity plus ten points. With your seventeen points of divinity, you must be on the path to becoming a god, right?”


Liang Kun, who was taking the test, also looked excited. After answering the invigilator’s words, he turned his head and looked down at the classmates behind him.

Today he will shine brightly and become the most handsome boy in the entire Changming High School!

Sure enough, all the classmates behind him looked envious.

Then he turned to look at the principal again, and when he saw the principal nodding towards him with satisfaction, he suddenly became even more excited.

On the top of the teaching building in the distance, Chun Yi? The divinity of numbers.”

The woman next to her nodded: “I know this person. I heard that he just started to become a **** yesterday. It is said that he was diagnosed with divinity when he was a child.”


“A little divinity plus ten points?”

Li Cang wondered in his mind whether he had divinity in him.

Will the super weakened version of the Kingdom of God add divinity to itself?

He was actually a little nervous.

“Zhao Ying.”

At this time, in front of Class 8, the invigilator shouted again.

Only 1.6 meters tall, the slender, slightly petite, flat-chested girl stepped forward immediately.

Liang Kun, who was next to the rostrum, looked over. The person he paid most attention to was Zhao Ying, a girl with strange powers.

If anyone is the most likely to pose a threat to him, it is this girl with strange powers. There is a high possibility that Zhao Ying has divinity.

At this time, because many people had finished the test, Li Cang was already very far forward, so he could already hear the voice of the invigilator through the noisy sounds.

Just listen to the invigilator saying: “Enter the divinity tester. There will be a pressure and cutting force after a while. Don’t worry about being injured. As long as even a piece of skin on your body is injured, this cutting force will disappear. ”


Zhao Ying nodded and walked in.

Everyone in Class 8 was in high spirits, and even people in other classes looked at him.

This flat-chested girl who once threatened to train her body to be the strongest and then become the **** of fertility is well-known in the entire Changming High School. Everyone suspected that this girl might have divinity.

However, several seconds after Zhao Ying entered, the divinity tester did not light up, and everyone suddenly looked confused.

“It seems that she is just a martial arts genius and has nothing to do with divinity.” Gao Ming said with a smile.

“You are gloating here, be careful if she hears you.” Li Cang said.

Gao Ming’s face changed slightly and he hurriedly pretended not to say anything.

Time passed little by little, but Zhao Ying kept standing inside the divinity tester as if nothing was wrong, with doubts gradually appearing in her eyes.

Originally the invigilator’s face was calm, but as time passed, he was a little shocked: “This physique…”

Soon, after three minutes passed…

“Didi didi…”

Suddenly the divinity tester sounded an alarm.

“Is it full?” the invigilator looked at the side display panel in shock.

“Teacher, where is the cutting power?”

At this time Zhao Ying asked.


The invigilator was stunned: “You didn’t feel the cutting force?”

“What do you mean?”

Zhao Ying was also stunned: “Teacher, are you saying that the power of cutting has appeared?”

Invigilator: “…”

Li Cang: “…”

All students: “…”


The invigilator responded quickly. He hurriedly asked Zhao Ying to come out, and then went in to take the test himself.

Half a minute later, he came out and said: “Congratulations, your physique and pressure-bearing strength are both perfect. The next step is to test your attack power…”

“Wait, the strength is also tested? Don’t you want to lift weights?” Zhao Ying asked doubtfully.

But I heard the invigilator say: “The strongest force that warriors need to face is the pressure of gods from other worlds. Therefore, the test of strength in the college entrance examination also mainly tests the ability to withstand pressure, which is tested together with physical fitness. ”

“Oh, I know.” Zhao Ying behaved well and didn’t ask any more questions.

At this time, the invigilator had adjusted the divinity tester and said to Zhao Ying: “Now, use all your strength to attack this side. Your attack power will be displayed on it.”

As soon as these words came out, all the students in Class 8 had strange expressions.

“I bet you that this divinity tester may be destroyed.” Gao Ming whispered.

“Maybe not. Although she can hack open doors, this divinity tester is definitely stronger than the doors in the class.” A classmate next to her said.

