Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3234: Golden statue of the Aztecs, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3234 The Golden Statue of the Aztecs

In a short time, Matisse and the others had descended to the bottom of the sea and started exploring.

At the same time, the excavation and cleaning of the Senate treasures in the ruins of Rabat Shera are also continuing.

Ye Tian and the others enjoyed the scenery on the deck for a while, then returned to the cabin and sat down, continuing to stare at the exploration activities on both sides.

In the following time, good news continued to come from the ruins of Rabat Shela.

Those ancient Roman sculptures hidden deep underground for a thousand or two thousand years, as well as various dazzling gold and silver treasures, valuable antique cultural relics and works of art, were discovered one after another, and then were discovered one after another. Once transferred to the ground.

The statues of Poseidon, Apollo, and Mars hidden in the secret passage were also cleared out by Nick and the others.

The reappearance of these ancient Roman sculptures unsurprisingly aroused excited cheers at the treasure excavation site and in the cabin of the Intrepid.

When the photos of these ancient Roman sculptures were circulated, they caused a huge sensation in the outside world and attracted countless attention.

Almost all professionals who study the history, culture and sculpture art of ancient Rome are shocked by these ancient sculptures and cheer for them.

The eyes of these professionals were red with envy, and they wished they could fly to Rabat immediately, replace the exploration team members of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, and dig for themselves.

Even the curators of the top museums in Rome, Italy, are jealous when looking at these ancient Roman sculptures.

The reason is simple. There are not many top museums in Rome that preserve such perfectly preserved ancient Roman sculptures. How can you not be envious?

For a time, the ruins of Rabat Shela, a treasure of the ancient Roman Senate, attracted the attention of almost everyone and became the focus of many news media.

Not many people are paying attention to the joint exploration fleet that is launching exploration operations in the Atlantic Ocean.

But it’s no wonder, there are no surprising discoveries here, it has always been ordinary.

Those viewers who were tired of seeing the underwater scenery shifted their focus to the treasure of the ancient Roman Senate.

Deep under the sea.

Mattis and the others have finished exploring the slopes on the north side of the mountain, but unfortunately there are no surprising discoveries.

The few metal objects scanned were all scrap metal and had no value.

Then they swam back to the top of the mountain.

After a decompression stop, they began exploring the southern slopes of the mountain.

Compared with the slopes on the east and north sides of the mountain, the **** of the south **** is somewhere in between. It is neither very steep nor has a certain slope.

Moreover, the seafloor vegetation on the southern hillside is even more lush, with patches of seaweed everywhere. Many of the seaweeds grow very high and dangle in the seawater.

In view of this situation, the seven-seater small submarine had to float a little higher to avoid being entangled in the ribbon-like seaweed.

Although the possibility of this is very small, we have to guard against it.

As for Matisse and the others, the difficulty of exploration has also increased a little, but fortunately they can still handle it.

Holding submersible propellers, they were like three **** fish, swimming freely in the dense underwater forest.

The powerful beams projected from the three submersible thrusters were like three huge lightsabers, directly splitting the dim underwater world.

This scene is still very shocking, but everyone has seen it more and is no longer surprised, or is used to it.

While talking, Matisse and the others had explored down the hillside for more than ten or twenty meters, but found nothing.

Sitting in the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless, Ye Tian and the others were laughing and chatting while looking at the scene of cleaning up ancient Roman treasures in Rabat. Not many people paid attention to the ongoing exploration operations on the seabed.

At this moment, a pleasant chirping sound suddenly came from the live speakers, which was extremely pleasant.

At the same time, the red indicator light of the underwater metal detector held by Mattis in the video also flashed on.

The moment they heard the sound, everyone immediately looked at the video of the underwater exploration, and everyone’s face was filled with surprise.

Ye Tian’s reaction was quick. In a blink of an eye, he zoomed in on the underwater exploration scene and looked over in surprise.

The next moment, Matisse’s excited voice came from the walkie-talkie.

“Steven, I scanned a lot of metal objects at the bottom of this kelp forest. The distribution range seems to be quite large. Judging from the distribution range alone, it doesn’t look like metal garbage.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the seabed beneath his feet.

