Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2072: Little Italy, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Lower Manhattan, Little Italy.


A fat Italian man in his sixties slammed the wine glass in his hand to the floor, smashing it into pieces.

This is a bar in Little Italy that looks very ordinary.

However, in the eyes of New Yorkers who know the situation, this is a bar full of sin, a sore that the city of New York can never be eradicated, exuding a foul smell.

The people who come in and out of this bar are basically heinous **** and scum. They are dragged out and shot one by one. Absolutely no one is unjustly accused.

This bar is a stronghold of the Gambino family, one of the notorious five major Mafia families in New York. The street where the bar is located is the territory of the Gambino family.

It goes without saying that most of the people who come in and out of this bar are members of the Gambino family or gang members related to them. Ordinary people would not or dare not enter this bar.

The Italian man who just smashed the wine glass is the current boss of the Gambino family.

While smashing the wine glass, this influential figure in the New York underworld also cursed loudly and angrily.

“Farke! I have long said not to mess with the devil Steven, but you just didn’t listen. Now, that crazy **** is about to kill Little Italy. How should we deal with it?”

As he spoke, the mafia boss pointed at the TV not far in front of him, his fingers seemed to be trembling slightly.

The picture being played on the TV was clearly the heavy-duty convoy that Ye Tian was in, speeding through the streets of Manhattan, heading straight towards Little Italy with great momentum.

Following the direction pointed by the boss, several other Italian men in the same office all looked at the live TV screen. Everyone’s face was extremely ugly, as if their biological father had died!

“Yes, this **** Steven is a murderous devil, but those guys in Sicily are not easy to deal with, not to mention that we have a cooperative relationship, so it is not easy to offend them”

Another Italian man in his fifties said in a low voice, defending his original stupid decision, obviously lacking in confidence.

As soon as he finished speaking, another scumbag next to him continued:

“No matter how crazy and unscrupulous Steven is, in broad daylight and in front of so many news media, I don’t think he would dare to initiate a war and openly start a war with us, right?

We were not directly involved in this operation. What evidence does he have in his hand to prove that we are related to the gunmen who ambushed him? Besides, those FBI agents outside are not just decorations.”

As he spoke, this man pointed out the window.

It can be heard from these lewd words that there are FBI agents monitoring the street outside the bar, and everyone here knows it.

And this office should be equipped with anti-monitoring equipment and soundproofed, so they dare to discuss things here without worrying about leaks!

The current boss of the Gambino family glanced at everyone present, and then said solemnly:

“The person who came to Little Italy this time was none other than that crazy **** Steven. Have any of you ever heard of anything that this **** wouldn’t dare to do? In the eyes of this bastard, the law is nothing. .

None of us saw the fight that took place in the underground garage of Rockefeller Center. Who can guarantee that those idiots from Sicily didn’t fall into the hands of that **** Steven and betray us?

As for those FBI agents outside the bar, it’s best not to count on them. Those **** are eager to uproot our entire family and wipe it out completely! It would be nice if they didn’t take advantage of the situation.

Everyone had better be prepared. If that **** Steven takes the initiative to attack us, we can only pick up our guns and fight with that bastard. It is not certain who will win by then! ”

Hearing this, the other mafia scumbags all nodded, and a look of fierceness flashed across everyone’s face.

However, in each of their eyes, they are full of despair and fear, as well as full of attachment to life.

In a war with Steven and his gang of vicious special elites, there is no hope of winning. What awaits everyone seems to be a dead end.

“Guys, Little Italy is not far ahead. Everyone should be alert and ready to fight at any time. If you get out of the car, you must wear a police shield and push close to the buildings on both sides of the street. Be careful of snipers.”

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly, his words full of murderous intent.

“Got it, Steven”

There was a response from the walkie-talkie, and every voice was full of confidence and high morale!

After the words fell, the motorcade drove through another intersection, and then passed the next intersection not far ahead, and would enter Little Italy and break into the territory of the Gambino family.

At this moment, four New York police cars suddenly rushed out of the diagonal and crossed the middle of the intersection more than a hundred meters ahead, completely blocking the street leading in and out of Little Italy.

Facing this situation, this heavy-duty convoy could only brake and slow down, and slowly drove towards the intersection.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian’s cell phone rang. It was from FBI Assistant Director Sanders, who he had just met.

Ye Tian took out his phone and looked at the display, then gently slid open the screen lock and put the phone to his ear.

The next moment, Sanders’ anxious voice came over, as if the room was on fire.

“Steven, you must not march into Little Italy, armed and loaded with ammunition, into the Gambino family’s territory and cause trouble for those Mafia scum, even though they all deserve to go to hell.

That would trigger a war. There must not be another large-scale conflagration in New York now. No one can afford that kind of outcome. This is New York, the capital of the world, not a **** battlefield.

Even if you are powerful enough to defeat the Gambino family and even kill those scumbags, other mafia families in the United States will probably react violently.

If the two snipers your men are following are in Little Italy, on the territory of the Gambino family, then please share the relevant information with us, and we will definitely be able to find those two scumbags.

We at the FBI have been monitoring the Gambino family for decades and are extremely familiar with the neighborhood of Little Italy. It is perfect for us to handle this matter, and we are the law enforcers.”

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but looked at the situation at the intersection ahead, and then pondered for a moment.

Then he smiled and said:

“It seems that this is the only way, Chief Sanders, the New York police have completely blocked the entrance to Little Italy. Even if we want to go in, there is no way out unless we force our way in!

I can tell you exactly where the two snipers who fled here from near the Rockefeller Center building are hiding. It will be up to you to launch a raid and uncover those two scum.

You are right what you just said. You are the law enforcers in this city, and there are many news media here. It would really be inappropriate for us to start a war with the Gambino family here.

Leave it to the FBI to capture the two snipers. We will just check and fill in the gaps. Of course, if you need armed support, we will be more than happy to help! ”

Before he finished speaking, Sanders couldn’t wait to say:

“That’s perfect, Steven, don’t worry, all the streets in Little Italy are blocked off by the New York police and our FBI, and the two snipers have nowhere to escape”

It could be heard that the Assistant Director of the FBI’s New York Bureau was much more relaxed and relieved.

Next, Ye Tian said a few words to this old friend before hanging up the phone.

The moment he ended the call, the corners of his mouth turned upward, revealing a cruel smile.

After plotting against me, I still want to escape! There are no doors!

Whether you are the notorious Gambino family, the even more infamous Cosa Nostra, or any other famous mafia family, if you dare to ambush me, you will pay a heavy price!

Wait, you scum, the thunderous and crazy revenge will soon come to you. No one who is related to this ambush can escape! !

As he spoke, the heavy-duty convoy had arrived at the intersection and slowly stopped.

The New York police and FBI agents who blocked the intersection and were on guard were all staring closely at this menacing heavy-duty convoy, and everyone was extremely nervous.

The residents on this street, around this intersection, especially those living in Little Italy, felt a sense of panic and fear when they saw this heavy convoy that looked like it came from the battlefield!

Ye Tian didn’t pay attention to the situation in the outside world at all.

He looked up at Little Italy on the south side of the intersection, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Cole:

“Cole, contact the New York Police and the FBI and tell them where the two snipers are hiding. They will take part in the next encirclement and suppression operation. Let’s just watch the show!”

“Understood, Steven, I will contact the leaders of the New York Police and FBI”

Cole responded and immediately took action.

Soon, the large group of police cars that followed Ye Tian and the others, as well as the two Bearcat armored vehicles, bypassed the convoy and drove directly into Little Italy.

Not long after, gunshots were heard from a small street not far ahead, and the fighting was very lively.

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