Ahead, Zhao Ying listened to the invigilator and raised her hand to attack.


At this time Hua Zhengwei came up, stopped Zhao Ying, and then said to the invigilator: “Well, can you change the test method?”

“Why?” the invigilator was confused. He was not from this school.

In order to prevent cheating, the invigilators in every school are from outside.

Hua Zhengwei said: “She is a bit powerful…”

“Isn’t it a good thing to have strong power?” the invigilator wondered.

“No, I mean, if the divinity tester is broken…” Hua Zhengwei knows that this divinity tester is very expensive.

The invigilator smiled when he heard this. He glanced at the pretty flat-chested girl next to him and said: “Principal Hua, you are from a small county. Maybe you don’t know how strong the divinity tester is. So you said unceremoniously, Even a ninth-level warrior may not be able to destroy it.”

However, Hua Zhengwei was not angry at all because the other party said that he had never seen the world. Instead, he said seriously: “I’m serious…”

“I’m also serious. It’s okay, Principal Hua. If it gets damaged, she won’t have to pay for it.” said the invigilator.

Hua Zhengwei’s eyes lit up and he was waiting for your words: “That’s okay, but Zhao Ying, try to save some strength.”

“Principal Hua, what do you mean?” the invigilator frowned and said, “You are interfering with the students’ exams. She can definitely go to the Education Bureau and sue you.”

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhao Ying: “Classmate Zhao Ying, you can attack with all your strength, but don’t let external pressure affect your performance.”

Hua Zhengwei: “…”

Li Cang: “…”

All students in Changming High School: “…”

Even Liang Kun, who was standing next to the rostrum with his hands behind his back, looked strange.

“Okay, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have interfered with the students’ exams.” Hua Zhengwei returned to the podium dumbfounded.

The invigilator did not notice everyone’s strange expressions and said: “This student, please start your exam. Remember to use your best efforts. Don’t be influenced by some people. If you have injustice in your heart, , you can tell me.”


Hearing this, Zhao Ying immediately raised her palms.

“Student, you’d better use your fists, fists have the greatest attack power.” The invigilator reminded kindly, feeling a little distressed that this female student was being targeted by Principal Hua.

A girl of 17 or 18 years old was targeted by the principal at school. She must have a hard time on weekdays, right?

“I like to use the palm knife.” Zhao Ying shook her head.

“Okay then. Let’s start attacking. Relax and don’t be nervous.” said the invigilator.

“Well, I’m not nervous.”

Zhao Ying took a deep breath, and then struck down with a sharp palm.

At this moment, all the students in Class 8 suddenly retreated in unison.

Principal Hua Zhengwei on the podium also hurriedly squatted down with his head in his hands.

Even the students from Class 6, Class 7, Class 9, and Class 10 nearby also retreated violently, leaving all the invigilators looking confused.


There was a sudden loud noise, and all the teachers were startled.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the divinity tester in front of Class 8 flying out directly against the body of the invigilator of Class 8, and was deeply embedded in the ground seven or eight meters away.

The invigilator in front of Class 8: “…”

All other invigilators: “…”

“Huh? It didn’t break?”

“It’s so strong that it wasn’t broken into pieces by her palm.”

All the students who retreated looked surprised.

Even Zhao Ying was surprised and said: “Teacher, you are right, this divinity tester is really strong.”

Invigilator: “…”

He stared blankly at the slender girl in front of him, then quickly ran to where the divinity tester was, holding the divinity tester in his arms, and using all his strength, he pulled it out.

I saw a deep dent appearing on the divinity tester.

And the entire divinity tester has been deformed.

Suddenly, the invigilator’s eyes popped out.

“This invigilator, you said before that you would not let her pay compensation.”

At this time, Hua Zhengwei stood up on the podium and said, speaking for the students in his school.

Although Zhao Ying’s family is considered very wealthy in Changmin County, paying for a divinity tester would probably be a big deal.

The invigilator came to his senses, took a deep look at Hua Zhengwei, and thought to himself, so you are waiting for me here?