At this time, he was suspended in a kelp forest, surrounded by seaweed two to three meters high, swaying gently in the sea water.

If the high-definition underwater camera hadn’t been on him, it would have been difficult to spot him from outside the dense kelp forest.

Ye Tian looked at the situation on the seabed, then looked at the detection data sent back simultaneously, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“You are right, Matisse, these metal objects do not look like metal junk. They are generally small in size and have different outlines.

Judging from this situation, they look like metal objects of different shapes. Maybe we have discovered some of the Black Baron pirate treasures”

Before he finished speaking, cheers rang out simultaneously from the submarine cockpit on the seabed, the intercom, and the cabin on the sea.

“Awesome! I finally found the rest of the pirate treasures. I thought the only pirate treasures of the Black Baron were those two boxes of gold and silver treasures!”

“Wow! I wonder what these metal items are? Are they another large number of gold vessels from Latin American colonies?”

While cheering, everyone was full of expectations.

The cheers of the Brave and Intrepid were heard by the media reporters on the super yacht in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, they also saw the footage of Mattis scanning metal objects on the seabed, and the flashing red indicator light of the underwater metal detector.

Unfortunately, they could not hear the sound or the conversation between Matisse and Ye Tian.

For them, this scene was too familiar, they had seen it yesterday.

The next moment, these guys exploded.

“Obviously, these guys under Steven have found treasure on the seabed again, or found part of the treasure. These guys are so lucky!”

“There is no doubt that there must be an amazing pirate treasure hidden in this seabed, but this pirate treasure is relatively scattered, and it is a little more troublesome to explore and salvage it.

What Steven said yesterday afternoon was just a lie. He must know the origin and value of this pirate treasure, and he probably has a pirate treasure map in his hand.

I just don’t know which pirate’s hidden treasure this is, and it’s hidden deep under the sea. Who can discover it? Except for that lucky guy Steven”

While discussing, these media reporters raised their cameras or video cameras one after another and took pictures of the Brave and Dauntless ship.

Although they had telephoto lenses, they were able to capture the scene on the Intrepid.

But they did not have long-range radio equipment, so they could not hear the sounds over there, so they had no way of knowing what Matisse and the others had discovered.

People who were watching the treasure hunt live broadcast also discovered what was going on under the sea.

These guys are excited and envious.

Just when they were full of expectations and wanted to see what treasures were hidden in the dense kelp forest, the live broadcast screen suddenly flashed.

The next moment, the familiar sea scenery appeared on the live broadcast screen again.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of angry and frustrated curses were heard in many places around the world.

“Fake! Steven, this **** bastard, actually does this trick again, it’s so **** abominable!”

“What an out-and-out bastard, don’t let me touch him, otherwise I will beat him to pieces!”

Almost everyone watching the treasure hunt live broadcast was cursing in annoyance.

At this time, Ye Tian was directing Mattis to take the next step through the walkie-talkie.

“Matisse, you will cut off these lush kelp and see what those metal objects scattered at the bottom of the kelp forest are? I hope it is a surprising discovery.

When cutting seaweed, you must pay attention to safety and do not get entangled in the cut seaweed. Some seaweed edges are very sharp, so try to avoid contact with the body.”

“Understood, Steven, we will be careful”

Mattis nodded in response.

At this moment, another diver swam over, ready to assist Matisse in exploring and cutting through the dense seaweed.

Next, Ye Tian reminded the small submarine to avoid the cut seaweed and not to get entangled in it.

After his reminder, the small submarine immediately adjusted its position and temporarily avoided this location.

Then, Matisse and the others took out their diving knives and began to cut the tall seaweed, just like logging on the seabed.

But these seaweeds are much easier to cut than trees. In front of the sharp diving knife, the thick seaweeds were cut off one by one and then thrown aside.

Immediately afterwards, some of the lighter seaweed slowly floated to the sea surface, while some of the heavier seaweed remained on the bottom of the sea.

On the sea, two speedboats and several sailors wearing snorkeling gear are ready to clean up the algae floating on the sea to avoid causing trouble.

After a while, Matisse and the others had cleared out a working area.

