Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1901: Royal Dinner, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After meeting Prince William, his wife, and a few others and saying a few polite words, Ye Tian handed the gift he brought to Princess Kate.

“Duchess, in order to thank you for your kind invitation, I have brought you a small gift, which is not a respectful gift. I hope you like it”

Princess Kate did not refuse, she reached out to accept the gift and said with a smile:

“Thank you, Mr. Steven, you are too kind. I wonder what this gift is? I am looking forward to it very much!”

With that said, the princess, who was born as a commoner, looked curiously at the gift she had just received in her hand.

It was a very small painting, no more than 40 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide. It was placed in a small painting bag and could not be seen clearly.

Not only Princess Kate, but also other people present were very interested in the gift given by Ye Tian. They all looked at the elegant painting bag curiously and secretly guessed.

“Steven, which artist is the painting in this painting bag? Can you tell us about it? I believe everyone would like to appreciate this painting”

Brian, the deputy director of the British Museum, continued, looking at Ye Tian expectantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the art director responsible for managing the Kensington Palace Gallery couldn’t wait to say:

“Mr. Steven, I heard that you found a landscape painting by William Turner in Portbell today. Could it be that the painting in this painting bag is that top-notch work of art?”

After hearing these words, the eyes of all the British people present suddenly lit up, even Prince William and his wife, their eyes suddenly lit up.

“That landscape painting by William Turner? What are you dreaming about? You really dare to think about it! That is a top-notch work of art worth tens of millions of dollars. Let me give it away for nothing, and you don’t have any brains.” Water!

Prince William and his wife are your prince and princess. Do they have anything to do with each other? Just for a few pieces of shabby cakes at the banquet, I asked my buddy to give me a top-notch piece of art. What nonsense! ”

Ye Tian secretly complained a few words with disdain, and a trace of disdain quickly flashed in his eyes.

Of course, these words cannot be said verbally.

He shook his head slightly, then smiled and said:

“What is in this painting bag is not the landscape painting by William Turner. In fact, it remains to be seen whether the landscape painting purchased in Portbell this morning is a work by William Turner. Further verification.

Before reaching a definite conclusion, the painting is obviously not suitable as a gift. The painting bag contains a Cubist sketch by Picasso, created around 1920.

Similar to the classical landscape painting, this Cubist sketch by Picasso also comes from Portobello Market. I found it in an antique shop and then installed a solid wood frame myself.”

Before she finished speaking, Princess Kate exclaimed in a low voice with ecstasy.

“Wow! It seems that the rumors about Picasso’s sketches are absolutely correct. Steven, you are a very lucky man and will always be favored by God. It is so enviable!

Although I am an admirer of Picasso and like his works very much, this gift is too precious. Mr. Steven, I am afraid we cannot accept it.”

With that said, she was about to hand the painting bag back to Ye Tian.

However, the reluctant expression on her face and her slow movements were enough to show how insincere she was.

The faces of the remaining British guys at the scene all showed expressions of surprise, but they could not hide the disappointment in their eyes.

They all know clearly that William Turner’s landscape oil painting is definitely a top-notch work of art worth tens of millions of dollars, which is rare to find!

Especially in the UK, William Turner can be said to be one of the most respected painters in the UK. His paintings are also the most marketable and are enthusiastically sought after by countless collectors.

Although Picasso is known as the most outstanding artist of the 20th century, and some of his works are top-quality works worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, but they are oil paintings, not sketches.

According to statistics, the total number of Picasso’s sketches surviving in the world is as high as 7,089 or more, but there are only 1,885 oil paintings.

Based on the current market situation of antique art, the value of Picasso’s sketches is not very high.

The more outstanding Picasso sketches cost only a few hundred thousand dollars, usually around one hundred thousand dollars, and there are even works worth tens of thousands of dollars.

How can such a sketch, which is worth only a few hundred thousand dollars at most, be compared with the landscape oil paintings of William Turner in the mature period of his artistic career?

Ye Tian saw all the performances of these British guys at the scene.

But he pretended not to see anything and said with a smile:

“Duchess, you don’t have to be polite. To me, this Picasso sketch is just a small discovery. I only spent three hundred dollars to buy it, which is not worth mentioning at all.