“No need to compensate, don’t worry, I keep my word.”

He took a deep breath and said: “This kind of situation has not happened in some big cities, so don’t worry.”

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Ying, who was still standing there with a calm face, and asked: “Classmate Zhao Ying, what level of warrior are you now?”

“I am not a warrior, I am still tempering my body.” Zhao Ying said.

“This is impossible!” The invigilator did not believe it: “It is impossible for the body tempering realm to have such power…”

“I have tempered my body thirteen times.” Zhao Ying explained.

Invigilator: “…”

He silently calculated in his mind that a normal person would be able to break through to a warrior after tempering his body once.

Tempering the body three times is a genius, and tempering the body five times is a peerless genius.

Although theoretically, a person can temper his body countless times without an upper limit, but as far as he knows, there has never been anyone who has tempered his body more than nine times.

The thirteen times of body quenching are calculated based on the ten percent increase in strength after each body quenching. Thirteen times are superimposed.

This must have tens of thousands of kilograms of strength, right?

This invigilator took a breath of air-conditioning, and even before he became a warrior, he already had tens of thousands of kilograms of strength.

Are you going crazy?

“Although this girl has no divinity, I’m afraid there are some Divine Path Colleges willing to take her in, right?”

The invigilator was thinking in his mind.

“Teacher, how many points can I get?”

Zhao Ying, who was single-minded, didn’t think much about it. What she cared about most was her scores. After all, it was an exam now.

“Huh? Oh, what’s your score?”

The invigilator squeezed the divinity tester to confirm that the hardness had not changed, and then said: “Because the college entrance examination has full marks, so in this case, you have full marks. In addition to the divinity bonus points, there is no upper limit, physical strength and attack, each 100 points, so you are 300 points.”

As he said that, he filled in Zhao Ying’s score on Zhao Ying’s form.

On the outside of the rostrum, Liang Kun frowned slightly. This extra point was more than him.

But he was not worried, because Zhao Ying had no divinity, so it would be useless even if he had extra points. If he did not become a god, he would still be a mortal!

This episode is over, and the exam is still going on.

However, Class 8’s exam was slightly delayed. It took the invigilator more than ten minutes to bring another divinity tester from somewhere before the exam could continue.

On the top of the teaching building in the distance, the woman with Chunyi Y said with bright eyes: “That girl named Zhao Ying is simply a natural servant of the gods. I have decided to let her be mine. God’s Attendant.”

“Can’t force it.” Chunyi said.

“Okay, do I need to be forced? It’s a great honor to be my divine servant.” The woman said.


“It’s my turn.” When Gao Ming heard his name, he walked out immediately.

“Come on.” Li Cang said.

Gao Ming waved his hand and walked into the divinity tester with a determined expression.

However, in less than half a minute, his body suddenly softened and fell to the ground.

“There is no divinity, zero points for physical fitness, and zero points for pressure endurance. For the attack test, unless you have attack power beyond ordinary people, don’t take the test, or you will hurt yourself.” The invigilator said.

“No need.”

Gao Ming stood up with a wry smile, shook his head at Li Cang, and then walked aside.

“Li Cang.” The invigilator called.

Li Cang was refreshed and finally reached himself.

He took a deep breath and walked out.

The invigilator below immediately picked up a list.

I saw students from each class whose names were read out of the queue one after another and entered the testing instrument.

“What instrument is that?” Li Cang asked in the team.

“It looks a bit like a gravity meter, but it feels different from the gravity meters I’ve seen.” Gao Ming shook his head slightly.

Suddenly, the student from Class 8 who entered the instrument suddenly fell to the ground. The invigilator said something, and the student immediately left in despair.

“Is this the end?” Li Cang was curious, how was it tested?

Soon, the second person whose name was read came forward.

The test was fast, but most people were eliminated.

It was not until the thirteenth test that the person who fell down was helped up by the invigilator.

I saw the invigilator adjusting the instrument, and then asked the boy to attack one of the sides of the instrument.