Ye Tian looked at the video screen and then said through the intercom:

“Matisse, you can stop cutting the seaweed and dig out a few metal objects to see what they are and whether they are valuable before taking the next step.

If those metal items are of little value, then there is no need to waste time here. If those metal items are of value, let’s carry out further excavation and cleaning.”

“Got it, Steven”

Matisse nodded in response and then put the diving knife back into its sheath.

Immediately afterwards, he took the underwater metal detector and scanned the newly cleared working area.

After determining the target, he started excavation operations.

After a while, he had a dazzling thing in his hand.

It was an exaggerated statue of Quetzalcoatl, made entirely of gold, engraved with many exquisite patterns and patterns, and inlaid with several gems.

But those gems have lost their luster and are black.

More bases used to set gems are empty. The gems have already fallen to no one knows where, leaving only large or small pits.

Moreover, the surface of this Quetzalcoatl statue is scarred, and it has been somewhat deformed and distorted by the smashing.

It was only because the texture was gold and its ductility was very good that it was not broken, but its value has been greatly affected.

The moment they saw this golden statue of Quetzalcoatl, everyone was stunned and their eyes were full of disbelief.

After a while, everyone finally woke up.

Immediately afterwards, excited cheers sounded in the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless.

“Great! These metal items are indeed part of the Black Baron’s pirate treasure, not metal garbage. It seems that there are many undiscovered pirate treasures here!”

“I didn’t expect to find an Indian gold statue of Quetzalcoatl on this seabed. It’s incredible. This gold statue of Quetzalcoatl looks like an antique cultural relic of the Aztecs.”

Everyone cheered and discussed enthusiastically, and they were all very excited.

Yahya, who knew nothing about Indian civilization, was at a loss.

He looked at the golden statue of Quetzalcoatl in the video, and then said curiously:

“Steven, can you introduce this golden statue? I don’t understand it very well”

“Of course no problem”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and then began to introduce this surprising discovery.

“What Professor Paul just said is correct. This is indeed a golden Quetzalcoatl statue made by the Aztecs. The Aztecs are an important branch of Indians who mainly live in today’s Mexico.

The Aztec civilization, one of the three major Indian civilizations, was created by the Aztecs. After the discovery of the New World, the Aztec civilization was completely destroyed by the invading Spanish colonists.”

Next, he briefly introduced the Aztec civilization and the Aztecs, the rise and decline of the Aztec civilization, and its relationship with the Spanish colonists.

After the Spanish colonists completely destroyed the Aztec civilization, the gold, silver, treasures and antique artifacts that once belonged to the Aztecs naturally fell into the hands of the Spanish colonists, including this golden statue of Quetzalcoatl.

But who would have imagined that the Spanish colonists were robbed by the black baron again!

This golden statue of Quetzalcoatl fell into the hands of the Black Baron again and became his trophy.

Later, the Black Baron hid this treasure and other pirate treasures here, but he was killed by the British!

Nearly three hundred years later, the three-party joint exploration team that came here to explore pirate treasures was in vain.

If this Aztec golden statue of Quetzalcoatl falls into Ye Tian’s hands, it will most likely be displayed in his Indian History Museum to tell people about the history of the Indians.

In fact, Moroccans don’t want this kind of thing.

They probably don’t even have the slightest interest in the antiques and relics of Indian civilization.

In other words, this Aztec golden statue of Quetzalcoatl will definitely fall into the hands of Ye Tian, ​​and then be displayed by him in his Indian History Museum!

To a certain extent, this is also a return!

And what a wonderful reincarnation this is!

Hearing what Ye Tian said, everyone laughed and nodded.

Yahya also had a preliminary understanding of this golden statue of Quetzalcoatl from the Indian Aztecs, and was no longer blind to it!

After briefly introducing the golden statue of Quetzalcoatl, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Mattis, it is now absolutely certain that the metal objects you scanned are part of the Black Baron’s pirate treasure, and you can start excavation and cleanup work.

This part of the pirate treasure was probably rolled down from the mountain when the seamount collapsed. In the process, it was squeezed and hit countless times before it became what it is now.”

Hearing this, Mattis nodded immediately.

“Copy that, Steven, we’re going to start digging and cleaning up now”

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