The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 410: Intimidation, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 410: Intimidation

“No no!” Pope Power squinted his eyes and said: “Judging from the child’s performance just now, he is not stupid at all, he is even a little smarter than Saint Roya! And I can conclude that the reason why he ignores me so much , it’s all about rational self-confidence, not blind arrogance!”

“But why is he so confident?” the cardinal asked puzzledly.

“This requires you to investigate. Otherwise, why would you give your intelligence department millions of gold coins every year?” The Pope then said sternly: “Go and investigate his origins for me. I will even know what pants he wore when he was a child. Know! ”

“Yes!” the cardinal agreed hastily.

At this moment, the battle between Catherine and Clint finally ended. Just as Lao Xie expected, the two sides ended in a draw, and everyone was happy. The Empire of Light gained face, and Catherine gained the gratitude of the other party, which was obviously extremely beneficial to future battle arrangements.

After the battle, the banquet ended in a warm atmosphere. People dispersed one after another, cautiously discussing the excitement of today. As for Saint Roya and his eldest brother, the Pope called them to a place where no one was around and scolded them severely. At this time Saint Roya finally came to his senses and hurriedly expressed his promise to have a good relationship with the people of the Griffin Kingdom before the natural disaster of the undead ended. Even if she is deliberately provoked by Lan Snow, she will never fight back.

In fact, Saint Roya’s wisdom is quite good. If it weren’t for the fact that she met Lan Snow, her mortal enemy, she wouldn’t have made such a big fuss. Now that she was awakened by the Pope, she naturally understood the seriousness of the matter. , I will definitely not be so stupid again.

Of course, one of the culprits, the little princess Lan Snow, did not escape her bad luck and returned to the resting palace. Catherine severely scolded her ignorant sister.

But Lan Sinuo didn’t care. Not only was he not angry, but he was also a little proud. Anyway, she took advantage today and beat her mortal enemy Sheng Roya to a pulp. She was feeling happy, so naturally she wouldn’t care about being scolded by her sister.

Lao Xie, on the other hand, although not scolded by Catherine, received a few complaints. It was just nonsense like being too harsh and not giving the master face. Lao Xie didn’t bother to talk to her. After a few words, he took Lan Snow out to the night market, basically turning a deaf ear to Catherine’s words.

Catherine certainly knew that Lao Xie was the kind of person who could not be governed by law, so she could only give up with a wry smile.

The next day, after everyone got up. Then they acted separately. Lao Xie and Heidishi went to the Royal Library to borrow materials. Lao Xie needed to find some relevant information about the divine language of light in the heavens, and Heidi Shi was pulled by Lao Xie as a consultant. After all, Heidi Shi was a erudite scholar and must know more than Lao Xie.

Catherine needs to deal with military affairs. As for Lan Sinuo, of course he went out to play, but no adults accompanied him. In desperation, she could only let 20 champion knight masters accompany her around.

Let’s talk about Lao Xie going to the library and just looking for a little information, he found that it was extremely basic. It was of absolutely no value, so I couldn’t help but ask someone, and then I realized that the information outside was for ordinary students, and the advanced content required people with high status to read it. Lao Xie showed the emblem of the Stephen family, but in the end he was only allowed to enter one more level, and the real core information was still not allowed to be seen.

In fact, Lao Xie also noticed that they seemed to be intending to block it. After all, this kind of internal information is the secret of each sect, and I really don’t want to let outsiders see it casually.

In desperation, Lao Xie had to come back to find a solution to Catherine. If Catherine couldn’t solve it, then he would have to be an elegant thief once. Of course, this is the scene he least wants to see, because being a thief is not honorable after all, and the most important thing is that it is very troublesome. If the Empire of Light really forces him to do this. Lao Xie secretly said cruelly, I must steal all your secret books!

But when Lao Xie returned to the palace where he lived. I was surprised to find that Clint, the second prince of the Empire of Light, was also at the door, seemingly about to leave, and Catherine was seeing him off.

At this time, Catherine seemed to be a little impatient, she just said a few words, then turned and left. Clint looked at Catherine’s beautiful back infatuatedly, and said infatuatedly: “Oh, what a beautiful princess, why was she promised to that Stephen? Aren’t these flowers stuck in cow dung?”

