Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2728: The Secret of Leonardo da Vinci, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and David got out of the car and stood on the steps in front of the hotel.

As they appeared, the scene suddenly became more lively

The protestors who were staying opposite the hotel raised their voices by an octave and protested at the top of their lungs. They waved banners and slogans desperately, and they were all excited.

Ye Tian didn’t bother to pay attention to these protestors. He quickly glanced at the situation over there and then looked away without giving any response.

The media reporters who were standing near the entrance of the hotel and at the front of the crowd were not willing to miss this opportunity and started to ask questions directly.

“Good afternoon, Steven, I am a reporter from Milan TV. What is the purpose of your visit to Milan this time? Can you tell us what you found in these Renaissance-style historical buildings? ?

In the past few days, this is a question that has troubled all Milanese. Everyone wants to know the answer to this question. It is said that these historical buildings are related to the treasures of the Sforza family? Is it true? ”

Ye Tian turned to look at the Milan reporter who asked the question, then scanned the audience, then smiled and said loudly:

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am Steven, I am very happy to see you here, and thank you very much for your attention. I hope you can have a pleasant day.

Let me explain the question this journalist friend just asked, hoping to answer your doubts. Our visit to Milan this time is just an ordinary trip. Milan is more beautiful in summer than in winter! ”


There was a huge boo, full of contempt.

At the same time, almost everyone present rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

Just an ordinary trip? You are talking nonsense. Anyone who believes your nonsense is an idiot and a super idiot!

Ye Tian seemed not to hear the deafening boos. He just smiled softly and continued:

“Yes, I did buy several Renaissance-style historical buildings on this street, the buildings behind me, but what secrets or treasures are hidden in these exquisite historical buildings, I don’t know Nothing!

As for whether they are related to the legendary Sforza family treasure, I don’t know even more. If we can find something in these historical buildings, or even discover the Sforza family treasure, then of course we will Nothing better!

The reason why I bought these historical buildings was firstly because these Renaissance-style buildings were well preserved, and each building can be regarded as a good antique cultural relic. I was so happy that I bought these buildings. Bought them.

There is another more important reason. In the late fifteenth century, the person who planned and built this street and these Renaissance-style buildings was Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of Renaissance art. He also participated in the Sifu Expansion of Zagu Castle.

Everyone is very aware of Leonardo da Vinci’s status in art history. Every work he left behind is worthy of collection, including these historical buildings. I am also a top collector, and of course I will not miss it. This opportunity! ”

With Ye Tian’s words, the scene immediately exploded.

“What? These Renaissance-style historical buildings were created by Leonardo da Vinci? Are there secrets or treasures related to Leonardo da Vinci hidden here? It’s incredible!”

“Damn it, did the previous owners of these historical buildings and the idiots in the city government know that these historical buildings were related to Leonardo da Vinci?

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If they still sell these historical buildings when they know it, then they are out-and-out super fools, and can even be said to be the sinners of Milan! ”

Exclamations rang out wildly, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian’s words.

That’s Leonardo da Vinci, the most dazzling star in the history of Western art! Several historical buildings that he personally planned and built were sold so easily!

The person who acquired these historical buildings is Steven, a guy who is always favored by God and constantly creates miracles. There must be major secrets or treasures hidden in these historical buildings!

Thinking of this, some excited Milan citizens and media reporters even started to curse at the top of their lungs.

The targets of their curses were naturally the previous owners of these historical buildings and the idiots in the relevant departments of the Milan city government!

However, they ignored one fact, or rather selectively ignored it!

Before today, many people in Milan knew that these historical buildings were probably related to Leonardo da Vinci and were once annexes to the Sforza Castle.

However, in the past few hundred years, people have not made any surprising discoveries in these historical buildings. As time goes by, people no longer care about these historical buildings!

At this time, when people knew that it was this amazing guy Steven who bought these historical buildings and mentioned that they were most likely related to Leonardo da Vinci, people remembered this and started to curse.

While cursing, many people stomped their feet in remorse, and even wished they could slap themselves twice.

Since I already knew that these historical buildings were probably related to Leonardo da Vinci, why didn’t I find a way to buy them? As a result, Steven, a cunning bastard, got a big deal!

Looking at the extremely lively scene in front of them, Ye Tian and David looked at each other, and then they both laughed.

At this moment, another media reporter in front of the crowd asked loudly:

“Good afternoon, Steven, I am a reporter from the National Geographic Channel. Why did you withdraw from the exploration of the treasures of Pope Julius II and hand over the leadership of the exploration to the Vatican Museum?

News just came from Rome. Someone in the exploration team of the Vatican Museum was injured and was taken to an ambulance. It is said that he was injured by a trap in the underground secret passage. What do you think of this?

There is also a rumor that your company, the Vatican and the Italian government reached a deal yesterday afternoon. Can you tell us about this tripartite agreement? ”

As the reporter asked the question, the scene suddenly became quieter. Everyone who heard these words looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian looked at the reporter who asked the question, then smiled and said loudly:

“We have not completely withdrawn from the exploration of the treasure of Pope Julius II, but have handed over the leadership of the exploration to the Vatican Museums, who are more suitable to lead this exploration.

But I also left a team of employees and several lawyers in Rome to conduct on-site supervision to ensure that our company’s interests are not infringed, and the entire Julius II treasure still belongs to our company.

Of course there is a reason for this. At the entrance to the treasure of Julius II, His Majesty the Pope from hundreds of years ago carved an inscription prohibiting all pagans from entering that religious holy place.

As everyone knows, I am an atheist. Out of respect and to avoid suspicion, I naturally cannot enter the secret passage leading deep underground and cannot explore the shocking treasure in depth. I have to say it is a pity!

As we all know, there are many religious relics in Julius II’s treasures, such as the stone tablet inscribed with the Edict of Milan. Since I cannot enter, it is perfect for the Vatican Museum to take over the exploration!

Having said this, I feel it is necessary to defend myself. If it were not for our outstanding work, the top religious relics such as the Holy Grail and the Edict of Milan Stone may never be able to reappear in the world!

In this regard, all Western countries, including Italy, and all people who believe in Christianity should be grateful for our great discovery, instead of protesting with banners or even hurling abuses! ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian raised his right hand and gestured towards the protestors across the street, his face full of contempt and disdain.

After hearing his words, the people nearby fell silent immediately, and many people nodded thoughtfully.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“The accident that happened in Rome today can only be said to be very regrettable. I have just received the news. Fortunately, the guy at the Vatican Museum was not seriously injured and his life is not in danger. You don’t need to worry.

In the next exploration operation, I believe that the Vatican Museum archaeological team will be more cautious. They are all professionals and will definitely find a better way to thoroughly explore the treasure.

Also, our company has indeed reached an agreement with the Vatican, the Italian government and the U.S. Embassy. It is estimated that this four-party agreement will be made public soon. Please wait patiently.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian waved to everyone present, and then walked into the hotel under the leadership of the hotel manager, ignoring the media reporters who asked questions loudly.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, Ye Tian saw several familiar old friends.

They are the director of the Brera Art Museum, the director of the Sforza Castle Museum, several top antique art appraisal experts, and two famous collectors!

The moment he saw these old friends, Ye Tian had a bright smile on his face and walked towards these old friends!

Next, there will naturally be another wonderful performance!

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