Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2981: Air Echelon, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The next day, nine o’clock in the morning.

After a whole night of continuous cleaning and moving, all the Rommel treasures hidden in the Pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I have been moved out and piled up into a hill on the sand at the entrance of the pyramid.

There are a large number of sealed boxes of different sizes, as well as various exposed sculptures, mainly sculptures from the ancient Roman and ancient Greek periods, as well as other antique cultural relics and works of art.

In addition, there are some sculptures, stone tablets, pottery and other antique artifacts and works of art from the Ptolemaic Dynasty of ancient Egypt.

The Ptolemaic dynasty was the last dynasty of ancient Egypt. It was more than a thousand years later than the Hyksos dynasty under the rule of Apophis I. There was a huge difference in time.

From this point of view, these antique cultural relics and works of art from the Ptolemaic Dynasty are obviously part of Rommel’s treasures, not the burial objects of Pharaoh Apophis I, and naturally belong to the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company!

Removing the Rommel treasure from the pyramid is only the first step in transporting this shocking treasure. There is still a lot of work to be done next!

Under the on-site supervision of Ahmed and the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Ye Tian and others began to unpack the boxes one by one to inspect the goods to see what was in those boxes!

The main goal of the Egyptians is to collect a large amount of gold, which is a strategic material!

If there is really a large amount of Nacui gold in Rommel’s treasure, the Egyptian government will fund the purchase and turn it into Egypt’s gold reserve!

In addition, Egyptians also need to know what top antiques, cultural relics and works of art are closely related to Egyptian history and civilization in the Rommel treasure, so as to decide whether they need to negotiate for acquisition!

Soon, the first box was opened by Ye Tian himself.

What appeared in front of everyone’s eyes was a box full of Nacui gold, which was so dazzling that everyone at the scene was dizzy!

This was done deliberately by Ye Tian to give the Egyptian government a little sweetness so that they would not always feel like they were being robbed!

With the appearance of this box of Nacui gold, a burst of excited exclamations immediately sounded on the scene.

“Wow! A box full of gold is so amazing and dazzling!”

“The Rommel treasure is truly well-deserved. Just the first box is such a big surprise!”

While others were exclaiming, Ye Tian looked at Ahmed and the Egyptian Minister of Culture, smiled and said:

“Ahmed, Mr. Minister, how do you plan to get rid of this box of gold? Are you going to weigh it here on site and complete the transaction one by one? Or wait until we transport the Rommel treasure to Cairo, and then we can do it Transaction?”

The two senior Egyptian officials did not respond immediately, but looked at each other and then glanced at the surrounding desolate Sahara Desert, and then Ahmed said:

“Judging from the current situation, we can only allow you to transport the entire Rommel treasure to Cairo, and then trade these valuable Nacui gold in Cairo. Your reputation is still very good!

We also need to explore and clean up the treasures of the Apophis I Pyramid here. Leaving these Nacui gold here will only get in the way. We will send people to supervise the entire transfer process of the Rommel treasures! ”

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded immediately.

“That’s fine, we will transport all the gold to Cairo, where we will inspect the goods, weigh them, and then trade them!”

Ahmed and the others nodded without any disagreement.

Next, the second box was pried open.

The items in this box are all shining gold products, basically from the last dynasty of ancient Egypt, the Ptolemaic Dynasty!

The ancient Greek characters and patterns engraved on these gold products are the best proof, because the Ptolemaic dynasty was established by the ancient Greeks!

Seeing that these antiques and works of art from ancient Egypt were swept away, but they could not get anything, Ahmed and the others felt heartbroken, but they were helpless!

As the many crates of Rommel’s treasures were opened one by one, a large number of dazzling gold and silver treasures, gold products, as well as valuable antiques and works of art were presented to everyone one by one.

Almost every time a crate is opened, there will be a burst of exclamations and excited cheers!

Next, the employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company will clean up, register and record every treasure in the box, and take relevant videos!

After completing this work, everyone will nail the box again, seal it with the logo of the Intrepid Exploration Company, and move it aside.

And this is just a preliminary clean-up and registration. The further inventory work can only be postponed. There is no time yet!

After a preliminary inventory, Ye Tian also arranged a place for Rommel’s treasure.

Which valuable antiques, cultural relics and works of art should be shipped to Beijing for collection, which treasures should be shipped to New York for public auction or temporarily stored in a vault, which treasures should be disposed of locally in Egypt, etc.!

He already knows all this!

In addition to these crates, everyone also began to pack the exposed sculptures, stone carvings, and other antiques and artworks one by one in preparation for the upcoming transfer.

At the same time, Ye Tian’s company employees and security personnel began to pack tents, luggage and various exploration equipment in preparation for the evacuation that would soon begin.

Without exception, when packing, everyone was very excited and felt like they were finally liberated. They wanted to leave this hot desert with Rommel’s treasure immediately.

Two archaeologists, a historian, and an expert on ancient writing from Harvard University and Columbia University insisted on staying in this desert to explore and study the pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I with the Egyptians!

Ye Tian could only agree to their request, but he asked them to sign several documents to get rid of his responsibility.

In other words, if anything happens to these experts and scholars who insist on staying in the desert and continue to explore and study the treasures of the Pyramid of Pharaoh Apophis I after today, they will have nothing to do with the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company. Ye Tian does not need to do this. Be responsible and don’t have to pay compensation or pensions!

In addition, the more than one hundred camels and twelve desert all-terrain vehicles that everyone rode when entering this desert, as well as a large amount of remaining materials, and some exploration equipment were all left to the Egyptians as parting gifts. .

After all, we all worked together, and the cooperation was quite enjoyable!

While busy, the time has come to around 12 noon.

Just as everyone was making various preparations for evacuation, a huge roar of helicopter engines suddenly came from the sky, which was deafening!

The first time they heard this sound, everyone looked towards the eastern sky.

The next moment, everyone saw eight Chinook heavy transport helicopters arranged in two diamond shapes, roaring from the sky!

The fuselages of these Chinook heavy transport helicopters do not have any national flags or military emblems affixed to them, and they should be covered up.

But seeing these behemoths and the heavy machine guns on both sides of the cabin door, everyone understood where they came from!

Behind these eight Chinook heavy transport helicopters, there are five medium-sized helicopters, which are the same five helicopters that delivered supplies yesterday.

“Steven, where did you get so many behemoths? It’s a bit too scary, they can fight a war!”

Ahmed pointed at the Chinook heavy transport helicopters in the sky and said, his eyes full of fear and fear!

Ye Tian smiled softly and then continued:

“They came from Saudi Arabia, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean. Some took off from US military overseas bases, and some took off from aircraft carriers. They met in Cairo before flying here to help us transfer Rommel’s treasure!”


Everyone at the scene gasped, obviously frightened!

Especially Ahmed and the Egyptian Minister of Culture felt terrified, with cold sweat breaking out on their backs!

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