The sourness in Clint’s tone could make a person a few miles away have sore teeth.

However, just when Clint was intoxicated with himself, a cough suddenly interrupted his thoughts.


Clint, whose thoughts were interrupted, was obviously very dissatisfied with this annoying sound. He turned around fiercely and said angrily: “Damn it, who is coughing here~”

Clint turned around and saw a burly man standing in front of him, staring straight at him with fierce eyes, and his face suddenly turned pale with fear.

Clint then quickly stammered and explained: “Ah, it turns out to be His Excellency Earl Stephen Jr., really, really disrespectful!”

“His Royal Highness Prince Clint, I seemed to have heard some uncivilized adjectives just now. I wonder if you heard them?” Lao Xie said with a half-smile.

“Well, no, I didn’t hear it. Maybe you heard it wrong!” Clint quickly denied.

“That’s it!” Lao Xie did not continue to pursue the matter, but changed the subject and said: “I just went to the Royal Library to borrow materials, but those **** only showed me some simple things, which was really boring. I wonder if His Highness the Prince can do me a favor and let me go to the core area to check some information?”

“This~” Clint couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Lao Xie would not pursue the case. However, when he heard Lao Xie’s request again, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said, “Sir Stephen, you don’t know , the core information of this library is not allowed to be shared outside, not to mention you as an outsider, even the cardinal can’t get in! ”

“I happened to have time to look up information recently. If I didn’t go, I would be in a bad mood. If I’m in a bad mood and have time, then I would look for people to discuss with others!” Lao Xie then suddenly said viciously: “Your Highness Clint, I wonder if I have the honor to discuss combat skills with you? By the way, we can also discuss the issue of flowers and dog shit!”

Threat, Lao Xie is clearly a naked threat. With his ability to easily deal with Clint’s elder brother, asking Clint to spar with him is simply bullying. And he also called out Clint’s gaffe just now. As long as he uses this as an interface, no matter how hard the old evil beats Clint, it will be hard for others to say anything. The most important thing is that once this matter is exposed, Clint will definitely lose his face. He actually used such words to tease the Princess and the Prince Consort of the Griffin Kingdom, and was overheard by the Prince Consort. This might even escalate to a diplomatic issue. If it is handled carelessly, it will cause a big incident, and even the Pope will not tolerate it.

So when Clint heard what Lao Xie said, he immediately withered. If he can beat Lao Xie, he won’t be too afraid, it will just be a fight at most. But the problem now is that he is no opponent at all, and the challenge that others use as an excuse is something that cannot be shied away from, so he immediately fell into a dilemma. Either help Lao Xie once, or be beaten to death by Lao Xie, and then his reputation will be ruined.

Undoubtedly, for Clint, the next choice was a disaster. So he had no choice but to choose the former.

He casually took out a card made of gold and handed it to Lao Xie. Clint then smiled and said: “Brother Stephen, look at the relationship between us, can I not help you with this little favor? Isn’t it just a look? Are you reading the information? It’s a joke. Even if the cardinal can’t enter, there will still be no problem for the direct members of our family. This is my identity card. As long as you hold it, you can read it at will. However, it’s best not to take too long. “Chang, it’s hard for me to explain that!”

“Ten days!” Lao Xie said after finishing the card.

“No problem!” Clint agreed: “It’s a deal!”

“Farewell!” Lao Xie turned around and left without talking nonsense.

Clint could only laugh on the side. At this time, a follower beside him couldn’t help complaining: “Your Highness, who is this guy? Why is he so arrogant?”

“Alas!” Clint sighed helplessly, and then said depressedly: “This **** is Princess Catherine’s fiancé, the bull **** I just mentioned!”

“Damn, that’s him! He’s so ugly. Princess Catherine is such a goddess, it’s a shame to marry him!” The entourage couldn’t help complaining, “Only someone like you can I can accompany Princess Catherine!”

“Oh, who says it’s not the case!” Clint said depressedly.

“How about we kill this kid!” The attendant suddenly said: “Isn’t Princess Catherine not married yet? As long as he dies, you still have a chance!”

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