Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3205: Ocean Killer, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3205 Ocean Killer

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Nearly half of the members of the three-party joint exploration team, as well as some of the security personnel of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, have been transferred to two large ships.

Then today’s underwater exploration operation began.

Ye Tian and the others came out of the cabin of the Brave and Fearless and went straight to the stern deck.

At this time, the seven-seater Aurora mini-submarine used for this undersea exploration has been prepared.

This big thing weighing seven or eight tons has been dragged out from the stern garage by the crew using a winch and put into the sea water. It is floating on the sea, gently undulating with the waves.

Before that, Jason led people to carefully inspect the small submarine. After confirming that there were no problems, he mounted various underwater exploration equipment on the submarine.

For example, underwater strong light searchlights, underwater robot arms and cutting tools, and underwater metal detectors, etc.

For safety reasons, they also put several sets of diving suits, oxygen masks, and supporting diving equipment in the submarine, such as oxygen cylinders, spear guns, and diving thrusters.

This is to prevent unexpected situations and allow the submarine crew to escape from the bottom of the sea.

In the event that the submarine encounters a violent impact on the seabed and the outer glass cover breaks and a large amount of seawater pours into the submarine, the crew inside the submarine can also use an oxygen mask to breathe.

Another situation is that the submarine is stuck somewhere on the seabed and cannot move, and the Brave and Dauntless cannot pull the submarine to the surface.

In this case, the crew in the submarine can only put on their diving suits, temporarily abandon the submarine, get out of the submarine, and swim to the surface alone.

Of course, this situation is almost impossible to happen.

In addition to these visible exploration equipment, Ye Tian and Miller also carried several underwater pistols with them.

This is equipment used for underwater combat in order to prevent encountering enemies on the seabed.

The first time he came to the stern deck, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective and quickly looked through the submarine from a high position, just in case.

No need to ask about the result!

There is no problem with this small submarine. The motor, oxygen generation equipment, propeller, sealing, etc. are all intact and in the best condition.

There are no problems with the various exploration equipment hanging outside the submarine, as well as the various exploration and escape equipment installed inside the submarine, so you can rest assured.

After confirming this, Ye Tian retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

With just such a little effort, many fish have already sensed something strange and swam towards the small submarine, chasing the refreshing aura.

However, before they could swim closer, the trace of aura had disappeared.

This confused them. They swam around the small submarine several times before swimming elsewhere.

There were also some guys who did not leave and continued to cruise here, looking at the small submarine curiously, not understanding what this strange big guy was.

Looking at this scene in the sea, everyone was a little curious and didn’t understand why these fish came.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then looked at Yahya, Professor Paul and others.

“Gentlemen, since the area to be explored today is relatively large, we are going to drive this small submarine into the sea and quickly explore the seabed to see if we can find anything.

As for safety issues, you don’t have to worry, there won’t be any trouble. If you have not had similar experiences before, you can treat this exploration as an undersea tour.

The depth of this sea area is only thirty or forty meters, and the light conditions are very good. Coupled with the lights carried by this small submarine, you will see a very beautiful underwater scenery.”

“Steven, we are not worried about safety issues. A super rich man like you is willing to take the risk to explore the bottom of the sea. What do we ordinary people have to worry about!”

Professor Paul said jokingly, acting very relaxed.

Not only that, he was even a little impatient.

Unlike him, Yahya and a Moroccan archaeologist, who were about to follow Ye Tian to explore the sea, had worried eyes and even a bit of fear in their eyes.

Like most North African Arabs, although they grew up by the sea, they could not swim, let alone dive.

But what we are going to this time is the seabed dozens of meters deep, which sounds a bit scary.

Have they ever had such an experience? Fear is inevitable and very normal.

Ye Tian looked at them and then continued:

“During the exploration process, the Brave and Dauntless was always above the submarine and firmly locked onto the small submarine through underwater communication equipment. Once an accident happened to the submarine, rescue could be launched as soon as possible.

Even if the submarine loses power, the Intrepid can use underwater robots to connect the small submarine and the Intrepid with a sling, and then the Intrepid can pull the small submarine to the surface.

