Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2179: White Ops, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Rudy reached out and picked up the slightly yellowed document bag, opened it tremblingly, then pulled out a document from it and looked at it carefully.

The German guys standing nearby had already gathered around him. They all stretched their necks and looked at the document in Rudy’s hand. Everyone’s face was red with excitement and their eyes were extremely hot.

In the temporary conference room on the ground, the German Chancellor and several other Germans all stood up and stared at the live broadcast. Everyone was extremely excited.

In the square outside the Temple Palace and the surrounding area, as well as in front of countless live broadcasts, all Germans were staring closely at the live broadcast, waiting for Rudy’s conclusion.

In particular, many experts and scholars who studied German history and World War II history held their breath nervously, staring at the live broadcast screen and the document in Rudy’s hand without blinking.

At this time, how much they wanted to be in that Gothic underground palace, how much they wanted to take Rudy’s place, open those extremely important historical documents with their own hands, uncover the fog of history, and then become famous in history.

It’s a pity that they don’t have such an opportunity at all, so they can only watch and covet.

Rudy did not read every word on the document in his hand carefully, but kept flipping through it very quickly. In just a moment, he had reached the last page of the document.

After he read the two signatures at the end of the document, he raised his head and looked at Ye Tian, ​​who was very close at hand, and then said in a tone that was so excited that he was shaking:

“Oh my God! This is indeed the “Yellow Plan” offensive plan formulated by the German Army Headquarters in 1939, and it is the original version, which was submitted to the German Chancellor’s Office by the Army Headquarters.

On this document, there is not only the personal signature of the then German Army Commander-in-Chief Walter von Brauchitsch, but also the personal signature of Hitler. Hitler also made many annotations on the document.

These extremely precious documents are the first-hand information and the most precious historical materials for studying the history of Nazi Germany during World War II. The discovery of these documents will surely solve many historical mysteries.”

Following Rudy’s words, the Gothic underground palace, as well as the temple palace on the ground and inside and outside, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, were completely boiling in an instant.

At this time, Ye Tian just smiled softly, looking at these German guys who had fallen into madness, with a sense of pride in his eyes.

About half a minute later, Rudy and the others calmed down a little, were no longer so excited, and the scene became a little quieter.

Immediately afterwards, these Germans carefully took out other documents from the “yellow plan” document bag and looked at them individually. Their eyes were shining brightly and they were extremely focused.

Without exception, all the documents contained in this document bag are related to the “Yellow Plan” offensive plan of the German army to attack France during World War II, and most of them are original documents, and each one is extremely precious.

When browsing and viewing these extremely important historical documents, Rudy and the others were still able to suppress their excitement, and the exclamations of admiration continued one after another.

The atmosphere inside and outside the Temple Palace on the ground, as well as in front of countless live broadcasts, was even more lively, as if a pot was boiling.

It took Rudy and the others nearly seven or eight minutes to look through all the documents in this document bag, and they only glanced through them briefly without having time to study them carefully.

Next, they put the documents back into the document bag in the original order, and then carefully put the ‘Yellow Plan’ attack plan document bag back into the box.

After putting down this document bag, Rudy reached out again, preparing to pick up another document bag of the same size next to him and check it out.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly smiled and said loudly:

“Rudy, there is no need to rush to check the other documents in the box. We have limited time. It is obviously impossible to check and study all these precious historical documents now.

Furthermore, the ownership of these precious historical documents has not yet been determined. Until their ownership is determined, the contents of these documents need to be kept confidential. I believe you can understand.

If these historical documents are eventually given to the Berlin Catholic Church, it has nothing to do with me. If they are given to our Intrepid Exploration Company, then this is the property of our company.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Rudy froze in place as if he had been hit by a restraining spell.

His right hand, which had just touched another document bag, stopped on that document bag, motionless, with an astonished expression on his face.

The other German guys at the scene also behaved the same way. They were all stunned on the spot, staring at Ye Tian with their mouths open, and the flames of anger quickly rose in their eyes.

The inside and outside of the Temple Palace on the ground suddenly became quiet, and there was a dead silence.

The situation in front of countless live broadcasts was similar. All Germans stared at the live broadcast in stunned silence, with angry flames flashing in their eyes. They all gritted their teeth with hatred until their teeth were almost broken.

People in other countries who were watching this live broadcast had expressions of astonishment, and then a gloating smile quickly appeared on their faces.

