The Legend of Bimeng: Section 807 Slave Trade, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Section 807 Slave Trade

Of course, the protection spells of the Burning Knights and Abyss Demons are not very advanced and can only avoid some fearless sacrifices, but many people will still be injured. After all, there are too many of them, and they all want to teleport 100%. The loss of light magic power is enough for the demons to drink a pot. Therefore, the Burning Knight and the Abyss Demon could only enjoy low-level protection spells. When their army of more than 2 million came over, they lost almost 30,000 to 50,000 people.

This time Cabron sent spies to explore the situation on the other side. This is undoubtedly a very important matter. Therefore, before Cabron teleported them, he added the best protection spell to them. This spell can reduce their chance of getting into trouble to less than one ten thousandth. It is a treatment that only demon lords can enjoy. It can be regarded as letting these unlucky guys enjoy themselves before they die.

After teleporting away the group of guys, Cabron ran over to Lao Xie with a smile: “Master Stephen, I have sent them away!”

“So what’s the situation on the other side now?” Lao Xie asked hurriedly.

“Now?” Cabron was stunned for a moment, and then said in a confused voice: “Sir, when those guys come back, how can I possibly know what’s going on on the other side?”

“Huh?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately asked curiously: “I remember that once you spiritual mages control those puppets, you can’t see what they see through the spiritual connection between you. Everything?”

“That is indeed the case, but that requires us to be able to communicate.” Cabron said with a wry smile: “But now we are between two planes, and I don’t have the ability to see through it. Contact them through space cracks!”

“Isn’t the space crack a passage?” Lao Xie asked puzzledly: “Why can’t we contact you?”

“The space crack is naturally a space channel. Under normal circumstances, a stable space crack can indeed allow my mental power to penetrate, but this space crack cannot. The energy inside is too chaotic, and it will burst out from time to time. There is a strong turbulence. In this case, how can I dare to use my spiritual power? It is simply seeking death!” Kabron explained.

Lao Xie naturally knows the importance of mental power to a mage, so he understands Kablon’s difficulties. So he immediately smiled and said: “Haha, I understand. In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little later. Anyway, we have an absolute advantage now.”

“Yes, yes~” Others nodded in agreement. Cabron’s face looked better now.

However, during the waiting time, a group of people can’t watch the scenery in the sky, right? Moreover, except for the endless low-level demons, there is really no scenery to see here.

So Lao Xie said to the people around him: “Everyone, should we do something now? We can’t just wait here, right?”

“Then what do you want to do, my lord?” Golden Armor General Mu Ikra asked hurriedly.

“These demons look really unhappy. Should we clean them up?” Lao Xie said with a frown.

At this time, the entire island and hundreds of miles along the coast were covered with demons. Under the command of their respective commanders, they migrated to the interior of the continent in an extremely orderly manner. Although there were a group of demigod masters above their heads who could destroy them at any time, they showed no signs of panic and continued to teleport and march in an orderly manner.

Actually, it’s not that they are not afraid of Lao Xie and others, it’s useless to be afraid. Because there are demons all around, one after another, they have no place to run even if they want to. It was precisely because of this embarrassing situation that they had to continue to act honestly according to the long-term plan. If there is a little gap around them for them to escape, these guys will run away without hesitation. After all, they are also intelligent creatures and extremely afraid of death.

But in Lao Xie’s eyes, their orderly actions turned into a silent confrontation. Lao Xie thought that the reason why these demons were so calm was because they were very brave and looked down upon these masters in the sky! Naturally, Lao Xie couldn’t tolerate this, so he took advantage of this free time to propose to deal with the guys below.

After hearing what Lao Xie said, everyone immediately knew that the devil below was going to be in trouble. In order to flatter Lao Xie, the golden-armored general Mu Ikra was the first to stand up and said: “Sir, do you want to kill them all?”

“It’s a good idea, but the question is, can you kill him?” Lao Xie said with a wink.

“This~” When the golden-armored general Mu Ikra heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: “If I go back and find a few thousand more silver-armored warriors, it won’t be very difficult to kill them all, but we can just rely on us. These people are having a hard time! How about I go back and call for help?”

“You!” After hearing this, Lao Xie couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “You think things are too simple!”

“What, is there something wrong?” Golden-armored General Muykra asked strangely.

“Of course that’s not right!” Lao Xie smiled bitterly: “Let me ask you, after killing all these guys, how are we going to deal with so many corpses?”

“Why do you care about the corpse? Can’t you just throw it away? No one lives here anyway!” Golden Armor General Mu Ikra said in confusion.

“Throw it away?” Lao Xie said funnyly: “What you said is so simple! The number of these demons can be tens of millions at least, or even hundreds of millions. If they are allowed to rot here, there will definitely be unforeseen consequences. Do you know how many plagues there are? Although no one lives here, there are always winds and birds and beasts passing by, right? Whether it is strong winds or birds and beasts contaminated with plague, they may be brought to the prosperous human society. Once such a situation occurs, then. An unprecedented disaster is about to happen here! ”

“Ah, is there such a thing? Human beings are troublesome. We, the Titans, never care about plagues!” said the golden-armored general Mu’ikla, scratching his head.

