Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2076: Retaliation, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After finishing the work, Ye Tian lowered the window, waved to Sanders, who had just rushed out of the FBI New York branch office building, and then asked Walker to drive and leave.

Looking at this heavy-duty convoy that quickly moved away, everyone at the scene felt confused and full of curiosity.

When several FBI executives asked Gotti, the boss of the Gambino family, what happened in the car just now and what Ye Tian said, the mafia boss’s mouth was like a zipper, and he could not say a word. Didn’t tell.

Next, the gang of mafia scumbags from the Gambino family also got in the car and left here, leaving a series of question marks for everyone else.

Of course, the guys at the FBI’s New York branch are not willing to face this outcome.

As the assistant director, Sanders quickly issued an order through gritted teeth, asking his agents to keep an eye on the Gambino family and Ye Tian’s every move.

At the same time, in distant Italy, several mercenary teams from different regions used the cover of twilight to land from different places and successfully sneaked into Sicily.

Although they come from different places, belong to different mercenary organizations, and do not know each other, their destination is the same, which is Catania, the second largest city in Sicily.

When they arrive in Catania, this beautiful city on the Mediterranean Sea will start a series of **** battles, and even the entire city will become a huge battlefield with bullets flying everywhere.

And this is Ye Tian’s revenge action, and the target is naturally the Catania Legion under ‘La Cosa Nostra’.

But this is only the first step in the revenge operation. After the Catania Legion is completely wiped out, it will be time to deal with the other branches and senior figures of ‘La Cosa Nostra’. No one can escape!

Similar to the previous retaliatory actions in France, Spain and other places, Ye Tian also did not pay a penny this time.

No matter the American police or the Italian police, if they follow the clue of money, they will never be able to catch him.

The so-called reward he gave was an opportunity to find something missing in the antique art market, or it should be said that it was an opportunity to secretly help the spy.

For this kind of legal income that can be seen in the light, or seemingly legal income, the world’s major mercenary organizations are naturally flocking to it, and they are not willing to let go of such a God-given opportunity.

As for Ye Tian’s sharp vision and credibility, the mercenary organizations that accepted the mission had no doubts. After all, Zhuyu was there, and it had already been well-known in the industry.

After leaving the FBI New York branch office building, Ye Tian rushed back to his company and continued to deal with the affairs accumulated by the company some time ago.

In the blink of an eye, night has enveloped the city of New York.

At around eight o’clock in the evening, after finishing the day’s work and eating dinner out, Ye Tian returned to his home on 110th Street, then worked out and rested!

The day passed like this, seemingly peacefully.

However, for some people living in New York and across the river in New Jersey, this night was not peaceful. It was the last night of their lives.

At night, in several places in New York and New Jersey, several security guards and garage managers who once worked at Rockefeller Center quietly passed their final days.

They were either shot, strangled on the bed, or put into sacks and tied with a few rocks, and thrown into the Hudson or East Rivers, where they became delicacies for fish and shrimp. .

The people who killed them were the Mafia scum who provided them with a hiding place. Without exception, these Mafia scum were all from the notorious Gambino family.

When the sun rose again and a new day arrived, this series of **** and brutal killings once again shocked the entire New York, making everyone feel terrified and terrified!

For a moment, the city of New York seemed to be shrouded in an atmosphere of terror, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood.

This is not over yet, more frightening news soon came.

People learned through the news media and social networks that while everyone was sleeping last night, Catania, far away in Sicily, Italy, turned into a **** battlefield.

One of the three major factions of the Italian Mafia, the notorious ‘Cosa Nostra’, and its Catania Legion, were all killed almost overnight by several groups of unknown mercenaries. .

The blood flowing from these Mafia scumbags dyed the streets of Catania red, and their corpses can be seen everywhere, lying in disorder in the streets of Catania.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation, shocking everyone and making everyone feel scared and cold.

Everyone who hears this news, whether they are in Italy or New York, or anywhere else in the world, knows very well that this is the revenge of that **** Steven!

Only that ruthless, vengeful and unstoppable **** would launch such a **** and crazy act of revenge, without even considering the huge impact and consequences.

However, people could not find any evidence to prove that this was a **** revenge action initiated by him.

Several mercenaries died in the crossfire on the streets of Catania, and the Italian police found no evidence that could point to the **** in Manhattan, New York.

Such a result undoubtedly makes many people crazy, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Not long after getting up in the morning, Grant and Sanders came hand in hand, bringing a large number of heavily armed New York police and FBI agents to investigate.

And this time they had a legal search warrant, unlike yesterday when they came empty-handed and couldn’t even enter the apartment building.

Ye Tian had already prepared for the arrival of these guys.

David, who had finished his vacation, rushed over early in the morning with his legal team, notified the major news media in New York, and even started a live broadcast on the Internet.

When Grant and Sanders led the team to arrive here, the place was already very lively and had already become the center of attention. Countless people’s eyes were fixed on this place.

Faced with this situation, even if the New York police and FBI want to play some tricks to trick Ye Tian, ​​they will be wary of doing anything arbitrarily.

Naturally, there was a thorough search, but nothing was found.

After the search was completed, Grant and Sanders gave Ye Tian a few vague warnings, and then led the team away dejectedly, returning empty-handed.

After all the fuss, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

Until this time, Ye Tiancai took David and the others out of his home and drove to the company located in the Rockefeller Center Building.

When their motorcade arrived at Rockefeller Center and looked at the peaceful square outside the car window, David, who had just returned from vacation, couldn’t help but feel very surprised.

“Where are all those protesting and demonstrating? Why can’t you see a single soul? Especially those Koreans who are willing to harm themselves to protest, why can’t we see their desperate struggle?

To be honest, I am not used to such a peaceful Rockefeller Center Square. I always feel that something is missing. Now it seems that those protesting guys are also very cute! ”

David said jokingly, with a playful expression on his face.

Of course he knew why the demonstrators who had gathered at Rockefeller Center all year round and the Koreans who were willing to harm themselves to protest suddenly disappeared.

No need to ask, those protesting and demonstrating were all frightened by the series of **** killings that occurred in the past few days.

Protests and demonstrations are okay, but if you have to risk your own life for it, I am afraid that few people have the courage, including those impassioned Koreans!

Hearing David’s words, Ye Tian immediately laughed loudly.

“Hahaha, those guys are so virtuous, especially the Koreans. They always like to bluff. Even if they don’t hesitate to hurt themselves in protest, they actually cherish their own lives more than anyone else!”

As he spoke, the motorcade had already entered the heavily guarded underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian and his group to step out of the elevator and arrive at the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company.

As soon as he entered the company, the department manager in charge of public relations came forward and said to Ye Tian:

“Good morning, Steven, Professors Douglas and Kane from Columbia University, as well as the Ambassador of Honduras in New York, have already come to the company and are waiting for you in the conference room!”

“Good morning, Julie, I understand, you go ahead and do your work”

Ye Tian nodded in response, then turned to David and said:

“David, you go to the conference room to accompany those guys first and show them the joint exploration agreement we have drawn up. I will go to the office to handle some things and will be there soon!”

“Okay, Steven”

David responded and immediately walked towards the conference room with his assistant.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he went to his office.

About fifteen minutes later, he came out of the office and walked towards the conference room.

The moment he opened the door and walked into the conference room, he saw several familiar faces. The eyes of these guys were full of expectation, fear, and even a bit of fear.

He knew exactly why these familiar old friends came, of course it was for the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire!

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