Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2945: Battle of the Ancient City, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The Siwa Oracle did not appear, at least not on the three-party joint exploration team. Perhaps it was because this joint exploration team was composed of foreigners.

In the ruins of the Holy Oracle of the 26th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, as well as in several other exploration locations in the ancient city of Shari, the three-party joint exploration team did not find the Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, nor did they find other treasures.

They only found a broken stone tablet from the Roman Empire, with some words and patterns engraved in Latin on it. They were some decrees issued when the Roman Empire ruled Egypt, and they have certain research value.

Because there was only one piece and it was difficult to separate, Ye Tian left this antique cultural relic to the Egyptian government and did not intend to take it away!

After exploring several locations, everyone gathered again at the Holy Oracle House located in the northwest corner of the ancient city of Shali.

When everyone arrived, Ye Tian asked Matisse to take everyone to a relatively hidden location in the center of the Holy Oracle site, and then said to these guys:

“Guys, next we have to leave the ancient city of Shali and return to the hotel. But leaving this ancient city smoothly will not be as easy as when we came in. We even have to fight our way out of this ancient city.

According to Mattis’s secret investigation, there are many armed men from Libya hiding in the abandoned houses in the ancient city of Shari. Those guys are fully armed and are coming for us.

And those guys’ goals are not just treasures, but also the grudges between us, Americans and Libyans. I won’t say more here, I believe everyone is clear.”

After hearing his words, the faces of the tripartite joint exploration team members changed. Many people had a flash of excitement in their eyes, and very few felt fear!

The reason why this happened is that the scene was full of men, and they had experienced this kind of scene more than once, so they were no longer afraid, but rather excited!

“Tell me, Steven, how do you want us to cooperate? Let’s fight out of the ancient city of Shari together, just like playing a real-life version of “Sniper Elite 3″, it will definitely be very enjoyable!”

An employee of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company said excitedly, as if he was worried that the world would not be in chaos.

Except for several exploration team members and some experts and scholars from the Vatican, the rest of the exploration team members are also eager to try and can’t wait to join the battle immediately, including those Israeli exploration team members.

Israel is a country where all citizens are soldiers. Adults must serve in the military, and they keep their weapons after retirement, so they can go to the battlefield with a gun at any time!

For them, fighting is a common thing, as simple as eating and drinking!

Ye Tian looked at these guys who were afraid of chaos in the world, and then said with a smile:

“Since everyone is not afraid and wants to play a real-life version of “Sniper Elite 3”, then I will fulfill everyone’s wish and lead everyone out of the ancient city of Shali to provide some material for this classic gun battle game!

For safety reasons, we still have to make some preparations. Everyone puts on a helmet and Kevlar body armor, then goes to Mattis to get weapons and ammunition, and divides them into groups according to Mattis’s requirements.

We will divide the armed security personnel into several groups, lead and protect everyone, and fight out of the ancient city of Shali together. In fact, your most important task is to protect yourself and follow the command of the team leader.

The ones who are really responsible for the operation are several special operations teams led by Matisse and I, as well as Seaman and Arthur. We will disperse around everyone, kill all the enemies, and ensure that everyone can successfully break out of the ancient city of Shali!

We have deployed several sniper teams at several commanding heights around the ancient city of Shali. Once the battle begins, they will kill the opponent’s snipers as soon as possible to ensure that everyone is not sniped from a distance!

More importantly, we have basically learned the hiding locations of the Libyan militants hiding in the ancient city of Shari, and they will be distributed to everyone immediately. All you have to do is follow the designated route.

The ancient city of Shali is full of winding alleys, and it is easy to get lost once you get separated. Everyone must respond to each other and keep communication smooth. If you find yourself lost, please notify us as soon as possible…”

Next, Ye Tian and Matisse continued to make arrangements and distributed weapons and ammunition. It was considered a mobilization in front of the station!

In a short time, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team was fully armed. Even the experts and scholars wore Kevlar body armor, and everyone was assigned a pistol!

Although these experts and scholars are older, they all come from the United States and Israel. They are no strangers to firearms, but they are a little nervous!

During this period, the two Egyptian government representatives responsible for on-site supervision tried to stop Ye Tian and others from their crazy move to break out of the ancient city of Shari, so as not to cause huge damage to this thousand-year-old city!

However, when Ye Tian showed them the secretly captured video of the situation of the Libyan militants, the two Egyptian officials immediately shut up!

Especially hearing the conversations between those Libyan militants, seeing the large amount of weapons and ammunition they prepared, and the hatred in everyone’s eyes!

The two Egyptian officials immediately understood that this time the fire was imminent and had to be launched! Even if the tripartite joint exploration team does not launch an attack, those Libyan militants will not miss this opportunity!

Even if the three-party joint exploration team guards the ruins of the Holy Oracle and waits for the Egyptian military and police to come in to rescue and rescue, a fire will still occur. The scale may be even more exaggerated and the damage caused will be greater!

And Ye Tian promised that when the three-party joint exploration team left the ancient city of Shari, if those Libyan militants did not take the initiative to attack, they would never open fire first!

They will only open fire if they need to defend themselves!

In this case, Egypt can only accept Ye Tian’s plan and pray secretly!

While Ye Tian and the others were actively preparing for war, the Libyan militants hiding in the ancient city of Shari were not idle either!

In a dim abandoned house, several Arab men were making preparations for battle.

Each of them wears a black mask on their head. As long as it is pulled down, the face can be completely covered, leaving only the eyes, ears, mouth and nose outside.

In order to facilitate fighting, running and jumping, they had already taken off their cumbersome Arab robes and wore some old camouflage uniforms. The styles and colors were not uniform, and they looked like clothing that had been discarded by the Libyan army.

And each of them has an AK47 assault rifle, and there is an RPG launcher and a box of RPG rockets on the table in the room!

These guys first checked their rifles, then picked up the full magazines and grenades placed on the table, loaded them everywhere on their bodies, and quickly became armed.

“According to the observation of the guys hiding on the Mountain of the Dead, those **** Americans and Israelis have finished their exploration in the ancient city of Shari. It seems that they have found nothing, and they have now gathered at the ruins of the Holy Oracle!

As expected, they will leave Shali Ancient City next. The time has come for us to take action. Taking advantage of the complex terrain of Shali Ancient City, it should not be difficult to capture a few hostages. Each hostage is worth US dollars!

The main target is that **** Steven, who is a super rich man with countless wealth. Catching him is equivalent to owning a huge gold mine, enough to make each of us rich!

However, that **** was very difficult to deal with. Not only was he ruthless, but his marksmanship was so accurate that he was almost shot to death! If we want to catch him, we will have to pay a high price. I hope everyone is mentally prepared!

We must kill and injure others as much as possible to avenge the guys who were captured in Matruh, avenge those who died in the Libyan civil war, and make the United States pay for the crimes they committed in Libya!

Once the three-party joint exploration team leaves the ruins of the Holy Oracle, enters the winding alleys in the ancient city, and enters our ambush circle, we will take action immediately, kill those bastards, and then quickly withdraw from the Siwa Oasis! ”

An Arab man in his thirties or forties said through gritted teeth, his words and eyes full of hatred.

While speaking, this guy also waved the AK47 assault rifle in his hand to boost morale.

“Understood, boss, we must make those Americans and Israelis pay the price today!”

The remaining Libyan militants responded in unison, each waving the AK47 in their hands.

After a brief instigation, the leading Arab man picked up the walkie-talkie placed on the seat and turned it on, breaking the radio silence!

At the same time, Ye Tian nodded slightly to Matisse and Seaman, signaling that the operation could begin!

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