Soon, the boy finished his attack. The invigilator nodded slightly, and the boy left happily.

“Does this mean passing? Or is the score very high?” Gao Ming was also puzzled.


“Is that divine light?!”

Suddenly there were exclamations from all around.

Li Cang turned around and saw a faint yellow-brown light emitting from Class 2’s tester.

The light rose higher and higher, until it reached three meters seven, and then it ended.

The tester itself is two meters high, which means that the light is 1.7 meters high.

Immediately afterwards, a number with the word “17” appeared out of thin air above the instrument.

“That’s Liang Kun testing!”

Gao Ming envied: “This should be a test of divinity, Liang Kun is in the limelight again.”

“Yes, seventeen points of divinity.”

The invigilator of Class 2 smiled and said: “One point of divinity plus ten points. With your seventeen points of divinity, you must be on the path to becoming a god, right?”


Liang Kun, who was taking the test, also looked excited. After answering the invigilator’s words, he turned his head and looked down at the classmates behind him.

Today he will shine brightly and become the most handsome boy in the entire Changming High School!

Sure enough, all the classmates behind him looked envious.

Then he turned to look at the principal again, and when he saw the principal nodding towards him with satisfaction, he suddenly became even more excited.

On the top of the teaching building in the distance, Chun Yi? The divinity of numbers.”

The woman next to her nodded: “I know this person. I heard that he just started to become a **** yesterday. It is said that he was diagnosed with divinity when he was a child.”


“A little divinity plus ten points?”

Li Cang wondered in his mind whether he had divinity in him.

Will the super weakened version of the Kingdom of God add divinity to itself?

He was actually a little nervous.

“Zhao Ying.”

At this time, in front of Class 8, the invigilator shouted again.

Only 1.6 meters tall, the slender, slightly petite, flat-chested girl stepped forward immediately.

Liang Kun, who was next to the rostrum, looked over. The person he paid most attention to was Zhao Ying, a girl with strange powers.

If anyone is the most likely to pose a threat to him, it is this girl with strange powers. There is a high possibility that Zhao Ying has divinity.

At this time, because many people had finished the test, Li Cang was already very far forward, so he could already hear the voice of the invigilator through the noisy sounds.

Just listen to the invigilator saying: “Enter the divinity tester. There will be a pressure and cutting force after a while. Don’t worry about being injured. As long as even a piece of skin on your body is injured, this cutting force will disappear. ”


Zhao Ying nodded and walked in.

Everyone in Class 8 was in high spirits, and even people in other classes looked at him.

This flat-chested girl who once threatened to train her body to be the strongest and then become the **** of fertility is well-known in the entire Changming High School. Everyone suspected that this girl might have divinity.

However, several seconds after Zhao Ying entered, the divinity tester did not light up, and everyone suddenly looked confused.

“It seems that she is just a martial arts genius and has nothing to do with divinity.” Gao Ming said with a smile.

“You are gloating here, be careful if she hears you.” Li Cang said.

Gao Ming’s face changed slightly and he hurriedly pretended not to say anything.

Time passed little by little, but Zhao Ying kept standing inside the divinity tester as if nothing was wrong, with doubts gradually appearing in her eyes.

Originally the invigilator’s face was calm, but as time passed, he was a little shocked: “This physique…”

Soon, after three minutes passed…

“Didi didi…”

Suddenly the divinity tester sounded an alarm.

“Is it full?” the invigilator looked at the side display panel in shock.

“Teacher, where is the cutting power?”

At this time Zhao Ying asked.


The invigilator was stunned: “You didn’t feel the cutting force?”

“What do you mean?”

Zhao Ying was also stunned: “Teacher, are you saying that the power of cutting has appeared?”

Invigilator: “…”

Li Cang: “…”

All students: “…”


The invigilator responded quickly. He hurriedly asked Zhao Ying to come out, and then went in to take the test himself.

Half a minute later, he came out and said: “Congratulations, your physique and pressure-bearing strength are both perfect. The next step is to test your attack power…”

“Wait, the strength is also tested? Don’t you want to lift weights?” Zhao Ying asked doubtfully.