After a brief silence, the entire external world suddenly erupted like a volcano.

“Fake U! Steven, you are a complete robber and a greedy bastard. Those historical documents belong to Germany. They are German history, and they do not belong to you, **** bastard.”

“Hahaha, to be honest, in all my life, I have never seen a greedy **** like Steven, and I have never seen a guy more rampant than him. Today is really an eye-opener.

That was Berlin, and those precious documents were closely related to German history. How could he dare to steal the rare stuff and use it to blackmail the Germans? It’s so crazy! ”

For a moment, hysterical and angry curses, as well as gloating laughter, resounded in almost every corner and in front of every live broadcast.

Of course, those who curse Ye Tian crazily are basically Germans.

Those guys who are gloating about misfortune are actually people from other countries, mainly people from those countries that were ravaged by Nasdaq and Germany during World War II. The French have the most people!

Deep in the underground palace, Rudy and the other Germans looked at Ye Tian with blazing eyes and gritted their teeth. They wished they could rush up and beat him up immediately and vent their anger.

It is a pity that they do not have the courage or the strength at all.

These guys all know clearly that if they can’t suppress their anger and rush to take action, they will only get beaten up by Fatty, and there is no second possibility.

Being beaten doesn’t count. Steven, an extremely cunning guy, will definitely use the excuse of self-defense to get out of the incident completely without losing a hair.

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of Rudy and the others, but he didn’t care at all and didn’t bother to pay attention.

After a pause, Ye Tian then said with a smile:

“Rudy, and the other gentlemen, without opening the file bag and checking the contents, you can check the other file bags in this box to determine the approximate contents.

After you have finished checking, we will reseal the box. After the cleaning and evaluation work has begun, we will open the box again. There are still many boxes to check, and it is not appropriate for us to delay here for too long.”

Now that the words have been said, what else can Rudy and the others say? They can only grit their molars and nod in acceptance.

Next, several German guys quickly checked the other document bags in the box, but did not open any of them to check the documents inside.

These are professionals who know the relevant history very well. They can make basically accurate judgments just by reading the words and numbers on these document bags.

The documents in the document bags contained in the box are all related to the “Yellow Plan” offensive plan and the German army’s attack on France.

And almost all the documents in this box were produced between October 1939 and May 1940, which was the period before the “Yellow Plan” attack plan was formulated and implemented.

From this point, it can be judged that there is probably another box here, which contains a series of documents and materials produced during the period from the beginning of the “Yellow Plan” to the German army’s defeat of France.

After Rudy and the others finished checking the many document bags in the box, Ye Tian asked Walker to reseal the wooden box and put it back in its place.

When Walker sealed the box, each of Rudy and the others had expressions of reluctance, trembling eyelids, and extremely sad eyes.

Inside and around the Temple Palace on the ground, and almost everywhere in Germany, mad and angry curses resounded again.

Who else could the Germans curse besides Ye Tian?

After Walker sealed the box, Ye Tian looked at Rudy and the others again, and said with a smile:

“Gentlemen, you can pick another wooden box and let me check it out. After confirming that there is no danger, I will ask my staff to open the box and see what is inside.

Due to limited time, we will limit it to five boxes. You will pick five boxes, and then my staff will open them one by one, and everyone will check and explore together.”

Hearing this, all the German guys at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, but they were helpless.

Immediately afterwards, the German Vice Minister of Culture pointed to a box and asked Ye Tianshang to check it.

Ye Tian stepped forward and pretended to check it out. After confirming that there was no danger, he motioned to Walker to open the wooden box that was also marked with the year 1939.

In the blink of an eye, the wooden box was pried open, and what appeared in front of everyone was still the gray-black moisture-proof tarpaulin.

Next, the German Vice Minister of Culture stepped forward and gently opened the two layers of moisture-proof tarpaulin wrapping the historical documents.

Under the two layers of moisture-proof tarpaulin, there are also bulging document bags, which are similar to the document bags in the first box.

However, the contents written on these folders are completely different.

The first time they saw these document bags, the German Deputy Minister of Culture and several other Germans were stunned for a moment, and then they exclaimed.

“Oh my god! The ‘White Action’ plan! This is Nazi Germany’s military plan to attack Poland. The implementation of the White Action Plan means the beginning of World War II. This document is so important!”

Unsurprisingly, with the exclamations of Rudy and others, the entire outside world was completely detonated!

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