The Young Master Is Fierce Chapter 1243: Public sentiment, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Young Master Fierce!

Daxia Yueshan North Road, Xiashan Village.

Li Erniu took Yan Xiwen and others to spend two days exploring all the ditches and ridges in this place.

Li Erniu didn’t know what Yan Xiwen was looking at, but he had no complaints, because if it hadn’t been for Yan’s brother who saved his son that night, according to Sun Laizi, his son would never have survived. It’s possible to come down.

Today, the son is still lying in bed, and his daughter-in-law Wu Hong is taking care of him at home.

The food has been much better these days, and it is the rice brought by Brother Yan.

It’s just that there is mystery in every aspect of Brother Yan – he obviously brought eleven strong men with him, but two of them left silently in the past two days.

He said that they were going to do something outside the mountain. Li Erniu didn’t know what they were going to do, but he just felt that Brother Yan seemed to care about the mountain village.

“Brother Yan, look, those fields are called Kantian. They didn’t exist originally. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Daxia, the people in our village created the fields themselves.”

“At the beginning, the newly reclaimed land was not included in the tax. The county magistrate told us that we were encouraged to open up wasteland, and whoever opened up wasteland would benefit.”

“Of course this policy is good. We thought we saw hope, so every household took advantage of the slack period to cultivate a lot of land. In those years, we were indeed able to have enough to eat.”

“But those good days only lasted for three or five years. The subsequent county magistrate changed the policy of the previous county magistrate and said that all the fields belonged to the state. Those newly cultivated fields were free of charge for us. The profits for three to five years will be forgotten, but after that, the taxes will be paid as normal.”

“Actually, even if we pay taxes normally, we can still live on the surplus grain. We just need less rice and more water.”

“But the good times didn’t last long. Two years later, taxes were increased, and one guy increased the tax by 30%. He said that the country was going to war, and we, the people, had to support us and tighten our belts to live a hard life…”

“Hey, brother Yan, you are a person who has seen the world, but I don’t understand. Even if the country is fighting a war, we need to pay grain from a poor place like us. Then don’t those people in the main grain producing areas of Daxia not have to pay for it? Alive? ”

“Our place is remote and isolated. The policemen from the county government say they want to go to war every year and come to collect taxes every year. How many enemies do we have in Daxia?”

“Who are you fighting with?”

Yan Xiwen sat down on the field ridge. Zhang Qishan handed him a water bag. He took it and said to Li Erniu: “Brother, Daxia did fight a few battles, but if I say The imperial court has never levied a grain of grain from the people in the country because of the war. Do you believe it?”

Li Erniu was stunned and shook his head, “I don’t believe it. Although I have never seen the world, I have read in private schools for a few days and I know that soldiers and horses must go before food and grass are used.”

“Brother Li, there is no shortage of food in Daxia, and even Daxia’s food is still being sold abroad!”

“Besides, Daxia’s wars were all fought and won, and they were fought in other countries. They did not pose any threat to our country. Do you think we need to collect more taxes from you?”


Yan Xiwen opened the water bag and took a sip, then handed it to Li Erniu, “Believe me, the culprit of your poverty is not your Majesty, but your local officials.”

“Although His Majesty is in the palace, he has already sent out various imperial envoys to conduct inspections. I believe that this day will come soon. When the imperial envoys find out the situation here, all those corrupt officials will be executed by Your Majesty. Head!”

“And for the losses caused to you by those corrupt officials over the years… His Majesty will definitely compensate you! Your good days will come back!”

Li Erniu couldn’t believe it.

Can you vomit out what you have eaten?

Besides, even if the emperor is really wise, he can kill those corrupt officials and return those policies to the past, which is already a dream.

How dare he expect the emperor to compensate them.

The emperor doesn’t owe them anything.

Is what Brother Yan said true?

“The outside world has already undergone earth-shaking changes. In fact, according to His Majesty’s policy, it will benefit the entire Great Xia. But after all, it is still officials from top to bottom… In fact, it is mainly officials from above. The current situation was caused by not paying attention to it.”

Yan Xiwen stood up from the ground, patted his butt, and looked at the gloomy sky, fearing that it was going to rain.

“Let’s go to Liu Erniang’s house again…”

He turned to look at Zhang Qishan who was following him, “Qishan, send someone to deliver some more rice to Liu Erniang.”

“Master, there is not much rice left.”

“… I’ll send a few people out tomorrow to buy more.”

Liu Erniang lives under the old locust tree at the east end of the village. She is now fifty years old and has glaucoma, which is so severe that she is almost blind.

Her son and daughter-in-law died in the mountains while hunting last year, leaving behind a granddaughter who only turned six this year.

The mother-in-law and grandson depend on each other for life, but now they can no longer rely on each other.

Their livelihood depends entirely on the six-year-old girl named Du Xiaoyun who digs some wild vegetables every day. There is no nutrition in that food. The six-year-old girl is obviously shorter than other children of the same age.

According to the laws of Daxia, families like Liu Erniang should have been classified as extremely poor households, and the Ministry of Household Affairs is required to provide sufficient monthly living expenses to extremely poor households.

At the age of six, Du Xiaoyun enjoys the right to study for free.

But no one knows about those laws here, and no one promotes and implements them.

This is the sorrow of Great Xia!

This makes Yan Xiwen so ashamed!

He had already written a letter to the emperor, and he strongly requested the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate a large amount of grain to help these people survive the famine first.

He also asked the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works to send officials and craftsmen. The crumbling houses of families like this should be rebuilt free of charge by the Daxia government.

He asked the Ministry of Civil Affairs to send officials and directly bring young alternate officials to take office, and asked the Ministry of Punishment to cooperate with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the imperial staff station to **** those corrupt officials, and then visit the villages that they had ruined like this. Show to the public!

Only in this way can these people’s views on Daxia be changed and they can have hope for their future life.

Izumo Mountain’s external traffic must be opened up.

The establishment of the engineering force cannot be delayed!

In addition, the financial situation of Yueshan Road is extremely bad, and I don’t know where Yan Xibai got so much tax money. This will have to wait for the Imperial Staff and the Ministry of Civil Affairs to investigate, but Yueshan Road Production and construction are urgent, and the Ministry of Household’s special funds for poverty alleviation must be implemented as soon as possible.

Only when the people are prosperous can the country be prosperous, and only when the people are prosperous can the country be prosperous!

This is what the emperor once said: The road is long and long, and I will search high and low!

Liu Erniang knelt in front of Yan Xiwen.

Yan Xiwen also knelt down under the shocked gazes of Li Erniu and Zhang Qishan.

“If the people can’t stand, then the officials will have to kneel!”

“This is not your fault, but the fault of the Daxia officials!”

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