But I heard the invigilator say: “The strongest force that warriors need to face is the pressure of gods from other worlds. Therefore, the test of strength in the college entrance examination also mainly tests the ability to withstand pressure, which is tested together with physical fitness. ”

“Oh, I know.” Zhao Ying behaved well and didn’t ask any more questions.

At this time, the invigilator had adjusted the divinity tester and said to Zhao Ying: “Now, use all your strength to attack this side. Your attack power will be displayed on it.”

As soon as these words came out, all the students in Class 8 had strange expressions.

“I bet you that this divinity tester may be destroyed.” Gao Ming whispered.

“Maybe not. Although she can hack open doors, this divinity tester is definitely stronger than the doors in the class.” A classmate next to her said.

Ahead, Zhao Ying listened to the invigilator and raised her hand to attack.


At this time Hua Zhengwei came up, stopped Zhao Ying, and then said to the invigilator: “Well, can you change the test method?”

“Why?” the invigilator was confused. He was not from this school.

In order to prevent cheating, the invigilators in every school are from outside.

Hua Zhengwei said: “She is a bit powerful…”

“Isn’t it a good thing to have strong power?” the invigilator wondered.

“No, I mean, if the divinity tester is broken…” Hua Zhengwei knows that this divinity tester is very expensive.

The invigilator smiled when he heard this. He glanced at the pretty flat-chested girl next to him and said: “Principal Hua, you are from a small county. Maybe you don’t know how strong the divinity tester is. So you said unceremoniously, Even a ninth-level warrior may not be able to destroy it.”

However, Hua Zhengwei was not angry at all because the other party said that he had never seen the world. Instead, he said seriously: “I’m serious…”

“I’m also serious. It’s okay, Principal Hua. If it gets damaged, she won’t have to pay for it.” said the invigilator.

Hua Zhengwei’s eyes lit up and he was waiting for your words: “That’s okay, but Zhao Ying, try to save some strength.”

“Principal Hua, what do you mean?” the invigilator frowned and said, “You are interfering with the students’ exams. She can definitely go to the Education Bureau and sue you.”

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhao Ying: “Classmate Zhao Ying, you can attack with all your strength, but don’t let external pressure affect your performance.”

Hua Zhengwei: “…”

Li Cang: “…”

All students in Changming High School: “…”

Even Liang Kun, who was standing next to the rostrum with his hands behind his back, looked strange.

“Okay, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have interfered with the students’ exams.” Hua Zhengwei returned to the podium dumbfounded.

The invigilator did not notice everyone’s strange expressions and said: “This student, please start your exam. Remember to use your best efforts. Don’t be influenced by some people. If you have injustice in your heart, , you can tell me.”


Hearing this, Zhao Ying immediately raised her palms.

“Student, you’d better use your fists, fists have the greatest attack power.” The invigilator reminded kindly, feeling a little distressed that this female student was being targeted by Principal Hua.

A girl of 17 or 18 years old was targeted by the principal at school. She must have a hard time on weekdays, right?

“I like to use the palm knife.” Zhao Ying shook her head.

“Okay then. Let’s start attacking. Relax and don’t be nervous.” said the invigilator.

“Well, I’m not nervous.”

Zhao Ying took a deep breath, and then struck down with a sharp palm.

At this moment, all the students in Class 8 suddenly retreated in unison.

Principal Hua Zhengwei on the podium also hurriedly squatted down with his head in his hands.

Even the students from Class 6, Class 7, Class 9, and Class 10 nearby also retreated violently, leaving all the invigilators looking confused.


There was a sudden loud noise, and all the teachers were startled.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the divinity tester in front of Class 8 flying out directly against the body of the invigilator of Class 8, and was deeply embedded in the ground seven or eight meters away.

The invigilator in front of Class 8: “…”

All other invigilators: “…”

“Huh? It didn’t break?”

“It’s so strong that it wasn’t broken into pieces by her palm.”

All the students who retreated looked surprised.