“Nonsense, you are the gods, of course you won’t care about ordinary plagues!” Lao Xie said in a dumbfounded voice: “But the humans, elves and orcs in our plane don’t have as strong a resistance as you! They can’t stand the plague!”

“In this case, it’s better to burn their corpses!” Golden Armor General Mu Ikra hurriedly said.

“Are you kidding me!” Lao Xie then smiled bitterly and said, “You seem to have forgotten where these guys come from! They are all creatures from the demon plane. The temperature there is several times higher than ours. As a result, These creatures have strong control over flames, and their fire resistance is also extremely high. If you want to burn so many demons to ashes, it will not be enough to chop down all the wood in the continent!”

“What if we bury it?” Golden Armor General Mu Ikra said immediately.

“Buried?” Lao Xie glanced at the golden-armored general Mu Ikra strangely, but smiled helplessly and said nothing more.

Golden Armor General Muykla actually regretted it immediately after he said it, because he realized how many stupid mistakes he had made. How can we bury so many demons? Even if hundreds of thousands of troops are dispatched, it will probably take a year to clean it up! But this time was enough for them to cause several plagues.

After realizing this, the golden-armored general Muykla blushed and said with a wry smile: “Oh no, I was stupid again. There is no way. I am better at fighting, but we have to deal with the corpses afterwards. I have never participated in it!”

“Haha, you are a typical person who only cares about killing but not burying!” Lao Xie couldn’t help but laugh after hearing this.

“Haha, that’s right, we just care about killing and not burying!” Golden Armor General Mu Ikra also laughed.

“Haha!” A group of people around him also laughed.

After laughing, Lao Xie shook his head and said: “If we fight in other people’s planes, I will kill them and not bury them, but this is my territory after all, and it’s not good to make it a mess! So this matter is really It’s hard to deal with! It’s all the idiot devil’s fault. Why are you throwing so much garbage? I don’t even know how to deal with it.”

Speaking of this, Lao Xie suddenly thought of the Bollaser couple. After all, they lived longer, and there was a camp in the dark area where they could contact many people. Maybe there would be a way to deal with it, but not necessarily. He turned around and asked Po Lasse, “Brother Po Lasse, I wonder if you have any way to deal with these guys?”

Pollase touched his smooth chin and said: “You really have asked the right person. I do have a way to deal with them, and I can also make you a fortune!”

“Yes!” When Lao Xie heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he hurriedly said: “Really? That’s great! I’m almost dying of poverty now. If you have any ideas for getting rich, you should tell me quickly. ?”

“That’s right!” Po Lasse said: “I have some friends who need help all year round!”

“Need manpower?” Lao Xie frowned and said, “What do you mean?”

“They just need manpower!” Polase explained: “The plane they are in has extremely rich mineral deposits, but there are not enough people to dig them. So they released a message to the outside world, saying that they were willing to use some Precious minerals in exchange for a lot of strong labor! ”

“Slaves, that is!” Mrs. Turner added.

“Ha, it turns out you are still selling slaves!” Upon hearing this, the golden-armored general Mu Ikra immediately said in a funny voice, “I didn’t expect that!”

“Ahem, I just make a fortune once in a while!” Bollase explained with some embarrassment: “We are not professional slave traders!”

You know, no matter which plane you are in, the reputation of slave traders is not very good. Although many people do this kind of business secretly, they do it secretly, for fear of carrying such a reputation. And the Bollasers were in the dark realm, where dragons and snakes were mixed, and there were all kinds of characters, so it was inevitable that they would come into contact with these guys. Of course, if the interests are suitable, they themselves don’t mind taking a hand.

Just like this time, Lao Xie had countless demon captives here. If they were all sold, it would definitely be a big deal, so he told Lao Xie without hesitation. Otherwise, he would never admit that he was selling slaves.

Fortunately, everyone present is not a mortal. Even if Po Lasse doesn’t tell, everyone knows what he is doing behind the scenes, so it doesn’t matter if he speaks out. These masters don’t bother to pay attention to this kind of thing anyway.

As for Lao Xie, he has no resistance at all. As an old devil, he has done countless things no matter how serious they are, let alone selling slaves. What’s more, this is a good opportunity to make a fortune. So once he heard what Lasse meant, he clapped his hands and cheered. He hurriedly said to Po Lasse: “That’s great! I can sell all the demons here to them, but I don’t know if they want them?”

“Haha, why don’t they want it?” Bollas immediately smiled and said: “There are many kinds of demons, and all of them have uses. Even the lowest level lemures are no exception. Although they have low combat effectiveness, they are used for mining. But it’s still possible!”