And this small submarine carries a variety of diving equipment and exploration equipment. Even if the tempered glass cover of the submarine breaks, there will be no danger. Everyone can use these diving equipment to escape.

Another point is that several of us have very rich deep diving experience. Even if an extreme accident occurs, we can bring you up from the bottom of the sea and return to the surface safely, so you don’t have to worry about safety at all.”

After the words fell, the worry and fear in Yahya’s eyes suddenly lightened a lot.

Then he said to several crew members on the platform:

“Guys, check all the equipment one last time, especially the connection between the submarine and the Brave and Dauntless. If there is no problem, you can prepare to dive”

“Okay, Steven, leave these things to us”

The crew members nodded in response and immediately took action.

They either got into the submarine, jumped into the sea wearing diving suits, or carried various testing instruments to conduct the last inspection before diving.

After a while, the inspection was over.

Needless to say, there was no problem with the Dauntless deep-sea salvage ship, the small Aurora submarine, or the connection between the two.

Immediately afterwards, the crew members responsible for the inspection left the submarine and returned to the stern platform.

After getting the confirmed result, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

“Gentlemen, let’s go down and see what we can find on this seabed”

With that said, he walked down the gangway and went straight to the stern platform.

The few people who were going to dive and explore with him immediately followed him.

David, Professor Kane and others who were not involved in this undersea exploration stayed on the upper deck.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived on the stern platform of the ship.

After standing on the platform, Miller, who was responsible for driving the small submarine, and a crew member took the lead in stepping off the stern platform and entered the small submarine.

After entering the small submarine, they quickly started the engine and checked all the equipment and instruments on the submarine.

After they finished their inspection, Ye Tian and the others entered the seven-seat small submarine one after another and sat down in their respective seats.

At this time, the small Aurora submarine was like a huge transparent bubble floating on the sea, gently undulating in the waves.

Professor Paul and Yahya, who entered the submarine for the first time, curiously looked at everything in the small submarine, with eyes full of excitement and a bit of worry.

Ye Tianze quickly scanned the situation inside the submarine, looking through the inside and outside of the submarine, as well as all the equipment it carried.

After confirming that there was no problem, he nodded and said:

“You can close the submarine door. Let’s go explore this seabed together, hoping to make surprising discoveries”

“Okay, Steven”

Miller nodded in response, then stood up and closed the glass hatch above his head.

After closing the hatch, they quickly checked some seals and the air pressure inside the submarine.

“The air pressure is normal, the oxygen production equipment is normal, the sealing performance is intact, and all equipment on the submarine is normal”

After reporting the situation, Miller picked up the walkie-talkie and informed the crew of the Brave and Dauntless outside that they could dive.

The crew members standing on the stern platform immediately took action and disconnected the small submarine from the Intrepid.

The next moment, the small submarine slowly sailed out, widening the distance between the Brave and Dauntless.

After sailing about ten meters outward, the small submarine began to slowly dive.

As the submarine dived, seawater immediately poured in from all directions, slapping on the transparent cockpit of the submarine, then wrapping the entire cockpit, and then completely submerged the small submarine.

Professor Paul and Yahya, who had never had such an experience, looked up at the transparent hatch above and the clear and transparent seawater around them, with excitement in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, this seven-seater small submarine had dived below the surface of the sea.

The scenery in front of everyone also changed accordingly.

Looking up, through the tempered glass cockpit, you can clearly see the huge stern of the Brave and Dauntless, the boom protruding from the stern, as well as David and others standing on the side of the ship looking down, as well as many exploration team members. .

All of this is slightly distorted by the refraction of the water, and is swaying farther and farther away with the water.

Behind this small submarine is the black hull of the Brave and Dauntless.

After previous cleaning, the area below the waterline of the Brave and Intrepid was cleaned very clean, and not even a barnacle was visible.

On the left and right sides of the submarine, in front of it, and below it, there is endless sea water.

Looking further down, everyone can even see patches of black shadows, which should be lush seaweed, gently swaying in the sea water.

Of course, there are also many beautiful marine creatures swimming freely in the ocean.