Even Zhao Ying was surprised and said: “Teacher, you are right, this divinity tester is really strong.”

Invigilator: “…”

He stared blankly at the slender girl in front of him, then quickly ran to where the divinity tester was, holding the divinity tester in his arms, and using all his strength, he pulled it out.

I saw a deep dent appearing on the divinity tester.

And the entire divinity tester has been deformed.

Suddenly, the invigilator’s eyes popped out.

“This invigilator, you said before that you would not let her pay compensation.”

At this time, Hua Zhengwei stood up on the podium and said, speaking for the students in his school.

Although Zhao Ying’s family is considered very wealthy in Changmin County, paying for a divinity tester would probably be a big deal.

The invigilator came to his senses, took a deep look at Hua Zhengwei, and thought to himself, so you are waiting for me here?

“No need to compensate, don’t worry, I keep my word.”

He took a deep breath and said: “This kind of situation has not happened in some big cities, so don’t worry.”

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Ying, who was still standing there with a calm face, and asked: “Classmate Zhao Ying, what level of warrior are you now?”

“I am not a warrior, I am still tempering my body.” Zhao Ying said.

“This is impossible!” The invigilator did not believe it: “It is impossible for the body tempering realm to have such power…”

“I have tempered my body thirteen times.” Zhao Ying explained.

Invigilator: “…”

He silently calculated in his mind that a normal person would be able to break through to a warrior after tempering his body once.

Tempering the body three times is a genius, and tempering the body five times is a peerless genius.

Although theoretically, a person can temper his body countless times without an upper limit, but as far as he knows, there has never been anyone who has tempered his body more than nine times.

The thirteen times of body quenching are calculated based on the ten percent increase in strength after each body quenching. Thirteen times are superimposed.

This must have tens of thousands of kilograms of strength, right?

This invigilator took a breath of air-conditioning, and even before he became a warrior, he already had tens of thousands of kilograms of strength.

Are you going crazy?

“Although this girl has no divinity, I’m afraid there are some Divine Path Colleges willing to take her in, right?”

The invigilator was thinking in his mind.

“Teacher, how many points can I get?”

Zhao Ying, who was single-minded, didn’t think much about it. What she cared about most was her scores. After all, it was an exam now.

“Huh? Oh, what’s your score?”

The invigilator squeezed the divinity tester to confirm that the hardness had not changed, and then said: “Because the college entrance examination has full marks, so in this case, you have full marks. In addition to the divinity bonus points, there is no upper limit, physical strength and attack, each 100 points, so you are 300 points.”

As he said that, he filled in Zhao Ying’s score on Zhao Ying’s form.

On the outside of the rostrum, Liang Kun frowned slightly. This extra point was more than him.

But he was not worried, because Zhao Ying had no divinity, so it would be useless even if he had extra points. If he did not become a god, he would still be a mortal!

This episode is over, and the exam is still going on.

However, Class 8’s exam was slightly delayed. It took the invigilator more than ten minutes to bring another divinity tester from somewhere before the exam could continue.

On the top of the teaching building in the distance, the woman with Chunyi Y said with bright eyes: “That girl named Zhao Ying is simply a natural servant of the gods. I have decided to let her be mine. God’s Attendant.”

“Can’t force it.” Chunyi said.

“Okay, do I need to be forced? It’s a great honor to be my divine servant.” The woman said.


“It’s my turn.” When Gao Ming heard his name, he walked out immediately.

“Come on.” Li Cang said.

Gao Ming waved his hand and walked into the divinity tester with a determined expression.

However, in less than half a minute, his body suddenly softened and fell to the ground.

“There is no divinity, zero points for physical fitness, and zero points for pressure endurance. For the attack test, unless you have attack power beyond ordinary people, don’t take the test, or you will hurt yourself.” The invigilator said.

“No need.”

Gao Ming stood up with a wry smile, shook his head at Li Cang, and then walked aside.

“Li Cang.” The invigilator called.

Li Cang was refreshed and finally reached himself.

He took a deep breath and walked out.

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