“Lemurs and horned demons are both semi-human monsters. Of course they can be used for mining, but what is the use of a three-headed dog?” Lao Xie asked puzzledly: “Could dogs also be used for mining?”

“Haha!” When Po Lasse and the others heard this, they immediately burst out laughing, making Lao Xie smile in a strange way. Finally, Mrs. Turner explained: “Stephen, you seem to have forgotten that when mining, you can’t just have slaves. There must also be enough overseers to ensure that the slaves work hard! Although three-headed dogs cannot mine, they can Alert, energetic, and loyal, his combat prowess is higher than that of lemures and horned devils. He is the best candidate for overseeing the work!”

“Ah, so that’s it!” Lao Xie suddenly realized: “Then they must be able to sell it at a good price?”

“Of course, we are now a seller’s market!” Po Lasse said with a smile: “Many places are in urgent need of slaves and overseers. This kind of thing is in short supply. As long as we spread the news here, we are sure to have a large number of people come. Looking for you!”

“That’s great!” Lao Xie immediately said excitedly: “In that case, don’t wait any longer! Hurry and help contact people!”

“No rush, no hurry!” Po Lasse smiled and said: “We have to agree on the rules and prices first, otherwise I won’t be able to tell them, right?”

“You are not in a hurry, but I am! There are so many malicious guys on my territory. If something happens, it will be enough for me to drink! The sooner we deal with it, the better. Okay!” Lao Xie then said hurriedly: “So keep everything simple, the rules and prices are all up to you! I can rest assured that you will not treat me badly, right?”

“Sly boy! You know how to be lazy!” Mrs. Turner couldn’t help but laughed and cursed when she saw that Lao Xie was blaming everything on herself, and then said solemnly, “Originally, our couple didn’t care about these specific things. , after all, we are just intermediaries and cannot make decisions for our clients. But, why do you have a good relationship with your sister? I can help you with this!”

“Thank you so much!” Lao Xie hurriedly thanked him.

“However, there are some things I must say up front!” Mrs. Turner then solemnly said: “We can help you deal with these demons quickly, but because you are selling in a hurry, you can’t expect to sell a large amount at all. Price, if you feel you’ve lost money in the future, don’t bother us!”

“How could it be? It’s too late for me to thank you!” Lao Xie hurriedly smiled and said: “Of course I know that urgent shipments will cause losses, and I can never blame you!”

“That’s good!” Mrs. Turner nodded, then thought for a moment and said, “Let me tell you my plan first!”

“Okay, I’m all ears!” Lao Xie said hurriedly.

“Yes!” Mrs. Turner smiled slightly, and then said: “There are too many types of demons here. We can’t generalize them. It would be too disadvantageous. We should classify them. Lemurs and horned demons belong to low-level slaves. Three-headed demons belong to low-level slaves. Dogs and Burning Knights can be sold as overseers. Flame Enchantresses are beautiful and rare in number. They are the forbidden pets of demon lords. There are many markets outside and should be sold as female slaves. Except for these middle and low-level guys, those who are powerful Demons above level 6 should be sold as masters. These guys can be used as guards and sold to gladiators. In short, they will definitely fetch a good price. Stephen, what do you think?”

“Okay, as expected of a professional, he is awesome!” Lao Xie immediately extended his thumbs up and said.

“Fuck you!” Mrs. Turner became angry when she heard this, and angrily laughed and cursed: “You are the professional slave trader! Damn Stephen, I helped you out of kindness, and you still satirized me!”

“No, no!” When Lao Xie saw that his slip of the tongue had caused trouble, he hurriedly apologized: “I didn’t mean to ridicule you! It was just a slip of the tongue, just a slip of the tongue~”

“Humph!” Mrs. Turner glared at Lao Xie and said, “I’ll spare you this time, but don’t associate me with slave traders next time. I’m a beautiful and kind-hearted rainbow dragon, how could I engage in slave trade?” What about?”

“Yes, you will definitely not do such a thing!” Lao Xie immediately said seriously. At the same time, he felt serious contempt in his heart, “You’ve done enough, but you’re still doing the same!” ’

“Humph!” After Mrs. Turner heard what Lao Xie said, she nodded with satisfaction and said, “In that case, let’s make an agreement. I will go back to find the buyer now!”

“Okay!” Lao Xie nodded, and at the same time he did not forget to say: “The sooner, the better! To avoid long nights and too many dreams!”

“Yeah, I got it!” Mrs. Turner agreed, then nodded goodbye to Bollaser and flew away.

As soon as Mrs. Turner disappeared, Lao Xie remembered something and hurriedly asked Bollaser: “Oh, brother Bollaser, I forgot to ask just now, how are we going to deliver the goods? Do all the following guys need it? Just arrest him?”

“Haha, no need, it’s so troublesome!” Po Lasse immediately laughed and said: “Just wait for those guys to come and let them arrest the people themselves! We just need to count the numbers after they arrest them, and then wait Just collect the money!”

“No, is this okay?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but said in surprise.

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