Everyone in the submarine cockpit seems to be wrapped in a huge transparent bubble, floating in the sea water, and gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Everyone is surrounded by clear sea water, front, back, left, right, and even under their feet. Everyone seems to be sitting in the sea suspended in the air.

This unprecedented novel experience made Professor Paul and Yahya exclaim in surprise.

“Wow! This feels so great, I didn’t expect the scenery in the ocean to be so beautiful”

“This is so cool, it’s like making a science fiction movie”

As everyone screamed, the small submarine dived deeper and deeper, getting further and further away from the coast.

The huge stern of the Brave and Dauntless, as well as the crew and exploration team members standing at the stern, became increasingly blurry, gradually turning into shadows, rippling in the sea water.

Everyone looked up and found that they could no longer see clearly the situation on the sea, so they withdrew their gaze and looked around.

The first thing you see is naturally the endless sea water, which is crystal clear and transparent, wrapping this small submarine in it.

The next thing I saw were the fish swimming around the submarine.

The fish swam quickly around the small submarine and curiously looked at Ye Tian and the others in the glass cockpit.

To humans, these fish are relatively familiar, but they have never seen this huge glowing creature like you, and they are very curious.

They were a little confused at first, but soon figured it out.

Although this luminous behemoth looks very strange, it does not pose any threat and will not threaten your own safety.

After confirming this, the fish suddenly became more cheerful and kept swimming quickly around the small submarine.

Some of the curious and courageous guys swam to the transparent cockpit, pressed against the glass cockpit, and looked at Ye Tian and the others curiously!

Ye Tian and the others, who were staying in the cockpit, also looked at these beautiful fish curiously.

Suddenly, a black shadow swam quickly from the water on the left, and in a blink of an eye, it was approaching and wrapped up the small submarine.

This is a small group of sardines, tens of thousands in number. They gather together in an overwhelming and impressive manner.

The small submarine was suddenly surrounded by a school of sardines. The light inside suddenly became much darker, as if it had entered dusk.

“Wow, where did such a big group of sardines come from? It’s scary”

“This scene is really spectacular. I didn’t expect that we encountered such a large school of fish as soon as we entered the sea”

Everyone exclaimed and were very excited.

At this moment, Ye Tian smiled and said:

“Now that the sardines have appeared, it’s time to see the top killer in the ocean. I don’t know if it’s a shark, a whale, or a dolphin.”

Before he finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly passed through the sardine school and rushed towards the small submarine like a torpedo.

Following this black shadow, seven or eight more black shadows passed through the sardine school one after another and rushed straight towards the small submarine.


There was a cry of exclamation in the submarine, and everyone was shocked.

Before everyone could see what these guys were, the big guy who was the first to pass through the sardine school had swam to the small submarine.

I saw that guy open his big mouth and swallowed four or five sardines in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the guy swung his tail violently, and like running water, he clung to the glass cockpit of the small submarine and rushed towards the water above.

The next moment, the other black shadows rushed forward and quickly pounced on the group of sardines.

But these guys are very dexterous, and none of them hit the glass cockpit of the submarine, and they can always avoid the small submarine at the critical moment.

Look at the group of sardines again. At the moment of life and death, they immediately dispersed and fled in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, they will gather together again, like a black cloud, rising and falling in the sea water, avoiding those huge and extremely fast predators.

But this is just futile resistance and has no meaning.

Those predators are much faster than them, and they are like an army, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, but ruthless and killing wantonly.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of sardines were devoured and turned into delicacies in the mouths of the top killers in the ocean.

It was only then that everyone saw clearly what those big guys swimming fast and killing wantonly outside were.

It was a group of Atlantic white dolphins, about ten in number.

Looking at the killing that happened in front of them, everyone in the submarine cockpit was completely stunned, and everyone was dumbfounded.

After the initial shock, a cry of exclamation immediately sounded in the cockpit.

“I’ll go! This scene is too exaggerated and cruel. Who would have thought that dolphins can be so cruel!”

“I have only seen this scene on ocean exploration programs. I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes. This exploration is really worth it.”

While everyone was exclaiming, a small dolphin suddenly gave up on those delicious sardines, swam straight to the submarine cockpit, and looked at everyone curiously.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then started laughing.

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