Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2567: The Forgotten World, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

At the entrance of the secret passage leading to the Golden City, the various people who followed Ye Tian here were looking at the steep cliff in front of them and the extremely hidden entrance to the secret passage at the bottom of the cliff. Everyone was a His face looked shocked.

The top of this cliff is a night sky with sparse moon stars, as well as lush flowers, trees and various vines clinging to the cliff.

In this secret passage at the bottom of the cliff, the lights were brightly lit, and bursts of laughter and moving music came from this secret passage.

Compared to each other, these are two completely different worlds, which feels very weird.

“Ladies and gentlemen, go in through this secret passage. On the other side of the secret passage is the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire. It is a forgotten world!

Everyone had better be mentally prepared. What you see next will be enough to shock you into jaws. You will see the most splendid ancient civilization in the history of the Americas! ”

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and pointed at the secret passage in front of him.

As soon as he finished speaking, NBC TV host Jimmy couldn’t wait to ask:

“Stephen, can you tell us how you discovered this secret passage leading to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? And how did you open the entrance to this secret passage? I believe everyone would like to know the answer. .

It can be seen from the situation on this cliff and its surroundings that this secret passage must be extremely secretive. It is almost impossible to discover it. The entrance to the secret passage is also very delicately set up, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to open! ”

When Jimmy asked questions, the cameraman standing behind him quickly pointed the camera lens at Ye Tian and at the entrance of the secret passage beside him.

Not only Jimmy and the others, but also the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team led by Tom, focused their cameras on Ye Tianhe’s secret passage.

The lighting engineers of the two live broadcast teams also shined their lights on Ye Tian and the cliff behind him.

At this time, these two live TV teams are filming live broadcast material, not live broadcast. The real live broadcast will not start until tomorrow morning!

Ye Tian looked at Jimmy, then said to the camera with a smile:

“The discovery of the existence of this secret passage was the result of a coincidence. As you all know, my luck has always been very good, and it is the same this time. As for how to open this secret passage, it can also be attributed to good luck.

Everyone must have heard that I have a six-pointed star golden scepter head that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire. It was through studying the golden scepter head that I determined the existence and approximate location of the Golden City.

The six-pointed star golden scepter head is not only a symbol of the Mayan Empire’s royal power and points to the location of the Golden City, but it is also the key to the secret passage leading to the Golden City. Please take a look here.

This six-pointed star mark is the key to opening this stone door. As long as the head of the six-pointed star golden scepter is embedded here and rotated in the correct way, this stone door can be opened and lead to the golden city! ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the six-pointed star mark in the center of the stone gate, with a sense of pride in his tone.

Listening to his words and looking at the ancient six-pointed star mark on the stone door in front of them, these guys who had just arrived here were almost going crazy with envy!

“Wow! Steven, you are exactly like the legend. You are God’s favorite. God will always stand by your side. This is so lucky!”

“Who says it’s not the case? It’s incredible that you found such a mythical and mythical treasure, the largest and most important treasure in the entire America, so easily, and opened this secret passage so easily!”

Tom and others said with emotion, their words and eyes were full of envy and even jealousy.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian led these guys into the winding secret passage after the photographers from the two live broadcast groups took pictures of everything at the entrance to the secret passage.

The secret passage at this time is no longer what it was when it was first discovered. The secret passage has been cleaned up, and is brightly lit, filled with laughter and bursts of moving music.

As soon as they entered this secret passage, the new guys were completely stunned by what they saw, and they all froze in place with their mouths open.

The first thing they saw was a naturally formed cave. There were only some traces of repairs at the entrance of the cave, and the deeper they went inside, the more primitive it became.

At the top of this cave, there are many stalactites, large or small, hanging upside down. Some of them are still dripping water, dripping, ticking, and the sound is clear and beautiful.

The water droplets dripping onto the ground are guided by several small ditches on the ground, and eventually flow into the underground. It is obvious that this place is connected to an underground river.

Looking at the position deep in the cave against the wall, there is an ancient statue standing on each side. They are two golden statues. Under the illumination of the light, they radiate an extremely bright light, making everyone feel dizzy.

On the walls around the cave, there are many Mayan hieroglyphics and patterns carved on them, as well as many ancient murals with different contents.

There are murals depicting ancient Mayan sacrificial scenes, murals depicting battle scenes, and murals depicting farming, hunting and other content. There are a dazzling array of them!

“Wow! This place is really amazing. I don’t know what the overall situation of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is like, but I’m sure that this secret passage alone is enough to cause a huge sensation!”

The cultural counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Honduras said excitedly that he almost danced.

Not only him, but also the other guys, one by one, were all excited at this time, and their eyes were shining.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is just the entrance to the secret passage. What you see now is nothing compared to what you will see next. There are even bigger surprises. At the back!

Regarding the introduction and explanation here, I will arrange for a doctor of archeology from Columbia University to introduce it to you later. I will now take you through this secret passage and enter the Golden City, and give you a brief introduction! ”

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation, then took the lead and walked towards the depths of the secret passage.

The rest of the guys could only follow. Everyone had a reluctant expression, and everyone’s eyes were full of anticipation.

As he spoke, Ye Tian had already led them through the first corner, and another more shocking scene appeared in front of these guys, once again attracting exclamations of amazement.

When the exclamations subsided, Ye Tian’s clear voice came out again and reached the ears of these guys.

“What you are seeing now is the second section of this secret passage. This section is taller and contains more statues, Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the surrounding walls, and ancient murals. And more!

The golden statue on the square-topped pyramid in the center of the secret passage is engraved with Kokata, the sacrificial **** in Mayan mythology. He holds a torch in one hand and a spear in the other, as if he is sacrificing and fighting. , the image is very typical.

Although this golden statue dedicated to the **** Kirkata is small, it is very exquisite. It was definitely made by a master, and it is engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns. From an antique point of view, this is a priceless treasure. !

Not only this golden statue, but also the pyramid below the statue is engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns. After our preliminary research, we found that most of those hieroglyphs introduce myths and legends about worshiping the **** Kocata.

On the walls around this secret passage, there are many large or small niches, and some ancient statues are enshrined in those niches. Each statue is a valuable antique cultural relic, extremely valuable. It has research value,…”

Following Ye Tian’s introduction, these newcomers all stared at everything here with their eyes widened, and everyone kept gasping.

At this time, they only regretted that they had fewer eyes. Everyone felt that their eyes were not enough. It would be great if they had more eyes!

While everyone was admiring everything here and being shocked by it, the photographers from the live broadcast teams of the two TV stations were excitedly filming everything here.

These guys know very well that this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show their faces. The content captured tonight will definitely shock the whole world once it is broadcast tomorrow!

Five or six minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tian, ​​with those who had been shocked to the point of numbness, finally walked out of this winding secret road and arrived at the platform halfway up the mountain on the east side of the basin.

The platform at this time was brightly lit, like a pearl embedded in the black night sky, emitting bright light.

When he arrived here, Ye Tian immediately raised his hand, pointed condescendingly at the dark tropical rainforest below and the volcanic basin, and said loudly with a smile:

“Ladies and gentlemen, what you are seeing now is the golden city of the Mayan Empire that has been spread in Central and South America for more than a thousand years, and is also the largest treasure in the history of the Americas!”

Looking at the guys who followed Ye Tian onto the aerial platform, they were all stunned on the spot, staring at everything in front of them!

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