I heard that you studied art history in college and that you like Picasso’s works very much, so after discovering this Picasso sketch, I decided to give it to you as a gift.”

“Thank you, Mr. Steven, you are such a generous and elegant gentleman. I must admit that I like this gift very much”

Princess Kate said with a smile and expressed her gratitude again.

Then, the commoner princess turned to look at her husband, Prince William, and asked for his opinion with her eyes.

Prince William looked at his wife, then at the elegant painting bag, then nodded with a smile and said:

“Dear, since Mr. Steven is so thoughtful, don’t refuse, just accept this Picasso sketch”

With that said, Prince William nodded to Ye Tian again and expressed his gratitude.

Then the British prince continued:

“Steven, Bishop Kent, and gentlemen, let’s go to the banquet hall. When we get there, let’s enjoy this Picasso sketch together”

“Okay, Your Highness”

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and then followed Prince William and his wife to the banquet hall, and soon entered the largest banquet hall in Kensington Palace.

At this time, this magnificent banquet hall was already full of guests and very lively.

Many so-called elites from the British royal family and government, as well as all walks of life, senior monks from the church, and many professionals from the field of antique and art collections have gathered together.

These guys were all dressed in formal attire and formal attire, each holding a glass of red wine or champagne. They gathered in small groups, sipping wine, laughing and chatting. The entire banquet hall was full of laughter and the atmosphere was great.

As Ye Tian and the others walked into the banquet hall, the scene suddenly became silent. Everyone turned their heads and looked over, and everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity.

Of course, there are also looks full of fear and even hatred.

After pausing at the door of the banquet hall and quickly scanning the scene, Ye Tian stepped out and walked into the splendid royal banquet hall.

“Mr. Steven, Bishop Kent, please follow me, and I will introduce you to the other guests coming to this dinner”

Prince William said with a smile and made a please gesture.

In the following time, the British prince took Ye Tian and others through the banquet hall and introduced them to the other guys attending the banquet.

Soon, more than half an hour passed.

After going through the procedures on the scene, Ye Tian, ​​the Bishop of Kent, Prince William, the British Minister of Culture, the Archbishop of London, and the Director of the British Museum came to a corner of the banquet hall and got down to business.

The person responsible for opening the ceremony and introducing the situation was Bishop Kent.

“Steven, the main exploration goals we have come to London this time basically belong to the British royal family, or are managed by the British royal family themselves, or entrusted to other people to manage them.

Before the joint exploration operation can be launched, some things must be coordinated with the British royal family and relevant parties, especially issues related to treasure distribution, and an agreement must be reached.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

“Gentlemen, I believe the Bishop of Kent has told you that according to the joint exploration agreement signed between us and the Vatican, all secular properties in the Knights Templar treasure belong to our company.

This cannot be questioned, otherwise our Brave Exploration Company would rather withdraw from this joint expedition to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar. On this basis, other things can be discussed.”

After hearing his words, the expressions of many British people present could not help but change, becoming extremely ugly. There was anger in everyone’s eyes, but also a bit of helplessness.

No way! If you want to find the Knights Templar treasure, you can’t do it without this **** in front of you. Other professional treasure hunters and other treasure hunting companies are useless!

After calming down a little, Prince William continued:

“Stephen, let’s not talk about the Templar treasures. What if other treasures are discovered during the exploration? How do you plan to distribute them?”

Ye Tian looked at the British prince, and then said decisively:

“It’s very simple. If other treasures are discovered, according to British law, our company should enjoy 50% of the interest in the treasures, and the remaining half of the treasures will naturally belong to the landowner.

If the treasures assigned to us were not priceless top-grade antiques and artworks, I would have disposed of them locally in London, which would definitely bring a huge tax to the UK.

I am also very happy to accept the exchange process. Major British museums can exchange with me their collections of Chinese antiques, but they must be high-quality products.

Of course, no matter what the transaction method is, it must be based on the current antique art market conditions, fair transactions, and must be approved by me before the transaction can be completed.”

Hearing this, many British people present could not help but rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

This extremely greedy **** is obviously planning to repeat his old tricks and loot all the top Chinese antiques and artworks in major museums in the UK just like he looted the French!

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